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Utilization of Aloe Vera (​Aloe barbadensis​) Gel as Coating

for Broccoli ​(Brassica oleracea)​ Extract Herbal Medicine


A. Background of the Study

Almost all medicines require coatings. It preserves, waterproofs, and encases accurate
doses, especially in the case of liquid or gel-like herbal medicines. Many of these tablet coatings
contain harmful substances made out of phthalates. Some of these thick coatings can only be
dissolved in the large intestines, although the medicine itself is only effective when absorbed in
the small intestine; thus, the tablet is rendered useless. This chemical tablet coating tends to have
poor quality and structure, leading to peeling and inefficient containment of the medicine. This
tablet coating also absorbs moisture, leading to twinning, wherein some tablets stick to each
other and produce an inaccurate amount of dosage measurement.
The inefficiency of this chemical medicine coating can cause overdosage or underdosage. It can
lead to the contamination, rupture, and spoilage of volatile tablets such as herbal medicine, and it
can also cause harmful side effects or allergic reactions that subtract from the actual effect of the
medicine. More importantly, inefficient medicine coatings complicate the administration of
life-saving medicine, especially in hospitals and emergency situations. Through this research,
aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) will be utilized and tested as a safe, edible coating to improve the
quality, safety, and preservation of medicine, specifically broccoli (Brassica oleracea) herbal
In previous years, alternative solutions have been presented for this problem regarding
the chemical coating of medicines. In some herbal medicines, gelatin, an animal protein, is used
as a coating. Gelatin based capsules contain components of oil and specific animal parts like
hooves, bones and connective tissue which are all boiled until they form a gel substance.
According to studies, the extreme pH level of the processing eliminates all hazards and health
risks. Another alternative type of capsule coating is called a vegetarian capsule. Vegetarian
capsules’ coating use cellulose. This coating was created for those who have religious limitations
and those who do not want to consume boiled animal parts. An enteric coating system has also
been utilized by using a pH sensitive polymer as the capsule’s outer surface, wherein the element
remains inviolate despite the stomach’s acidic environment. A number of solutions have been
introduced, but the best answer to this pressing issue is still being searched for.
Aloe Vera (A. barbadensis) gel was chosen as a coating in this research due to its variety of
vitamins and antioxidants, and also because of its properties as a preservation agent. This aloe
vera gel contains most of the bioactive compounds in the plant. It contains vitamins A
(beta-carotene), C and E, which are antioxidants, vitamin B12, folic acid, and choline.. Aloe vera
gel has also previously been used also for preservation of produce. It successfully blocked the
growth of many types of harmful bacteria on vegetables, thus preserving them. Aloe vera gel is
also targeted as a tablet coating due to its high solubility as well because of the fact that it is
around 99.5% water, allowing it to dissolve quickly, yet remain resilient against the elements of
time and temperature. Solubility is very important when it comes to medicinal coating because it
affects how fast the medicine gets into the system of the person ingesting it. It takes longer for
the pill to dissolve when the outer coating has a more complicated structure. Aloe vera was used
due to it being less complex and the absence of chemicals in it. It is environment- friendly and
easily accessible due to its abundant supply all around the world.
Also to take note is that in difference to gelatin capsules, vegetarian ones are a great way for
everyone to have the ability to take capsules whilst taking into consideration religious, moral, or
health related preferences. For one, the Aloe Vera gel has a flexible composition that could be
molded and packed easily. Another advantage is that Aloe Vera gel is also tasteless unlike the
aloe vera juice because it has a bitter aftertaste and can not seal the taste of the medication that
will be used for this experiment. Lastly, Aloe Vera gel is also good for capsules because when
ingested with water it will be far more convenient to consume.

B. Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to test the feasibility of utilizing aloe vera (A.
barbadensis) gel as a coating for broccoli (B. oleracea) extract herbal medicine. In general, the
researchers aim to compare natural aloe vera gel coating to commercial chemical medicine
coating. This research aims to alleviate the issue of ineffective, harmful, and poor-quality
chemical coatings commercially utilized in modern medicine. The researchers aim to prove that
aloe vera gel is a better alternative in terms of solubility and shelf life.
The first subproblem of the study is formulating the gel capsule using aloe vera gel. The
gel will first be extracted from the plant. The researchers must cut the thickest outer leaf near the
base of the plant, wash it carefully, and cut it into several pieces. The cut up pieces will be placed
in a bowl full of water and left to them soak overnight until the water color changes to light or
pink, indicating the removal of impurities. From there, the rind can be peeled and the inner gel
may be utilized, placed in 1 ml quantities in medicine capsule molds. The independent variable is
the type of substance used to make the coating, and the dependent variables in this study are the
properties of aloe vera capsules, such as the solubility of the medicine and the shelf life of the
medicine. Constant variables include the amount of coating, the size of the medicine, and the
shape of the medicine. The researchers hypothesize that the speed of dissolving and the length of
shelf life for the capsules made of aloe vera will be significantly higher than those of the
commercial capsules.
The second subproblem of the study is the difference in solubility of the aloe vera gel
coating in comparison to commercial gel coatings. Solubility is an important factor in medicine
because it dictates the speed at which the substance can be digested and passed into the
bloodstream. The independent variable is the type of medicine coating, which is either aloe vera
or commercial, and the dependent variable is the time in seconds until the coating is completely
dissolved. Constant variables include the size of the tablet, the amount of coating, the
temperature of the set-ups, and the type of solvent. The researchers hypothesize that if aloe vera
is used, the coating will dissolve faster. The researchers hypothesize that the speed of dissolving
of the aloe vera capsules will be significantly higher than than that of the commercial capsules.
The third subproblem is identifying which medicine has a longer shelf life. The researchers will
compare the medicines in their ability to store and preserve the substances contained within. The
independent variable is the type of coating, which is either aloe vera, a natural substance, or
commercial coating. The dependent variable is the time in days until the coatings become faulty,
spoiled, or unusable. Constant variables include the time since manufacture of the medicines, the
size of the medicine, the amount of coating, and the temperature of the set-ups. The researchers
hypothesize that if aloe vera is used, the coating will last longer in preserving the medicine

C. Scope and Limitation of the Study

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) gel was chosen as a coating in this research due to its useful
properties for making a vegetable coating, and also because of its properties as a preservation
agent. Aloe Vera gel has proved to be a successful preservation agent by being able to block the
growth of many types of harmful bacteria on vegetables, thus prolonging their freshness.
Moreover, Aloe Vera gel is also targeted as a tablet coating due to its high solubility as well
thanks to it’s property of being around 99.5% water, allowing it to dissolve quickly yet remain
resilient against the effects of time and temperature. It is also worth noting that solubility is very
important when it comes to medicinal coating because it affects how fast the medicine gets into
the system of the person ingesting it. In contrast, it takes longer for the pill to dissolve when the
outer coating has a more complicated structure. Hence, Aloe vera gel could be used as an
ingredient for vegetable coating because of it's high percentage of water content. Furthermore,
vegetarian capsules only need two ingredients which are Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and
Purified Water. Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose is derived from vegetable cellulose. Thus, they
are 100% natural and these capsules contain no preservatives, gelatin, wheat, gluten, animal by
product, starch, in which they are made of pure cellulose of either pine or poplar.
Subsequently, Gelatin capsules have certain disadvantages. According to a web article
posted by Herb Affair, Gelatin capsules are made through a process that involves boiling down
certain parts of animals such as bovine and pigs. The hoofs, bones, and connective tissue is
boiled down until it is a gel like substance, and then allowed to cool and expand in cool water.
Many citizens do not like taking ingredients related to using animals due to their religion and
belief. Some also do not like this because they are a vegetarian, they usually choose foods that
have a vegetarian content. Another disadvantage to gelatin capsules is that they do not remain
stable when exposed to heat or humidity.

An aloe vera gel extraction will be used to extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf in order to
make it into the medicine gel capsule encasing. This is done by scraping the gel off the inside of
the leaf then blending it until smooth. A test regarding the solubility of the aloe vera gel will also
be done in order to find out the time it will take to be digested and start dissolving. The
extraction process for the Sulforaphane in broccoli, its main and most important compound,
based on a study specifically for this, is called a solid phase extraction (SPE). This process that
will be used extracts high amounts of the compound from broccoli seeds, specifically by
chemically separating its components. The Sulforaphane is then purified using high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC method pumps the extract with high
pressure for it to separate the compounds into its easily-identifiable, purest form - the primary
broccoli extract that is used in supplements and medicines. The creation of the herbal medicine is
done by grinding dried broccoli and encapsulating the grounded broccoli. These capsules can be
bought inexpensively in local health food stores, with one 00-sized capsule able to hold 500
milligrams of the dried broccoli.
The researchers plan to use broccoli extract as the herbal medicine due to its abundant
growth and availability in the Philippines. Broccoli is also known as a “super veggie” due to the
fact that it contains more nutrients than the average vegetable. It contains vitamins C and K1,
folate (also known as vitamin B9), potassium, fibers, and iron. It contains almost no fat, 90%
water, 7% carbohydrates and 3% proteins in its raw form which is a considerably high amount
for vegetables. Broccoli also contains Sulforaphane that is used for cancer prevention and
carotenoids that contribute to eye health. It has a very low calorie count as well, only at 55
calories a cup.
This test will not include human and animal testing, therefore will not be fully proven.
There will be no specific time and location for this testing due to it not being tested on any living
organisms. This test will experiment only with broccoli herbal medicine for the medicine and
aloe vera gel for the coating, against commercial products as constants. No other forms of
medicine or gel coatings will be tested.

D. Significance of Study
According to the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research, the science behind the coating of
many different medicines is significant due to the fact that people consume medicine products
and there is a needed guarantee for safe or healthy ingestion. A variation of medicine coatings
have been created over the past few years, but new methods are being developed for the needs of
society. Finding the right coating for tablets is valuable in the field of medicine to reduce as
much chance of the pills getting damaged or their effectivity being compromised before they
bring benefit to the body.
Capsules with an "enteric coating" label are considered "gastro-friendly" since they preserve the
tablet and holds its contents together. Enteric coating helps increase the effectiveness of fish oil
supplements. It has no aftertaste and digestive discomfort, making it gentle and easy to swallow.
Enteric coating can also increase the absorption of Omega 3 fatty acids, can reduce fish oil side
effects like fish burps or gas from fish oils. Some are made of natural coatings, which are from
plant-sourced ingredients.
Overall, the study can improve the production of medicines, specifically tablets or pills, seen in
pharmacies around the world, making a number of medicines more effective and safe for
consumption. Pharmaceutical scientists will benefit the most from this study since these
scientists can use the data from the study to obtain, develop and produce a greater variety of
medicines that treat possible diseases or infections. They can invest in more natural substances as
medicine coatings for the 2.8 billion drugs produced yearly. Pharmacists, professionals in the
field of health science, benefit from this study as well because a new safe way of handling
medicines can now be used and applied in everyday life.

E. Definition of Terms
● Antioxidants - substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging
oxidizing agents in a living organism
● Choline - water-soluble B vitamin needed for neurotransmitter synthesis (acetylcholine),
cell-membrane signaling (phospholipids), lipid transport (lipoproteins), and methyl-group
metabolism (homocysteine reduction).
● Enteric coating - an oral dosage form in which a tablet is coated with a material to
prevent or minimize dissolution in the stomach but allow dissolution in the small
intestine. They are considered “gastro-friendly" since they preserve the tablet and holds
its contents together. It has no aftertaste and digestive discomfort, making it gentle and
easy to swallow, and can also increase the absorption of fatty acids.
● Folic acid - synthetic form of vitamin B9, found in supplements and fortified foods. It is
crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional
● Gelatin - an animal protein used as coating for herbal medicines.
● High-performance liquid chromatography - a form of column chromatography that
pumps a sample mixture or analyte in a solvent (known as the mobile phase) at high
pressure through a column with chromatographic packing material (stationary phase).
● Omega 3 fatty acids - one of two fatty acids needed for human health, found in fish and
similar foods. It also has a lot of health benefits, lowering blood fat and supporting baby
● Phthalates - esters of phthalic acid mainly used as plasticizers (substances added to
plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity). Phthalates
are manufactured by reacting phthalic anhydride with alcohol(s) that range from
methanol and ethanol (C1/C2) up to tridecyl alcohol (C13).
● Shelf life - the length of time for which an item remains usable or fit for consumption.
● Solid phase extraction - a sample preparation process by which compounds that are
dissolved or suspended in a liquid mixture are separated from other compounds in the
mixture according to their physical and chemical properties.
● Solubility - chemical property referring to the ability for a given substance, the solute, to
dissolve in a solvent.
● Sulforaphane - an antioxidant found in broccoli which has been found to be a factor in
preventing multiple diseases, including several types of cancer, high blood pressure,
macular degeneration and stomach ulcers.
● Twinning - a phenomenon wherein medicine tablets stick to each other and produce
inaccurate dosages.
● Vitamin A (beta-carotene) - fat-soluble vitamin important for normal vision, the immune
system, and reproduction. Vitamin A also helps the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other
organs work properly.
● Vitamin B12 (B-complex) - water-soluble vitamin that keeps your nerves and red blood
cells healthy, also responsible for the smooth functioning of several critical body

This chapter includes the different literatures and studies related to the study on hand.
This chapter discusses essential information regarding ​broccoli ​(Brassica oleracea), ​Aloe vera
(Aloe barbadensis), ​shelf life, solubility, and nutritional content.
​The nutritional content of broccoli ​(Brassica oleracea), ​a green vegetable of the mustard
family (​Brassicaceae​), and native to Asia Minor and the Eastern Mediterranean, grown all year
round, provides people with many nutrients, even more than the usual vegetable, and is extracted
using a specific chemical separation. Therefore, it is considered a "super veggie". It is high in
nutrients including vitamins C and K1, folate (also known as vitamin B9), potassium, fibers, and
iron. Broccoli (​B. oleracea) in its raw form has almost no fat, 90% water, 7% carbohydrates and
3% proteins. It contains other plant compounds such as Sulforaphane, which is an extract from
broccoli (​B. oleracea) ​for cancer prevention and carotenoids that contribute to eye health. ​The
extraction process for the Sulforaphane, based on a study specifically for this on a test by Hao
Liang†, Chunfang Li†, Qipeng Yuan† and Frank Vriesekoop‡, is called a solid phase extraction
(SPE). This process extracts higher amounts of the compound from broccoli (​B. oleracea) seeds
specifically by chemically separating its components. The Sulforaphane is then purified using
high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), as seen on the same test. The HPLC method
pumps the sample with high pressure for it to separate the compounds into its easily-identifiable,
purest form - the primary broccoli ​(B. oleracea) e​ xtract, to be used in supplements and
Aloe vera (​Aloe barbadensis​) is a short- stemmed shrub native to North Africa, ​Southern
Europe, and the Canary Islands. ​It stores water in the tissue of its erect, succulent leaves, creating
a slimy substance known as aloe vera gel. This aloe vera gel ​contains most of the bioactive
compounds in the plant. It contains vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, which are antioxidants,
vitamin B12, folic acid, and choline. It also contains 8 enzymes: aliiase, alkaline phosphatase,
amylase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cellulase, lipase, and peroxidase, which help in the
breakdown of sugars and fats. Aloe vera ​gel also provides 20 of the 22 human required amino
acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids. Because of these properties, aloe vera has a long
history of being used for medicinal purposes, dating back to ancient Egypt. ​To this day, because
aloe vera gel is approved by the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) and other
food-related agencies as a natural flavoring, it is widely used in food, cosmetics, food
supplements, and herbal remedies, with an estimated annual market value of $13 billion globally.
A ​2014 study published online by the Cambridge University Press also utilized aloe vera gel in
the preservation of produce. Th​e researchers observed tomato plants coated with aloe vera gel
and deduced that the coating successfully blocked the growth of many types of harmful bacteria
on the vegetables, thus preserving them. In fact, many studies have proved that the use of aloe
vera as a coating is effective in the preservation of many kinds of fruit, including apples, kiwi
fruit, papaya, table grapes, and cherries. The coating of aloe vera did not affect the taste,
appearance, or aroma of the fruit in any way, as compared to the control group, which underwent
severe dehydration and browning. Instead, the aloe vera coating was reported to have increased
resistance of fruit skin, reduced respiration rates and microbial spoilage, and minimized color
change in these types of produce, proving itself as an effective preservative to improve the
safety, quality and functionality of fresh fruits.
When ingesting aloe, the gel is the safest part of the plant. The latex has laxative
properties and can cause serious health complications if used too often.
Shelf life is the length of time that a substance may be stored without becoming unfit for
use or consumption. ​Within the aloe vera ​(Aloe vera​) ​leaf is aloe vera gel, whose shelf life is 48
hours or 2 days because the moment the leaf is opened oxidation process begins. Cooling this
substance will help slow down the oxidation and lengthen its shelf life to 3-4 days. Vitamin E is
one of the most potent antioxidants due to its ability to prevent and repair cellular damage, so
this will help in slowing down the oxidation process. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant and
immune boosting compound, so vitamin C can prolong the nutrients existence and digestibility.
This means the nutrients are prolonged the more time the substance have importance and use. To
make the shelf life of aloe vera l​ onger, vitamins C and E are added. For every 1 liter of aloe vera​,
8 gr. crystalline vitamin C and 6000 IU vitamin E oil is added. It can now live for 6-8 months.
On the other hand, broccoli (​Brassica oleracea) extract can last up to 3-5 days. If it is dried using
60ºF the vegetable will have a year of shelf life but if the temperature is 80ºF is used there will 6
months of shelf life.
Solubility is a chemical property, which refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in
a solvent. Every substance has its own rate of solubility. Broccoli extract contains many soluble
properties. Some antioxidants that are present in broccoli extract include vitamins C and E,
carotenoids and flavanoids. Vitamin E and carotenoids are both fat-soluble. Together with
vitamin C and flavanoids, vitamin B is also present in broccoli extract, which are all
water-soluble properties. Aloe vera ​(​Aloe vera​) stores 99.5% of its water and water-soluble
nutrients in the gel. Some of the chemical components of aloe vera are enzymes, minerals,
vitamins and monosaccharides, which are all soluble in water. The minerals are mostly in the
form of water-soluble salts, and the vitamin B present in aloe vera can also dissolve in water.
Thus, aloe vera gel and broccoli extract are highly soluble. On the other hand, a commercial
brand, Advil Liqui-Gels (Capsules), was tested to see how fast it can dissolve in water. Advil
Liqui-Gels are “liquid-filled capsules” and are a type of ibuprofen. When tested, the capsule took
a long time to dissolve. There was no significant change after 30 minutes. It took 35 minutes just
for the capsule to start dissolving. The study also showed the experiments done on other tablets
and capsules with different results for each. It was determined that it takes longer for the pill to
dissolve when the outer coating is more complicated. In conclusion, solubility in drugs is highly
important for our bodies to be able to absorb them, and for the medicine to easily take effect.
Nutritional content of a certain food is a representation of its components and the health
value impact upon consumption of the said product. Broccoli is included in the cruciferous
vegetable family, along with kale, cabbage, cauliflower and many more, which provides essential
and a substantial amount of nutrients for only a small number of calories. The nutritional content
of broccoli (​Brassica oleracea)​ mainly composes of dietary fiber, vitamin E, vitamin K, and
pantothenic acid, which is a water soluble vitamin. Broccoli (​B. oleracea) has been known to
reduce the chances of obesity, obtaining diabetes and having different heart diseases, it enshrines
the potential increase in energy, loss of weight and healthy skin complexion. The vegetable
fights the possibility of cancer while also protecting the heart from chronic disease and improves
the condition of bones in the body because of vitamin K. In comparison with other herbal
medicines, broccoli (​B. oleracea) has more significance due to the fact that it has different health
benefits from the other medicines, which have similar results and effects. Herbal medicines like
turmeric (​Curcuma longa​)​, g​ inger (​Zingiber officinale)​ and garlic (​Allium sativum)​ serve the
same purpose, to be anti-inflammatory, to be an antioxidant, etc. while broccoli (​B. oleracea)
has a greater aim to provide all these, yet supply even more health benefits such as progressed
digestion, association with lower risk of diseases and many more. Consumption of this certain
vegetable is an essential key factor to health since broccoli (​B. oleracea) contains needed
nutrients for diminishing negative health conditions.

This chapter includes the objectives of each testing, list of materials needed, and the
procedures to be employed to test each subproblem.
A. Preparation of Materials
a. Production of Herbal Medicine in Aloe Vera Capsule
The production of broccoli herbal medicine in aloe vera capsule first requires 2
leaves of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) and 300 grams of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) seeds.
Equipment needed includes 1 unit standard blender, 1 set capsule mold with capacity for 30 size
0 (500 mg capacity) capsules, and 1 unit HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography)
machine. Other tools and materials include a bowl, 300 ml of water, a sieve, and a freezer.
b. Solubility
To test the solubility of the aloe vera capsules, 3 of the said Broccoli herbal
medicine with Aloe Vera coating capsules will be required. Another 3 capsules of commercial
medicine (Malunggay Life Oil) will also be needed for comparison. Both Broccoli herbal
medicine with Aloe Vera coating capsules and commercial medicine (Malunggay Life Oil)
capsules are size 0, with 500 mg capacity and body length 18.44 mm. Two identical plastic
containers with capacity 300 ml each will also be used. Other materials include 2 units standard
stopwatch and 400 ml of water.
c. Shelf Life
To test the shelf life of the aloe vera capsules, 3 of the said Broccoli herbal
medicine with Aloe Vera coating capsules will be required. Another 3 capsules of commercial
medicine (Malunggay Life Oil) will also be needed for comparison. Both Broccoli herbal
medicine with Aloe Vera coating capsules and commercial medicine (Malunggay Life Oil)
capsules are size 0, with 500 mg capacity and body length 18.44 mm. Equipment includes 1 unit
heat incubator, which will be set to 40° Celsius in order to imitate hot climate and storage
facilities. The hot temperature speeds up the spoiling process of the substances in both medicine
coatings, thus shortening the shelf life of both medicines and allowing for a shorter time of
experimentation. To track the time before a capsule leakage, a clock or timer is also needed.

B. Procedure for Testing the Subproblem

To be able to study the utilization of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) Gel as Coating
for Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) Extract Herbal Medicine, the researchers will use the following
a. Production of Herbal Medicine in Aloe Vera Capsule
The researchers first wash the leaves and cut them into several inch-long pieces. Then
they should place the pieces in a bowl full of water and leave them to soak overnight until the
water color changes to light or pink, indicating the removal of impurities. After the effects show,
they must be removed from water then peel the rind to attain the inner gel. The gel is now
blended thoroughly by a blender. It is placed on a capsule mold, leaving it in the freezer until the
aloe is completely solid. As the capsules freeze, researchers starts the herbal medicine off by
extracting sulforaphane in the broccoli by solid phase extraction using seeds. The broccoli
compounds separate into their basic forms by placing the sulforaphane into an HPLC
(High-performance liquid chromatography) machine. When each component of the cruciferous
vegetable is separated using the technique, researchers have to separate the liquid from the solid
through a sieve. Finally, the researchers lastly place 500 mg of the purified herbal medicine into
each capsule.
b. Solubility
The researchers must label two identical containers A and B, and fill them with 200 ml
water. Then, they label two stopwatches A and B. Once finished, they need to drop an herbal
capsule in container A and a commercial capsule in container B at the same time. Start both
stopwatches. When the coating of the herbal medicine erodes and releases the medicine, stop
stopwatch A. When the coating of the commercial medicine erodes and releases the medicine,
stop stopwatch B. Repeat steps 1-3 for three trials to adjust for any human error. Lastly, they
compare and analyze solubility based on the speed of the dissolving of the capsule coatings.
c. Shelf Life
To test the shelf life of the capsule, the researchers place one herbal medicine capsule and
one commercially produced capsule in an incubator with heat at 40°C to speed the spoiling
process. They continue by measuring the time in hours before liquid leaks from each capsule.
They repeat this sequence for three trials to adjust for any human error. Then, they compare and
analyze shelf life based on the time before leaking of the capsule coatings.
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