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Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Quality Monitoring by National Quality Monitors
Third Tier of Quality Mechanism

National Rural Roads Development Agency

Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India
January, 2007

Index of Contents

Topics Page No.

1. Introduction 3

2. Arrangements of Inspection 5

3. Prioritization of Works for Inspection 7

4. Information and Details to be furnished to NQM by PIU 8

5. Inspection, Observation and Grading of Works 10

6. Reporting, Entry in Website and Performance Evaluation of NQMs 18

List of Annexure

1. Annexure 1 – Requirement of Man power, Equipments and Implements.

2. Annexure 2 – Procedure to use PMGSY website.

3. Annexure 3 – Item-wise observations, their method, frequency and awardable

quality grading

4. Format 1 – Part I – Work Information

5. Format 1 – Part II – Observations of NQM for Ongoing/Completed Work

1. Introduction

The State Governments are responsible for implementation of Pradhan Mantri

Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in the State, as such; it is the responsibility of the State
Government to ensure quality of road works under this programme. However, since the
programme lays special emphasis on the quality and timely completion of road works, a
three tier quality management mechanism has been operationalised.

The standards for quality of works have been prescribed under the publication
‘Ministry of Rural Development, Specifications for Rural Roads published by IRC in
August, 2004’ (hereinafter referred to as Specifications). The comprehensive details
about rural roads are provided in Rural Roads Manual IRC SP: 20, 2002. In order to
provide detailed guidance to the field engineers about the tests and testing procedures,
the NRRDA has published Quality Control Hand Book (being revised by IRC) and for
recording the test results, Quality Control Registers have been prescribed.

The first tier of quality management mechanism is envisaged as in-house quality

control system to ensure the implementation of quality standards by way of carrying out
mandatory tests, however, the second tier is envisaged as independent quality check and
monitoring mechanism to be operationalised by the States. Whereas, the State
Governments are responsible for quality management through operationalization of the
first two tiers, the National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) arranges for
quality monitoring through independent monitors termed as National Quality Monitors
(NQMs). The objective of this third tier of quality mechanism is to monitor the quality
of road works executed by the States with a view to ensure that the road works under
the programme confirm to standards and to see whether the quality management
mechanism in the State is effective. The role of this tier is to provide guidance to State
implementation machinery and the field engineers rather than ‘fault finding’, as such;
the shortcomings are identified by the NQMs and a feedback is provided to the States
for improvement.

The National Quality Monitors are performing inspection of works since March,
2002. The guidelines for inspection and reporting formats were prescribed during the
initial period of operationalization of this tier of QM; however, based on the feedback
from various stakeholders, the guidelines and reporting formats were revised in July,
2004. Having gathered the experience of independent Quality Monitoring of rural roads
in last four years and based on the valuable suggestions and feedback has been provided
not only by the State officials and NQMs but also by the field officers and auditing
agencies, it is felt that certain revisions in respect of the following items are necessary.

1. The attention of the third tier of QM should focus on the quality of work,
guidance related to quality rather than other aspects.
2. The observations of the NQMs should be objectively based on defined methods.
3. The NQM should be more accountable for the observations he has made.

Therefore, as an endeavor to continuously update to achieve the targets of best of

the quality, the guidelines and reporting format for inspection of works under third tier
are being revised and the process of continuous performance evaluation of National

Quality Monitors by way of periodic review of reports and field verification by reputed
institutions is envisaged.

Under the revised guidelines, the PIU and the NQM would also be required to
use OMMAS website www.pmgsyonline.nic.in extensively. The NQM would be
required to download the list of works in the district to be visited by him/her and make
mandatory online entry of sub-item grading in the website which would generate the
item grading as well as the overall grading and also enable the States, PIUs and the
NRRDA to carry out the further analysis of NQM reports. To enable the NQM to make
online entry, he/she would be given the log-in and the password for limited data entry.
The PIU would be able to generate Part-I Work Information from the OMMAS using
the PIU Log-in.

2. Arrangements of Inspection

The NQMs shall be given the programme to inspect the works in designated
State and designated districts during the designated months. The States shall continue to
making necessary arrangements for visit of NQMs. The detailed guidelines for
arrangement of inspection of NQMs are given below:

1. The National Quality Monitors will be sent the letter of request with programme
of inspection of works. The copy of the letter will also be endorsed to the States for
making necessary arrangements and for information to concerned PIU.

2. On receipt of the letter the SQC shall contact the NQM and get the tentative
programme of inspection. In case, the SQC does not contact the NQM, the NQM may
take initiative. As soon as the programme of inspection is finalized, the NQM shall
invariably inform NRRDA about the programme of his visit in the prescribed Fax/ Mail
Back Form only and in no other way. It has been observed that sometimes, some
NQMs keep on trying to contact the SQC without any results, in such cases; the NQMs
shall fax the programme to SQC. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the SQC to
contact the NQM and concerned PIU and finalize the dates and programme of NQM
as per mutual convenience of NQM and PIU.

3. It shall be responsibility of the SQC to ensure adequate arrangements for

inspection of NQM. In these revised guidelines, it is mandatory for the NQM to make
observations on the basis of quality control tests/ hand-feel tests/ measurements
performed under his personal supervision for which necessary equipments, staff and
implements would be required; therefore, it shall be the personal responsibility of the
SQC to ensure that requisite staff and equipments are provided to NQM for
performing/ getting performed required tests (List of equipments and staff required for
inspection is enclosed as Annexure 1).

4. The details of schedule of visit will be available on website

www.pmgsyonline.nic.in in the last week of the preceding month to enable the SQC and
PIUs to make necessary arrangements. Detailed procedure to use website for viewing
schedule, taking list of work and online data entry for sub-item grading is given in ‘User
Manual for NQMs’ at Annexure 2.

5. The NQM is required to inspect maximum of three districts in a single visit in

one State in a month. In case of hill States where connectivity is poor and more time is
taken in travel, the NQM may be allotted less number of districts also.

6. In the present format, the NQM is required to perform/ get performed the
prescribed tests which would take time and it would not be possible to make desired
observations in a day for one completed work of maximum 3km length or 2 ongoing
works each of maximum 3km length in which about 50% work has been completed, as
such; the NQM should finalize a suitable programme to spend not more than 3 days in
each district inspecting not more than 1 completed work or 1 completed and one on-
going work in just initial stages or 2 on-going works both with less than 50% physical
progress. The inspection of 1-2 road works is suggested with a view that normally, a
road in PMGSY would not be of a length more than 3 Km, however; if the length of

road work is more, every 3 Km length or part thereof shall be treated as another work.
It must be clearly understood that the observations required during the work should be
made with due care and diligence. In no case, the superficial inspection/ observations
would be accepted by NRRDA.

7. The NQM is expected to make his own arrangements to travel up to nearest rail/
air head of one of the District Headquarters of the State allotted to him. The PIU shall
make necessary arrangements for transport required for inspection of works within the
District and from one District to the next. The PIU may make arrangements of boarding
of NQM in Government Guest Houses/ Inspection Bungalows but in case of non-
availability of such an accommodation, the NQM may stay in private Hotels/ Guest
Houses and the reimbursement to NQM for boarding charges will be done by NRRDA
as per ‘Honorarium and Traveling Allowance Bye Laws 2006 for National Quality

8. The programme of inspection is valid for the inspection of works for only the
months mentioned in letter of request; therefore, in no case should the inspection spill
over to the next month. This is necessary as the same district might have been allotted
to another NQM for the next month. The inspection of works would therefore not be
valid for purposes of reimbursement of expenses by NRRDA for a month other than the
allotted one.

9. The NQM shall not be entitled for remunerations including travel expenses etc.
for such inspections which are carried out in contravention to the guidelines or found to
be superficial.

3. Prioritization of Works for Inspection

It has been noticed that the NQMs are not able to inspect the works as per the
priorities given in the guidelines. It is also noticed that either the PIUs have tendency to
offer the works of their choice for inspection or some NQMs prefer to inspect the works
which are situated at convenient locations. It has been therefore decided that the NQM
before proceeding to the concerned district for inspection would log on to PMGSY
website and obtain the list of works in the district and after obtaining the list, he will
select the works as per the criteria for prioritization of works given in this guidelines.
The NQM is required to not only take the list from website but also required to enter the
grading of work online. Therefore, the arrangements to provide access for data entry
regarding the inspections are being made. (the module for online entry of the reports
and grading etc is being developed, therefore; the reporting for the month of January
and February, 2007 shall be done in hard copy, however, as soon as the module is
ready User Manual and process to enter the reports online shall be separately
communicated). Guidelines for NQMs to use website www.pmgsyonline.nic.in for
taking the list of works is given in Annexure 2.
While inspecting the works, the NQM shall prioritize the selection of roads as

1. Priority 1 shall be to inspect works which are at earthwork stage. This is with a
view to examine the system and procedures which is being followed by the PIU and the
Contractor. NQM intervention at this stage would help in ensuring that subsequent
stages of the work are carried out after system deficiencies are removed.
Under this category it would be sufficient that only one work of the contract package is
examined. (As the PIU and Contractor would be common). In the next visit, the other
NQM should inspect any other road in progress under the same package.

2. Priority 2 ongoing works (excluding Phase I and II works) which have not been
inspected at all by NQM before.

3. Priority 3 shall be ongoing works that have not been inspected by NQM in the
last 8 months.

4. Priority 4 shall be inspection of completed works and which have not been
inspected by NQM in the 6 month period upon completion.

5. Works of Phase I and II shall not be inspected by NQM unless specifically

requested by SQC or NRRDA.

6. The same ongoing road work shall not be inspected if the previous inspection by
NQM is less than 8 months earlier and no ongoing or complete road work shall be
inspected if it has been inspected twice before by any NQMs.
7. If the NQM is inspecting any road after the inspection by a SQM, he shall inspect
the work with a view to analyze the quality of work in light of the observations made by
SQM also.

8. Complaint cases and ATR cases shall be got inspected on case to case basis.

4. Information and Details to be furnished to NQM by PIU

The SQC shall ensure that the information as detailed in the following paragraphs
is provided to NQM by the head of PIU.

1. The PIU shall furnish the phase-wise list of road works to the NQM in the format
given below in which the details about previous inspections shall compulsorily be
mentioned. The PIU shall also make available a road map showing the location
of roads to enable planning of the itinerary and selection of works to be inspected.

Name of PIU _____________________ Date _______________

Name Phase % Details of Inspt. (if any) by Action Taken/

of and Progress SQM/ NQM Rectification Done
Road Date of and whether re-
Start Name of Date of inspected
NQM/SQM Inspt.

2. The NQM shall compare the above list with the list obtained from web and
inconsistencies shall be pointed out to PIU. The NQM shall select roads out of
this list in accordance with the priority given in the guidelines, and shall enclose a
copy of the list of roads given to him by the Programme Implementing Unit
indicating the comparison and inconsistencies observed in the list along with his
report to the SQC and NRRDA.

3. After the NQM selects the roads to be visited, the PIU shall provide the necessary
works information in respect of the road in Part I of the Inspection Report Format
(enclosed as Format 1). The PIUs are supposed to update data on OMMAS, as
such; majority of information prescribed in Part I - Work Information shall be
available in the OMMAS database. The arrangements for downloading the
information from website are being made and in future, the format of Part I –
Work Information would be downloaded by the PIU from his own login and
handed over to the NQM after filling information in the blank spaces. It is
expected that the PIU would provide this information to the NQM without
wasting any time.

4. The PIU shall produce to NQM the original DPR of the work being inspected
along with working drawings.

5. The PIU shall produce the Quality Control Registers Part I and Part II to enable
the NQM to understand the details of tests conducted.

6. The NQM shall get some hand feel tests and field test conducted under this
personal supervision as such, the PIU shall necessarily provide the essential
equipment and facilities and manpower to NQM for the purpose.

7. The road which has already been inspected by NQM earlier may also be selected
by NQM for inspection (the road inspected by NQM shall not be inspected by
other NQM till 6 months after the inspection of earlier NQM). The PIU shall
provide the copy of report of SQM/NQM to NQM, so that while inspecting the
work, the NQM could look into the issues raised by SQM/ NQM. If, there is
marked difference in the observations of NQM/SQM made during the previous
visits, the NQM is also required to analyze the reasons for difference in
observations, therefore; it is mandatory for PIU to provide copy of NQM/SQM
inspections conducted earlier.

5. Inspection, Observation and Grading of Works

The objective of third tier of Quality Monitoring under PMGSY, i.e. inspection
of road works by national level independent monitors is to identify shortcomings in
respect of quality of road works and to guide the PIUs about the specifications, good
practices and effective execution of works with desired quality. The role of these
monitors is to critically examine the road works and give feedback about quality of road
works and quality management related shortcomings to the State level quality
management team and NRRDA to enable systemic improvements. After the selection
of work for inspection as detailed in Chapter 3, the PIU would furnish the details of
work in the prescribed format as detailed in Chapter 4. The NQM should visit the work
and perform critical inspection of the entire work.

5.1 How to make observations: There could be many methods of inspecting,

making observations and evaluating various items and sub-items involved in
construction of a rural road. With a view to achieve uniformity, objectivity in
observations and evaluation, the efforts have been made to standardize the methods of
observations and evaluation. Various items and sub-items involved in construction of a
rural road have been listed in Annexure 3. Each of the sub-items shown in the
Appendix shall be examined by NQM as per the method of observation mentioned in
column – 4 and as per the frequency mentioned in column – 5. The quality of the sub-
item/item would be quantified in one of the 2/3 grades prescribed in column – 6. The
NQM shall base his observations on the method of field tests, hand feel tests,
measurements and visual observations as specified in column – 4 of the Annexure 3
only and in no other way.
The NQM shall record observations at the space provided in Format-1 Part-II.

5.2 How to organize inspection: The NQM is expected to traverse through the
entire road length to ascertain the quantum of work such as length of road, number of
CDs, protection works, side drains, catch water drains, rigid pavement and other aspects
of the work. After the traverse, the NQM would decide about the locations for detailed
In case of on-going work/item of work it is easier to take samples of material;
however, in case of completed work/item it may be difficult to take samples. As can be
seen from Annexure 3, the tests are generally required to be made in one kilometer, as
such, in case of completed work, it is suggested that after traversing the entire length of
the road, the NQM should select one such spot in every kilometer, which is fairly
representative of the overall quality of the road in that kilometer. The observations can
be made on this spot by digging a pit either on pavement or at half pavement and half
shoulder, as decided by the NQM.

5.3 Grading of Works: The quality of every item and sub-item of work would be
evaluated by the NQM on the basis observations made as per prescribed standard
method. The grading would be recorded in every item and abstracted at appropriate
space provided in Part III of the format. The grading of work would be done with an
intention to quantify the observations showing level of satisfaction in relation to the
specification of the work/item under observation. The objective would be to indicate to
the Executing Agency, as to whether the material or workmanship is acceptable, or
unacceptable. If the item is unacceptable, the improvement could be done by either

replacement of the entire material/portion of work or by rectification in workmanship or
material. The grading should be able to indicate to the PIU/ State, the level of
intervention required for improvement. Therefore, based on the type of item and
method of observation, each item/ sub-item of work would be graded in any of the
categories i.e. ‘Satisfactory (S)’, ‘Requires Improvement (RI)’ or ‘Unsatisfactory (U)’
out of the categories prescribed as per column 6 of the Annexure 3. Based on grading,
the PIU shall take action for rectification of defect, therefore, it is very important to
record the defect as well as the suggestive method by which the rectification could be
done. The NQM shall record, in the space provided in Part II observation sheet, the
grade as well as clear and express reasons for grading the item of work as ‘RI’ or
‘U’ along with his suggestions for improvement. The reasons and suggestions shall
be recorded clearly in such a way that there are no ambiguities or contradictions with
observations in other items. The detailed method of making observations and grading
of item/ sub-item of works is given in paragraphs below.
5.4 How to fill up the reporting format and grade the items/ sub-items of the
work: The detailed guidelines for making observations, filling up of the inspection
format and grading are given below. It shall be ensured by the NQM that space
provided for observations are not left blank without any observations. The space for
observations in respect of items not executed should be filled up by writing “Item not
executed” but if material is available at site, testing shall be done and observations be
made for the quality of material.

5.5 Observations on Quality Arrangements: In case of ongoing works this item

shall be examined. The observations about establishment of field laboratory would be
made. It should be carefully seen that whether the field laboratory has adequate
equipments and whether the equipments are being used to actually test the material and
workmanship of the road work.
If field laboratory has not been established, ‘U’ grade would be awarded; if
laboratory is established but does not have sufficient equipments or the equipments have
not been used, ‘RI’ grade would be awarded; if field laboratory with sufficient
equipments has been established and equipments are being used ‘S’ grade would be

5.6 Attention to Quality: Two types of observations are required to be made in this
item. The first observation is regarding the maintenance of Quality Control Register
Part I and II in case of ongoing works. It should be carefully seen that whether adequate
number of tests as per prescribed mandatory frequency have been carried out or not (see
abstract of tests in Quality Control Register). The other observation would be about the
verification of test results recorded by the Contractor/PIU. In the subsequent
paragraphs, the process for sampling and field testing is mentioned, the results of field
tests carried out by NQMs shall be cross referenced with the test results recoded in
Quality Control Register Part-I and the comment on correctness of the test results shall
be recorded by the NQM.
If, record of tests is properly maintained and monitored through Quality Control
Register Part I and II, all the tests as per prescribed frequency have been carried out ‘S’
grade would be awarded. If, the above items have been partly attended ‘RI’ grade
would be awarded and if, these items have not been attended by PIU ‘U’ grade would
be awarded.

On verification of the test results recorded by the PIU, the sub-item about
verification of test results would be graded. The grading would be ‘S’ if test results
recorded by Contractor/PIU reasonably matches with the test results obtained by NQM
after field testing at the same location otherwise the item would be graded ‘U’.

5.7 Observations on geometrics: In case of ongoing and completed works, the

observations shall be made for this item. The measurements about the road way width,
carriage way width and adequacy of camber shall be made at a selected RD and shall be
tabulated in reporting format. The observations about execution of horizontal curve,
superelevation and extra widening as per the provisions of DPR shall be made and
entered at relevant space in the reporting format. If, it is felt that the provisions about
camber, superelevation, extra widening etc. has not been made in DPR but are required
as per field conditions, in such cases, clear observations should be made in the space
provided under ‘General Observations’ at the end of reporting format. If above items
have been executed properly as provided in DPR ‘S’ grade would be awarded otherwise
‘U’ grade would be awarded.

5.8 Observations about the quality of work- General: The observation about the
quality of work is required to be made for every item and sub-item of construction in the
manner given in subsequent sub-paragraphs. In case of flexible pavements the
observation about sub-grade, sub-base, base-course and surface course are required to
be made for on-going as well as completed works. In case of on-going works/items
under observations, it is easy to take samples; however, in case the item under
observation is already complete or the entire work is complete it is required to take at
least one observation pit of appropriate size and depth in every Km. The observations
in case of completed works shall be based on tests performed on samples drawn form
these observation pits. After reconnaissance, a location of fairly representative quality
of road may be identified for digging a pit. The size of pit could be about 30cm x 30cm
and upto a depth where the sub-grade starts. The pit should be dug with the help of
appropriate tools but the observation should start right from application of the digging
tool. Needless to add that the observation about sub-base course, base-course and sub-
grade can be taken from the same pit and it may not be generally required to dig more
than one pit in one Km.
From the surface course, the material of PMC/surface dressing may be removed
and kept separately. The top layer of WBM can be removed, thickness of layer can be
measured and course aggregate and fine aggregates can be separated easily. The
gradation test can be performed on these samples of aggregate. The hand-feel tests for
plasticity may be performed on fine aggregates. For ascertaining the adequacy of
compaction, hand-feel test is mentioned in sub-para b of sub-para C below. The same
process can be repeated in other layers of WBM. If it is difficult to distinguish between
the different layers of WBM, still the gradation tests can be performed and fair
assessment about the gradation of the aggregates, adequacy of compaction, plasticity of
the screening/filler material may be done.
After making observations about WBM, the observations about thickness,
gradation and plasticity of material can be easily made for GSB but for adequacy of
compaction, sand replacement/core cutter method may be adopted. After making
observations about GSB, the observations about the sub-grade could be easily made.

5.9 Observation of Earth Work and Sub-grade: The Earth Work in rural roads
could be either for embankment construction or for formation cutting. The observations
shall be made for ongoing as well as completed works. The award of grades shall be
done for earthwork in embankment and for cutting based on the type of works involved.
There may be situations where either of the two sub-items would be involved but in
exceptional cases where both the items have been executed, the grading of both the
items may be suitably done. The NQM shall make the observations in the following
(a) Earthwork and Sub-grade in Embankment:
(i) Suitability of material for embankment construction: The NQM shall
make detailed observations at-least at one location per kilometer and the RD
at which observation is made shall be recorded in the table given in the
reporting format. The NQM shall make observation about the suitability of
the soil by visual classification of soil as prescribed in Annex 5.1 of
Operations Manual and clear observations regarding the suitability should be
made in reference to Specifications clause 301. In case of completed works
or completed item of work the observations shall be based on test pit.
If soil is suitable “S” grade would be awarded otherwise “U” grade would be
(ii) For making observations about adequacy of compaction, the NQM shall
carry actual field test for field density of the sub-grade/embankment. The
field density shall be taken either by core cutter method or by sand
replacement method, for ascertaining the OMC & MDD the NQM shall
examine the QC Registers and record the value in reporting format.
In case of on-going works at-lease one test per Km for field density shall be
done. If the compaction work is on-going, one test for Field Moisture
Content of the soil shall also be done to understand whether the compaction
is being done at OMC or not.
The findings shall be recorded in the report in the prescribed table. The
observation sheet shall be enclosed with the report.
If degree of compaction is found to be adequate “S” grade would be awarded
otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.
(iii) The visual observation about the side slopes and profile shall be made and
recorded for completed work only.
If proper side slopes with proper profile exist “S” grade would be awarded
otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.
(b) Earthwork and Sub-grade in Cutting:
The visual observations about stability and workmanship of cut slopes and
adequacy of slope protection shall be made by the NQM.If cut slopes with
adequate stability exist, “S” grade would be awarded, if the defects can be
rectified by some improvement, ‘RI’ grade would be awarded and otherwise,
“U” grade would be awarded.

5.10 Observation of Granular Sub-base: The construction of Granular Sub-base is

required to be done as per clause 401 of specifications, as such; the NQM is required to
make observations about quality of material as well as workmanship for ongoing as well
as completed works.
(a) Quality of Material: At-least one test of gradation shall be carried out by the
NQM for every kilometer of road. The observation sheet for the gradation test

result shall be enclosed with the report. For the assessment of plasticity of the
material, it may not be possible to carry out the tests for liquid limit and
plasticity index; however, the NQM can carry out hand feel tests of making ball
by mixing small quantity of water in the material and try to make balls. If, well
defined ball can be made by hands, the material would generally be plastic
enough to be ranked as unsuitable and if ball cannot be made by hands the
material is treated non-plastic to the desired extent. If the material is of suitable
gradation and plasticity “S” grade would be awarded otherwise “U” grade would
be awarded.
(b) Workmanship and Compaction: Generally the field density test by sand
replacement method shall be carried out but if it is not be possible to carry out
detailed test about the compaction of GSB material, the adequacy of compaction
may be judged by making visual observations about the density of compacted
layer. In case of on-going works or in case of completed item, the observations
about the denseness of GSB layer can be made at time of application of pick axe
or crow bar while digging the test pit. If degree of compaction is found to be
adequate “S” grade would be awarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.

5.11 Observations of Base Course: In rural roads, generally the base-course is being
constructed with WBM. The construction of WBM base course is required to be done
as per the provisions contained in clause 405 of Specifications for Rural Roads. The
observations about WBM shall be made for completed as well as ongoing work by
NQM in the following manner:
(a) Quality of Material: At-least one test for gradation of aggregate of every layer
of WBM shall be done for each kilometer in case of on-going works as well as
completed works. The observation sheet for the gradation test result shall be
enclosed with the report. For the assessment of plasticity of the crushable
aggregate used as fillers or screenings, it may not be possible to carry out the
tests for liquid limit and plasticity index, however, the NQM can carry out hand
feel tests of making ball by mixing water into the material and make
observations as to whether the material is non-plastic to the desired extent or is
plastic enough to be ranked as unsuitable.
If grading of course aggregate/ fine aggregate and plasticity of crushable
aggregate/ filler is suitable “S” grade would be awarded otherwise “U” grade
would be awarded.
(b) Compaction: The exact assessment of compaction in a WBM is quite difficult,
however; it is quite simple to make fair assessment about the fact that whether
the compaction has been adequately done or not. For assessing the adequacy of
compaction, the NQM is supposed to carry out the volumetric analysis. After
digging the pit course and fine aggregates can be separated by sewing or by
manual measures and comparative quantity of filers and course aggregate can
fairly be judged, the course aggregate can be refilled in the same pit and it
should be observed that how much bulging has taken place above the level of
compacted surface. This process will give a fair idea as to whether the proper
compaction has been done. The NQM shall make all the observations about the
compaction only after carrying out the above hand feel test. It may however be
noted by NQMs that by even the visual observations during the process of
application of pick axe or crow bar also the compactness of WBM layer can be
fairly assessed.

If compaction is found to be adequate “S” grade would be awarded
otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.

5.12 Observations on Bituminous Construction: In Rural Roads, generally the BT

surfacing is being done over prime coat, tack coat. BT work generally consists of
20mm premix carpet with seal coat. In few cases, surface dressing is constructed,
whereas, in some other cases, modified penetration macadam is also constructed. It is
rare to have BM or other types of BT surfacing under PMGSY. The observations about
BT surface shall be made by NQM in the following manner:
(a) Quality of BT surface in case of completed work: At the selected location the
observation on a pit shall be tabulated in which thickness of layer shall be
assessed. The observations in a pit shall reveal the fact that whether the BT
surface has been constructed after proper cleaning of the granular surface or not,
this observation should be assessed and recorded. Quality of workmanship shall
be assessed in light of surface evenness, surface colour and texture, camber etc.
In case of ongoing works/item of works, based on the stage of
construction, the observations about cleaning of granular surface receiving BT,
Prime coat, Tack coat etc. shall be made. The observations about gradation of
aggregate by gradation test and verification of grade of bitumen by examination
of original test report of the manufacturer shall be done. The observations will
include the quality of aggregate, quality and quantity of binder, temperature at
mixing point and laying temperature, rolling and other aspects.
If material and workmanship is found satisfactory, ‘S’ grade shall be
awarded otherwise ‘U’ grade shall be awarded.

5.13 Observations on Shoulders: The NQM should make observations about the
classification of soil and if suitable soil is used for shoulders “S” grade would be
awarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded. The NQM should make visual
observation about the shoulders and ascertain whether the shoulder has been constructed
simultaneously with GSB and record observation carefully. If compaction is found to be
adequate “S” grade would be awarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.

5.14 Observations on Cross Drainage Works: The NQM shall inspect at least 50%
of CDs situated on roads. In Rural Roads generally flushed causeways and vented
causeways with hume pipes are built. Box culverts and Slab culverts are also common.
The NQM shall give details about the span and type of CDs with their numbers.
Detailed observations about every inspected CD work with reference to Material and
Workmanship shall be made by NQMs. In the reporting format the observations about
Causeways of all the spans and Culverts upto 6 m. span shall be recorded, however, for
Culverts/ bridges beyond 6 m. span separate observation sheet shall be enclosed in
which detailed observations about quality of material and workmanship shall be made
by NQM, at present detailed format is not being prescribed. The effect of quality
grading of CD beyond 6 m. span shall be decided by NRRDA on case to case basis.
General observation about quality of material used in CD works shall be made
and recorded by the NQM. If proper CD work is found “S” grade would be awarded, if
CD work requires improvement ‘RI’ grade would be awarded, if work is not upto the
standards “U” grade would be awarded.
General observation about workmanship of CD works shall be made and
recorded. If workmanship in CD work is found satisfactory “S” grade would be

awarded, if it requires improvement ‘RI’ grade would be awarded, if work is not upto
the standards “U” grade would be awarded.

5.15 Observations on Side Drains and Catch Water Drains: In Rural Roads
situated in plain areas Kuchha Side Drains are required and these drains are required to
be integrated with Cross Drains. In hilly and rolling terrain Catch Water Drains are
constructed. Detailed observations should be made about these drains.
If proper drainage work is found “S” grade would be awarded, if CD work
requires improvement ‘RI’ grade would be awarded, if work is not upto the standards
“U” grade would be awarded.

5.16 Observations on Cement Concrete Pavements and Associated Drains: The

observations about CC Pavements or other type of rigid or semi-rigid pavements and
Associated Side Drains should be made in respect of Material and Workmanship. If
quality and workmanship is found acceptable, “S” grade would be awarded otherwise
“U” grade would be awarded.

5.17 Observations on Road Furniture and Markings: Main Informatory Board,

Citizen Information Board and Logo Board is required to be fixed during the
construction of work, however, other signage are fixed after the work is completed. It is
prescribed that all the information in the boards should be displayed in local language
and it is essential that information should be provided in such a way that it is well
understood by the local people. The observations about signage fixing, language used
and quality of signage should be made by NQM. If furniture are found properly fixed
with information in understandable language and the quality and workmanship is
acceptable in case of ongoing and completed works (as specified), “S” grade would be
awarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.

5.18 General Observations of NQMs: The NQM is expected to interact with the
PIU staff and Engineers of Contractors or Consultants. The work of NQM is guidance
rather than fault finding, as such, the interaction with the personal should be oriented
towards guidance. The NQM is expected to make observations about progress of work
with reference to works programme and the action taken by PIU for liquidated damages
etc. In case of ongoing works, the NQM should find out whether the work has been
completed within sanctioned cost or not. The NQM should specifically focus his general
observations about the action taken by PIU on observation made by senior
officers/SQMs and other NQMs and make clear remarks about the efficacy of action
taken. In addition, the NQM is free to make other observations but it is clarified here
that the NQMs should not make such observations which are in contravention to
guidelines of PMGSY or provisions of specifications. It should be clearly understood
by NQM that his observations should not amount to direct or indirect un-due
advantage to either contractor, consultants or other personal involved in the work.

5.19 Sub-item/Item wise Grading and Overall Grading of Work: The sub-item
wise grading of every item of work would be entered in the table at para 15 of reporting
format and the item grading would be the lowest of the grading of sub-items within that
item. The overall Item Grading would be entered in the table at Para 16 (table also given
below) of the reporting format and the overall grading of work shall be calculated in the
following manner (In case of online entry of the grading, the NQM would enter only

the sub-item grading and the system would be able to generate item grading and
the Overall grading of work).

# Item Awarded Grade

1 Quality Control Arrangements
2 Attention to Quality
3 Geometrics
4 Earthwork and Sub-grade in Embankment/Cutting
5 Granular Sub-base
6 Base Course Non-Bituminous and shoulders
7 Bituminous Surfacing
8 Shoulders
9 CD Works
10 Side Drains and Catch Water Drains
11 CC/Semi-Rigid Pavement and Associated Pukka
12 Road Furniture and Markings
Overall Grading

If, any of the items in item no. 4, 5, 6 and 7 are graded as ‘U’, overall grading of the
work shall be ‘U’ i.e. ‘Unsatisfactory’.
If, all the items given in above four items are ‘S’ but grading in any of other items is ‘U’
or ‘RI’, the overall grading of work shall be ‘S-RI’ i.e. Satisfactory but Requiring
If grading of all items is ‘S’, the overall grading of work shall be ‘S’ i.e. ‘Satisfactory’.

6. Reporting, Entry in Website and Performance Evaluation of NQMs

The observations of the NQM shall be recorded by NQM in his own handwriting
and in no case, the staff of PIU shall be engaged for the recording of observations. The
reporting format shall be prepared in 4 copies, one copy shall be handed over by NQM
to the PIU immediately after the inspection is over and in all cases before the NQM
leaves the district where the works have been inspected. One set each of the
observations should be sent to State Quality Coordinator of the concerned State and
Chief Quality Coordinator of NRRDA soon after the inspection is over in that State.
The reports should be sent to officers by name.
The NQMs are aware that for online monitoring and management of the
programme, a website www.pmgsyonline.nic.in is operational. The module for data
entry is being developed and the access of the relevant module of this website would be
provided to the NQM. In future, the NQM would be able to upload online the grading
of work as specified in para 15 of reporting format, i.e. Part-II of Format 1.
The performance of NQMs shall be evaluated in NRRDA on the basis of
observations recorded in reporting formats. A Performance Evaluation Committee
would evaluate the reporting formats selected on random basis for a sample of about
5%, as per the guidelines of NRRDA prescribed from time to time. Generally, the
performance of NQM would be evaluated on the following points:

a. Whether the NQM has carried out inspection as per the guidelines,
b. Is there lack of application of mind by NQM in recording observations,
c. Is there a tendency to avoid desirable technical observations,
d. Whether the NQM has left inspection format incomplete without any reasons.

The report of performance evaluation would be produced to the Independent

Selection Committee constituted by NRRDA for empanelment and performance review
of NQMs. The continuation of NQMs would depend on the performance not only
related to the quality of field inspections and reporting but also on the observance of
Code of Conduct.

Annexure 1

Requirement of Man power, Equipments and Implements for

making the Observations by National Quality Monitor
The following Man power, Equipments and Implements are required for making the
Observations by National Quality Monitor during the inspection of a roadwork under

1. One or two unskilled laborers are required to dig the pit and take the samples
of the material depending upon the work involved.
2. In addition, the following equipments and implements will also be required:

# Observation Method of Observation Implements
1 2 4 6
Item - Geometrics
1 Widths
2 Camber Measuring tapes of 20m,
Horizontal Curve, Super elevation Actual Measurements thread, spirit level and
3 straight edge.
and Extra widening
4 Longitudinal Gradient

Item - Earth Work and Sub-grade in Embankment

Visual Classification of
1 Quality of Material Visual Observation
Field Density Test by sand Rapid Moisture Meter,
2 Compaction replacement/ Core Cutter Sand Replacement Test/
method. Core Cutter Apparatus.
Item - Sub-Base
1 Quality of Material
a. Grain Size Gradation Test Standard Sieves.
b. Plasticity Hand-feel test.
Field Density Test by sand Rapid Moisture Meter,
2 Compaction replacement/ Core Cutter Sand Replacement Test/
method. Core Cutter Apparatus.
Measuring Tape and
3 Total Thickness of Layer Measurement
Steel Scale of 30cm.

Item - Base Course – Water Bound Macadam
1 Quality of Material

a. Grain Size of Course Aggregate Gradation Test Standard Sieves.

b. Suitability of Course Aggregate in
Hand-feel test .
respect degree of hardness.
c. Plasticity of Crushable Aggregate
Hand-feel test.
used as fillers
Adequacy of Compaction through Pick axe, crow bars and
2 Hand-feel test.
volumetric analysis. steel Scale of 30 cm.

3 Thickness of every layer of WBM. Measurement. Steel Scale of 30cm.

Item - Bituminous Layer – Premix Carpet (PMC)/ Surface Dressing

1 Gradation of Aggregate Gradation Test. Standard Sieves.
3 Mixing Temperature of Mix. Measurement. Thermometers.
4 Laying Temperature of Mix. Measurement. Thermometers.
5 Thickness of layer Measurement. Steel Scale of 30cm.

Item - CC/ Semi Rigid Pavements and Associated Pukka Drains

3 Thickness of Layer Measurements Steel Scale of 30cm.

National Rural Roads Development Agency
Fax/Mail Back Form 1 (Fax to 011/41000475 or mail to pkkatare@nic.in)

Response Sheet of National Quality Monitors

With reference to your D.O. letter No. P-14013/2/2002-NRRDA Dated / /

(Please tick the relevant box)

1. I am able to undertake the visit for the month of …………. Probable Dates

2. I am sorry; I am unable to under take visits proposed for the month.

3. In case of 2 above the reasons are as follows;

(Please fill up the following if any change in address, telephone/ fax no. and e-mail Id)
My correct addresses: ……………………………

My Telephone Number: 1. STD code Number

2. STD code Number

My Fax Number: STD code Number

My e-mail Id.

(Name of NQM)

The Director (P-III),
National Rural Roads Development Agency,
5th Floor, 15-NBCC Tower, Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi – 110 066.
Annexure 2

Procedure to use PMGSY website for obtaining list of works

1. Open website http://pmgsyonline.nic.in

2. On left side go to “Quality Monitoring”

3. Click on “NQM and SQM Inspection Report”. The below screen will appears and then
select Road wise report.

4. After selecting Road wise report option, following screen will appear and then
select State and District, select year, status, and monitors and click GO button.
You will get the list of Roads Inspected by SQM and NQM for the selected State
and district.

Annexure 3

Statement showing item-wise observations, their method, frequency and

awardable quality grading

In case of
# Sub item for observation Method of Observation Frequency Grades
1 2 3 4 5 6
Item 1 - Quality Arrangements
Verification of field laboratory General
Quality Arrangements On-going S/RI/U
and availability of equipments. observation
Item Grade S/RI/U
Item 2 - Attention to Quality
Maintenance of QC On-going Verification of QC Register I General
a S/RI/U
Registers and II observation
Verification of test results on
b Verification of test results Not Specified S/U
Complete the basis of field tests.

Item Grade S/RI/U

Item 3 – Geometrics
a Road way width Actual Measurements 2 per Km S/U
b Carriageway width Ongoing or Actual Measurements 2 per Km S/U
c Camber complete Measurement 2 per Km S/U
Superelevation & Extra 2 per Km
d Measurement S/U
Widening at Curves
Longitudinal Gradient in 2 critical
Ongoing/ Visual Observation/
e case of road in hilly/ stretches in a S/U
complete Measurements
rolling terrain. Km
Item Grade S/U
Item 4 - Earth Work and Sub-grade in Embankment/ Cutting
Quality of Material for
a Visual Classification of Soils 1 per Km S/U
Embankment/ Sub-grade
Ongoing or
Field Density Test by sand
b Compaction replacement/core-cutter 1 per Km S/U
4 Observations
c Side Slopes and Profile Complete Measurement S/U
per Km
Stability and Workmanship
d of Cut Slopes (in case of Visual Observation 4 per Km S/U
hilly/ rolling terrain) Ongoing or
Adequacy of Slope complete
Protection (in case of high
e Visual Observation 4 per Km S/U
embankments/hilly/ rolling
Item Grade S/U

Item 5 - Sub-Base
Quality of Material
a Grain Size Gradation Test 1 per Km S/U
Ongoing or
complete Hand-feel test of ball making
b Plasticity 1 per Km S/U
with moisture content
Field Density Test by sand
Ongoing or
c Compaction replacement/ core cutter 1 per Km S/U
Ongoing or Measurement by taking pit for
d Total Thickness of Layer 1 per Km S/U
complete full layer thickness
Item Grade S/U
Item 6 - Base Course – Water Bound Macadam
Quality of Material
Grain Size of Course
a Gradation Test 1 per Km S/U
Plasticity of Crushable Hand-feel test of ball making
b 1 per Km S/U
Aggregate used as fillers with moisture content
Ongoing or
Adequacy of Compaction
complete Hand-feel test by digging pit
c through volumetric 1 per Km S/U
and volumetric analysis.
Thickness of every layer of Actual Measurement by
d 1 per Km S/U
WBM. taking pit
Item Grade S/U
Item 7 - Bituminous Layer – Premix Carpet (PMC)/ Surface Dressing (SD)
1 at hot-mix
Grain Size Analysis
a Gradation of Aggregate Ongoing plant/ 1 per S/U
(Gradation Test).
Mixing Temperature of Measurement of temperature 1 at hot-mix
b Ongoing S/U
Mix. by thermometer. plant
1 where
Laying Temperature of Measurement of temperature
c Ongoing laying is in S/U
Mix. by thermometer.
Ongoing or
d Thickness of layer Measurement by taking pit 2 per Km S/U
Ongoing or
e Surface Evenness By straight edge 2 per Km S/U
Item Grade S/U
Item 8 - Shoulders
Quality of material for
a Complete Visual classification of soil 1 test per Km S/RI/U
Field Density Test by sand
b Degree of compaction Complete replacement/core-cutter 1 test per Km S/RI/U
c Camber. Complete Measurements 1 test per Km S/RI/U

Item Grade S/RI/U

Item 9 - Cross Drainage Works – Causeways of all spans and Culverts upto 6 m. span.
Quality of Material –
Visual observation ( for CC
Concrete, Stone/ brick General
a verify cube test results from S/RI/U
masonry, Hume pipes observation
including size etc. Ongoing or
Quality of Workmanship complete
such as positioning of General
b Visual observation S/RI/U
pipes, wing walls, cushion observation
over H Pipes etc.
Item Grade S/RI/U
Item 10 - Side Drain and Catch Water Drain
General quality of Side
Drains/ Catch Water Ongoing or General
Visual observation S/RI/U
Drains and their integration complete observation
with CDs.
Item Grade S/RI/U
Item 11 - CC/ Semi Rigid Pavements and Associated Pukka Drains
Quality of Material – 1 per 100 m.
a Concrete, Stone/ Concrete Visual Observation Length of S/U
Block Pavement etc. Pavement
Strength using appropriate
Strength of CC in Concrete 1 per 100 m.
rebound hammers/
b Pavement/ Concrete Block Length of S/U
verification of cube test
Pavement Pavement
Ongoing or results from test records.
Quality of Workmanship – complete
Wearing surface texture, General
c Visual observation S/U
Adequacy of setting of observation
concrete, Joints, Edges etc.
1 per 100 m.
d Thickness of Layer Measurements Length of S/U
Item Grade S/U
Item 12 - Road Furniture and Markings
Citizen Information Board,
Main Informatory Board, General
a Ongoing Visual observation S/U
Quality and whether fixed observation
during construction.
Logo boards, 200 m stones
and Km stones, quality and General
b Complete Visual observation S/U
whether fixed after observation
Whether the information in
Complete/ General
C boards is given in local Visual observation S/U
Ongoing observation
Item Grade S/U

Format 1- Part I

Format for information to NQM for Inspection of Ongoing/Completed Work

PART I– Work Information (To be filled-up by PIU)
Work is Ongoing Completed
1.1. Date of Inspection:
1.2. Name of National Quality Monitor:
1.3. State: District: Block:
1.4. Name of Road: From to
1.5. Package No.:

1.6. Length: ….Km Flexible Pavement, ......Km. CC/other Pavement = Total

1.7. Estimated Cost (As cleared by GOI): Rs. Lakh

1.8. Technical Sanction Cost: Rs. Lakh

1.9. The Work is a Case of: New connectivity Up gradation

1.10. Terrain Plain Rolling Hilly

1.11. Date of Start of the Work:

1.12. Stipulated Date of Completion:
1.13. Actual Date of Completion (if work completed):
2. PHYSICAL PROGRESS: (In case of On going works only) Construction
Programme and Physical Progress:

Item Completed Dates for Start Completion Delay in

percentage of Item completion Date Date Months
Preparatory Work Due
Earth Work Due
CD Works Due
Sub base i/c Due
Shoulders Actual
Base Course (Non Due
Bitu.) Actual
Base /Wearing Due
Course(Bitu.) Actual
CC Pavement Due
Signage etc Due

3.1. Location of Field Laboratory:
3.2. Quality Control Register Part-I is maintained by:
3.3. Quality Control Register Part-II is maintained by:
Inspection by NQMs, SQMs and senior (i.e. SE or CE) departmental officers
and action taken statement:
Date of Inspected By Observations Action Taken by PIU with Date

Name and Signature of the Head of PIU, Date:………

Format 1- Part II
Report of National Quality Monitor (NQM)
PART II– Observations of NQM for Ongoing/Completed Work
(To be filled-up by NQM, use additional sheets, if required.)
works only):

# Whether Field Whether necessary Whether Equipments

laboratory Established Equipments available have been used (Y/N)
(Y/N) (Y/N)

Grading: Grade: S RI U If this item is graded RI/U, write clear reasons and
suggestions for improvement:

2. ATTENTION TO QUALITY: (In Case of ongoing works only):

Observations – Item 2a: Maintenance of QC Registers:
# Based on executed Whether QC Register Part Whether QC Register Part
quantities whether all I maintained as per II maintained and test
mandatory tests provisions. results monitored as per
conducted. provisions.
Yes Partly No Yes Partly No Yes Partly No

Observations – Item 2b: Verification of Test Results (P – conforms, F – does not

# Name of Results of the test Test result as per QC Whether the test
Test conducted by Register at the same results recorded in
NQM at a defined location. (Mention the Page QC register found
location.(P/F) No. of QC Register correct? (Y/N)

Grade: S RI U If this item is graded RI/U, write clear reasons and suggestions
for improvement:

3. GEOMETRICS: The NQM should take at-least two measurements in 1 Km

length and if it is found that the roadway and carriageway is inadequate NQM may take
more observations:

Observations – Item 3 a, b and c: Road way width, Carriage way and Camber.

Ref. Roadway Carriageway Ref. RD Roadway Width Carriageway

RD Width (m) Width (m) (m) Width (m)

Observations – Item 3 d: Superelevation and Extra Widening at curves.

Ref. Super Extra Ref. RD Super Extra Widening

RD Elevation Widening Elevation provided (Y/N)
provided (Y/N)

Observations – Item 3 e: Longitudinal Gradient in case of road in hilly/rolling


Ref. Between Longitudinal S/U Ref. Between Longitudinal S/U

RD…& RD… Gradient RD…& RD… Gradient

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for


4 Earthwork:
Observations – Item 4 a Quality of Material for Embankment/ Sub-grade:
# Location (RD) On Visual Classification identify Quality of material is
the Group Symbol and write acceptable. (Y/N)

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and

suggestions for improvement:

Observation – Item No. 4 b: Workmanship for Embankment and Sub-grade
# Location MDD kN/m3 Field Degree of Compaction
(RD) (As per Moisture Field Density Dry Density Compaction
record) Content kN/m3 kN/m3 adequate.

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for

Observation – Item No. 4 c, Side slopes and profile:

# Location (RD) Whether Side Slopes Whether profile is
Satisfactory (Y/N) Satisfactory (Y/N)

Observations- Item No. 4 d and e, Earth work in Hilly/Rolling terrain or high

# Location Cut Slopes & Profile, Adequate slope Formation is properly
(RD) whether appears to be protection works dressed and traffic
stable. (Y/N) executed. (Y/N) worthy. (Y/N)

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for

5. Sub-Base:
Observations- Item No. 5 a, b, c and d, Quality of Material and Workmanship:
# Location Confirms Suitable Whether Observed Prescribed
(RD) to from compaction Thickness Thickness
Grading. plasticity is adequate. of Layer provided
(Y/N) angle. (Y/N) (in mm) (Y/N)

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions

for improvement:

6. Base Course:
Observations- Item No. 6 a, b, c and d, Quality of Material and Workmanship of

# Location ThicknessThickness Aggregate Filler Volume of Whether

of each is confirms to material is filler adequate
layer of adequate. Grading non-plastic material compaction
WBM (Y/N) (Y/N) to desired percent of is done.
(mm) extent. course (Y/N)
(Y/N) aggregate

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for

7. Bituminous Course: Premix Carpet/Surface Dressing/ BM/ MPM etc

including Seal Coat: Observations- Item No. 7 a, b, and c, Quality of Material and
Workmanship of BT Layer (in case of ongoing works):
# Location Whether Whether the Write Mixing Write Laying
(RD) Course binder is of Temperature Temperature
Aggregate approved grade. and whether it is and whether it
confirms to (Y/N) in permissible is in
grading. limits. (Y/N) permissible
(Y/N) limits. (Y/N)

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for

Observations- Item No. 7 d and e, Workmanship of BT layer (in case of completed

# Location Thickness Whether surface evenness is
(RD) Thickness in Whether thickness within acceptable limits. (Y/N)
mm is adequate. (Y/N)

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for

8. Observations- Item No. 8 a and b, Quality of Shoulders (in case of completed

# RD of Whether general Whether general Whether Camber in
observation quality of the quality of Shoulders is adequate
material is workmanship is (Y/N)
acceptable. (Y/N) acceptable. (Y/N)

9. Cross Drainage Works: Observations Item No. 9 a and b, Quality of CDs:
# RD at which Type of CD Whether general Whether general
CD is located quality of the material quality of
is acceptable. (Y/N) workmanship is
acceptable. (Y/N)

Grade: S RI U If this item is graded RI/U, write clear reasons and

suggestions for improvement:

10. Side Drains and Catch water Drains: Observations:

# Reference of RD at Whether general quality Whether side drains
RDs where side which of the side drains/ catch- are integrated to
drain observation water drains is cross drains. (Y/N)
constructed. made. acceptable. (Y/N)

Grade: S RI U If this item is graded RI/U, write clear reasons and

suggestions for improvement:

11. CC/ Semi-Rigid (SR) Pavements and Associated Pucca Side Drains: Item
No. 11 a, b, c and d:
# Reference of RD at Thickness General General
RDs, CC/SR which Thickness Acceptable quality of quality of
Pavements observati in mm (Y/N) material is workmanship
provided. on made. acceptable. acceptable(Y/
(Y/N) N)

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for

12. Road Furniture and Markings

Observations - Item No. 12 a: Quality Road Furniture and Markings (in case of
ongoing/completed works):
Main Informatory Board Fixed: Yes No
Citizen Information Board Fixed: Yes No

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for

Observations - Item No. 12 b: Quality Road Furniture and Markings (in case of
completed works):
i. Logo Boards Fixed: Yes No
ii. 200m. Stones fixed: Yes No
iii. 1 Km. Stone fixed: Yes No
iv. Guard Stones fixed on Curves: Yes No
v. Mandatory and Cautionary Signage Yes No

Grade: S U If this item is graded U, write clear reasons and suggestions for

13. General Observations of NQM, (including the observations made during the
interaction with PIU staff and Contractor/ Consultant Engineers):
a. Observations about deficiency in project preparation (Give detailed
observations about deficiencies in general and items which have been left but are
required as per site conditions):

b. Whether the work has been completed/is in progress as per work

programme or the delay has occurred. If delay has occurred, whether the
liquidated damages have been withhold or recovered:

c. Whether the work has been completed within the sanctioned cost, if not,
what is the action taken by the PIU (in case of complete works):

d. Observations about the action taken by the PIU on the observations of

inspecting officers including SQMs and NQMs. (Clearly offer comments
about the action taken on the observations of Departmental Officers, State
Quality Monitors and National Quality Monitors).

e. Comments about difference in observations made by NQMs/SQMs in

earlier inspections (the NQM shall study the earlier inspection reports of
NQMs / SQMs, if any and offer his clear comments about the differences in
observations, if any).

14. Other observations, if any:

15. Quality Grading of items and sub-items of work: The grading of every sub-
item and item of work is given below.
In case of Awardable Awarded
# Sub item for observation
work Grades Grade
1 2 3 4 5
Item 1 - Quality Arrangements
Quality Arrangements On-going S/RI/U
Item Grading S/RI/U
Item 2 - Attention to Quality
a Maintenance of QC Registers On-going S/RI/U
b Verification of test results S/U
Item Grading S/RI/U
Item 3 – Geometrics
a Road way width S/U
b Carriageway width Ongoing or S/U
c Camber complete S/U
Superelevation & Extra Widening at
d S/U
Longitudinal Gradient in case of road Ongoing/
e S/U
in hilly/ rolling terrain. complete
Item Grading S/U
Item 4 - Earth Work and Sub-grade in Embankment/ Cutting
Quality of Material for Embankment/
a Ongoing or S/U
b Compaction S/U
c Side Slopes and Profile Complete S/U
Stability and Workmanship of Cut
d Slopes (in case of hilly/ rolling S/U
Ongoing or
Adequacy of Slope Protection (in case
e of high embankments/hilly/ rolling S/U
Item Grading S/U
Item 5 - Sub-Base
a Grain Size Ongoing or S/U
b Plasticity complete S/U
Ongoing or
c Compaction S/U
Ongoing or
d Total Thickness of Layer S/U
Item Grading S/U
Item 6 - Base Course – Water Bound Macadam
a Grain Size of Course Aggregate S/U
Plasticity of Crushable Aggregate
b S/U
used as fillers Ongoing or
Adequacy of Compaction through complete
c S/U
volumetric analysis.
d Thickness of every layer of WBM. S/U
Item Grading S/U
Item 7 - Bituminous Layer – Premix Carpet (PMC)/ Surface Dressing (SD)
a Gradation of Aggregate Ongoing S/U
b Mixing Temperature of Mix. Ongoing S/U
c Laying Temperature of Mix. Ongoing S/U
Ongoing or
d Thickness of layer S/U
Ongoing or
e Surface Evenness S/U
Item Grading S/U
Item 8 – Shoulders
a Quality of material for shoulders Complete S/RI/U
b Degree of compaction Complete S/RI/U
c Camber. Complete S/RI/U
Item Grading S/RI/U
Item 9 - Cross Drainage Works
Quality of Material – Concrete, Stone/
a brick masonry, Hume pipes including S/RI/U
size etc. Ongoing or
Quality of Workmanship such as complete
b positioning of pipes, wing walls, S/RI/U
cushion over H Pipes etc.
Item Grading S/RI/U
Item 10 - Side Drain and Catch Water Drain
General quality of Side Drains/ Catch
Ongoing or
Water Drains and their integration S/RI/U
with CDs.
Item Grading S/RI/U
Item 11 - CC/ Semi Rigid Pavements and Associated Pukka Drains
Quality of Material – Concrete, Stone/ Ongoing or
a S/U
Concrete Block Pavement etc. complete
Strength of CC in Concrete Pavement/
b S/U
Concrete Block Pavement

Quality of Workmanship – Wearing
c surface texture, Adequacy of setting S/U
of concrete, Joints, Edges etc.
d Thickness of Layer S/U
Item Grading S/U
Item 12 - Road Furniture and Markings
Citizen Information Board, Main
a Informatory Board, Quality and Ongoing S/U
whether fixed during construction.
Logo boards, 200 m stones and Km
b stones, quality and whether fixed after Complete S/U
Whether the information in boards is Complete/
c S/U
given in local language. Ongoing
Item Grading S/U

16. Overall Grading of Work: The overall grading calculated on the basis of item
and sub-item wise grading is given below:
# Item Awarded Grade
1 Quality Control Arrangements
2 Attention to Quality
3 Geometrics
4 Earthwork and Sub-grade in Embankment/Cutting
5 Granular Sub-base
6 Base Course Non-Bituminous and shoulders
7 Bituminous Surfacing
8 Shoulders
9 CD Works
10 Side Drains and Catch Water Drains
11 CC/Semi-Rigid Pavement and Associated Pukka
12 Road Furniture and Markings
Overall Grading

Date: ..……….

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