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I, __________________, of legal age, Filipino, married, with address at

______________________________________________, acknowledge receipt of the sum of
PESOS (P ____________.00), representing full payment of my __________________________
Square Meters (________ sq. m.), more or less, portion of Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No.
___________ of the Registry of Deeds for the Province of ________ (hereinafter referred to
collectively as the “PROPERTY”), in full, complete and final settlement of any and all claims I
may have against ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “OWNER”), pecuniary
or otherwise, arising from or as a consequence of the sale of the PROPERTY.
Furthermore, and in consideration of the foregoing –
1. I release, remise and forever discharge the OWNER from any action, claim for sum
of money, or other obligations arising from all incidents of the aforementioned sale;

2. I acknowledge that I have received all amounts that are now or in the future may
be due from the OWNER;

3. I acknowledge that I no longer have any cause of action, complaint, case or

grievance whatsoever against the OWNER in respect of any matter incident to or arising out of the
sale of the PROPERTY. I further warrant that I will institute no action against OWNER.

4. I agree that the OWNER may bring action to seek an award for damages resulting
from my breach of any provision in this release, waiver and quitclaim.

5. I finally declare that I have read this entire document, the contents of which have
been explained to me and which I acknowledge to understand, and the entire release, waiver and
quitclaim hereby given are made by me willingly, voluntarily and with full knowledge of my rights
under the law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at ____________, this _____

day of _____________________ 2019.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in ________________ this ____ day of

______________ 2019 by ______________ who has satisfactorily proven to me his identity
through his Philippine Passport No._______________ valid until ______________, that he is the
same person who personally signed before me the foregoing Release, Waiver and Quitclaim and
acknowledged that he executed the same.

Doc. No._______;
Page No._______;
Book No._______;
Series of 2019.

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