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Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 258–265

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Cylindrical shell bending theory for orthotropic shells under general

axisymmetric pressure distributions
J. Michael Rotter, Adam J. Sadowski ⇑
Institute for Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The axisymmetric linear bending theory of shells is treated for thin-walled orthotropic cylindrical shells
Received 12 December 2011 under any smooth axial distribution of normal and shear pressures. The equations are developed, solved
Revised 5 April 2012 and explored in this paper. The derivation is presented in terms of a generalised Hooke’s Law with
Accepted 26 April 2012
coupling between the axial membrane stress resultant and axial bending moment. This formulation per-
Available online 2 June 2012
mits the shell to be alternatively treated as a composite isotropic cylinder with axial stiffeners, rendering
it useful for many practical problems. A linear kinematic relationship is assumed between the generalised
strains and displacements. Expressions for the linear axial bending half-wavelength are presented for
Axisymmetric shell bending theory
Stiffened shells
special cases of the stiffness matrix.
Orthotropic shells The equations developed here are simple enough to be applied to the analysis of anisotropic thin-
Thin-walled shells walled cylindrical shells using basic spreadsheet tools, removing the need to perform an onerous finite
General loads element analysis. Engineering applications potentially include corrugated metal, axially-stiffened or rein-
forced concrete silos under granular solid pressures, tanks under hydrostatic pressures, tubular piles
under earth pressures, gas-filled cisterns and chimneys.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction associated with the boundary conditions, but in shells with signifi-
cant orthotropy this bending can extend far into the shell and can
Many practical engineering cylindrical shell structures do not radically alter the stress distribution, changing the strength require-
have isotropic walls, so that the classical solutions for the stress ments markedly. For this reason, the present study develops general
resultants developing under surface applied loads that are available equations for the orthotropic bending of thin cylindrical shells un-
in many texts (e.g [28,8,13,2,23,14,3,10]) are no longer valid. In der general axisymmetric loads and then specialises the outcomes
particular, where the bending stiffness in one direction is signifi- to address practical design problems for specific civil engineering
cantly greater than that in the orthogonal direction, very significant shell structures (Fig. 1). These equations are presented in as
changes in behaviour, stress distributions and strength require- accessible a manner as possible for use by practicing engineering
ments occur under non-uniform loads applied to the surface. The professionals who may at most have access to spreadsheet pro-
most common examples are in metal silos with vertical stiffeners at- gramming tools.
tached to an isotropic wall, horizontally corrugated steel silos with Most of the literature relating to orthotropic shells deals with
external vertical stiffeners, vertically corrugated steel silos with buckling under the simple loading conditions of uniform axial
external ring stiffeners, reinforced concrete silos in which vertical compression and uniform external pressure [1,26,27,2,3,25,22].
cracks develop due to internal pressure, metal tanks with closely These studies have critically important applications in aerospace
spaced ring stiffeners and stiffened chimneys and towers. These vehicles, but the surface loading conditions are rather straightfor-
structural forms are subjected to a variety of different axisymmetric ward, so the prebuckling stress states are relatively simple. By con-
load patterns: silos are subject to pressures and frictional drag from trast, the loading conditions encountered in silos and tanks both
stored solids whilst tanks are subject to fluid pressures. lead to stepped-wall construction with pressures and frictional
The critical difference between the linear elastic response of an tractions that vary over the shell surface, leading to significantly
isotropic and an anisotropic shell under axisymmetric loading is a more complicated pre-buckling states. This is the focus of the pres-
change in the axial bending half wavelength. In thin isotropic shells ent paper. More recent studies of anisotropic and composite shells,
of typical practical proportions, axial bending is a local phenomenon largely numerical in nature rather than analytical, may be found in
[16,24,17,30,15,9] and others.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 131 650 8689; fax: +44 131 650 6781. The linear analysis of isotropic cylindrical shells under linearly
E-mail address: (A.J. Sadowski). varying pressure, as in a tank, was covered by Timoshenko and

0141-0296/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.M. Rotter, A.J. Sadowski / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 258–265 259

parallel to and in the direction of the shell axis, is treated here

for simplicity to be related to the normal pressure by a constant
l (i.e. pz(z) = lpn(z)), though the theory is not restricted to this
case. This simplification is of direct value for silos, where l is the
wall friction coefficient. The forces and bending moments are
defined per unit length and thus have dimensions FL1 and
FLL1 = F respectively.
Equilibrium in the axial, normal and circumferential directions
respectively leads to three equations of equilibrium:
dnz dq dmz
¼ lpn ; nh ¼ r pn  ; q¼ ð1—3Þ
dz dz dz

The reference surface is taken as the middle surface of the shell


2.2. Constitutive and kinematic relations

Under general orthotropic conditions, the thin-walled shell has

different membrane (stretching) and bending (flexural) stiffnesses
in the orthogonal directions. Where axial stiffeners are present
and sufficiently closely spaced, these may be represented by a
‘‘smeared’’ treatment [1,26,27,2], which leads to an additional cou-
pling between the axial membrane stress resultant and the bending
moment, related through the eccentricity of the vertical load path
through the stiffeners. The discrete stiffeners may then be uni-
formly distributed over the shell, leading to the constitutive and
kinematic relations:
2 3 2 32 3 2 3
nz C 11 C 12 C 13 ez ez " #T
6 7 6 76 7 6 7 du w d w
4 nh 5 ¼ 4 C 12 C 22 0 54 eh 5 where 4 eh 5 ¼
dz r dz2
mz C 13 0 C 33 jz jz
Fig. 1. Typical externally stiffened orthotropic silo structure.
in which w(z) is the radial outward displacement and u(z) the axial
displacement. It should be noted that the dimensions of
Woinowsky-Krieger [28] and by Flügge [8], but the more compli- [C11, C12, C22], C13 and C33 are FL1, F and FL respectively. In addition
cated patterns that are relevant to such structures as silos, where to the above stress resultants, a reaction circumferential bending
frictional surface loading plays a key role, do not appear to have moment mh develops due to Poisson coupling to the axial bending
been addressed. The only known algebraic study of this loading moment:
is for an isotropic uniform shell [12], and unfortunately it did not
mh ¼ mmz ð5Þ
clearly indicate the behavioural differences between the mem-
brane theory and bending theory treatments. Finally, very little
attention has been paid to the linear stress analysis of orthotropic 2.3. Derivation of governing differential equation
shells under general surface loading. This paper is an attempt to
remedy that shortcoming by focusing on the stress analysis of The equations of equilibrium and the constitutive and kine-
axisymmetric cylindrical shells subject to virtually any mathemat- matic relations presented above lead to the following 4th order
ically expressible distribution of axisymmetric loading. ordinary differential equation governing the radial displacement
of the shell w(z):
2. Axisymmetric bending theory for thin-walled orthotropic
  d4 w d w 1
r C 11 C 33  C 213 4
 2C 12 C 13 2
þ C 11 C 22  C 2
12 w
dz dz r
2.1. Equations of static equilibrium
Z z
¼ C 11 rpn þ C 12 l pn dz þ rC 13 l n  C 12 nz0 ð6Þ
0 dz
In the following, the shell theory of Donnell [4] is used to obtain
and solve equations for the bending theory applied to a uniform The general solution of this ODE may be written as:
thickness orthotropic thin-walled cylindrical shell under any  
smooth axisymmetric distribution of both normal pressure pn(z) z z z
wðzÞ ¼ epa A1 cos p þ A2 sin p
and frictional surface shear pz(z). A small part of a thin cylinder b b
is shown in Fig. 2a, with radius r, thickness t, length dz and arc z z z
length rdh. Under axisymmetric loading, four stress resultants act þ epa A3 cos p þ A4 sin p þ wm ðzÞ ð7Þ
b b
on the shell at the middle surface: an axial membrane force (nz),
an axial bending moment (mz) and a transverse shear force (qz), where [A1, A2, A3, A4] are integration constants determined from
all per unit circumference, and a circumferential membrane force boundary conditions, wm(z) is the particular integral which corre-
(nh) per unit length. The normal pressure is taken as positive out- sponds to the membrane theory treatment and a and b relate to
wards, and the distributed surface frictional shear traction pz(z), the linear axial bending half-wavelength:
260 J.M. Rotter, A.J. Sadowski / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 258–265

(a) Bending theory equilibrium (b) Membrane theory equilibrium

Fig. 2. Element of a thin-walled cylindrical shell under axisymmetric loading.

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !1=2 Z z
pffiffiffiffiffi C 11 C 22  C 212 C 12 C 13 nhm ¼ rpn and nzm ¼ nz0  l pn dz ð13Þ
a ¼ p 2r þ ð8aÞ 0
C 11 C 33  C 213
C 11 C 33  C 213
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !1=2 These membrane forces are clearly in static equilibrium with the
pffiffiffiffiffi C 11 C 22  C 12 2
C 12 C 13 applied loading and contain no contributions from local changes
b ¼ p 2r  ð8bÞ
C 11 C 33  C 213 C 11 C 33  C 213 in axial curvature. The constitutive and kinematic relations for
membrane forces only may be written as:
For most practical purposes, it may be assumed that a  b if the       
nzm C 11 C 12 ezm ezm h iT
¼ where ¼ dudzm wm
nhm C 12 C 22 ehm ehm
e ¼ tðC 12 C 13 Þ=ðC 11 C 33  C 213 Þ ð9Þ
Inverting this matrix system allows the derivation of the radial and
is small (e < 0.03 to be accurate to within 1%). Exact equality holds axial displacements consistent with membrane forces:
for shells in which there is no coupling between bending and ! Z

stretching, so C13 = 0. Under these conditions, the solution may be r
wm ðzÞ ¼ rC 11 pn þ C 12 l pn dz  C 12 nz0 ð15Þ
closely approximated by: C 11 C 22  C 212 ! 0
Z z Z z
h 1
pkz z zi um ðzÞ ¼ u0m þ zC 22 nz0m  lC 22 pn dz dz
wðzÞ ¼ e A1 cos p þ A2 sin p C 11 C 22  C 212 0 0
k k Z z

h z zi
þe A3 cos p þ A4 sin p þ wm ðzÞ ð10Þ rC 12 pn dz ð16Þ
k k 0

where the linear axial bending half-wavelength is given by the sim-

where u0m and nz0m are again integration constants, slightly differ-
pler expression:
ent from u0 and nz0, depending on the top boundary. The term that
!1=4 couples bending and stretching, C13, is naturally absent from this
pffiffiffiffiffi C 11 C 33  C 2
k ¼ p 2r 13
ð11Þ formulation.
C 11 C 22  C 212 The term with dpn/dz seen in the non-homogeneous part of Eq.
(6) has been omitted from Eq. (15). This term is usually very small
The general solution for the axial displacement of the shell is given unless steep pressure gradients are expected, so it may be ignored
by: for most applications: indeed it vanishes for shells in which there is
 Z z Z z Z  no coupling between bending and stretching (e.g. eccentrically
1 C 12 z dw
uðzÞ ¼ u0 þ znz0  l pn dz dz  wdz  C 13 ð12Þ stiffened shells) since C13 = 0. Where steep pressure gradients are
C 11 0 0 r 0 dz
encountered, as for example in studies of switch pressures [20],
In Eqs. (6) and (12), u0 and nz0 are integration constants that depend Eq. (16) has the additional term:
on either a prescribed axial displacement or applied axial loading at !
a boundary. The axial coordinate z spans the range 0 6 z 6 H over lr2 C 13 dpn
the longitudinal axis of the cylinder. For application to silos and C 11 C 22  C 212 dz
tanks with a vertical axis, it is convenient to define the top as the
origin z = 0 and the base as z = H (Fig. 2) because this leads to sim-
pler expressions for the loading pn. 2.5. Boundary conditions

2.4. Particular integrals from membrane theory for axisymmetric A total of six boundary conditions are required to solve for
cylinders the coefficients A1, A2, A3, A4,(u0 and u0m) and (nz0 and nz0m). The
classification of boundary conditions used in EN 1993-1-6 [6] is
A simpler analysis of a thin-walled axisymmetric shell under adopted here, summarised in Table 1.
membrane forces alone (Fig. 2b) leads to the following equations The most efficient way of solving for the four parameters A is by
for nzm and nhm: matrix inversion of a linear system in the form [a]44[A]41 = [c]41.
J.M. Rotter, A.J. Sadowski / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 258–265 261

Table 1 thus very general and can be applied to any pressure distribution,
Boundary conditions for shells, after EN 1993-1-6 [6]. provided it is smooth (i.e. pn(z) 2 C5). Up to the fifth derivative and
ID Simple Radial displacement and its Axial the second integral of these may be necessary to solve for all the
term derivatives displacement stress resultants. However, this very general description remains
BC1r Clamped w = 0 and w0 = 0 u=0 of limited value in practical applications, so the complete solutions
BC1f w = 0 and w00 = 0 u=0 for several commonly used load distributions are given here. Com-
BC2r Pinned w=0 and w0 = 0 u–0 mon pressure distributions for engineering shells such as tanks,
BC2f w=0 and w00 = 0 u–0 bio-digesters and silos are presented, including the general equa-
BC3 Free edge w00 = 0 and w000 = 0 u–0 tions for the kth derivative and first two integrals. These solutions
may, of course, be superposed where the complete load case is a
combination of them. Normal pressure is defined as positive out-
wards from the cylinder axis. Where frictional tractions are also
Here, the matrix [a]44 consists of the coefficients of A in the homo-
involved, the expressions above already include them.
geneous parts of w(z), w0 (z) or w00 (z) (Eq. (7)) evaluated at the
boundaries, while the column vector [c]41 contains the contribu-
(a) Linear or constant distribution for pressurised vessels and
tions from the particular integrals wm ðzÞ; w0m ðzÞ or w00m ðzÞ at the
liquid storage tanks:
boundaries. For example, assuming a clamped condition at the
base of the cylinder (BC1r at z = H) and a free top edge (BC3 at
pn ðzÞ ¼ p0 þ p1 with pz ¼ lpn ð20Þ
z = 0), the following linear system is obtained, populated exclu- H
sively by scalar quantities and thus easily inverted: dpn p1 d pn

2 3 ¼ ; ¼ 0 for all k P 2
d 2 þ
2 ½excðzÞ z¼0
d 2
½exsðzÞþ z¼0 d 2
½excðzÞ z¼0 d2
½exsðzÞ z¼0 2 A1 3 dz H dz

6 dz3 dz2 dz2 dz2 7 Z z Z zZ z

6d þ d3 þ d3  d3 76 7 p p p
6 dz3 ½excðzÞ z¼0 dz3
½exsðzÞ z¼0 dz3
½excðzÞ z¼0 dz3
½exsðzÞ z¼0 76 A2 7 pn dz ¼ p0 z þ 1 z2 and pn dz dz ¼ 0 z2 þ 1 z3
6 76 7
6 þ 7 4 A3 5 2H 2 6H
4 excðHÞ exsðHÞþ excðHÞ exsðHÞ 
5 0 0 0

d þ
½excðzÞ z¼H d
½exsðzÞþ z¼H d
½excðzÞ z¼H d
 A4 (b) General power law distribution (m here is any non-negative
dz dz dz dz z¼H
2 3
w00m ð0Þ real number):
6 w000 ð0Þ 7  z m
6 m 7
¼6 7 pn ðzÞ ¼ p0 ð21Þ
4 wm ðHÞ 5 H
ðkÞ mk
w0m ðHÞ d pn z Cðm þ 1Þ
¼ p0 m for all k P 1
ðkÞ H Cðm þ 1  kÞ
where Z z Z z Z z
zp0  z m z2 p0  z m
p  p  pn dz ¼ and pn dz dz ¼
p p 0 mþ1 H 0 0 ðm þ 2Þðm þ 1Þ H
excðzÞ ¼ e k z cos z and exsðzÞ ¼ e k z sin z ð17Þ
k k (c) Janssen distribution for granular solid pressures in slender
The base of the cylinder (z = H) is here taken as the location silos [11]:
where a restraint against axial displacement is imposed (i.e.
u(H) = um(H) = 0). As a result, the integration constants (u0, u0m) pn ðzÞ ¼ p0 ð1  ez=z0 Þ with pz ¼ lpn ð22Þ
and (nz0, nz0m) for the axial displacement in both the bending and ðkÞ
d pn p0 z=z0
membrane theories may be determined respectively from Eqs. ¼ ð1Þ1þk e for all k P 1
(12) and (16) as: dz
Z z
C 12 H
dw pn dz ¼ p0 ðz  z0 ð1  ez=z0 ÞÞ and
C 11 u0 þ Hnz0 ¼ l pn dz dz þ w dz þ C 13 ð18Þ
dz z¼H
0 0 r 0 Z zZ z
  Z Z Z 1
pn dz dz ¼ p0 z2  2z:z0 þ 2z20 ð1  ez=z0 Þ
C 11 C 22  C 212 u0m þ HC 22 nz0m ¼ lC 22 pn dz dz þ rC 12 pn dz ð19Þ 0 0 2
0 0 0

(d) Modified Reimbert distribution for granular solid pressures

For almost all realistic load cases, there is no axial restraint at the
in squat silos [18,21]. Here m is a negative real number:
top boundary and thus (u0, u0m) are non-zero. Any axial load exter-
nally applied at this location, such as the compressive load from a   
z  h0
roof structure acting on a tank or silo, defines (nz0, nz0m), which pn ðzÞ ¼ p0 1  þ1 with pz ¼ lpn ð23Þ
z0  h 0
otherwise takes the value of zero. Conversely, if the cylinder is ðkÞ mk
d pn ðz  2h0 þ z0 Þ Cðk  mÞ
restrained against axial displacement at its top boundary, then ðkÞ
¼ ð1Þ1þk p0 m for all kP1
dz ðz 0  h 0 Þ CðmÞ
(u0, u0m) = 0 and (nz0, nz0m) – 0 and any load case will cause the shell
to be subjected to a superposed axial membrane tension. Z z "  
ðz0  h0 Þ z  h0
In summary, the integration constants [A1, A2, A3, A4, (u0, u0m), pn dz ¼ p0 z  þ1
(nz0, nz0m)], determined using the above, together with the particu- 0 ðm þ 1Þ z0  h0
lar integral wm(z) from membrane theory (Eq. (15)), allows the  
mþ1 #!
complete solution to be obtained for the shell displacements w(z) h0
 þ1 and
and u(z) in Eqs. (10) and (12). These in turn may be used to find z0  h 0
nz, nh, mz and mh directly from the constitutive and kinematic rela-
tions in Eqs. (4) and (5). z z
pn dz dz
0 0

3. Typical smooth pressure distributions 0 n   omþ2 n  omþ2  1

ðz0 h0 Þ2 zh0
1 2
B 2 z  ðmþ2Þðmþ1Þ z0 h0
þ1  z0h 0
þ1 þ C
The displacements w(z) and u(z) are necessarily dependent on ¼ p0 B C
@ n  omþ1 A
the derivatives and integrals of the axial distribution of loading. ðz0 h0 Þ
z ðmþ1Þ h0
z0 h0
The formulation of the bending theory solution presented here is
262 J.M. Rotter, A.J. Sadowski / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 258–265

separation of the stiffeners ds. Treating the shell wall properties as a

In the above, C(z) is the gamma function whose values may be composite of the isotropic wall and stiffeners using the ‘‘smeared’’
called up in most software, including Excel through the GAMMALN treatment of Singer et al. [26,27] and Brush and Almroth [2], the
command. enhanced stiffness matrix becomes [7]:
Certain practical applications require the pressure distributions 2 3 2 3
C 11 C 12 C 13 C þ Eds As s mC es Es As
to be supplemented by additional safety factors. For example, the 6 7 6 7
European standard on actions on silos and tanks EN 1991-4 [5], 4 C 12 C 22 0 5¼4 mC C 0 5 ð26Þ
es Es As Es Is e2s Es As
prescribes additional discharge factors Ch and Cw on pn(z) and C 13 0 C 33 ds
0 Dþ ds
þ ds
pz(z) = lpn(z) respectively when the Janssen and modified Reimbert 3
where C ¼ 1Etm2 and D ¼ 12ð1
m2 Þ are the isotropic shell membrane and
pressure distributions are used. Where these are invariant with
bending stiffnesses respectively (Fig. 3).
depth, they may be incorporated into the above equations by the
The linear axial bending half-wavelength k may be found as:
simple substitutions p0,fac = Chp0 and lfac = (Cw/Ch)l. For slender
 1 ( )!1=4
silos, the pressure distribution tends to a constant asymptotic va- pffiffiffiffi Es As 1 Es A s 4Es Is 4ð1m2 ÞE2s Is As 4Es As e2s
k¼p rt 1þ þ þ þ þ
lue at great depth, so for the purpose of determining bending Etds 3ð1  m2 Þ 3Etds Et 3 ds 2
E2 t 4 ds Et 3 ds
effects near the base boundary it may be sufficient to use the con- ð27Þ
stant pressure solution given in Eqs. (20)–(23).
The shell and stiffener are commonly both made of the same mate-
rial, so Eq. (27) can be simplified into the form:
4. Special cases of the constitutive relation
pffiffiffiffi 1:099 þ A ð1 þ 12e2 þ 10:92I Þ þ 12I
4.1. Unstiffened orthotropic shell k ¼ p rt ð28Þ
3ð1 þ A Þ
An orthotropic shell usually has different membrane (stretch- where A ¼ tdAss ; I ¼ t3Isd , e ¼ ets and m = 0.30 has been assumed.
ing) and flexural (bending) stiffnesses Cz,Ch,Dz and Dh in the axial The stiffener eccentricity appears as e2s in the expression for k
and circumferential directions respectively. Such shells may have (Eqs. (27) and (28)), so stiffeners have the same effect on both
walls made of a composite anisotropic material and if a smeared the wavelength and the magnitude of bending moments irrespec-
treatment of the construction is used, they include corrugated me- tive of whether they are internal or external. However, the eccen-
tal or reinforced concrete silos. Additionally, if the shell has no tricity appears only as es in C13 (Eq. (26)), so it contributes
eccentric axial stiffening, the coupling between the axial membrane unsymmetrically to the axial membrane force within any discrete
force and bending moment disappears (C13 = 0) since the shell stiffener. The centroidal eccentricity of the stiffener es is generally
reference surface is the middle surface. The stiffness matrix of the much larger than the shell thickness t (i.e. e⁄ 1), and a significant
constitutive relations (Eq. (4)) may then be simplified as: stiffener has a second moment of area much greater than t2ds, so
2 3 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
C 11 C 12 C 13 Cz m Cz Ch 0 I⁄ 1. The key changes to k by the addition of stiffeners thus arise
6 7 6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7 from its cross-sectional area relative to the associated cross-
4 C 12 C 22 0 5 ¼ 4 m Cz Ch Ch 0 5 ð24Þ
section of shell, represented by A⁄, and its second moment of area
C 13 0 C 33 0 0 Dz
relative to t3ds.
where m C z C h ¼ mzh C z ¼ mhz C h to ensure the matrix is symmetric. The stress resultants in this composite stiffened cylinder (nz,c,
Further, the respective stiffnesses are given by [31]: nh,c and mz,c) may be disassembled in a simple manner into the sep-
Ez t Eh t Ez t 3 arate components that relate to the stress state within the cylindri-
Cz ¼ ; Ch ¼ and Dz ¼ cal wall (nz,sh, nh,sh and mz,sh) and each discrete stiffener (Nz,st,
1  mzh mhz 1  mzh mhz 12ð1  mzh mhz Þ
Nh,st = 0 and Mz,st):
Here, (Ez, Eh) and (mzh, mhz) are the elasticity moduli and Poisson’s 2 3 2 3 2 3
nz;c nz;sh Nz;st;mid
ratios in the z and h directions respectively. The linear axial bending 6 7 6 7 16 7
half-wavelength similarly simplifies to: 4 nh;c 5 ¼ 4 nh;sh 5 þ 4 Nh;st;mid 5 ð29Þ
 1=4 mz;c mz;sh M z;st;mid
pffiffiffiffi 1 Ez
k ¼ p rt 
3ð1  mzh mhz Þ Eh The stress resultants per unit circumference [FL1 and FLL1] in the
  isotropic shell are:
pffiffiffiffi Ez 1=4
 2:444 rt if mzh ¼ mhz ¼ 0:3 ð25Þ
It follows immediately from the above equation that shell bending
boundary effects penetrate deeper into the shell when the axial
modulus is much larger than the circumferential modulus, and is
more localised when the reverse is true.
Stiffener neutral axis
4.2. Axially-stiffened isotropic shell with eccentric axial stiffeners

Since buckling under axial compression controls the design of

many thin cylindrical shells, one method of enhancing the strength y
is to provide axial stiffeners, which are usually external to the shell Stiffener Reference surface at
to avoid interference with its storage role. This design leads to an es
middle surface of shell
isotropic shell with axial stiffeners. The base isotropic shell has
equal stretching and bending stiffnesses in the axial and circumfer-
ential directions: Cz = Ch = C and Dz = Dh = D. The axial stiffeners pro-
vide significant additional membrane and bending stiffness
through their cross-sectional area As, second moment of area Is,
eccentricity from the shell middle surface es and the circumferential Fig. 3. Cross-sectional geometry of a typical stiffened engineering shell.
J.M. Rotter, A.J. Sadowski / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 258–265 263

2 3 2 32 3
nz;sh C mC 0 ez 1.8 mm thick, just sufficient to resist bursting failure. The additional
6 7 6 76 7 axial compression is carried by 45 equally-spaced I-section stringer
4 nh;sh 5 ¼ 4 mC C 0 54 eh 5 ð30Þ
mz;sh 0 0 D jz stiffeners, each with cross-sectional area As = 1843 mm2, section
depth ds = 838 mm, second moment of area Is = 3.816  107 mm4
where ez, eh and jz are again given by Eq. (4). and resulting positive eccentricity es = 0.5(shell thickness + depth
The shell surface stresses may then be found as: of section) = 177 mm.
nz;sh 6mz;sh nh;sh 6mh;sh The isotropic wall and stiffeners are both made of mild steel,
rz;sh ¼  2 and rh;sh ¼  2 ð31Þ with elastic modulus E = 200 GPa, yield stress ry = 250 MPa and
t t t t
Poisson’s ratio m = 0.3. The granular solid is cement with a unit
The axial force [F] and moment [FL] in each discrete stiffener about weight c = 16 kN m3, wall friction coefficient l = 0.4 and lateral
the shell mid-surface (Fig. 3) are given by: pressure ratio K = 0.6, exerting Janssen pressures on the shell (Eq.
     (22)). The top and bottom boundary conditions were assumed to
Nz;st;mid Es As e s E s As ez
¼ ð32Þ be BC3 ‘free edge’ and BC1r ‘clamped’ respectively (Table 1 and
Mz;st;mid es Es As Es Is þ e2s Es As jz
Eq. (17)). No axial force or bending moment was applied to the
which leads to the axial force and moment about the centroidal axis top edge ( nz0 = nz0m = 0, Eqs. (12), (15) and (16)). The only signifi-
of the stiffener as: cant bending in the shell is consequently that required to maintain
     compatibility with the base boundary.
Nz;st Es As 0 ez
¼ ð33Þ The response of the isotropic 5 mm thick shell is presented first
Mz;st 0 Es I s jz as a reference case. The membrane stress resultants are shown in
The extreme fibre axial stress in each discrete stiffener is thus found Fig. 4, showing that axial compression and circumferential tension
as: extend throughout the wall. The corresponding inner and outer
surface stresses, illustrating the combined effect of membrane
Nz;st Mz;st and bending stresses, are shown in Fig. 5. Since the bending stres-
rz;st ¼  y ð34Þ
As Is ses are close to zero throughout most of the wall, the inner and
where y is the distance from the stiffener neutral axis to an extreme outer values are almost identical, and only separate where strong
fibre. bending occurs near the base within approximately one linear axial
A similar treatment may be extended to membrane theory: bending half-wavelength (Eq. (38)) (k  423 mm). This thin silo
            wall is almost entirely governed by membrane action, so the com-
nzm nzm;sh 1 N zm;st C mC ezm 1 E s As 0 ezm
¼ þ ¼ þ plexity of shell bending theory seems quite unnecessary.
nhm nhm;sh ds N hm;st mC C ehm ds 0 0 ehm The second example illustrates the radical change that occurs
ð35Þ when axial stiffeners are introduced (Figs. 6 and 7). The bending
where ezm,ehm are again given by Eq. (14). half-wavelength increases more than tenfold to k  4906 mm
The membrane stresses in the shell and stiffener are then:
nzm;sh nhm;sh Nzm;st
rz;sh ¼ ; rh;sh ¼ and rzm;st ¼ ð36Þ
t t As

4.3. Unstiffened isotropic shell

The bending theory solution for the unstiffened isotropic cylin-

drical shell is well-documented (e.g. [4,8,28,13,23,19]). With no
additional terms, the stiffness matrix simply becomes:
2 2
3 3
C 11 C 12 C 13 C mC 0
6 7 6 7
4 C 12 C 22 0 5 ¼ 4 mC C 05 ð37Þ
C 13 0 C 33 0 0 D
with stiffness terms C and D as above. The linear axial bending half-
wavelength reduces to the familiar equation: Fig. 4. Membrane stress resultants in the unstiffened isotropic shell.
pffiffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffiffi
k ¼ p rt  2:444 rt if m ¼ 0:30 ð38Þ
3ð1  m2 Þ

5. A simple illustration of an externally stiffened steel silo

Some aspects of the axisymmetric bending theory solution are

briefly illustrated in this section through the analysis of a thin-
walled steel silo under granular solid pressures. Two very simple
designs are used for a squat cylindrical silo of radius r = 6 m and
height H = 10 m (aspect ratio of 0.83). The first design has a uniform
thickness isotropic wall without stiffeners. The second design has
external stiffeners to enhance the axial strength. For the unstiffened
isotropic shell, the wall should be 5 mm thick to resist approximately
30% of the classical elastic critical buckling stress at the base of the
silo, rcl  0.605EtR1, assuming a typical reduction for imperfec-
tions. By contrast, the wall of the externally stiffened shell is only Fig. 5. Close-up of surface stresses near the base of the unstiffened isotropic shell.
264 J.M. Rotter, A.J. Sadowski / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 258–265

Fig. 6. Membrane stress resultants in the stiffened isotropic shell.

Fig. 8. Axial bending moment and force in the stiffener.

Fig. 7. Surface and extreme fibre tresses in the stiffened isotropic shell and Fig. 9. Axial and radial displacements in the unstiffened isotropic shell and
stiffener. stiffened isotropic composite shell.

(Eq. (27)), almost half of the height of this silo, and bending effects displacement throughout the stiffened shell. However, axial stiff-
dominate the entire structure. A simple membrane theory analysis, eners provide no circumferential stiffness, so the much thinner
as used in conventional design calculations and based only on local stiffened shell experiences almost double the radial expansion of
equilibrium, completely fails to capture this very different behav- the unstiffened shell.
iour. The axial stiffeners do not affect the reference circumferential
tensile stress resultant, which retains the membrane theory value:
nh = rpn. However, the greatly increased axial membrane stiffness 6. Conclusions
term C11 and the increased bending stiffness C33 greatly alter the
bending half-wavelength k and directly affect the radial displace- This paper has presented a full solution of the shell bending the-
ment pattern w(z) (Eq. (10)). In turn, this also alters the first deriv- ory equations for a cylindrical shell under axisymmetric axially
ative of the axial displacement u0 (z) (from Eq. (12)). Together, these varying pressure and distributed axial loads. The resulting equa-
changes cause an extended penetration of bending effects, includ- tions have been determined for a variety of different practical load
ing greatly modified circumferential membrane stresses, far into patterns, so that the results may be quickly and easily adopted into
the structure. design procedures. An example silo structure has been used to
Of greater significance is the fundamental change in the axial illustrate the outcome. For clarity, an isotropic thin shell design
membrane stress pattern. In an unstiffened silo, it has been shown has been compared with an eccentrically stiffened design, and sub-
that the shell wall experiences axial compression throughout, with stantive differences in the behaviour have been noted, leading to
only local axial bending near the bottom boundary due to the the following significant conclusions.
restraint against radial expansion (BC1r, Table 1). By contrast, the
axial compression in the stiffened silo is carried almost exclusively (1) An orthotropic cylindrical shell, with an axial stiffness
by the stiffeners (Fig. 8). Because the shell alone carries the circum- greater than the circumferential stiffness, experiences shell
ferential tension, Poisson effects cause it to shorten, leading to axial bending phenomena associated with boundary condition
tension in upper regions of the wall (Figs. 6 and 7). The result is a effects for a much greater part of the shell than the isotropic
shell that is not susceptible to shell buckling in this zone, but stiff- equivalent shell.
eners that carry a greater compressive force than the total vertical (2) Membrane theory may provide an inadequate representa-
force in the composite stiffened shell. This phenomenon was previ- tion of shell stress resultants in axially stiffened shells under
ously noted by Trahair et al. [29]. axially varying loads.
The radial and axial displacements are shown in Fig. 9. The stiff- (3) Axially stiffened silo shells require more careful design than
ened shell (t = 1.8 mm) has less than half the thickness of the is commonly assumed: the shell itself may be in axial tension
unstiffened shell (t = 5 mm) because the stiffeners now carry the in the upper parts, and the axial stiffeners may be required to
axial compression. This leads to a significantly reduced axial carry forces in excess of the total vertical load applied to the
J.M. Rotter, A.J. Sadowski / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 258–265 265

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