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Group Presentation Plan

Topic :

 The first voyage around the world by Magellan by Antonio Pigafetta.

Group Members:

 Ala , Hannah Mae

 Genoguin, Rena Mae
 Dapuran, kenneth Edgar
 Gallaza, Jill
 Pigon, Niel

Plan Proper:

I. Introducing the topic

II. Discussion
III. Class Activity
IV. Assessment

Material needed

 Projector
 Laptop

Class Activity

 Paint me a picture


1. Who is the portuguese seafarer and namigator?

 Ferdinand Magellan
2. He was an Italian Nobleman?
 Antonio Pigafetta

3-6. Give atleast four places Magellan has reached.

 Zamal (samar)
 Humunu (Homonhon)
 Bohol
 Ceylon (Leyte)
 Zyubu (Cebu)
 Calagan (Caragua)
7. When was the first mass in the philippine?.

 March 31st 1520 (which happened the Easter Sunday)

8. When Magellan and his men reached the past of cebu?

 April 7th 1520

9. When was the king of Cebu was Baptized by magellan ?

 April 14th 1520

10. What armor was used to defeat magellan and caused him to death?

 Pierced with poisoned arrow in the right leg.

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