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1) Explain the silent features of UNIX operating system

2) With neat diagram explain the architecture of UNIX clearly bring out the division of labor
between the kernel and shell.

3) Write a note on man documentation and explain the keyword option and whatis option ?

4) Explain how to display and set the terminal characteristics of a UNIX OS.

5) Explain the contents of /etc/ passwd files with respect to UNIX OS?

6) Explain the contents of /etc/shadow files with respect to UNIX OS?

7) Explain the ls command with options ?

8) Describe the command arguments and options with suitable examples?

9) Explain the following commands with examples

i) echo ii)who iii)date iv) printf v) tty

Note: brief explanation with one example for each command

10) Discuss internal and external commands with suitable examples?


11) With the help of neat diagram, explain the parent child relationship with respect to UNIX file

12) Explain the different file types available in UNIX?

13) What are pathname? List and explain types of pathnames with an example for each?

14) a) Explain the following commands with example?

i) HOME ) mkdir iii) pwd

Note: brief explanation with one example for each command

b) Write the command line to perform the followings:

i)change current directory to parent directory

ii) change to parent of parent directory

Note : Explanation of 12 b) is there in the relative pathnames

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