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From To
Sri P.Anil Kumar, S.F.S., The Deputy Director
Forest Divisional Officer, District Treasury Officer,
Yellandu Yellandu
Rc. No. 452/2017/Y1, Dated: 23.09.2019

Sub : T.S.F.D – P.D. Account Number 105 – Alteration Memorandum submitted –

Requested - Regarding.

With reference to the above subject cited, it is submitted that, in the PD account
transactions of the FDO Yellandu, the DDO code is : 09050402010, the cheques were issued
under TKHH scheme (as per the Prl. CCF, TS, HYS instructions all of Raising and Maintenance
HOA : 270/271 & 270/272 are through PD account only) the cheques issued by the Sub-
Treasury Officer, Yellandu, the Cheque Book No.03/2018, dt. 13.07.2018 bearing No. 000201 to
000300 during the financial year 2018-19 and cheques issued from cheque No. 201 to 235 for
Rs. 55,36,000/- (The Transaction of Cheque wise list is enclosed)

Further, it is submitted that, the cheque no. 106429, dt. 18.03.2019 is pertains to PAO
Works Account Department cheque issued for Rs.55,71,478/- under Beedi Leaf scheme (the
amount of Rs. 55,71,478/- for remitence of un-spent balance of BL-2018 season collection
charges) issued DD in favour of Vice Chairman & Managing Director, TSFDC Ltd, HYD. But, it
was wrongly showing in the PD account, and some of the cheques are not showing in the PD
portal statement. Hence, the balance is showing in the PD account is - 32,96,088.00 (in minus

Hence, it is requested to rectify the issue and solve the problem at an early date, during
this financial year amount has to be credit in to the PD portal under TKHH scheme.

This is submitted for favour of kind information and necessary action

Encl: Alteration Memorandum

Yours faithfully,

Forest Divisional Officer


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