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SY: 2018 – 2019










Social media usage by students is so rampant recently because of easy

access to devices such as smartphones, i-phones, black berry, tablets, I-pad

and laptops which are connected to the internet. Addiction to the usage of

social media has extremely increased in recent times (Kubey, 2011)

However, According to (Asur and huberman, 2010) The perils of its

effects on the academic performance of the over – involved students are

disturbing. Academic performance which is depicted by the grades of students

in a great concern students that spends excessive time on social networks

become dependent on it and it is believed that their academic performance

diminishes proportionately.

Unfortunately (Obest, 2010) it is perceived that school grades will suffer

when spending too much time on social sites such as Facebook, twitter and 2go

as valuable study time is lost. These therefore necessitate the study of the

impact of Facebook usage on academic performance of secondary school

students in English Language.


According to (Charles, 2018) This shows that level at which are patronizing
And this many bring along both positive and negative effects on students as fas

as their academic performance is concern.

That is why the reseachers like to conduct this study to understand how the

social media effects to the academic performance of the students.


This study determines the social factors that cause the CAA NHS –

MAIN STUDENTS to get addicted to Facebook that result to habitual

absenteeism and poor class performance.

1. What are the social factors that cause the CAA NHS – MAIN students to

get addicted to social media that results to habitual absenteeism and

poor class performance?

A. Attitude

B. Family

C. Peer Pressure

2. What are the positive effects of Facebook to the GRADE 10




The following hypothesis are generated by the researchers and was tested in

the study:

1. Student’s Addictiveness to Facebook has no significant influence on their

academic performance.

2. Student’s exposure to Facebook has no significant influence on students

in mathematics.


The study will examine the students, who use social media sites, like Facebook,

Twitter, and multiply, in promoting their goods and services.


The results of the study were great benefit to the following:

STUDENTS - that they may read and find the good and bad side of the kind of

problem on their education and their future.

TEACHERS – that may read and be aware of the changes of the students so

that they can educate their students so that they limitations of using Facebook.

THE SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNCILOR - that she/he may use data to be

able to reach out to students and inform them about the factors that cause such

problems and how these problems can be solved.

THE FUTURE STUDENTS OF CAA NHS – MAIN – that they can avoid it and

realize that this computer gaming and might lead them to an unproductive



The following were the key terms used in this researcher and their constitute

and operational definitions:

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE - refers to the extent to which the students of

CAA NHS – MAIN is successful in the academic results.

FACEBOOK – refers to the a popular free social networking website that allows

registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages

and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. The site, which is

available in 37 different languages, includes public features. Also referred to as

“FB” to its common users.

SMARTPHONES - refers to the a cellular phone that performs many of the

functions of a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, internet

access and an operating system capable of running downloaded applications.



this chapter presents the gathered reseachers from different souces. These

studies will be used as a a guide and support to our researcher. Our related

literature starts with the information about Facebook as well as the possible

effects that might affect students when Facebook is being used extensively.


Students use Facebook to maintain their former network of high school

friends and also to build and sustain bonds with the new friends on their

campuses ( Ellison 2007). They use Facebook to initiate and maintain

friendship and to seek out new information about those in their social circle(

Junco, 2007). The practice of social information seeking is related to student’s

perceived levels of social capital. The resources obtained from their

relationships and interactions such as emotional support ( Mastrodicasa, 2007).

As student’s transition into and move through college they have to develop new

skills in order to be successful (Upcraft, Gardner, & Associates, 2005). Some of

these skills are academic such as learning how to engage in progressively more

difficult levels of academic work. For instance, as fourth year students transition

to colloge, they need to learn how to manage their time studying for their

courses (Upcraft et al, 2005). Social skills are equally important for students is

the building and maintenance of friendships at their new institutions (Pascarella

& Terenzini, 2005).

Facebook has been the most researched platforms for teaching and learning

(Manca & Ranieri, 2013 ). Manca and Ranieri (2013) discovered 23 impirical

studies of using Facebook as a learning environment. Manca and Ranieri

(2013) identified five main educational uses of Facebook Support class

discussions and helping students engage in collaborative learning, Developing

content, Sharing educational resources, Delivering content to expose students

to extra-curricular resources and to support self- managed learning. They note

that only four studies have examined how Facebook relates to learning

outcomes and found positive effects on learning outcomes such as

improvement in English writing skills, knowledge, and vocabulary (Manca &

Ranieri, 2013)

Facebook has been used as a replacement for learning and course

management system (LCMS) discussions boards. For instance (Hurt, 2012 )

examined students outcomes from and preferences for Facebook use. They

assigned students to either use Facebook or the learning management system

(LMS) in two courses. They found that the Facebook group reported better

educational outcomes than the LMS group. They also found that 43% of the

LMS users said they would have contributed more if they had used Facebook,

While only 12% of facebook users said they would have participated more with

a switch to the LMS. (Hollyhead, Edwards, and holt, 2012) found that students

preferred to create their own Facebook groups when no official- course related

ones were available instead of using the LMS. ( Schroeder and Greenbowe,

2009) found that while only 41% of a Chemistry class joined the course
Facebook group, the number of posts on Facebook were 400% greater than on

the course management system. Further-more, they reported that posting on

the Facebook group “raised more complex topics and generated more detailed

replies” than posting on the CMS (Schroeder & Greenbowe, 2009).

Research on the relation between Facebook use and academic performance

has yielded mixed results ( Pasek et al, 2009) found there was no relation

between Facebook use and grades. ( Kolek and Saunders, 2008) found that

there were no differences in overall grade point average (GPA) between users

and non-users of Facebook. (Kiraschner and Karpinski, 2010) on the other

hand, found that Facebook users reported a lower mena GPA than non-user

additionally, Facebook users reported studying fewer hours per week than non-

users (Kirschner & karpinski, 2010). Lastly, (Junco, 2012) found that number of

logins and time spent on Facebook were related to lower overall GPA.

However, sharing links and checking to see what friends are up to were

positively related to GPA (Junco, 2012) also found that there was a negative

relation between time spent on Facebook and time spent preparing for class.

There are a number of possible reasons for the disparate finding among

studies. The studies may have been limited by the measures used to evaluate

facebook use and/or grades. these studies may have also been limited due to

their sampling designs (Junco, 2012) For instance, Facebook use was

measured in different way such as through a measure of time spent on the

site(Junco, 2012) or by splitting users and non- users (Kirschner & Karpinski,

2010). Additionally, grades were measured either through self- report (Kirschner
& Karpinski, 2010). (Kolek & Saunders,2008, Pasek et al, 2009) or through data

collected from the university registrar (Junco, 2012). Furthermore, these may be

differences in how students use Facebook and how this relates to academic

outcomes, a factor examined in a only one of the studies (Junco,2012).


The mentioned studies, theories or related literature of the study gives

more basis or locus on the student’s use of Facebook. They sometimes tend to

apply the assistance of Facebook to their school works and academics. They

also tend to exercise the use of Facebook as a foundation for social

capitalization. This Research will serve a juncture of reflection for the use of

facebook that could probably have positive and negative effects on the

student’s academic performance. The gathered researchers had led us to

formulate several ideas and assumptions to the different effects done by the

usage of Facebook.

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