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All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © Simone Myers and No part of

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or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including
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retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.


This book is written for informational purposes only. The author

has made every effort to make sure the information is complete
and accurate. All attempts have been made to verify
information at the time of this publication and the authors do
not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or other
interpretations of the subject matter. The publisher and author
shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or
entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to
be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Table Of Contents

Section 1 – Unwrapping The Male Mind ........................…..19

Section 2 – Precious Honeybunch


Section 3 – Fire In The Belly Lines .................................. 52

Section 4 – Attraction Meow Lines................................... 63

Section 5 – Rejection Squish Squash Lines........................ 74

Section 6 – Sensation Grand Slam Lines .......................... 86

Section 7 - Queen Of My Heart Lines................................ 98

Section 8 – Emotion Devotion

Lines........................................................................... 112

Section 9 – Intimacy Yoo-Hoo Lines............................... 126

Section 10 – Light Of My Life Lines................................ 141

Section 11 – Secret Hanky Panky

Lines........................................................................... 154

Section 12 – Slap Of Love Lines.................................... 167

Section 13 – Soulmate Mishmash Lines.......................... 180

Section 14- Blind Sweetheart

Lines........................................................................... 193

Closing Thoughts......................................................... 206


Now let’s be honest - lots of men are pretty predictable, except

when they’re not. We can read a typical man just like you’re
reading this, except for that moment when he does something
more confusing than a Rubik’s cube.

Whether or not you’re heavy into the dating game, you’ve

probably asked yourself this question at some point:

Why is that men will chase after some woman like bloodhounds,
but treat the rest like yellow traffic lights?

Why is it that certain men have a superhuman skill of being

jerks to women, until one woman shows up and makes them
start working for good boy points?

Sometimes it seems like this woman has the power to work her
magic like a sexy lightning bolt in heels.

Some magicians pull rabbits out of hats, and she makes

misogynists carry grocery bags - indeed, this is an extreme
brand of dark magic. By the time it’s over, the man might not
even remember when he got in the car and drove her to the

It happens every single day. When was the last time you
witnessed this world wonder? No matter what the weather or
venue, “that” woman is always around to make us question just
how in the world she pulls her magic off so effortlessly.

She may either be single or taken, but there is something about

this woman that men just seem to respond to – it’s not a

response that gets catcalled or censored on daytime television.
This is the type of woman that makes men want to do things for
her, just for the sake of doing those things.

Do you have any theories about why so many woman struggle

over hell and high water just to get a man to talk about
commitment, while other woman seem to just be able to make
their men commit like flipping a light switch?

What’s the difference between a woman who can’t get her

boyfriend of 6 years to propose, and a woman who can make a
man want to marry her within hours?

If you’ve lost nights of sleep trying to crack the mystery of

these women’s techniques, you are not alone. At some point,
you may have figured that this woman with unnatural man-
taming ability must simply have freakishly good luck.

You may have just completely given up trying to uncover any

kind of rationale in the equation and chalked it up to some kind
of bizarre lottery ticket she won for male attention.

While it’s understandable that so much success with the

opposite sex could be interpreted as luck, in this case, luck is
not the main tool in this femme fatale’s arsenal. As hard as it
may be to believe, the reality distortion field these women seem
to have is something that you can generate yourself!

The truth is that these women are enjoying success with their
man because of the simple power of understanding, not their
luck. Almost no amount of romantic luck in the world can
compensate for not knowing the kind of game you’re playing.

To put it simply, you win more when you know more. Relax, this
is not a calculus lesson. Right now, we’re in the business of
making things simpler and not more difficult.

Have you ever heard of the best way to eat an elephant? Well,
the absolute best way is to not eat any elephant at all, but the
second best way is to eat it one part at a time.

Here’s the good news: we’re really only dealing with one part.
We’re going to focus on the executive office of the male mind.
Conquer the part of his brain that calls the shots, and you’re in
charge - it’s so effective it should be illegal.

I used to stare slack-jawed at these man-eating wonder women

until I figured out that their amazing secret isn’t all that
amazing - what’s really amazing is the fact that more women,
including me at one point, never caught on.

The secret to being a whole lot better at keeping men around

for more than fifteen seconds is called the “attraction switch”.
When you know how to flip an attraction switch, you’ve
basically become his goddess. Don’t freak out, it’s something
you get used to.

The rabbit hole goes much, much deeper than you think . You
need to think bigger than just a big butt. The attraction switch
means more than a coy little switch in your walk.

Any woman can get more eyeballs to turn down the road by
putting on less clothes, but if you want to have the kind of
quality that makes a man attracted to the idea of being with
you, it’s going to take something that’s just a touch more
refined than showing skin.

The only thing that needs to get taken off here is the hood on
top of a man’s emotions. When you see what’s under the hood,
you’ll catch onto the mechanics pretty quickly. It’s pretty smoky
and tough to see in there at first, but give it time and
everything will be clear as a crystal ball.

These women can make men act like commitment-ready
gentlemen at the drop of a hat are basically like mechanics
working under the hood - the catch is that they can use the
tools with their minds.

They’re psychic mechanics. Sure, a physical quality might give

them an edge, but their greatest advantage isn’t something
that can be measured with a cloth tape at the mall.

These women are able to do what they do because they can flip
those attraction switches like a prop. Once again, an attraction
switch isn’t something you can physically wear or do, but it is
something that women can stimulate in a man’s head.

This isn’t a dirty technique. You don’t need to do anything weird

or unnatural. You’re actually going to be doing things the way
nature intended since Year One of the human race.

Every man, no matter how old he is or what job he pretends to

have, has attraction switches made to get flipped. A man
doesn’t even need to know what his attachment switches are
for you to get to business!

Before a man even understands that an attraction switch has

been flipped in his head, attraction has begun. The feeling of
being attracted occurs after the switch has already been flipped.
A pleasant signal wave gets released from his brain, like a
Facebook notification for his body saying “hot stuff ahead”!

There are unique attraction switches and basic, worldwide

attraction switches. Some men know what’s going on, and some
can’t even spell “attachment”. Generally speaking, many men
are more open about their physical attraction switches than
mental ones.

What we’re going to be focusing on here is a universal

attraction switch. The universal attraction switch is the type
that is older than civilization itself. This attraction switch is older
than the very first corny pickup line.

If you develop your skill at triggering this universal male

attraction switch up to a high enough level, you may feel like
you’ve got a case of illegal fireworks.

This ability is just as powerful at it seems, and so it must be

treated as such. We’ve got to be mature so that nobody gets

As with all relationship techniques related to psychology, this is

heavy stuff. This isn’t a weekend at the spa, this is life-
enhancing material. For your safety and sanity, try not to get
too evil with the potential for power here.

Now you don’t need to be a super model or a super genius to

have what it takes to make men incurably interested in you.
Many women are at a loss for ideas on how to get more quality
men in their lives without becoming Miss Universe, but that’s
why we’re here. Attraction switches GIVE you the key to the
love universe.

The attraction switch method will give you a healthy dose of

reality - the good kind of reality, not the reality of having to
serve jury duty. When all the misunderstood nonsense comes
tumbling down, all that’s left is pure, saucy human magnetism.

Understanding how to activate attraction switches work will give

you access to a brand new dimension where dates don’t wind
up being wastes of time. These are just a light handful of some
of the amazing perks:

· The power to make a man deeply addicted to pleasing you.

· The power to have a man do what you desire without even

needing to ask.

· The power to make a man rearrange his life just to spend

more time with you.

· The power to make a man fall deeply in love with you past
the point of no return.

These are facts, not opinions! Attraction switches can cure a

man of commitment-phobia very quickly, and it’s a cure that
he’ll happily pay for too.

Total awareness and proficiency with attraction switches will

make you about five times more awesome, but ignorance is like

Being ignorant about the proper ways to trigger attraction

switches is what makes you want to write a manifesto on why
women should be able to asexually reproduce - it’s not a fun
state of mind to be in!

If you’ve ever wondered why your date with Potential Prince

Charming sunk like a dead frog, the likely culprit is an un-
flipped attraction switch. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but it’s
something that you can benefit from not allowing to happen as

Women who fail to acknowledge the importance of attraction

switches or don’t know of its existence will often talk about
relationships like most normal people would talk about the
Black Plague.

Women without any real attraction switch proficiency, or desire

to learn about them, will often express beliefs that:

· No man is capable of remaining committed for more than a

few months at a time.

· Getting men to remain loyal is nothing but a useless,

exhausting struggle.

· They will always end up with a man who has no idea how to
treat a woman respectfully.

· They are forever fated to end up with a man who takes

more and gives less than they do in the relationship.

· They will never meet a man who isn’t a total jerk

The reason that these women feel so little hope about their
prospects in love is truly the result of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Because these women refuse to learn how to trigger attraction
switches when their relationships are in a relatively normal
state, their relationships completely melt under pressure like

When a woman with no skill in triggering attraction switches

finds that her man has become distant or moody, she’ll be like a
koala with a screwdriver and a broken chair. She won’t have
any idea what she’s doing, or how the things in front of her
even came to exist in the first place. She won’t even know what
to call those things.

By understanding what an attraction switch is, you can at least

make yourself man-literate. Understanding the keystones of
attraction will increase your chances at being able to survive a
rough patch in the relationship.

For the sake of your own relationship or any relationship you

may find yourself in down the line, you need to develop some
skill at triggering attraction switches as a plan of defense. It
may seem a little rigid, but you’ll thank yourself for plugging
through it! Attraction switches are lifesavers when no other
ways of getting through to your man will cut it.

Despite how intense this all may seem, there’s no need to worry
about complexity or difficulty. Triggering that precious
psychological wonder-button just begging for attention in your
man’s mind only takes one thing: a connection with his
emotional mind.

Before going any further, we need to establish the fact that

there is more type of mind in the human head. One brain holds
multiple minds. Lots of people are only aware of the logical
mind, which is meant for things like planning a weekly alcohol
budget and pretending to understand politics.

The logical mind is partnered with the unconscious mind. While

the logical mind analyzes and plans, the unconscious mind feels
and reacts. We are consciously controlling our logical minds in
order to function throughout the day, but the unconscious mind
is always at play behind the scenes.

The logical mind takes the front of the stage in plenty of casual
conversations we all have about our own thoughts and
memories, but the emotional mind is actually even more

Underestimating the strength of emotions is like

underestimating a tiger on steroids – doing this will total the
longevity and health of any relationship. When it comes to
understanding what makes your man tick, strong emotional
insight is basically the same as mind reading.

A man’s attachment switches are strongly rooted in the most

sensitive recesses of the unconscious mind, and so in order to

reach them, we need to start drilling into that emotional gold

The golden rule is that the unconscious mind always wins.

Ironically, though the unconscious mind is several times more
influential than the conscious mind, the conscious mind gets
most of the attention when people talk about thoughts.

When you accept the fact that just about all of our decisions
are a result of the unconscious mind, even if balanced out by
the conscious mind, you’ll see just how dramatic the power of
an attachment switch can be.

No amount of reason or hesitation can overcome an eruption

from the unconscious mind that shuts the conscious mind up at
the last moment. The unconscious mind is a majestic, rude

Considering the lack of awareness that most of the general

public has about the contents of their own heads, it’s no wonder
that millions of people can’t tell the behavior of their partner
from the behavior of a Martian.

When we put the unconscious mind in context, however, it’s

easier to understand. The unconscious mind is what compels
certain men to willingly pick fights they can’t win to stand up for
their ladies– this is where attachment switches come in.

With the right trigger, an attachment switch causes an

emotional surge within a man that sets his unconscious mind
into overdrive. The unconscious mind is already more powerful
than the logical mind under ordinary circumstances, and so
during a powerful emotional spike, the unconscious mind
practically becomes a person’s ENTIRE mind.

Basically, what we’re dealing with here is a massive set of

dominoes just waiting to get flicked. The woman activates the
man’s attachment switch, an emotional surge supercharges his
unconscious mind, and in the blink of an eye, the man reunites
with his ancient instincts that force him to fight for his mate.

These wonder-women that we discussed before are, for all

intents and purposes, expert navigators of the male
unconscious mind.

Though these women may not appear to be doing much on the

surface level, but on a deeper layer, they are setting off
emotional explosions that give him a mighty urge to express his
affection for her.

Now, while the effects are tasty, we still have to deal with the
bitter reality that many men fall out of love without exactly
giving a two-week warning. The power of his unconscious mind
can either be your best friend or your sworn enemy!

While positive attachment switches can make him jump to

worshiping you, negative attachment switches can send him
sailing in the opposite direction at an even faster pace. Your
man’s unconscious mind can either be a blessing or a curse for
you, depending on how savvy you are about how to interact
with it.

When the man’s unconscious mind has been energized by

something sweet that you’ve said, he’ll work to bring heaven on
Earth for you without a second thought. When a man’s
unconscious mind has been conquered by negative vibes, he’ll
be practically blinded by all of the giant signs pointing to an

When a man falls out of love, it means that his unconscious

mind has essentially changed channels. The man will transition
from willingly walking over hot coals to reach his woman, to
willingly climbing a barbed wire fence to get away from her.

Though a man just might logically address some key points
about a relationship that make him want to fly the coop, the
actual process of falling out of love is not something that he
plots on a spreadsheet. The unconscious mind always makes
the final call on whether or not a man will love or hate the idea
of sharing a life with you.

Simply put, the unconscious mind’s power cannot be

overstated. Neglecting to tend to a man’s unconscious mind is
as good as ASKING it to make you single. Using positive
attachment switches works against the negative ones that
cause millions of men to feel less for their relationship every

The unconscious mind absorbs everything around it just like soil

holds seeds – ultimately, you will reap everything that you sow.
Even if they may not seem extreme or dramatic, the little things
that you do and say are constantly forming the collective image
that your man has of you in his mind.

The women who seem to have a nearly supernatural ability to

make their man jump over the moon for them are using the
awesome power of IMAGE. They’re basically projecting a
constant flattering hologram of themselves into their men’s
minds, like a 24/7 advertisement campaign.

These women are constantly reinforcing a positive image of

themselves, strengthening the association between their
company and the man’s feel-good vibes.

When a man has “learned” to associate the mere sight, smell

and touch of you with instant positive sensations, his emotional
mind has taken the front seat. When the emotional mind has
taken the front seat, the attachment trigger is practically
begging to get pushed!

The more strongly her positive image has been reinforced, the

less the woman actually has to do in order to reach her man’s
emotional mind. With higher access to the emotional mind, the
easier it is for a woman to trigger the attachment switches that
make a man increasingly devoted to her.

With all of this in mind, the entire process couldn’t be simpler:

make the mental image that your man has of you a good one,
and as a result, he’s going to want to see the real deal more
often than not.

Now you might be wondering at this point – what is a simple

way that you can actually reach a man’s emotional mind after
the positive image has been projected?

The best way to trigger that attachment switch in the man’s

emotional mind is actually the oldest one. All that you need to
do is activate the man’s natural protector instinct. The protector
instinct is that natural drive in a human’s mind to serve as the
defender and provider for his mate. You’re gonna make him go
caveman mode in the best way.

Even after millions of years, that primal protector instinct is still

growling and prowling under the man’s skin at all times of the

In order to best make use of your man’s inner protector on a

regular day, you’re going to need to speak in a certain tongue.
Don’t worry, this isn’t something that you need to get a
translator book for. The language is grammatically identical to
the one you speak now, only it makes men call you back more

A man who is overcome with the mad will of the inner protector
will devote his life to you. You don’t need to climb any
mountains or reinvent the wheel – a man’s natural protector
instinct will literally do all of the work when it emerges, and all
that you have to do is delicately lay the foundation in your

man’s subconscious for its arrival.

The ability to speak the language that summons the protector

within him is a priceless skill, and I call these verbal techniques
“Lovetraction Lines”! In later sections, you’re going to be
introduced to an A+ collection of beautiful little phrases that call
his inner protector like snake charmer.

When your man’s unconscious mind is breached and the

attachment trigger is flipped with just a simple sentence, you’ll
understand just what it is that makes those other women so
aggravatingly good at making men walk through fire for them.
A woman who has injected Lovetraction Lines into her speech
can practically enlist an army to defend her in a grocery store.

The reason that this protector instinct is so intense and

overriding is due to the fact that it’s linked to the oldest parts of
his entire psychological makeup. The genetic wiring that
charges up the protector instinct was already live and active for
a long time before you first met him, and it exists to be

The existence of the protector instinct illustrates that your man

has been composed by nature itself to defend you and make
you happy. When a man happily struggles through the physical
discomfort he may experience when he’s doing something for
you, it’s because his protector instinct is practically getting a
massage while his body strains.

The ancient protector instinct needs to be exercised frequently

in order to be kept in balance, but unfortunately, not all women
are aware of just what they can do in order to activate it. A
man’s protector instinct rarely atrophies, but it needs to be
triggered periodically in order to keep him feeling like “the

If your man isn’t satisfying that ancient drive within him by

satisfying the protector instinct, all kinds of bad stuff can occur.
A man who feels unfulfilled may start to become insecure about
his own worth as a competent partner to you, which can lead to
serious friction, fallout, and whining in the long run!

Activating the protector instinct within your man is a win-win

deal – you will have a happier, more devoted man in your life if
you activate it constantly. You have the power to do both
yourself and your man a favor with the simple use of these
Lovetraction Lines. In the following sections, I’m going to share
these invaluable verbal techniques to get you started.

By the time you’ve managed to take all of the Lovetraction lines

completely to heart, you would have learned how to become
that mind-boggling woman with the mysterious power to turn
men into suitors!

Section 1 – Unwrapping the Male
This book is a product of years of study and more years of
flopped dates. The frustration of every lady out there with a
luckless love life has served as the fuel for this vessel, and now
comes the time for liftoff!

In the very beginning of my research, I networked with a man

named Lance Taylor. As a “Hypnosis Expert”, Lance has a
special talent to help his clients absorb the gist of his message
on subconscious level.

Lance has developed a bit of a cult following for his intense

psychological strategies. His coaching was formerly a ladies-
only affair, but that changed after he could observe one of my
most successful experiments. After getting to see the results of
my experiment in action, Lance was so blown away that he
opened the door to male clients as well!

Not very long after he opened coaching methods to male

clients, the floodgates opened and down came the tidal wave.
As a relationship coach, Lance was prepared for a range of
cases that range from mildly unsettling to borderline vomit-
inducing hazards of the job!

Eventually, a certain client reached out to Lance that changed

his perspective forever. The client was not an inspirational
speaker, just your standard fare womanizer.

He could rotate through women with more ease and less moral
hang-ups than rotating a sunglasses kiosk. This was the type
of man whose name simply couldn’t be spoken in the same
breath as the word “commitment”.

One day, this man found himself in a situation that contradicted

everything he stood for. This client had inexplicably found
himself caring about a woman.

He had pledged his body and soul to being a master of “game”,

but suddenly, the game master was breaking his own rules. He
had tried building himself up into the ultimate player, but the
player was starting to lose to himself, and it filled him with

Try as he might, he just couldn’t shake off this phantom that

made him unable to take his mind off of this woman’s face
whenever he had a spare moment. He couldn’t figure out, for
the life of him, why it took so much energy to make sense of
the reason why he couldn’t just brush her off like all of the
others and be done with it.

When Lance listened to the man describe his situation, he could

almost feel the desperation and confusion radiating from his
client. It was almost unfathomable that the wannabe pimp was
saying that a woman made him have feelings above the waist.

There are plenty of men who are so caught up in the need to

prove themselves through sexual conquests that they start
seeing women on the same level as dress s socks. Lance’s client
described himself in a way that made it sound like he had
certainly been one of the more extreme cases, but this new
woman was making him feel like a schoolboy with his first


The client claimed that just the mere thought of this woman
was enough to make his entire day suddenly feel hopeful. He
had become addicted to her every little silly word, and the
butterflies in his stomach became aggressive at the slightest
touch of her.

In a sense, this woman was interacting with Lance’s client in a

way that made him play into her frame. They weren’t doing
anything spectacularly unique, but the feelings he got were
doing a spectacular job of messing with him.

When affection has reached a fever pitch, every little thing

takes on a brand new form. The same words spoken by a
woman that a man has no feelings for, and woman that a man
has become addicted to, may has well be as different as
jalapeno and banana flavor.

This man was thrust into brand new, frightening territory .His
ego was built on getting any woman he wanted, and when that
was challenged, it came down like a flimsy house of cards!

The world-bending sensations he was experiencing forced him

to bend his own rules. He burned all of his booty call lines. This
man was willing to give up on having one-night stands for the
rest of his life if it meant that the woman of his dreams would
be there next to him for it.

The impulsive feelings that make us want to jump somebody’s

bones come from the unconscious mind, just like emotions. At
times, the emotions can surpass the power of your lusty urges.
The desire that this man felt was greater than just one to have

sex - he was hurting to complete himself with this woman.

Lance thought the sky must have been falling with the tears
that fell from his client’s eyes. It was all just too surreal, but it
was still very real. As it turned out, there were plenty of other
men who would come to Lance because of their struggle with
overwhelming commitment pangs.

All over the world, men are having their entire realities flipped
upside down when they encounter a woman who makes them
want to shut away their little black books to become family
men. The process of falling in love hits these guys like assassin
from a fold in the air.

These men had the rug pulled out from under their entire self-
image, and once that happens, a man can be prone to do just
about anything. When the assuredness in “self” has been
challenged by love, all of the things that he used to claim that
we’d never do can suddenly become his new habits – this is
especially true when it comes to money.

One man had been consumed by his desire for a woman to be

his “one” that he literally made himself bankrupt trying to
please her. He may as well have poured gasoline on his saving
and set off firecrackers! He didn’t think about the state of his
bank account until the card declines made it impossible to

The lens of love present a very different reality when a man

wears them. Where most people would probably see a maniac
bleeding out a year’s worth of rent money for no reason, he
would see nothing more than opportunity to please the woman
of his dreams.

Compared to the chance of having her agree to be his wife,
major financial debt seemed like nothing more than a mere
inconvenience to him in the process. In these cases, financial
consequences can easily be swapped out with physical and
social consequences as well.

Another effect that love had on Lance’s clients was the

emergence of a “superpower.” These men had an uncanny
ability to describe the women with laser-like accuracy. The
physical range of women that his clients were describing was
endless, but each of them shared a disturbingly accurate
memory of those women’s looks.

You would think that these men learned how to describe their
dream women before learning the alphabet! One man actually
went as far as bringing in a picture of the woman who was
giving him lovesick dreams. Where a lot of men would normally
find “she’s really hot” to be an appropriate description, this man
found a library of novels for every single one of her features.

These women would literally be too bright to observe with

human eyes if they actually looked exactly as Lance’s clients
were describing them. To these men, the girl next door was the
cosmos given a human form. These men had learned to find a
woman’s existence even more attractive than her appearance.

Even if a man doesn’t “get” the feelings he has, he’ll know that
the feelings are some of the rarest things he has. He won’t have
any idea how the feelings arose, but he’ll know that they aren’t
feelings that he’s likely to experience again for a very long time.

On an unconscious level, he’s going to want to protect those

rare feelings like a rabid comic collector would defend the first

issue of Superman. The supply of those feelings is limited to
one woman in the entire world, and that means that the
demand is at an absolute maximum.

Lance had a certain client who was in his mid-twenties, and this
young man found himself catching feelings for a woman who
was more than old enough to be his mother.

Being attracted to a more mature woman is a perfectly normal

thing for a man to experience, but the thing that set this man’s
case apart from the other clients was a lack of any ability to
explain it in the slightest. Whereas other men could start
describing their dream women on Easter and keep going on
straight through Christmas, this man seemed to be at a total
lack of words to even start.

The sort of attraction that this man was feeling is the kind that
exists to be questioned and overwhelmed by. The mystique of
his attraction for her was enough to sustain his appetite to dive
deeper into it. He was at once given a high by the woman
herself, and mesmerized by the strength of his own feelings.

All that this man could tell was that there was just no turning
back from the avalanche of feelings. The age difference made it
difficult for him to find anything that they had in common, but
that didn’t discourage him in the slightest. He felt magnetized
to her by something and just couldn’t figure out where it began
or ended.

In this scenario, what Lance was witnessing was a complete

takeover by the emotional brain. In the previous section, we
went over just how powerful the unconscious mind is when
compared to the conscious mind – this is a perfect illustration of

what happens when emotions have won over.

Before feelings reach a complete fever pitch, we still like to

hang onto logic as a last-ditch effort. We might logically deduce
that the compatibility between our personalities and the
personalities of the people we are in love with is important to
keep in mind.

We might compare and contrast our own hobbies and the

hobbies of the people we’re seeing. Once the comparison has
been made, we might come to conclusion of just how much of a
good idea it is to continue moving forward. We might convince
ourselves that we’re making an educated decision.

When the emotional brain runs more and more independently,

the logical measures that we might use to assess our
connections to another person are taken out of the equation.
The truth of the matter is that the things we see as having “in
common” with the ones we love are really just attempts to
make sense of the feelings, but may not actually be the source
of those feelings themselves.

It’s literally the same as confusing cause with effect!

Lance’s client is a perfect example of how you don’t need to

have a single square of common ground with another person to
get obsessed with them. When we spend too much time fixating
on the logical plants in an emotional jungle, we’re at least ten
times more likely to get lost.

Hundreds of cases would follow that mirrored that client’s

experience with the older woman, and sometimes it would
appear that each one could potentially outdo the last.

No matter whether the man is successful or a complete slob,
the cycle repeated itself yet again. Lance came to see that it
really didn’t matter how commitment-phobic the guy was once
bitten by the mysterious little love bug.

What was even more astounding to see was that these men
were seemingly managing to fall for women that they would
claim weren’t even their type in the first place. These men were
willfully breaking their own standards and replacing them with
the unshakable belief that they had found water on a desert

It took several months of experimental coaching methods

before Lance started to realize something too weird to be
ignored. As he listened to all of these men go on about these
women, he noticed three constant patterns between all of their

1- “She’s the hottest thing in the universe!”

Lance discovered that these men were experiencing a serious

emotional buzz that made them view a certain woman as THE
most attractive woman in the entire world, without exception or

As much emphasis as there is in society on physical

attractiveness, physical attraction still isn’t something that
we’ve been able to determine a scientific formula for explaining
from top to bottom. We can explain the biological stuff at work

in the body after the attraction has already happened, but
pinpointing Square 1 remains a serious challenge.

We can attempt to make sense of the physical attraction by

attempting to reach a general consensus on what’s hot and
what’s not, but this never even lasts enough to make it through
a single generation.

What it seems to be is that the logical factors of physical

attraction are almost completely meaningless when emotions
start meddling. Just like every other situation that we’ve talked
about where the unconscious mind beats out the conscious
mind, rational physical attraction is defeated by instinctual

In a sense, it’s like the parts of our minds that identify a person
as physically attractive are actually being PILOTED by emotions!
What a man may have found boring or unattractive on women
before will suddenly become the mark of a supermodel on the
woman that he loves, and he probably won’t even realize it, let
alone understand it.

When we see a person’s alleged standards for physical

attraction get completely wiped out by an emotional surge, we
can also see how a person might suddenly start finding all kinds

of Unattractive things about their ex once the emotions have
worn off.

Let’s be honest, we may have all done that at some point. One
bad break and Prince Charming looks like Quasimodo.

When the emotional sandstorm has settled and the love is no

longer all-powerful, “logical” reasoning will suddenly start to
creep back into the frame of the man’s mind. Where he may not
have even been able to put this former partner’s beauty in
words when they first met, he might find it easy ways to
compare her to a flounder fish when things go sour.

Understanding this contradictory truth of physical attraction is

essential to being aware of just what happens when a man has
truly fallen into the deepest caverns of love. If you can become
good enough at activating a man’s attraction switches, then the
physical attraction to you will be something that he always finds
himself at loss to explain.

2- “Reasons? I don’t need reasons!”

Lance’s clients needed less reasons to justify their attraction

than a duck needs to justify quacking! Men who were normally
rational and patient will themselves on spending sprees that
would make Las Vegas look like a financial wisdom workshop.

If you could peer into the logical brain of a man who is

splurging on a woman with money that he literally needs in
order to eat, then you would probably see a sign that reads
“Out to Lunch”. The emotional brain, however, will be nothing
but fireworks and trumpets.

Being in love can literally be compared to the effects of a drug.

If you ask a man just why he thought it would be a good idea to
spend 700 dollars on a single date with a woman when he only
makes 20 dollars an hour, you’re asking the wrong kind of
question – “thinking’ never had anything to do with it, and
that’s exactly why he did it so willingly.

If not breaking their banks in half, these men were also prone
to unconsciously doing things to please their women that would
embarrass them tremendously in hindsight. It was almost as
though someone or something had literally hypnotized them in
the moment of being faced with that special woman.

The man in love, in some interpretations, might not even be the

same person when out of love. When out of love, a man can
easily make logic the commanding drive of his everyday life.
Rational choices are easy to make when they aren’t being
interrupted by the impatient growls of the unconscious mind.

When love strikes, however, the growls of the unconscious mind

become a deafening roar! The roar completely ATOMIZES logic,
like a lollipop hit by magnum bullet. The things that we learn in
life to apply for smarter survival are only possible to make use
of because of logic, and so when a man’s logic is compromised
at a base level, so is his ability to make use of those lessons.

3 -“Pleasing these women made them ridiculously happy”.

One of the craziest things that Lance observed was the fact that
these men were pleased simply by pleasing their idealized
women. Without even receiving anything specific in return,
these men were seeking out ways to make their women happy
for the sake of doing it.

You might even be able to say that the opportunity to please a

woman becomes like a sort of opiate for the man, completely
apart from any other reward. Of course there might be some
real incentives that the man associates with doing the favor, but
when this happens often enough, the man will literally associate
the favor with the reward.

Once the favor itself has become associated with positive

feelings, the man will go out of his way to make himself useful
in as many ways as possible. What he may have seen as a
chore will become a privilege and an honor. A man who is falling
out of love will lash out at his significant other for nagging
about housework, but a man truly in love will rarely ever need
to be nagged at all.

After seeing how common these effects were, Lance’s curiosity

was at its peak. Lance put himself on the case to track down
the truth, and for the next year, he dove into his research.
Lance consulted a ton of cognitive psychology therapists and
read books tirelessly.

At the end of that year of intense research, Lance was able to

lock onto a very promising lead: “phenylethylamine”, also called
the “Love Hormone”.

Simply put, the Love Hormone is like a horn that calls out man’s
natural protector instinct from its cave. When the Love
Hormone is in play, the man’s desire to be a protective and
supportive mate can override his consciousness. The Love
Hormone is basically Cupid’s arrow!

Whenever you get a certain “gut feeling” in your stomach that

makes you feel like you were meant for a certain person, that’s
the Love Hormone doing its job behind the scenes. When you
look at a random object or hear a song that makes you think of
a certain someone, and it immediately makes you feel amazing,
that’s the Love Hormone pulling your strings.

All the Love Hormone needs in order to activate is an indirect

mental association – as long as it ties back to the person you
love, it’s legitimate.

A certain kind of chemical process occurs when the Love

Hormone has been activated. When the Love Hormone goes to
work, it makes a man’s brain start sending out pulses that
chemically speed up the beating of his heart. The chemical that
leads to faster heart palpitations here is known as the “Bonding

When the Bonding Chemical has reached a strong enough

concentration level in the body, the man will feel an incredibly
pleasant wave of satisfaction ripple through his body.

If a man associates you with the feelings that come from Love
Hormone activation, the results are a BIG. You are going to be a
recurring image in his mind that he becomes addicted to.

Once the image of you has become something that he has

become addicted to, he’s going to feel an urgent need to
commit to you. His main priorities are going to become focused
on your pleasure and comfort above all other things. In the
dimension that man enters when he’s in love, time itself
become trifles compared to the ability he has to please you.

If you’ll recall from the previous section, Lovetraction Lines are

verbal techniques that you can use to manually encourage the
appearance of a man’s protector instinct. With what we’ve just
covered, you’d be right to assume that Lovetraction Lines
awaken the protector instinct by triggering the Love Hormone
within him.

The Love Hormone is nestled deeply in a man’s emotional mind,

and with a Lovetraction Line, you’re basically singing a siren
song directly to it.

If you’re constantly wrestling with the question of what it is that

men really want, then you are in the company of just about
every woman who seeks out relationship help. An even more
satisfying question that you could have answered is – “What
makes a man experience feelings towards a woman in the very
first place?” While it would be ideal, there are no perfect

You could scour the globe from northeast to southwest, and you
still wouldn’t find a complete and undeniable answer to the
question of what establishes the very first seed of attraction
from the ground-up. Even if we can’t know the absolute truth,
what I can offer you is best answer that we’ve managed to form
after centuries of studies on love.

Imagine that the world is like a giant open-air marketplace, and

the hottest thing being traded is emotion. We are perpetually
trading emotions with one another in this marketplace, just by
being around one another. We all derive some sense of
satisfaction out of feeling wanted and excited, and this connects
to our natural desire simply to feel good- emotions are traded
for this desire.

You might be able to make another metaphor for this that

doesn’t involve a marketplace, but at the end of the day, the
truth is that all of us have a drive to simply feel good.

When a man has truly fallen in love with you, then you have to
understand that you have become like a water source for his
good feelings. Beyond having to actively do or say things that
make him feel happy, when he is in love, your existence alone
is what makes him experience those positive sensations that we
are all seeking in the emotional marketplace.

It may begin with something you do or wear, but once it begins,

the man will get an incredible high just from being in your
presence. There are many differences between the sexes, but
the state of a man in love is identical to the state of a female in
love. When you’ve fallen in love with a man, you have come to
see that man’s essence as a powerful source of positive

When you are able to feel like you can move a building simply
by being around a person, it’s only natural that you’d like to be
around them more often! When someone gives you the
euphoria of love, you both desire their happiness and company
– you desire to win their affection so that they’ll willingly be
around you for as long as possible.

The trading of emotions is never-ending and over-arching – in
addition to being aware of that, you should also be sure to
understand the fact that an emotional trade is not always based
in logic. The emotional marketplace is not a logical marketplace,
and that makes it a very chaotic marketplace indeed.

There are lots of women in the world who, despite the illogical
nature of emotions and love, are convinced that there are
perfect logical reasons why they couldn’t ever possibly be loved.
Women out there are completely convinced that simply because
they don’t look a certain way or aren’t in a certain age group,
there’s no hope for them in romance.

Now if you think back to the men I was describing before, who
came to Lance for advice on their reality-defying obsession with
women of all shapes and sizes, can’t you see how ridiculous it is
to give up on being loved because of your looks? You might not
think that you have the right type of body for that one special
guy, but that shouldn’t make you short-sell yourself.

When certain women give up on believing that they aren’t

attractive enough to reach their standards of their ideal man,
they might start to think that their only hope in the situation is
to lower their own standards. A woman who has decided to
drop her standards might as well have practically made
themselves allergic to the man of her dreams.

If you can just take a good look at some of jaw-droppingly

strong feelings of attachment that men can develop for women
of a literally infinite array of physical appearances, you’ll
understand how untrue it is that looks are everything.

Looks are something, but to call them everything is a ticket to

Hurtsville! Women who doll themselves up for a better love life
without improving anything else are very, very good at learning
things the hard way.

When a man can get high off your presence, you’re going to be
10 out of 10 in his mind on just about any day of the year.

The “Love Hormone” is completely responsible for the way that

you identify a certain man you see out there as the “the one”.
When the Love Hormone activates, your brain’s pleasure and
reward zone has made an executive decision on what the
person it wants to see more of and more often.

At this point, you should have a pretty solid understanding of

just what it is that sets off those sparks of attraction in a
person’s mind. You’re well aware of the distinction between
physical attraction, and an all-powerful Love Hormone
activation. You’re ready to understand how it is that just a few
mere words can trigger a man’s protector instinct and Love

The truth of that matter is that these seemingly magic words

are more than just words, but not necessarily magic. Every
word is embedded with a set of INSTRUCTIONS.

When our brains receive the instructions carried by spoken

words, two things can happen:

1. We respond in a way that fits into rational social rules.

2. The words leave an emotional impact and set off alarms!

When a word is spoken, be it “bloody murder” or “cuddle”,
feelings AND images have been transferred. Depending on the
word, either the graphic image or the feelings created by the
word can be more powerful than the other.

Whenever a spoken word is heard, the brain immediately

processes images so that it can categorize that feeling. The
sound of the word might travel through our ears, but at the
same time, we are mentally traveling through several
hypothetical places in our minds at light speed to identify the

The words create the images, and then all of those images
reinforce the feelings – this is the fundamental nature of the
Lovetraction Lines that I’m going to be sharing with you.

What I’ve done here is put together a winning combination of

words that have been proven to trigger those images that stir
the primal protector.

When the words are spoken at the right possible time, striking
the iron while it is hot, his attraction reaches a fever pitch. A
truly attracted man will become addicted to the feelings that
come from the emotional impact of your words.

The words might either be spoken in-person or in a text, but

once they’ve been received, the ultimate end result is the same.
Use Lovetraction Lines and you can observe how he becomes
increasingly infatuated with you.

Alright, at this point we’ve covered more than enough gritty

details about the maze of male psychology. Now that you
understand just how much leverage you can gain by loosening

up the Love Hormone, we can start doing this dance for real!

You know the system, and now it’s time to learn how to make
that system work for you – let’s start breaking into the specifics
of how to do that in the next chapter.

Section 2 – Precious Honeybunch
Now it’s finally time that we start discussing how we can put
these Lovetraction Lines in action. Don’t be worried that you’re
going to have to memorize any monologues to pull this off! You
can relax, this won’t be like a high school drama class; even so,
you’ll still be on your way to getting an “A+” in the school of

The golden rule here is that these lines are SIMPLE and SWEET.
I actually sometimes interchange the term “Precious
Honeybunch Lines” with Lovetraction Lines. This type of
language is friendly enough to be low-risk and even flattering to
the man you’re speaking to, but the point is that it still creates
positive discomfort.

Once you get a good grip on the sort of impression that this
type of language gives off, you’ll find that all of the
psychological complexity we’ve been talking about is almost
shockingly easy to apply and benefit from. If you’re the type
who learns best from doing, then this will all be a breeze.

Now before we start cracking into the simple and sweet

goodness of these lines, I’d like to share a story about a friend
of mine that you just might relate to.

This is the story of a good friend of mine named Cassie. First of

all, Cassie is an absolute sweetheart. She is cute in that “quirky
girl next door” type of way that makes the atmosphere just a

little bit lighter wherever she goes.

Unfortunately, just like me and you, Cassie wasn’t exactly

hitting home runs in the dating department. Cassie is a unique
soul, but sometimes her quirks could make her come off to men
as a little bit “weird”. She’s far from being a murderous lunatic,
but her off-beat personality made it hard for her to find
common ground with your average guy.

Like so many women before her, Cassie got into a habit of

beating herself up for every date that fell through. We’ve all had
an awkward situation or two that makes us want to collapse on
the bed and groan our regrets into the pillow, and Cassie was
experiencing a successive string of these.

She started getting a bit socially anxious and critical of herself.

She was starting to act like a glum investigator, obsessed with
solving the case of what it was about her that made men want
to buy one-way plane tickets.

One day she would blame her “love handles”, and they next day
she’d say it was her forehead. No matter what the case, Cassie
was convinced that she was the pinnacle of “UN-DATABLE”
given a human form to walk the earth.

Wonderfully Weird

Being Cassie’s friend, I was naturally inclined to let her know

that she wasn’t literally the reincarnation of Swamp Thing. I
wanted badly to give Cassie hope, because just like her and
perhaps even you yourself, I once struggled with feeling “weird”
to guys.

There are plenty of people out there who argue that being
normal is actually even weirder than being “weird”. Being the
weird one means you have a memorable personality. The times
when “weird” becomes a problem is when it affects your self-
confidence to the point of self-loathing.

You should find ways to let your personal weirdness billow like a
flag, not drag you down like an anvil. It was one unremarkable
day in the distant past when I got the epiphany to address this
problem. While I was struggling with the problem of figuring out
what I could do to make men recognize all of my best traits, I
had a shocking realization: I was doing it backwards!

Instead of obsessing over all of the ways I could try “selling” my

personality to man, what I should have been doing (and what I
suggest that all women do), is encourage a man to become
even more critical about himself.

Do you know all of that time you can waste waiting by the
phone in distress after a date that left you feeling unsure?
Some women could have written books in all of the time
dedicated to that. When that happens, what is it that you’re
feeling? You’re feeling regret, for one, but you’re also thinking
about him. Your thoughts are virtually invaded by him.

What we’re basically going to do here is flip the script. I’m

going to show you just how easy it is to lead some very
engaging conversations while you’re on a date with any man. If
you can take what I’m sharing here to heart, at the end of that
date, you will not be the one left with the lion’s share of
nervous uncertainty about what’s going to happen next.

What we’re actually going to do here is something called

“Positive Discomfort”. It means giving a guy a cocktail of
pleasure, mixed with some discomfort. This makes him feel a
sudden urge to chase you & capture you.

Here is where the process of developing positive discomfort is

going to start looking really good.

Let me just try and illustrate the beauty of this reversal with a
personal story of my own.

I was on a date with this guy that had, up until that point, been
more or less standard fare. We were in the middle of our date,
still scoping each other out.

It wasn’t yet the time for us to exchange our sweet goodbyes

and split off into “did they really like me?” land, but we were
still starting to just form some solid impressions of one another
that would set the date’s tone.

He asked me what I thought of him so far. It was a fairly

mundane question, but in truth, he may as well have just
opened up a jar full of cookies and diamonds.

When a guy casually asks you what you think of him, he’s
offered you an opportunity to flip him on his head so strongly
that it could make a judo master blush. The thing you have to
appreciate is the fact that he expects you to give him a straight
answer; you can have a lot of fun with this expectation.

Now to be honest, I didn’t even quite realize exactly what I w

as doing when I did it, but I thank my lucky stars for doing it on
reflex. After he asked me what I thought of him, I blurted out,
“Well I think you’re a really nice guy, but I did notice something

a little bit weird about you.”

I could write additional books about the expression that washed

over his face when he heard that. It wasn’t at all what he had
expected, but it had seized his attention in a BIG way. At first
he might have only been slightly curious, but my answer made
him downright ravenous for answers. I could practically see the
confused impatience flickering in my date’s eyes.

As if on cue, he floundered against my answer with a satisfying,

“Um, what’s that?”

My response was the stuff of paid vacations and complimentary

dessert. I said, “Well, it’s nothing major. Maybe I’ll talk about it
when I know you better.”

“Nothing major”, “know you better”, and “maybe”. Words like

these were made so that they could be put together in
sentences that give you power, and you must accept that power

This isn’t the type of power that breaks through walls, but
rather the kind that seeps into a crack in the wall and expands
until the whole thing comes crumbling down under its own

In that moment, I had just successfully used a Lovetraction Line

for the very first time. What I had said wasn’t bitchy or critical,
but innocent. It complimented him but at the same time it
confused him.

After that quick exchange with the man, his entire persona
seemed different. He stuttered a bit more, he laughed

nervously at things that weren’t all that embarrassing. He
became a lot more complimentary, almost in a deferential sort
of way.

You really just can’t overstate how far just a tiny bit of curiosity
can go when it comes to creating a powerful sense of interest.
By not letting him onto everything that I was thinking, but
giving him a compliment under the fog of doubt, I had drawn
the beginning of a “circle of attraction”.

Want to know what it is that makes this tiny bit of curiosity so


The thing that we’re dealing with here is what’s called the
“reptilian brain”.

The Reptilian Brains

The best way to describe the reptilian brain is that it seeks to

maximize your pleasure and minimize your discomfort. The
reptilian brain compels you to only seek the good things and
avoid the painful things - this is a way to increase your chances
at survival.

Most people don’t go completely through life only listening to

their reptilian brains, but it still holds a great deal of influence.
When it comes down to it, the reptilian brain operates in
accordance to two main rules.

Rule Number One - Reason is Forfeit

Compared to your logical brain, the reptilian brain has

absolutely nothing to do with calculated reasoning skills. The
reptilian brain’s primary objectives are to maximize pleasure
and minimize pain, plain and simple. When it comes to the
decisions that you make, only the ratio of enjoyment to
inconvenience matters to the reptilian brain - if the latter
outweighs the former, the reptilian brain opposes it.

Rule Number Two - Pleasure is the Principle Priority

Because the reptilian brain doesn’t have any capacity for logical
reasoning, it relays its messages with extreme volume and
urgency. To the reptilian brain, any chance to be satisfied is a
chance that shouldn’t be missed for the world! Therefore, when
the reptilian brain has decided that something must be
acquired, it won’t be easily be swayed by the words “No”.

For example, if I say : “DON’T think of a big, fat, blue COW”,

what do you think the person I say that to is immediately going
to start thinking about? It is impossible to clear your head of
certain thoughts by thinking about not thinking about them,
and that’s why the reptilian brain can’t be discouraged when it
hears that something is unavailable or unattainable.

When I told that man that I was unsure about a certain quality
of his, it basically spoke right to his reptilian brain. When his
reptilian brain received the message that my answer wasn’t
immediately available, all that happened as that its desire for
my answer was intensified to an even higher degree than

Intrigue and Obsession Mode

When a man’s reptilian brain has been set into a frenzy of

desire for something that it has been a challenged to have, he
will begin to shift into certain “states” illustrating the condition
very clearly. When I first gave my date my answer, his initial
confusion put him into INTRIGUE mode.

Intrigue mode is exactly what it sounds like. In the state of

intrigue, a man is fueled by the uncertainty surrounding your
true feelings. If you’ve successfully baited him with innocent but
unclear answers, he’s going to start making greater efforts to
uncover the truth. In essence, you will have left him a trail of
breadcrumbs to follow towards your clear opinion.

Now of course, you can’t just give up all of the answers just
when he’s become intrigued. If you immediately satisfy his need
for answers as soon as he shows intrigue, then you risk
breaking the intrigue mode and winding up back at square one.

If you hold fast and don’t let him have his curiosity satisfied
right away, however, he’s going to advance from Intrigue Mode
to an even more intense state. The state that follows Intrigue
Mode is what we call Obsession Mode.

In Obsession Mode, the man’s reptilian brain is indignant. He’ll

be past the point of mere curiosity about what your feelings are
and become completely fixated on understanding just what it is
that you meant to communicate to him.

When Obsession Mode has been achieved, you don’t need to

worry about whether or not you’ve left a good impression any
more - in essence, you will have left the deepest and most
effective impression that can be left on a man interested in a
woman. He won’t have all of the answers, but all he’ll know is
that he harbors an unshakable need to figure you out.

Now of course, there are plenty more Lovetraction Lines than
the one I used in my story above. In truth, the type of things
that you could say are really only limited by your personal level
of creativity.

To make this easier, there are some clear-cut examples below of

the sort of things that you can say to a man who probably
expects you to tell him exactly what you think about him. The
usage of these phrases aren’t just limited to when he asks you
what you think of his personality, so the potential is huge.

If you can flip these phrases on the man at the most

appropriate times, then you’ll see firsthand just how effective a
Lovetraction line is at giving the love game some serious

"You know, this is the first date that excites me and

freaks me out a little at the same time.

This is the kind of phrase that you’re going to be able to use at

the very beginning of the date. Note how the line opens with
the expression of your genuine excitement at being on the date,
which establishes a quick and sweet connection between the
two of you that will have him feeling pretty good.

Now, immediately after that sweetness comes the stinger,

“freaks me out a little”. You want to be sure to add in “a little”,
so that he doesn’t get the idea that you think he’s some kind of
untrustworthy ax slasher; at the same time, what you’re doing
is letting the very first little shadows of uncertainty start to
creep up into his mind and provoke some questions.

First and foremost, he’s probably going to start wondering if it’s

actually him that’s freaking you out or something entirely
different. As soon as he gets the idea that something about him
just might be weirding you out, his mind is going to start
spinning into a little damage control mode.

He may not even flat-out say that it’s bugging him, but he’s
going to be running a thorough and rushed mental inspection of
everything about him that might possibly be giving off a freaky
vibe. In this simple phrase, what you’ve managed to do is lay
the foundation for Intrigue Mode to arise in the very first
moments of the date. This is what it means to hit the ground

“You seem to be a person who has real opinions and likes

to have fun! Just like me! There is so much more I want
to say, but I’m holding it for the right time.”

Now, towards the middle of the date (assuming that two of you
can still stand each other, you’re in prime territory to start
laying down some more sweet and tasty little lines to make his
intrigue gain a little bit of additional heat.

In this statement, you’re communicating something that’s a

little bit more intimate than the example of what could be said
at the beginning of the date - this is a natural escalation of

With this phrase, you’re offering that reptilian brain its optimal
ratio of pleasure to discomfort. He’ll be invigorated by the fact
that it seems you legitimately like him, but at the same time,
there will be a festering little pit of resistance to the fact that
you’re still keeping something unknown.

The impact of the positive things that you said will be
complimented by that which you’ve chosen to omit. He’s not
going to completely understand if the gravity of that
unmentionable thing is really so intense that it could outweigh
the positives, and that’s exactly what we want! We want to
keep him fed enough to develop an appetite, but always a little
bit hungry.

Now the range of contexts in which you could use this line
below is pretty versatile, but no matter how you choose to use
it, it will serve you well. In this phrase, you’re going to make
him refocus his perspective from him to you

"Well, most of my life I've been trying to be this super

nice girl, and I thought that this is what guys wanted. A
really clean, always straightforward kind of gal. But the
funny thing is...I actually have this really intense weird
side to me, but I only reveal it to guys I can trust."

This is the type of line that you’re going to could effectively

insert a stinger at the middle or the date. Out of all of the
different opportunities that you have to use these lines, the end
of the date is probably the most vital opportunity of them all.

Whatever gets said towards the end of the date will tend to be
what echoes the loudest in your minds after you part ways. In
this situation, what you’re basically doing is making sure that
he leaves with the question of your true self buzzing about in
his mind.

If you’ve moved through the date by successfully leading him

through statements that make him question his own character,
then a sudden flip to mentioning your personality might be like

a splash of cold water on his face. He might have been
wondering if the type of girl you are is really attracted to the
guy you think he is, and this will intensify his intrigue yet again.

After describing yourself, you say, " you think

you prefer brutally honest women or nice ones?"

Now in this phrase, what’s actually happening here is the fusion

of focus on his personality and your own. While you’re directly
asking him about one of his qualities, he probably won’t miss
the fact that his answer could potentially give you an
impression of his thoughts about you.

When he’s thinking of himself and you in the same train of

thought, he’s starting to build the kind of association that
escalates the Intrigue Mode into the next state.

"Well, honestly I've been told I'm one of the most nicest
people you'd ever encounter. My friends actually think
I'm even a little bit crazy. But I do this secret little thing
in my head where within the first 5 minutes I can figure
out whether things will work out or not and that’s why I
asked you this question.”

(Or Alternatively)

"I'll probably be kicking myself later tonight with

regret....but what do you think about checklists?"

Now if he’s been having any kind of uncertain thoughts about

whether or not you’re really sizing him up, then a line like this
is going to confirm it. At the end of the date, you’ll basically be
letting him know that he’s reached the end of a “performance

evaluation”. While it may not be all that serious, it’s reasonable
to bet that it may make him anxious to understand how he did.

If he predictably tries to prod for an answer, then your reply

should naturally be something along the lines of:

“I’ll tell you about it once I feel a little more comfortable

being honest with you..."

Now if his intrigue has been stimulated effectively enough up to

this point, chances are he won’t just be satisfied by this type of
answer. The reptilian brain roars for satisfaction! If and when he
asks you to clarify the terms of your honesty, you can answer
his question with a question like below.

"Well, I mean, have you ever sat down and thought "gee
if there was a perfect woman for me, these are the
qualities she'd have?"

Since he’s been thinking about you for the entire date, he might
be likely to start wondering about how you could stack up to
the idealize version of the perfect female partner that he has in
his mind.

The intrigue you’ve managed to stir up was a great way of

fostering genuine attraction, and as you now know, attraction
has a way of making man shape his ideals around the woman
he’s become legitimately attracted to. It doesn’t matter if he
doesn’t immediately think you’re the dream woman right then
and there, because the seeds will still be planted.

You can elaborate just a precious few more implications like in

the phrase below.

Then you say, "Well I have this sort of unusual checklist
that I've started using, and you actually already have 6
really good points checked off...but..."

It’s important that you make a point not to explicitly mention

how many good points are a good score.

Giving him six points and leaving it at that will basically leave
him helpless to understand whether or not his six points are out
of 10, 7, or 700. This is a great last-ditch way to make him
really start checking his closet for anything he may have
accidentally left out in the open.

The checklist is a bit unconventional, but it’s quirky enough to

show that you’ve got sense of humor about you that isn’t overly
rigid - at the same time, he’s still going to be wondering
whether or not you’re serious about just how critically he’s been
“graded” over the course of the date. His intrigue will be set to
a potential fever pitch, and your work will nearly be done.

Now one last thing that you can throw in there for a good (and
necessary) effect is an additional dash of uncertainty about the
truth of your feelings. The phrase below illustrates the uncertain
message well:

"Well.... there's a couple odd things I've also noticed."

The perfect way to cap this off is to let him know that the odd
things will be fun to tell him, but you’ll be keeping them a
secret until then!

Section 3 - Fire in the Belly Lines
My friend Kylie and I can talk about pretty much anything in the
world - our favorite topic of choice is generally the weird stuff
that men do. We’ve been bouncing success stories and horror
stories off of one another for years and we’ve both grown
equally more mature and snarky together over the years.

Between the two of us, we’ve had every kind of date with men
that can be found under the sun, plus a couple more. Even
though both of us are prepared for anything at this point, one
day she said something that caught me off-guard. What Kylie
told me made my heart sink, but it’s something that I’ve
become pretty familiar with.

“Even though I have a boyfriend but I still feel lonely even when
he is around. He might have committed to a relationship, but he
still hasn’t committed to meeting my needs. I need him to
smother me, to hold me, to kiss me and more importantly make
me feel LOVED. But expecting him to LOVE me the way I wish is
like asking a snail to RUN. I know it’s never going to happen.”

Have you ever felt like spending time with your guy is sort of
like spending time with good-looking thin air? If so, you can
probably relate to the frustration Kylie was experiencing with
her man. Kylie is a strong piece of lady, but nobody’s patience is
infinite - at some point, if you feel like a man always has you in
the backseat, your blood pressure will start rising.

Kylie wanted to feel loved by her loved one. I want to feel
loved, and I’m assuming that YOU want to feel loved as well -
are we all megalomania-cal harpies for wanting this? Absolutely
not! We need to be real and fast-acting about the fact that
sometimes it’s going to take more than just the “want” to
transition into the “have”. We need to play the game smarter.

How do we play this game smarter? In order to play the game

smarter, we need to make sure that we actually understand the
playing field. Right now, the part of the romantic playing field
that we need to strengthen our strategy for is the one that
comes after the Honeymoon Phase.

The Honeymoon phase is sweet. The Honeymoon phase is that

precious little bubble of time where he and you live in a
dimension made of rainbows, bubble baths and ecstasy. In the
Honeymoon phase, there are two things that reach their
absolute peak: the frequency of pet names you use, and the
level of hatred you inspire in single people within a 20-foot

In this stage, you and your partner are less like individuals and
more like a two-headed chimera that can’t stop kissing itself for
two seconds. This is the stuff that bad smut novels are made of.
It is truly a wondrous, mind-boggling and sweet bubble to live

If you’re in this stage, then I salute you and envy you. If you’re
not in this stage, you probably know what’s coming next. For
the uninitiated who think that the Honeymoon stage defines a
relationship, this may not be a fun lesson, but a valuable one.

Once again, the honeymoon stage is a glorious little bubble. I
really do hate bursting bubbles, but bubbles are made to burst!

The honeymoon stage just can’t last forever - it wasn’t made

to, and thankfully, it doesn’t even have to. With Lovetraction
Lines and some homegrown psychology, you can transition from
the dizzying heights of the honeymoon stage to the true best
stage of the relationship: a mature but stable relationship that
ages like fine and spicy wine.

Okay, now this might sound a little off-putting when you first
hear it, but you need to trust me on this one. One of the main
ways that you can successfully beat the natural descent from
the clouds of the honeymoon phase is to stroke his ego.

If you can resist rolling your eyes at the thought of making the
already-swollen ego of a man even more inflated, then you’ve
probably got more patience than most women! If you do find it
a little crazy though, then that’s alright - I used to feel the
same way until I knew a little better about how to do it the
right way.

Stroking your man’s ego doesn’t mean you’re going to give him
a swollen head, but rather that you’re going to preserve the
energy and high that the early stage of a relationship is full of.

You see, there’s the RIGHT way to stroke a man’s ego, and then
there’s the typical definition of stroking an ego. The typical
definition of stroking a man’s ego is to prostrate oneself and
elevate a guy to the point that he thinks he’s a god; rest
assured, this isn’t the way that we’re looking to operate here!

Instead of trying to put it into your guy’s head that he’s a
superhuman gift from the heavens, you’re going to make a
more natural approach. At this point, you probably understand
that men are like addicts when it comes to validation. Even if he
isn’t an insecure man-child, every man has a need to have his
ego validated to some degree.

This is the same hunger of the primal protector that we talked

about in the previous chapters. The primal protector not only
serves to defend and satisfy you, but also yearns to overcome
challenges and assert its worthiness as a capable provider for
you as a mate.

Giving a little ego-validating compliment every now and then

will refresh his ego and invigorate him! The effect that you’re
going to pull off is going to cause what I like to call a “fire in the

The thing to pay attention to with the concept of “fire in the

belly” is that it doesn’t imply he’s FULL. If you stroke his ego in
a way that makes him feel like there’s no more work at all to be
done, then it won’t give him that same drive to fight for better
that would validate him.

The fire in the belly means that he has a burning urge to seek
out that which will satisfy him, which can only be earned by
proving himself as a powerful and worthy provider for you. The
best way to stroke a man’s ego in a way that gives him that
gives him a motivating fire in the belly is to make an effort to
stroke his ego indirectly.

Indirect ego stroking is what separates you from women who
only put their men on pedestals without being treated well. If
you stroke your man’s ego in a way that’s slightly indirect, he’ll
get the hint that there is something he should aspire to, without
feeling that he can’t do any better than he already is.

Remember, the man wants to have his ego validated by feeling

that he’s overcome a legitimate challenge. If he thinks that
there are no more mountains left to climb, then it might be
comfortable, but there’s no incentive to tackle the challenge!
You can still give some direct compliments, but always leave
room for him to wonder about what he can do in the future.

Below are just some examples of the lines that you can use in
order to indirectly stroke his ego and set off that fire in the belly
that burns for further validation.

“I don’t feel afraid when I am in your presence, because

I feel like I am wrapped up in your love, I feel so
protected. So Thank You…. Thank You for allowing me to
put my walls down, and for allowing me to truly be cared
for as deeply as I am with you.”

Now with this line, you’re not mentioning anything specific that
he’s done, but you’re letting him know that his presence
generates a sense of security within you. If he feels that he
gives you a sense of security, his protector instinct will be
validated immediately.

“I just can’t get over how intensely safe I feel in your

presence. I thank God each and every day for the love

that I have in my life, and for the truly blessed
relationship I have with you. But I just wanted to Thank
You for being such an upstanding man in my life. I can’t
even tell you how deeply I appreciate you.”

Now once again, this type of line isn’t one that you need to
directly address something that he’s done recently. Letting him
know that you feel grateful for being in a relationship with him
will give him some incentive to try living up to what you’ve

“When I look at you, and I think about my life with you, I

honestly feel blessed to be so loved and so protected.
Thank you for making me feel so safe and loved.”

Every time that you thank you man for making you feel loved,
what you’re communicating is an expectation that you want to
be loved. You’re not directly demanding that they love you, but
at the same time, it’s a direct communication of the importance
that being loved has in your heart. His ego will compel him to
continue satisfying your desire for being loved.

Gently come near him, and lightly caress your hand down
his forearm- or lean your head toward his chest
(physically bring yourself near in a soothing way), and

“Thank you”. You must caress him gently to get his

attention to be certain he hears you say thank you. Wait
for him to respond or ask you what you’re saying “thank
you” to. If he doesn’t catch on, continue “______(his
name), I wanted to say Thank you, because I’ve just
never felt so comfortable, so safe…and so loved.” Pause

again, and repeat“ Thank you”.

Now when you do something like this, you’re really exhibiting

the power of the being indirect when it comes to stroking your
man’s ego. The physical contact that you’re making with him
will speaking a thousand words, instantly giving gravity to that
“thank you”.

“Sometimes the girls at work talk about their guys, but

most of the time they are complaining or are talking
about how little their man does. And then I just get this
big grin on my face, because I know I’ll never have to do
that with you. You always make me feel so blessed and
taken care of. Thank you.”

Now when we’re talking about how important it is to make sure

that your man feels like he’s validated, you need to play to the
importance of competition. Competition with other men is the
ultimate way to validate his ego, and by mentioning other men
and what they lack as protectors, you’re sending the message
that he’s winning.

He won’t want to STOP winning after believing that he’s in the

lead, lighting that precious fire in his belly.

“I’m so glad that I have someone like you in my life, who

brings a smile to my face so often….even if I’m feeling
down, with you around I know that I can conquer so
many things. Thank you for being such a special man in
my life.”

The importance of the word “conquer” in his phrase can’t be
understated. “Conquer” can’t be separated from images of
victory, which will instantly validate his ego and validate his
primal protector.

“When I’m around you I feel like everything could go

wrong, but I’d still be smiling in the end, because I have
you. Thank you for being such an amazing man in my life,
you make me feel so happy and so blessed.”

When you mention the idea of hypothetical things going wrong,

you can create all kinds of potential scenarios in his mind that
represent a relationship challenge. No matter what kind of
challenges he imagines, he’s going to feel to feel his ego
provoked with the challenge of overcoming those challenges.
Calling him amazing will give him motivation to meet the trials.

“You make me feel like I could do anything with ease in

your presence. I feel confident and powerful when you
are near, because I know you understand me and you’ll
support me and protect me whenever I doubt myself.
Thank you for being my rock.”

The line above shows that a great way to indirectly stroke his
ego is to talk about your feelings of power. If he feels that he’s
generating a sense of power within you, he’ll be getting the
message that he possesses a sort of power himself. His ego is
stroked in a way directly connected to you, which links his
sense of efficacy to your happiness.

“I am a very lucky woman to have you in my life. Many

times I find myself thanking God for allowing me to
experience your brilliance in my life. You truly are a

phenomenal man.”

Letting your man know that you feel lucky for being able to be
in a relationship with him will make him feel uniquely powerful.
If he thinks he’s worthy in a unique way, it will make him feel
that he has a special duty to provide for you.

“I know a few women who sometimes talk about their

dream guy, and then they compare that idea to their
actual man. And it’s almost as if they ‘settled’ with a guy
they weren’t happy with. I wanted to thank you,
honestly, because I know I’ll never ever have to do that,
because each and every day you prove to me just how
strongly you truly are my dream guy. In fact, I find
myself unable to compare you to anyone, because you’re
just so far above them all. So Thank you…. Thank you for
being my little slice of heaven.”

Once again, this type of line gives your man the sense that he’s
being positively compared to other man that he won’t want to
lose to in the future. His fire will be ignited in a way that makes
him strive to continue being the best protector.

“I’m still amazed at how easily you catch onto what it is

that I need, or might be feeling….even if I’m not asking
you to. Some days I feel awestruck by how intuitive you
are about me, and I feel so thankful to have you in my

When your man here’s a line like this, it’s going to spur a fire in
his belly that will make him want to start working harder to
think about what it is you want from him.

“It always surprises me how well you know me, and how
you can always figure out what’s going on with me, even
if I don’t tell you. I just wanted to let you know how
much I appreciate it when you keep my needs in mind,
and how much I truly love the way that you care for me.”

This is another type of line that’s going to make your man start
deeply considering how much more he can work in order to
always stay on top of your needs. Mentioning that he always
keeps your needs in mind will, indirectly, encourage him to keep
your needs in mind more often.

“I might not say this enough, but you truly are special to
me. The way that you care about me, and the way that
you understand what I need….even if I don’t know what
I need myself…. Is just so amazing. You’re a truly
irreplaceable man, and I am so thankful to have you in
my life.”

When you say the word irreplaceable, you’re going to indirectly

provoke that part of his ego that doesn’t want to be replaced.
His ego is going to be stroked with a nice dash of positive

“I am so happy to have found you, because each and

every day I find something even more amazing about
you. I look forward to getting up each day just to be in
your presence.”

The use of “each day” in this phrase is going to light the kind of
fire in his belly that burns for consistently improving as a
provider. Every single day will be a new opportunity that he
sees to live up to this statement.

“I am such a lucky lady to have such an upstanding man

in my life. I never imagined I’d ever be so blessed to
have a slice of heaven next to me each and every day.”

In addition to inspiring him to work as a provider every day, the

use of the word ‘upstanding is going to indirectly communicate
an expectation the message that your belief in his is tied to his
honesty. He will be ego-invested in the fact that you believe in
his morals, encouraging his drive to preserve that ego.

“I feel so wealthy around you. I have such an abundance

of love, and care, and understanding with you that I
honestly feel like the richest woman in the world each

Not only will this statement encourage your man to keep on

working as a better provider in general, but the use of
“wealthy” is especially important. Stroking his ego while using
the word “wealthy” going to expose him to two channels of
positive pressure: his worthiness as your man, and his
competence in whatever his field of work might be!

Section 4 - Attraction Meow Lines

So I have to make an honest confession: in the past, I’ve been

the woman who can’t take the hint. It’s not a badge of honor to
wear, but for our own good, we have to be honest about when
we’ve worn it; it’s the only way to make sure that those stories
aren’t repeated!

Like most of the stories we love and hate to tell, this one begins
with a guy. The guy’s name was Joseph, and when I was around
Joseph, I could just barely remember my own name. To put it
eloquently, I wanted Joseph. I wanted Joseph and I wanted him

A lot of women have this issue with not knowing what to say
when they’re around a guy they like, and so they end up not
saying anything at all - I actually had the the opposite problem.
When Joseph was around, half-formed words would just flow
out of my mouth like silver. In hindsight, it was less like words
and more like a guttural mating call.

Somehow, against the odds that I’m sure must have made
lottery tickets look like a steals, I found myself in a relationship
with Joseph. I don’t even completely remember how it
happened in the first place, but all I knew was that I couldn’t
find the words to describe it.

I kept on being at a loss for words to describe it, but for a
different reason than how it began. I couldn’t find a way to
describe the relationship because, in all honestly, it didn’t seem
like a lot was happening for me to describe in the first place.

The brief feelings of victory were quickly replaced by feelings of

disappointment. It didn’t seem like Joseph was really all that
interested in being my man after becoming my man. I was
starting to feel like everything in the world just something else
that I could be his afterthought to. It was almost even worse
than I was chasing him.

Sometimes when we were out, he could have a ten-minute

conversation with another woman that seemed more intimate
than all the communication we could have in a week. I was
blown away by the amazing lack of shame, or my inability to
say anything about it.

I just couldn’t get over the fact that I started something with
Joseph in first place, bu beyond that, it was becoming hard to
get into the fact that I had started something with Joseph.

Getting the guy is supposed to count as a victory, right? In all

honesty, it was like winning a boxing match - that is, if after the
match, the boxer realizes he was never in a ring, and there was
never an opponent, and the only audience was a horrified
throng of onlookers wondering why the crazy person was
boxing thin air.

It all came to a head when I called Joseph one evening. I

wanted to make some plans with my boyfriend, like a normal
and sane woman. Two things changed after I made the call: the
first was that my “boyfriend” told me that he actually had a
date and asked if I wanted to reschedule, and the second was
that I didn’t feel normal or sane.

I thought I was in a relationship with Joseph, and I was the

only person who thought I was in a relationship with Joseph.
Technically, a relationship that doesn’t even exist can’t actually
be going badly - still, I couldn’t believe that I had been that

The only saving grace was that I wasn’t mistaken in the fact
that Joseph actually existed. He wasn’t completely my
imaginary boyfriend, but that still didn’t necessarily flatter me. I
had one foot in the hole I was ready to crawl into forever and
only send cats out to get food.

Nobody ever expects to be that woman, but it happens to our

best and brightest, and I don’t even have the audacity to claim
that I’m one of the better or brighter. I know much better now,
of course, but wouldn’t it be amazing if we could always know
what we need to know BEFORE it becomes a problem?

Nevertheless, my development as a person and the creation of

these lessons was only made of the stuff those mistakes could
build - disappointment, loneliness, frustration, humility, and the
drive to learn. Now, years later, it’s a lot easier to walk straight
when I can actually see the ground I’m stepping on.

I’d like your journey to be smoother than mine was! Maybe

you’ve already had a “Joseph” situation of your own, or maybe
you’ve just realized that you’re currently in a Joseph situation.
If you’ve never put yourself in a Joseph fiasco, then I both envy
and applaud you - let’s keep that forward momentum going,
shall we?

Right now, what we’re about to start working on are the

fundamental skills that it’s going to take in order to make sure
that you never look up and realize you’ve been stressing about
a guy who doesn’t have your number not calling you back. My
verbal techniques can take you far, but what will take your
farther is the emotional control of my “Attraction Meow Lines”.

When I’m talking about emotional temperature control, I don’t

mean to say that you just light the guy on fire if he ignores you
- this book doesn’t over methods quite that radical. In order to
control the emotional temperature in this context, we need to
start making sure that we learn to control the gravity of our

Your company has to offer something to the table! What I didn’t

understand when I was chasing Joseph was that, since I was
practically available even when I didn’t have free time, my
company was about a novel as oxygen and tap water.

When your company isn’t a guaranteed thing at all times, it

actually becomes something to offer instead of something that
he can zone out of and forget exists. When your company is a
finite resource, it actually holds some weight! You just can’t
overstate how much more guys care about things that they
actually have to work for.

When the guy has to work for actually getting the attention you
offer, he’s going to feel that pressure on top of him to earn it.
When you first get that sense that the guy is starting to come
to you, then you’ve shifted that control of the gravity back in
your favor.

Once that power is back in your favor, it’s time to deliver that
delicious coup de grace - it’s what I like to call the EMOTIONAL

When the man has started to work harder and harder to make
you pay more attention, that positive discomfort is going to
make him invest his ego and feel emotional strain. When he
gets that strain, you need to alter the amount of attention you
pay - this is really going to shake him up on the inside if he’s
invested enough.

You just have to keep letting your availability wax and wane,
letting his emotions get shaken up so that he never stops
feeling that drive to figure you out. You can think of the
emotional shakeup technique as an exercise in push and pull.
You push the man away when he thinks he’s got you, and as an
effect, this actually pulls him in.

Now let’s rewind the clock just a little bit here. If I had actually
been the woman back then that I am today, I would have
handled things with Joseph a little bit differently - for one, I
probably would have gotten the hint that it wasn’t worth my
time in the very first place. For the sake of this lesson, however,
here’s how I could have used push and pull.

Replace the name “Joseph” with the name of any man that you
may have, currently are, or might be dealing with in the future,
and you can use the power of push and pull to your own
advantage as well!

Now to begin, here’s an example of how Attraction Meow lines

can be used for that natural push and pull effect. If you do this
right way, you can create that emotional shakeup of desire that
will put things in your favor!

“Joseph, don’t take this the wrong way! I really like you,
I mean you’re truly a fun guy, but can we slow down a
little? I mean, I totally unsure where this is going.”

Now this is just the kind line that shows how pushing and
pulling can be achieved at the same time, in a single phrase! As
soon as you say “don’t take this the wrong way”, it’s going to
set off a little bit of alarm in his mind that puts him on his

After you put him on guard by insinuating that something might

going wrong, you immediately follow up on that by saying that
you really like them. When you say that you like him, it may
stroke his ego in a minor way, but ti’s still going to compliment
the fact that you’ve still implied that something could be taken
the wrong way.

You build up on the fact that you like him by calling him fun, but
then you splash some cold water on that excitement by
suggesting that things go slower. You’ve pulled him in with
those initial compliments, but at the same time, you still pushed

him back.

Since the push back follows those positive comments, the

emotional shakeup you create by asking him to slow down is
mixed in with reasons that he’ll have to try in spite of those
doubts he has. The slight hint of rejection that he’ll feel will be
countered by the thrill he feels at you validating what he’s got
to offer in a relationship.

“Joseph I have a confession to make! Things are starting

to get a little too intense between us, can we please take
a break?”

Now this statement is a slightly more drastic and streamlined

form of push and pull, contained in a single statement. Instead
of just suggesting that you’d like to slow down the momentum,
the rejection component is made STRONGER by flat-out asking
if the two of you can take a break.

When you ask if the two of you can break things off, it carries a
tone that you two might actually be ready to seal things off for
good - it’s hard to match this level of push without making him
feel that there’s no chance at all.

Now instead of making him feel that his chances with you have
been shot down over the mountains completely, this phrases
matches the push with an equally strong pull. The situation
here is that you’re saying that things are getting intense. The
word “intense” illustrates a much more passionate and heated
picture than “fast”.

When you say the word “intense”, you’re telling him that there’s
some serious force in the chemistry between you two. “Intense”
carries some a real sign of intimate gravity, but immediately
following that, you’re pushing him away with the suggestion of
a break.

The hot and heavy suggestion of intensity, followed by the idea

of taking a break, basically fuses one of the strongest kinds of
push with the strongest kinds of pull. Show me any red-blooded
man in the world, no matter how attractive he is, and I’ll show
you a person who gets alarmed when he thinks he’s lost his
shot before he got a chance.

Men don’t just turn women down only because they think that
there’s no possibility at all that they’d ever want to get involved
with those women. When a man doesn’t express interest, part
of it comes from the belief he has that he could be in a
relationship with that woman at any time he wanted if he
decided to.

By using push and pull, you’re basically pulling the rug out from
under that natural power play . By challenging his idea that
you’d be available at the drop of a hat, you’re shaking up the
security zone of his ego. The following lines show some
different spins that you can put on pushing and pulling with the
suggestion of a”break”.

“Joseph, your presence makes me feel really good and

we do have a lot of fun together, but lately I’ve been
feeling weird about this whole thing. Can you give each
other a little break?”

Now instead of implying that things are getting too intense, you
mention that your uncertainty comes from “weirdness”.
Intensity sends the message of passion and heat, but
“weirdness” will create uncertainty. The vagueness of saying
that things feel weird will set off his imagination.

He’s not just going to be thinking about what could be making

things weird, but also about all of the fun you’ve had together.
The push and pull here are going to force him to look back on
the times that you’ve interacted so far in attempts to rationalize

“Joseph, the things between us are starting to get a little

too interesting. I mean, lately I’ve been feeling off about
spending time with you.”

This is another way that you can achieve the push and pull
effect by keeping things as a vague as possible. By saying that
things are getting interesting, you’re practically saying that
things are going WELL between the two of you. With the
inclusion of a single word, “too”, you turn the potential positive
compliment into a doubt.

Even saying that things are “too interesting” could be construed

as a good sign, but then when you follow it up by saying that
you feel “off”, you confirm that you’re moving away. This is a
push-or-pull statement that makes the push and pull almost
completely one in the same! It’s smooth and subtle, but still
effective at shaking things up.

Now one thing about this statement is that you’re not actually
saying that you want to take a break. Unlike the other
emotional shake-up statements, this one doesn’t directly strike
him with the declaration of wanting to cut things off right away.
This push and pull statement works by implying the break,
creating a sense of urgency.

Depending on the guy, just giving the slight suggestion of there

being a break on the horizon could actually be just as effective
as outright saying that you want one. The sense of an imminent
rejection can be even more powerful at creating desire than
leading with the rejection itself, but it depends on what you’re
comfortable with.

You don’t say that you feel bad about the time that you’re
spending with him, but just that it gives you a “weird feeling”.
He may interpret that weird feeling as a sign of interest, but
there’s also a chance that he’ll start questioning whether or not
he gave you a weird vibe - either way, it’s going to make him

“Joseph, I don’t think we get along like we used to. I

don’t know but I’ve been feeling weird lately.”

Now you may get the impression that this statement is more on
the push side than the pull side, but looking a bit deeper shows
the both aspects at play. Even after saying that the two of you
aren’t really getting along, you’re following that up by saying
that you don’t think you’re getting along compared to how
things used to be.

Due to the fact that you’re saying things aren’t going the way
that the used to be, you’re implying that there’s something
running out. While being complimented by the fact that you’ve
considered him an idea partner at onepoint, he’s going to feel
some pressure when he thinks he’s losing that power to attract

Don’t be fooled, these phrases all actually carry more power to

pull than they do to push. They might seem like signs of
rejection at first, but the references made to signs of attraction
are going to shake him up. These are powerful in the same way
that cliffhangers are, when an apparent ending only makes you
hungry for what follows.

Challenging his ego in a way that threatens him with an ending,

while teasing at the chance for things to continue, is the best
way to create that emotional shakeup aspect.

Section 5 - Rejection Squish Squash
Once upon a time, I had a client who made the decision to take
a very courageous journey. This client of mine had decided to
journey forth into the harrowing dimension of online dating.

Some of you might have a little more experience with online

dating than others, but for those of you who aren’t expert
divers into that ocean, let’s just say that it’s a risky venture.
The pictures and profile descriptions would always be 100%
dependable in a perfect world, but usually, what you end up
getting is more like an terrifyingly high-stakes blind date.

Maybe in this day and age we’ve just learned to see “high-risk”
as “normal odds”? After all, it’s not like every person out of the
growing number of people using these services is a cannibal.
Usually, the best case scenario that people hope for is that their
date is at least within 10 years and 200 pounds of the way they
describe themselves online; it’s the world we live in!

Despite some natural anxiety, my client managed to put some

steel in her veins and venture out into the ether for one of
these perilously modern online dates.

Before meeting him, she was actually feeling more or less good
about the chances for things going well. He had been like a
“compliment machine” when they were flirting online. He
flattered her like she was the most attractive things with two
legs and eyes. She was worried that he might be one of those
guys who just becomes too clingy, too quickly.

As fate would have it, things turned out to actually be the the
opposite of what she had expected to happen, and in the worst
possible way. Upon meeting this man in the flesh for the very
first time, it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. Instead of
welcoming her with a shower of sweet compliments, this man
was about as welcoming as an angry junkyard dog.

Rather than overwhelming her by being too eager to meet her it

actually seemed like he was annoyed at the fact that she had
been the one to meet him. Online he had treated her like she
was a divine gift of life, but offline, he was treating her like a
broken piece of furniture.

Needless to say, my client was more than just a little bit

confused at the hard left turn things had taken from her
expectations. She had dealt with rudely blunt men before in the
past, but this man had gone from Dr. Hyde to Jekyll too quickly
to react.

She had entertained the idea that any man’s attitude might
gradually get nasty, but this man had exploded straight out the
gate like a fireball of malice.

By the time that the date was over, her confidence had been
grated so badly you could sprinkle it over pasta. When she
came to me, she was a woman who seemed to have the same
opinion of her body as the opinion most people have about an
empty soda can. This woman could not, for the life of her, even
fathom that any man could ever find her more than “average”.

Of course “average” is technically several levels above

“unattractive”, but the way that she spat the world “average”
out made it clear that she felt about as a attractive as a dead
seagull after an oil spill. It was more than just my job, but my
duty to heal this woman and dredge her self-worth up from the
River Styx.

The way that I taught this woman to start loving herself again is
the same thing that I’m going to be laying out in this chapter
for you. The strongest tool that I can use to teach you this, as I
used to teach her, is the tool of HISTORY.

We’ve talked about the history of male species in its primal

stage, now we get to change our lens to focus on ancient
woman history. It’s time to get really cozy with your inner cave
woman, because you’re going to learn to start letting her take
the wheel a bit more often from now on. When that lady comes
out to play, the rules of your love life are going to change with

In specific, we’re going to be focusing on learning how to invoke

the spirit of that ancient spirit within you to do battle with what
you feel after rejection. When rejection manifests in one of the
MANY different forms that it can in your personal life, then this
technique can help your glide the ball right back into your court.

The name of technique we’re putting to work here is called a

“Rejection Squish-Squash” line. With rejection squish-squash
lines, you’ve basically going be able to internally laugh in the
face of rejection, no matter how strong. You will learn to view
rejection itself as just another opportunity that you have to
assert yourself as an invaluable prize.

Forget about looks. When a man turns a woman down, (either

politely or impolitely) the most common reaction is for a woman
to start believing that it must be some kind of physical flaw.
Since your physical body is the most readily available thing
about you once your self-esteem has taken a hit, it’s easy to
make it that the scapegoat when you’re doubting yourself.

In times when the human race was a lot younger and a lot
more physically aggressive than it is today in the age of ebooks,
there was a different kind of hierarchy. People were led by alpha
males and alpha females. An alpha human was the type of

human who, back before things like refrigerators and medicine,
was able to eat and produce offspring by being the strongest.

“Strength” is determined in more than just one way in this

example. In addition to the obvious matter of physical strength,
there’s also the matter of a person’s strength of WILL. To put it
simply, out ancestors were more likely to survive and produce
descendants if they possessed that savage fighting spirit to
refuse backing down from a fight!

Even in a battle of uneven strength, an animal that has twice

the killer instinct and aggression can be victorious over animal
that has more raw strength. Back in those pre-civilization times,
there was no such thing as a mirror. Whether a human was
“attractive” or “unattractive” was a complete non-factor.

All that mattered back then was that a human being possessed
the force of will and steel nerves to assert himself or herself
over all competition. Those who could shrug off injuries and
deal them back twofold would be the ones to survive - there
was nothing like “looks “ holding people back, because having
good looks wasn’t essential to preserving our existence.

Now here in the 2st century, it would be beyond ridiculous for

me to suggest that you just completely lose your concept of self
in order to get a guy. Believe it or not, I’m not asking that you
intentionally give yourself amnesia to have less awkward dates.

I don’t want you to become a snarling she-beast every time you

get the sense that you’re being brushed off, but I want you to
take some time to appreciate just how little out ancestors really
cared about how they looked. I want you to consider what the
real factor in the equation is when it comes to what makes the
opposite sexes really come together.

The main ingredient in the master recipe here is found

anywhere on you below the neck, and it isn’t your hair or face

either. The number one thing that you’re going to be paying
attention to here is your personality. I’m not ordering your to
uproot your personality here, but just to really take some time
to think about how much influence it has.

Personality hints at behavior. Alpha males were alpha because

they were the most fearless hunters, and alpha females were
alpha because they had they were the most confident . The
alpha female’s confidence meant that she could be a fierce
protector of her young, increasing the lifespan of the species.

Because the concept of looks had no gravity back then, those

times were lived in by women with MAXIMUM self-confidence; it
may have possibly even been to the complete limit that human
beings are capable of.

No one’s ordering your to have children right this second and

start killing wolves that get too close, but just take a minute
now and then to appreciate the sheer confidence of our ancient
grandmothers. If their million-year-old blood is in our blood,
then it means that the recipe for that boundless confidence still
sleeps in your veins.

There is an unbreakable code written on a remote of your mind,

waiting to be unlocked; when this code is unlocked, you will
reconnect with that ancient and fierce state without even a
single milliliter of self-doubt.

When you reunite with that awesome and primal alpha female
within you, there are three things that you’re going to be able
to do:

Step 1 – Pretend that you are a super star that men are
absolutely hungry for.

Step 2 – Pretend that he is the one chasing you and trying to

win you over.

Step 3 - Turn the tables back on him

Being able to exhibit this kind of behavior is going to really set

you apart from the women he’s know who had anything less
than the highest level of confidence. The alpha female asserted
herself by showing that she had the confidence to be the most
worthy mate for the most powerful male.

The first quality above refers to the fact that all men, on a deep
level, desire an alpha female. When the primal protector has
awoken, it will be hungry for the type of mate with a certain
confidence that matches the intensity of its desire.

The second quality requires that you visualize something.

Become the type of mate that alpha males do battle for, and
visualize them going at each other for a chance to go after you
- soon enough, that’s going to start bleeding into your normal

The third quality refers to the fact that this level of confidence
you hold is going to shift the balance of power back into your
favor. When you have become a hyper-confident alpha female,
you will gain the power to be able to detect an alpha male when
you’re in the company of one - this will give YOU the leverage
to size men up instead of recoiling from judgment.

When you can start feeling just a tiny fraction of that freakish
confidence inside of you, you’ll be in the right type of mindset
to start trying out some of the “Rejection Squish-Squash” lines
I’ve set as examples below...

If a guy makes it seem like he doesn’t want to take things


“You know, you better stay away from me before things
get too intense. I’ve been told that I’m like a cigarette, I
might be pleasurable in the short term but could cause a
lot of damage over time”.

Note how powerful the use of the word “damage” is in this

statement. Aside from completely flipping the rejection right
back at whatever man you’re talking to, you also give a solid
impression of power right then and there. By implying that you
could do damage, you identify yourself as a force to be
reckoned with carefully.

This line ties directly back to the fact that the man’s primal
brain is completely obsessed with the opportunity to take on
risks and come out the WINNER. When a man starts to think of
you as the kind of person who might be “too hot to handle”, you
will become that fatally attractive challenge in his mind that
both excites him and warns him.

The type of effect you can have on a man by making yourself

seem a little bit more “dangerous” is shown further in the line

“Look, you’re very sweet, but unfortunately, we’re not

meant to be together. I think I’m a little too hard to
handle for you and you’re a little too nice of a guy for
someone like me. Maybe we could be friends?”

Once again, the momentum of the rejection is completely

flipped back onto the man himself. IN addition to diverting the
impact of the reaction, you’re giving it a little bit more ‘”spike”
by claiming that he’s just a little bit too nice for you.

It may seem like a minor comment at first, but don’t be fooled.

The simplicity of line like this can be very deceptive. What this
line can be compared to is a light tap on the front door of a
house that makes every wall in the back of the house explode.

We’ve talked so much about the man’s primal protector at this
point that you’ve probably already caught onto why this line has
as much influence as it does. The primal protector wants
nothing more than to be validated for its capability at making
challenges, and with this Rejection Squish-Squash line, you’re
doing two things to it:

1. You’re creating the sense of a challenge after he thought the

time to prove himself had ended

2. You’re expressing doubt that he is powerful enough to

actually overcome that challenge

Now, there may be some times that a man actually hasn’t

outright rejected you, but you’re still getting the sense that he
just isn’t showing as much interest in you as you’d like.
Rejection Squish-Squash lines can be used turn the tide of
attraction even when you get the sense that things might be
heading towards a rejection. It’s a strong fail-safe.

Now, here are some of the more preemptive lines that you can
use to flip a guy’s apathy back over his head when you’re on
the first date. This is the type of line that you can use
specifically when the conversation had slowed down and you
feel like things might be heading toward an awkward silence.

You – “Okay! This is so damn interesting, won’t we make

the greatest couple ever? Our friends will probably call
us Mr. & Mrs. boring.”

Rest assured, this is a a LOT more forward than what a lot of

men will be expecting to hear. A man may be thinking to
himself that things have been quiet between the two of you, but
he’ll probably be trying ways to rationalize it by thinking of
ways that he’s not a boring person.

By saying this, you’re not actually calling him boring - still, what
you’re doing is putting the pressure him to show that he’s
exciting to be someone that a woman wants to spend her time
with. He wants to feel cool!

Remember, men are convinced that it wouldn’t be any challenge

to get with any of the women they’re not the most attracted to.
By implying that the date could be more exciting, you’re
provoking his reptile brain with the desire to do something more

If or when tells you that it might be better to just remain


You – “I’ve been dying to say the same thing to you as

well. I mean, we’ll just be a little too weird to be a
couple. Maybe a little too weird.”

Responding like this will surprise him, because he was probably

getting ready to deal with some kind of upset reaction from
you. A lot of guys actually hope to feel a little bit of power when
they turn a women down. You can challenge the man’s attempt
to get his shot of power by rolling with it instead of rejecting it.

The man has probably invested his ego into thinking that a
woman he rejects will always be one that won’t be able to
handle it, but when you say that you’ve been thinking of the
same thing, it will affect him. He’s going to start trying to figure
out when he stopped seeming perfect, and it will drive him

Another thing that you can say when indicates that he can’t see
himself being in a relationship with you…

“God, take it easy. We barely know each other and you’re

already thinking about loaded things like Love.”

This carries the power to surprise him just like the previous
Rejection Squish-Squash, in addition to making him anxious at
the fact that he may have unknowingly come on too strong.

If you catch him checking out another woman...

“Yeah she’s just about right for you. You two will make
the cutest couple ever.”

He may be expecting you to get jealous, but when it seems that

he’s losing you instead of seeming like ladies man, it might
make him go into damage control mode.

If he says that he isn’t sure about you in general...

“Weirdly enough, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe

we should take a break or something. I think this would
be the best for both of us.”

By doing this, you’re naturally escalating what he suggested in

the first place. He may not have expected you to take it that
far, which often leads to some backpedaling and renewed effort
to find out what he could do better.

And if a man is trying to play hard to get...

“Okay, you’re really sweet and charming, but how do you

intend to win my heart by playing so hard all the time?”

A man who is playing hard to get rarely thinks that the woman
knows he’s playing hard to get on purpose. Stating that he’s
playing hard to get, outright, will be like smoking him out of his
not-so-secret hiding place.

“I love a man who likes to lead but you’ve already proven

your point. Just be direct and ask me out already.”

This line ties back to the awesome confidence of the ancient

alpha female. Not many guys are used to a woman being so
direct about a date, and this will show him that playing hard to
get doesn’t intimidate you.

“Okay, let me get one thing clear. You might be sexy and
all but if you on keep playing hard to get, how will you
ever make me fall for you? What if some other guy steals
me away in the mean time?”

A lot of men are convinced that if a woman finds them sexy, it’s
game over and they can’t lose. If you let the man know that his
good looks will be useless if he doesn’t make a move, it will
shake him up out of his comfort zone and pressure him into
actually making a move.

“So do you always play hard to get? I know you have a

cute side to you which is hiding somewhere”.

This is just a more subtle way of teasing him out of the comfort
zone. You’re giving the shock of directly acknowledging the fact
that he’s playing hard to get, complimenting him, and
challenging him by implying that there’s something about him
hiding away. This could easily rile him up and make him want to
exhibit his assertive, “manly” side.

“Stop playing these games. It’s making me more & more

unsure about you.”

A line like this will rock a man out of playing hard to get by
letting him know that you’re not waiting forever. Being
reminded that there’s a finite amount of time that a woman will
be interested in him can make even the most confident man
start sweating. Not wanting to lose face, he’ll feel a sense of

urgency to “beat the clock” and win you over!

Section 6 - Sensation Grand Slam

How many unsuspecting women a day do you think get

blindsided by a man’s cold shoulder? Everything is flowing
smoothly, when all of a sudden, your sense of security in the
relationship is broken like a window smashed by a rock.

Even a man who treats a woman like it’s his mission to please
her may suddenly go AWOL. No matter how much you think
your man would do for you, you owe it your relationship to keep
that positive discomfort fresh!

If you start to feel like your man couldn’t possibly be any more
attached to you, don’t let your guard down - this is should only
be a sign for you to maintain the atmosphere that makes him
attached! When it seems like everything is going perfectly, the
last thing you want to do is start doing the things that drag a
relationship down.

By this point, you know that toxic behavior in a relationship

isn’t just limited to being disloyal or not giving enough
massages. You have to avoid the most easily-overlooked
relationship mistake of all, which is being far too available.

Being too available is like ordering an assassination on your

relationship! The excess of access is basically the absence of

success. When your man feels that accessing you is too easy, it
will be very hard for him not to lose excitement for you.

The people and things that create the most nervous energy in
our lives are the things that we can’t control. If we can’t directly
affect it, we can’t help but wonder about it. The more a man
lets his imagination run wild, the more anxious and vulnerable
he’s going to feel. Keep the control in your court, and the
relationship will be like a masterpiece of your design.

Imagine that the relationship you’re in is like a supernatural

portrait, where the paint is always shifting depending on how
the frame is moved. The more the frame moves, the more paint
shifts. By assuming control of the intimacy, you’re going to have
the man operating in your frame.

Being able to control the frame will give you more influence
over the tone and depth of every part of the relationship. It’s
easy to get overwhelmed by just how much potential power you
can hold in this position, but it definitely beats the alternative!

The tricky part here is to understand that “controlling the

frame”, though it might seem direct, takes the OPPOSITE of
direct engagement with the man. You don’t have to block his
phone number, but you can’t be all over him like white on rice!

Control over any man’s frame can be established by giving him

a limit. If you make your attention something that the man
feels is limited, he’s operating inside of your frame!

The game of attraction is an endurance sport! A brief burst of

effort won’t work as well keeping constant pace. These
techniques, like the circle of attraction, will keep your man

pumped up and anxious to win the game to attract you,
because they tease his primal urge to be validated.

You raise your man’s drive to win this game up to a boiling

point by becoming a moving goal. The moving goal is a man’s
heaven and hell! The moving goal challenges his ability to score
like nothing else, but no other goal offers as much satisfaction.

If you feel unsure about gaining this level of power in the

relationship, just remember that it goes both ways! At the same
time that you develop control of the frame, your man feels his
own personal surge of power through fighting to win your over.

For the man, competition is everything! Even if you have the

power to control the frame, he’s going to feel incredibly
powerful when his efforts “pay off”. In a sense, you’re actually
empowering your man by validating him at the same time that
you control the frame.

Controlling the frame of the relationship is a win-win deal! While

you maintain that precious tension in the relationship, your man
is constantly going to feel more ALIVE because of it. The
pressure to go after you is going put that electricity in his veins
that makes him chase victory.

I wouldn’t be recommending these “hot and cold” tactics so

much if I didn’t know how it feels from the other side! Even if
men are controlled by their competitive urges a bit more than
us, “hot and cold” affects men and women equally.

To put it in perspective, I’ve got a personal story. In the past,

there was a man that I could have talked to on the phone from
sunrise to sunset - at least, some days it was like that. Some

days it was like we had a psychic connection, and other days it
was like he completely forgot my name.

I just didn’t understand how this man could become dryer than
snake skin so quickly, especially after he seemingly wanted to
know everything about my breakfast the day before. I didn’t
have the slightest idea of how completely I was being played,
because I was too caught up in the min-to-max-and-back flow
of his affection.

Even when we were actually able to see one another on a date,

the pattern kept up! He would be completely with me for a few
precious moments, and then it would be like he was two
thousand miles away. Even with him sitting right next to me, it
would almost feel like I was completely alone.

Even when he left me feeling high and dry, I just couldn’t help
but love the fact that he was next to me at all. It was driving
me crazy in the best way, but at the end of the day, it was still
driving me crazy. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him to save my
life. Every time I thought that I had him “pinned down”, it
would seem like he was miles away all over again.

In short, this guy had mastered the power of becoming a

moving target! This was back before I had any serious dating
experience at all, so the feeling of somebody being hot and cold
to me was a very alien sensation. Years later, I would come to
really appreciate the kind of power that a woman can have in
her own relationship if she becomes the moving target herself.

When you become the woman in his life that sways like a
moving target, there will be very few things that your man
works as hard to get!

Even with all the intricate mental effects created by a moving
target, your job can be accomplished with only two simple
steps. The simple steps are as follows:

Step 1 – Give him a lot of attention at first.

Step 2 – Do the exact opposite of step one.

That’s seriously all there is to making the hot and cold effect
work! You give him all of the affection that you can in the
beginning, and then after that, you taper off and limit your
attention. With just these two easy steps, you have what it
takes to send your man careering into an state of obsession
with you.

When you give that man just a little sample of attention at first
before pulling it back, two great things are going to happen as a
result of what you’ve done.

1. It will confuse him

It’s really easy to hate confusion. Confusion turns a minor

problem into a weekend. Confusion is why people always
confuse the words “your” and “you’re”. Despite all of the valid
reasons there are to get a bad taste in your mouth about
confusion, you have to put that aside for now! Right now, I’m
going to teach you how to learn to love confusion.

In this context, confusion is your friend! As long as the man is

confused, he’s never going to feel like he has you and the
relationship “figured out”. The less that he has things figured
out, the more intrigued he’ll be. Keeping him confused is a like
a way of preserving the mystique and wonder of the
relationship before the two of you actually become an official


When you learn how to make confusion work for you, then
you’ll have both the method and the madness in the equation.
Neither we or the men we date will ever really know everything
when it comes to a relationship, but with this, you can use the
power of what isn’t known without actually even having to lie.

When the relationship is too easy for him to understand, it’s

just too easy for him to take it for granted. When the
relationship is a wondrous ball of intrigue, he may be slightly
frustrated, but it’s going to make him want to invest his full

2. He will feel like you’re running away from him

His feelings of confusion are going to threaten his sense of

security in having the relationship, making him fight for it more.
He’s going to feel like there’s a race for him to run against the
clock! The urgency will be like a constant energy generator for
him. Each day will be a new opportunity for him to make his
efforts outpace the rate he believes you’re running.

It’s really impossible for me to overstate this: men are natural

hunters! Men want the hunt like birds want to be airborne.
Making a man think that you’re just a little bit “on the run” from
him is going to activate that hunter inside of him and give it a
serious thrill.

You can’t forget how important it is to make sure to balance out

your elusiveness. Whatever you do, make sure that you don’t
run away so much that he doesn’t think there’s any point to
chasing you. As long as you break up the elusiveness with some
occasional rewards, he’ll always feel that there’s at least some
incentive to keep his efforts up.

To really make the most use of hot and cold psychology, you
need to make sure that you appreciate both the hot and cold
sides of the coin. This kind of lesson shouldn’t be taken as a
reason to just stop giving your man any affection at all, but it
should be understood that the affection needs to be shown in

No matter how thirsty you might be for the man, this mixture of
interest and disinterest is going to make him just as thirsty if
not thirstier than you. Lots of men like to think about the
important issues in black and white, and with this mixture, you
seriously threaten that black and white logic! To him, it will feel
like his entire idea of a rationale is getting thrown out of whack!

Everything I’m teaching you boils down to the fine mix between
showing interest and disinterest! There’s a certain type of
phrase that achieves this hot and cold mixture better than any
other - I like to call these my Sensation Grand Slam Lines.

These are called Sensation Grand Slam Lines due to the fact
that when you use them, they slam your man with a dual
sensation of love and rejection.

Below, I have some specific examples of Sensation Grand Slam

Lines that you can use. If you can take the common theme of
these lines to heart, you might even be able to think of your
own, original lines that produce that very same effect!

“Why do I sometimes like you so much that I just want

you around me all the time but also dislike you at the
same time?”

Phrasing the Sensation Grand Slam Line as a question can be

unexpectedly powerful! Simply by asking him a question, you’re
inviting the opportunity for him to be confused. Asking him a
question will make him want to answer that question by reflex.

Since it’s extremely unlikely that he’s going to have a straight
answer for a million dollar question like this, the confusion is
probably going to sink in IMMEDIATELY. When he realizes that
he doesn’t have any answer for you, it’s going to make him a
bit anxious. In his anxiety, he’ll also be wracking his brain what
the actual truth may be.

He’ll definitely get a faint positive vibe from the implication that
you seriously want to jump his bones, but of course, that’s with
the sour aftertaste. It’s like a reversed version of that type of
candy that starts off with a sour flavor but ends with a sweet
and mellow tang.

You want to open up with that sweetness to get him hooked,

but you always include that sour little stinger at the end to let
him know that he’s not out of the woods. The Sensation Grand
Slam gives him a little teaser of that light at the end of the
tunnel, and then it makes him scared to get sucked into the

“I love & hate you at the same time.”

It doesn’t get any simpler than this line! The “Grand Slam” in
“Sensation Grand Slam” really gets shown in in this example.
What carries more weight in a relationship than the words
“love” and “hate”? These are two loaded words with massive
stopping power, and putting them together creates serious

You don’t even really need to exaggerate at all in to give this

line some serious power. He’s going to be thinking abut every
reason that you would have to either love or hate him, and
that’s seriously all that it takes.

“Whenever I start liking you more, you always do

something which makes me change my mind.”

Saying that he gives you reasons to like him is a compliment,
but the rose has thorns! He’s going to wonder what that
recurring thing is that holds you back from completely liking
him. The fact that you’re still spending time with him will be a
sign that you’re attracted, but at the same time, that shadow of
doubt is going to be really hard to ignore.

“You always give me reasons to want you more, but

there’s always still those other things...”

This line is going to make him start thinking hard about all of
those little things that he might have done to try and win you
over. He may or may not even be able to actually identify what
it is that worked, and which things aren’t actually working. All
it’s going to take is one moment of confusion to set his brain
into that game of internal ping-pong.

The key is that you let him know there are plenty of reasons for
you to want him, and that’s going to get him excited. He’ll want
to know what the deal is with those ambiguous other things are
for sure, and that’s where the power of confusion starts to work
for you.

“I love spending time with you, but I’m never sure about
whether or not it’s a good idea...”

Even f you love spending time with your guy, you still have to
admit that it always comes with just a little bit of risk. A line
like this is actually pretty honest in a way, but here, you’re
going to play it up just a little bit. When you say that you’re
uncertain about whether or not it’s the best idea, he’s going to
get very curious and very quickly!

“You’re fun, but honestly, you make me nervous.”

Fun is fun, and fun is a good thing, right? When you tell your
man that spending time with him is a load of fun, he’s going to
be glad to hear it! After telling him that you think he’s fun, you
hit him with the curve ball.

When he thinks that the kind of fun that you two have makes
you nervous, he might feel some of that nervous energy
himself. He might actually interpret it as a sign of attraction,
but it will also make him think about the possibility that you
have doubts. He’s definitely going to know what he could do to
try and address those doubts!

“You seem like you’ll be that ex I can’t stop going back


With this line, you come straight out of the gate with a
statement that marks him as a risky prospect! The word “ex”
summons up all kinds of feelings, and some of those feelings
will definitely get him thinking about the more “exciting” things.

At the same time, calling him a future ex-boyfriend implies that

you think there’s a definite reason that the two of you won’t
work out. He’s definitely going to be a bit confused about what
your reason for doubt it, and more than that, what it is about
him that makes you think you can ignore it!

“You always just do one thing that keeps me from

deciding not to keep hanging out with you.”

All of these lines work by making him feel like he’s on a razor
thin line. The line is going to have your serious attraction on

one side, and your serious uncertainty about him on the other
side. Making him feel like he’s just delicately walking that line
between having your devotion or getting left is exactly what
you want!

“Part of me likes you, but I can’t ignore that part of me

that’s warning me about you.”

Not only does this line have that effect of hitting with him with
your interest and disinterest at the same time, but it also does
something else. When you say that a certain “part of you” likes
him, it’s going to make him start thinking hard about exactly
what that part of you is!

This is the kind of hot and cold line that’s going to make him a
lot more interested in you as a person. He’s going to think
about where the common lines between he and you actually are
in the first place!

“You drive me crazy in a good way sometimes, but other

times I wonder if it’s worth it.”

Few things really get a guy excited about a woman more than
the thought of being able to “drive her crazy”. Driving someone
crazy in a good way means that they think you’re the best kind
of fun! At the same time, you don’t just let it hang tight with
the fact that he drives you crazy. By saying that you wonder
about whether or not it’s worth it, you give him room to worry.

“I’ve thought about being more than friends with you,

but it makes me nervous.”

A lot of guys out there constantly think about whether or not a
girl they’re seeing is interested in something “more”, but
confirming it too quickly on your end can be a recipe for
disaster. Instead of being too hasty, you can seriously increase
his interest without putting all of your cards on the table right

Saying that you’ve thought about being more friends with him
lets him know that you’re definitely attracted to him. Even
though you say that you’re more attracted, the fact that you
just say you’ve “thought” about it doesn’t completely confirm
anything. Saying that he makes you nervous will make him
wonder about what it could be that’s holding back your feelings!

Section 7 - Queen of my Heart Lines

Awakening your man’s primal protector gets your man to do

more stuff for you, but not in a manipulative way! What we’re
covering is a way that your man will start to do more things for
you, healthily.

The goal isn’t to make your man drag a piano across the city
with a busted up rope just because you can! There is no deceit
or negative energy involved in this process. The primal
protector wants to be woken up, but we just have get a little bit
more creative about how to do that in this modern age.

When you get down to it, you can inspire any man to do more
things for you with the techniques that we’re discussing here.
There is a simple and clean process to making it so that he
always finds you to be his top priority. In general, the process
always goes a little something like this:

1. Clearly outline your desires.

2. Properly suggest an action that he can take to make it a


3. Ask that he make a commitment to it.

4. Use some easy reward and punishment theory.

5. Give him a reminder of what the right behavior really is.

The 1st step: Clearly and simply outlining your desires

Note the importance of the word “simple” in this equation! You

have to avoid making the guy’s brain short-circuit from a
request that’s too convoluted. Simple requests simply work the

Some men have really been conditioned to expect that all

women are addicted to drama - just a tiny bit presumptuous,
but it’s the truth! Keeping things simple contradicts the

From the first moment that you get the idea to make a request
to your man, that request itself has to be the center of your
attention. Whatever you do, make sure that you don’t try to
“break into” the request by arguing about the way that
sprinklers turn! For the sake of actually getting something done,
we have to focus only on what actually needs to get done.

After all, doesn’t it annoy you when somebody talking to you

just doesn’t get around to the point? A woman who does this
with her man will suddenly find herself talking to the back of his
head in no time at all!

Here’s a quick shortlist of most common things that we might

want our men to do:

-To talk about something that’s troubling us greatly

-To just be a little bit more open and honest about things in

-To finally fix that one thing in the house that isn’t working

-To show just a little bit more affection now and then

-That diamond bracelet wouldn’t be bad as a birthday present


Whatever that little thing may be, making sure that you suggest
it in a simple and clear way will increase the chance of success
and decrease the chance that you end up talking to the back of
his head.

Now, onto the second step...

The 2nd Step: Properly suggest an action that he can take to

make it a reality

After you’ve identified what it is that you want, you can move
things forward by suggesting what he could do in order to make
what you want actually happen. The most important keyword
here is to suggest what that thing is.

You don’t want to just up and command your man to do
something, because these aren’t instructions on how to get
cheated on as quickly as possible.

When you know how to suggest the things that you want your
man to do in an effective way, stuff starts moving! Trash
magically gets taken out! All that you have to do is learn how to
properly tread that very, very thick line between intelligently
suggesting and blatantly demanding.

To make this all a lot clearer, here’s an example of how you can
easily go about suggesting that your man do something, the
RIGHT way:

“Are you ever going to fix that door?”

You see, this is easily the worst way that you could go about
trying to get your man to do exactly what it is that you want
him to do. Instead of encouraging him to please you, all that a
line like this is really going to do is piss him off.

Seriously, if you could take a spreadsheet and look at the

amount of times that asking, “Are you ever going to get it fixed”
has actually had positive results, the line wouldn’t even be seen
over the X-axis.

The line above is a particularly bad offender because of the fact

that it actually does use some kind of suggestion, in that it’s the
most beat-you-over-the-head type of suggestion that there is.
It tells the man that he’s being ordered, but it does this in a
way that just barely tries to hide its true purpose: telling him
what to do.

It’s painfully obvious what the request is, but the fact that it
hasn’t been worded as a command still doesn’t make it an
effective suggestion. It’s passive-aggressive. The right way to
suggest something is by doing it in a way that still isn’t directly
commanding him, but doesn’t patronizing him like a child either.

Here’s a better way to go about it:

“I’m so glad I have a handyman in my life. I don’t think I can

figure out how to fix this door...”

Now do you see what’s going on in that line? It’s pretty

fantastic. Note that this line opens up with a compliment. The
moment that you open this line up with a compliment of his
strength, you’re softening him up. It’s true that flattery can’t
get your everything, but you’re really missing out if you don’t
appreciate its power to get you something.

In this context, the flattery can be just about anything that

relates to something that your man is good at. It doesn’t
necessarily have to be fixing things, but it could be just about
anything that relates to something that he legitimately has a
talent for. Don’t feel the need to stretch too far over backwards
to make this work, because chances are he’ll be able to tell!

Remember all the things that we’ve said about the primal
protector? By making it clear that you need his help, you
directly appeal to the primal protector within him and its desire
to be validating through providing for you. Instead of feeling
like he’s getting bossed around without any consideration for his
own priorities, this will be a call to action for him to help you.

All that you have to do to make this work is to drive home the
fact that you respect him for his capabilities and legitimately
need what he has to offer. The primal protector will almost
immediately react to the fact that “the mate” is in distress.

Even if it might be a little inconvenient at that specific point in

time, the results will be a hundred times better than if you just
came right out of the gate demanding that he hop to doing
exactly what you say!

Remember, all of this stuff is the opposite of things like deceit

or manipulation. If you need to take a little bit of time to think
about what it is that you could show some admiration of your
man for, then by all means, TAKE THAT TIME that you need in
order to give it some thought. The more sincere that your
praise is, the more positive the results will be when he comes

Believe it or not, a man actually appreciates it when a woman

cares about the qualities that he has in a way that doesn’t
directly relate to anything physical. It’s not just about the
muscles and hair, it’s about the fact that there’s somebody who
seriously appreciates them for what they have to offer as a

You feel the same way, don’t you? Don’t we all actually want to
be appreciated for the things that actually make us people? Is it
really so ridiculous that we’d like our men to want us for our
attributes that -don’t- just happen to be those physical things
that trigger testosterone?

Since you know how much you’d like to be appreciated for
those qualities of yours that aren’t just physical, we’ve got to
extend that same type of courtesy to our men when we suggest

Now, here’s an example of the WRONG way to try and get your
man to show a little bit more affection to you every now and

You’re afraid to tell me that you love me!

One of the absolute worst ways that you can try going about
getting your man’s genuine affection again is by attacking him
on the matter. If you try and turn your genuine desire for
affection into something that just sounds like a command, then
you’re basically asking for your efforts to fall on deaf ears with

Now, the RIGHT way to go about this is to make sure that he

doesn’t feel like you’re trying to push him into a box. You want
to make a very real effort to avoid treating your man like some
kind of outlaw when it comes to the things that you’d like to see
more of.

A much BETTER way that you can approach your man about
showing a bit more affection is:

I feel so high when you tell me that you love me.

Can’t you see the extreme difference between asking for

affection like this, and the alternative? By framing your desire
for more affection as a genuine expression of how good you
feel, you give your man a positive form of encouragement that
makes him legitimately want to show more affection for you.

A man wants to feel like he’s being appreciated for everything
that he has to offer, just like you do. If you can show your man
that you seriously appreciate him, then there’s almost nothing
he won’t be willing to do in order to return the favor and get
your continued affection as a reward.

Here are some of the other things that you can say to your man
in order to really show your appreciation for him in a positive
and powerfully affective way:

- I can’t ever wait for the next time that you surprise me.

-You make it so easy for me to believe in you!

-Thank you for reminding me that there are still good men left
in the world.

- You are such a blessing to me. I feel warm just being near

-Having a man like you inspires me every day.

-When it comes down to it, I know that you can be counted on


-I love that I can seriously trust you to come through for me

when it counts.

- I’m glad that I can have a man who makes me so proud.

Lines like this just make it so that your man knows that
somebody appreciates his efficacy! In a world full of competition
where respect is never a guarantee, little things like this will lift
his spirits and make him cherish you.

The 3rd Step: Request a commitment to the cause

Human nature 101: we are ALWAYS more likely to do

something if, first, we’ve done something smaller that just so
happens to RESEMBLE that something. We might be naturally
cautious of things that are unfamiliar at first, but throw in a
little dash of familiarity and we’re ready to go cliff diving every

When it comes to your relationship, you’ll benefit a lot from

letting your man adapt to following through with a commitment
on a smaller scale before leading up to a BIGGER scale. Think of
it like you’re getting the iron nice and hot before striking! This
is just a little exercise in the art of taking the best opportunity
when it presents itself.

Now let’s say, for example, that you’d really like it if your man
would take you out to eat. Do you know what the absolutely
worst way that you could try and get your man to do this would
be? If you guessed, “asked him why he never takes me out to
dinner”, then you’ve clearly been paying attention so far!

A man is MUCH less to be want to do anything for you if you

frame it as if he’s being put on trial. If you want your man to
take you out to eat, then there’s a very easy and conflict-free
way to go about it.

Instead of accusing your man of never caring enough to take

you anywhere, try framing what you want a little more like this:

“Babe, I have been so worn out lately it feels like I’m losing my
mind. Can we go out to eat tonight?”

Now when you open up the request like this, you’re appealing
to his primal protector instinct by showing that your limits are
getting to you. Beyond just the concept of going out to eat, he’s
going to want to address the fact that you’re in distress and
“protect” your health by relieving your stress!

After he’s agreed to go out to eat, suggesting a specific

restaurant is a lot easier now than just demanding to go to a
specific restaurant from the very outset.

Now, when the date has been set, you have a lot more leeway
in suggesting that the two of you go out and do something else
on the weekend as well. When your man has agreed to take you
out, he’s in a zone that makes him a lot more agreeable - this is
a state that you can make the most of by suggesting special
little outings.

After he’s already agreed to go to a specific restaurant of your

choice, getting him to agree to go to something else with you is
a A LOT easier than it would be otherwise! All that you have to
do is gently lean into your requests with tact and grace, and
with nothing more than that, you’ll be amazed at how much
stuff your man is actually willing to do to make you happy!

The 4th Step: Positive Reinforcement and Punishment

Now when it comes to getting our men to do just a little bit

more of what we want, the truth is that we’re actually doing a
bit of training. For what it’s worth, you’re basically
psychologically conditioning your man until the behavior you
like comes naturally to him. After all, if we don’t do it ourselves,
just who will?

The truth is that if your man is constantly doing things that you
hate and neglecting to do the things that you love, he’s
basically learned that it’s okay. You can’t expect to raise your
man like a mother raises her son, but at the same time, setting
boundaries and having your needs met is extremely important!

The solution is incredibly simple: your positively reinforce the

good behavior, and you punish the bad behavior. Punishing
behavior doesn’t mean that you dye all of his clothes hot pink
and send him to the kennel, but it means that you don’t
respond with any behavior that can be seen as a reward - as a
matter of fact, you would be doing those things less as

There are two types of rewards to keep in mind while we’re

talking about this:

1. Physical rewards, which can take the form of cuddling,

kissing, sex, or anything with skin-on-skin contact. Even a
massage can be a nice physical reward.

2. Emotional rewards, which include any sign of adoration or
affection that you would send his way. Emotional rewards are
often actually even more powerful than physical rewards! This is
just simple positive reinforcement that lets him know his
behavior is genuinely appreciated.

As an example, here’s a way that you could emotionally reward

your man for giving you gifts:

“Whenever you go out of your way to bring me something, it

makes me extremely grateful that I can count on you to lift me
up after a long day”

Now as far as punishment is concerned, let’s say that you’re fed

up with the way that your man can’t ever seem to pick up his
clothes. A constructive way to punish him is to simply let him
know what you won’t be doing it for him anymore!

“Your clothes on the floor are going to swallow the house whole
after I stop picking them up.”

It’s not a direct manipulation or an attack on his character, but

it lets him know that there are consequences! As long as you
remain consistent, the conditioning will sink in to a
subconscious level in time.

The 5th Step: Give him a reminder of what the right track is

Now if you feel like your man might be falling a little bit off-
track when it comes to the the positive behavior, all that you
have to do is give him a light reminder of what it means to do
the things that please you.

Just like before, it’s important to show that you appreciate your
man when you do this. Take a look at the example below:

“I know that you really do love me and work hard to be a great

man, but I’ve been sensing that you’re a little bit more distant
lately. Has something been going on?”

Because you introduced the problem by acknowledging that he

actually cares about you and you know it, he’s not going to feel
like you’re dragging his effort in the mud.

Now, suppose that you want your man to start spending more
time with you in general. Here’s an example of how going about
it the wrong way can lead to disaster:

Woman –You’ve been completely ignoring me!

Man – I can’t just ignore my work.

Woman – Do I even exist when you go to work?

Man – I don’t think you get how important it is for me to stay


Woman – You don’t even know what love is.

Because the woman in the example just accused her man of

being loveless, it was a failure from the very start. If you want
to handle this situation in a much CONSTRUCTIVE way, then
here’s how you would go about it:

Woman – I am so blessed to have you as my man. Your work

ethic is inspirational, and I just have to let you know how much
I appreciate you.

Man – I’m lucky to have you in my life too.

Woman – I don’t want to be needy and drag you away from

your work, but I wish there was more time for us to spend

Man – I’ve been so swamped lately that I forgot to take you

out! I never meant to make you feel alone. Let’s go out this
weekend to make up for it, just the two of us.

This is the polar opposite scenario, and for good reason!

Instead of coming after her man like a hissing crocodile, the
woman instead opened up by letting him know that she
understood him. She established some genuine respect, and
she followed that up by sharing her feelings without using any
accusations or anger to get the message across.

Getting angry at things in the relationship is a LOT easier than

understanding things, but when you do things the “hard” way,
you’ll find that communication is actually less difficult in the
long run!

Section 8 - Emotion Devotion Lines.

Every now and then, I get visited by a client in a very particular

and unfortunate situation that a lot of us might be able to relate
to - it’s a situation where she just wishes that she had never
slept with a certain guy at all!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could just go back in time and

backhand some sense into ourselves before making the mistake
of giving up the goods to “that guy”? Wouldn’t it just be the
greatest if we never had to deal with those guys that make us
wish we could have our virginity renewed? It would be such a
delightful world to live in!

Still, the reality here is that sex is a one-way ticket. You can’t
un-sleep with a guy, no matter how much justice it would do
you. Believe me, I would provide THE most generous donation
to the creation of a machine built for erasing stupid hookups
from your past, but we’re still more than a couple Olympics
games away from that kind of technology.

In the meantime, don’t pull out your hair over what’s been
done! You’re in good company here. It’s taken millions of years
of hooking up with losers to give us powerful strategies for
avoiding them, and if you take those strategies to heart, you’re
going to be a lot less likely to tarnish that sexual resume again.

Now, suppose there’s a guy out there who’s actually worth
doing the dance beneath the sheets with? What if you actually
manage to meet a guy who’s worth more than half his weight in
salt? Isn’t that a scary thought? Can you fathom meeting a guy
that it’s a great idea to sleep with for multiple reasons?

Well here’s the thing about that: it happens a lot, and it may
have actually even happened to you! If it has happened for you,
I’m extremely happy for you and I hope that you spread that
good luck around generously. Now, the not-so-glamorous side
to this miracle of the universe is that it doesn’t guarantee that
he’ll stay.

It’s like tragic poetry, isn’t it? The useless ones will sometimes
line up like cheap dominoes to take you on a honeymoon to
their finest fast food restaurant after one bad lay, but the good
ones can disappear like a whistle in the wind.

If only there was a way that we could tip the odds in our favor
just a little bit more, and develop some kind of method to
making a real catch of a man understand that we’re catches too
- on second thought, there’s no point in wishing for that. We
don’t need to wish for it because there IS a way to make him
see you as more than a fling!

What I’m going to share with you here is going to give you what
it takes to fuse sex with effective communication. No, it doesn’t
mean that you have to demand that he tell you what his career
plans are when you’re in a position on top of him and he can’t

When I say that you can fuse sex and communication, I mean
that you can actually make him understand that the intercourse
actually means more to you than another notch on his
scoreboard. If the guy isn’t a complete sociopath, then there’s a
good chance he’ll actually have some consideration for the fact
that sex truly means something to you.

Far too many women make things a lot harder for themselves
by not being upfront about just how much sex means to them
besides a way to burn calories. You can’t fall into the same trap
and be afraid that you’ll “scare him off” if you get too deep
about what sex means to you.

Separating from a man who has confirmed that he can’t take

things seriously is much better than feeling used by a man that
you’re unsure about when it comes to his feeling on
commitment. By the end of this section, you will be able to
present your feelings about sex to your man in a way that
practically forces him to reveal his feelings as well!

Make it clear to your guy that there are actually some valid
thoughts dancing around in your head when it’s lying on his
chest after that heated one-on-one time. It’s a universal law
that a man is the easiest to “reason with” after he’s had sex,
because that’s the moment when all of his personal walls have
temporarily been laid down.

You really owe it to yourself to make the whole thing easy for
him by not holding back what your real thoughts are! Think of it
in the same way that you could think about leading a blind dog
on a walk through a brand new neighborhood - I say this
because of the session that I had with a particular client I had

who had this problem in a bad way.

When this client of mine was stressing out about how it seemed
that sex meant nothing to this wonderful but uncommitted guy
she was seeing, I told her something that she didn’t really know
how to take when I first said it.

I told her, “Feelings are just like blind mice.”

When she asked me to explain myself, I told her that it was

exactly as it sounds. When it comes to feelings, a man does not
“see” and “observe” things rationally. Remember, this is an
emotional game with no analytic logic! A man doesn’t just look
at a woman that he’s attracted to and say, “I choose to find her
a worthy mother of my kids.”

Feelings just happen, and we’re saddled up with the task of

making sure that we can handle them whenever they happen to
arise. Because a man’s feelings are so hopelessly blind, the best
that we can really do is make an effort to guide those feelings
in the best way that we can. Keeping your sanity through this
process is just a matter of patience!

When a man is experiencing those feelings in his heart, they

can manifest as something that he feels in his body. When the
feelings bubble up in his body, naturally, he’s going to want to
do what he can in order to vent those feelings in the best way
that his reptile brain knows how.

When you’re getting clear signals that a guy wants to spend

time with you beyond what’s happening in bed, but he’s just not

doing a great job at vocalizing it, that’s when it’s time to take a
deep breath and let the logic creep back in. His feelings are far
and away out of his control, and society has encouraged him to
keep them under lock and key.

On the other hand, you might be dealing with the type of guy
who doesn’t really tend to think about his emotions much at all.
Don’t be fooled - just because a man doesn’t spend much time
thinking about the feelings doesn’t mean he isn’t affected by

No matter what kind of man this is, you’ve got to do what you
can to help him address the fact that having sex with you isn’t
going to be a no-strings-attached deal. You may not be able to
control everything he feels, but the connection between sexual
release and emotions can be bridged much easier than a lot of
people know.

If you want him to be able to connect those fine lines between

having sex with you and recognizing his feelings for you, then
what you should definitely start to understand is the way that
the amygdala operates. The amygdala is a part of the brain that
is heavily linked to our “fight or flight” instincts, and it is going
HAYWIRE when it comes to sex.

Animals are constantly operating in order to ensure their

survival and mate - plain and simple! Sex is meant to be
something that makes a man’s instincts to find a mate and
protect her with his life come to a boiling point.

So how does this all connect to ensuring that a man doesn’t see

you as just another one-night stand? It means that if you can
trigger the man’s amygdala while telling him what your feelings
about sex are, you can basically have him feeling that he’s your
soul mate. It’s not an exaggeration at all, it’s just a show of
appreciation for basic psychology!

So how is it that you can do this?

The secret to getting your man to experience the full depth of

his emotions regarding sex is to raise the emotional
temperature when you have the conversation. When you raise
up that emotional temperature to a fever pitch, he’s going to be
at the complete mercy of his amygdala like no other state could
possibly cause!

If you can raise a man’s emotional temperature when it’s at the

lowest boiling point, he won’t even know what hit him- all that
he’ll know is that his feelings have suddenly become a lot more
clear and easy to express, and he’s going to have a need to get
them off of this chest as quickly and clearly as possible.

The best way to get man’s emotional temperature raised up to

the highest degree is to use the power of some simple
chemistry to help you out! If you present the man with
emotions to process in his most emotionally open moment, then
the impact of what you say will be incredibly strong!

Presenting mixed emotions doesn’t mean that you have to start

acting completely unstable and out of your mind, but what is
does mean is that you’re going to start make the words you say
have subtle traces of different elements that could wake up

different emotions within him!

When you’re presenting the man with a variety of different

emotions to process, he’s going to feel his attraction towards
you rising the entire time! Remember, you’re going to be doing
this after he’s already consummated things with you physically
just moments before - in this period of time, his defenses are
down and he’s liable to share anything!

The physical allure that you have on him is basically going to

act like an electrical charge to the more substantial, emotional
tremors that happen in his heart when you present him with
them. You’re not necessarily depending on your physical
attributes to make him care about you, but you’re utilizing them
in a way that makes reaching him very easy.

When the emotional temperate has been raised up to a point

that he never even knew was possible before, even the most
normally dry and apathetic man is prone to show an entirely
different side of themselves. A man’s true emotional
temperature can seem alien to even he himself when it rises, so
he might actually get to know himself better too!

I call these emotional temperature-raising verbal techniques

“Emotional Devotion Lines”. If you were worried about these
Emotional Devotion Lines being long and complicated, then this
should definitely put your mind at ease! Once the physical
urges have been quieted down and his personal defenses are
completely lowered, things get easier.

These lines aren’t complex and barely even require exact

memorization - you just need to be able to get a handle on
what the common theme is before you actually use them. I
have just a few examples of the different kinds Emotion
Devotion lines that you can use to nudge him into the full
spectrum of his feelings when he has sex on the brain.

The first of these lines that I’m going to share with you is the
most basic and versatile example. For the purpose of this little
demonstration, the hypothetical volunteer’s name is going to be
“Tom” - feel free to substitute Tom’s name for whoever might
apply in your life!

“That felt incredible, but I can’t deny that I definitely

mixed feelings about this.”

Now, even though this line is very simple, it’s easy to see how it
can create that emotional cocktail that I’ve been talking about
so far. When you say that you’re getting “mixed feelings” about
the fun that you have together it’s basically a cut-and-dry
reflection of the versatile platter of emotions that all humans

While he’s basking in the afterglow of getting it on, hearing that

you have mixed feelings about it is going to interrupt that peace
of mind that he has and force him to start internalizing it. Even
if he doesn’t know it, the animal urge that we all possess to
have sex makes us feel strong threads of attachment shortly
before, during, and after the act.

For many animal species, it’s basically an unwritten law of

nature that the act of mating makes the two mates enter a pact

to stay with one another - of course, we disregard this “law” all
of the time for practical, modern world reasons!

When you bring up the fact that you have mixed feelings about,
his primal brain is immediately going to react in a panic due to
the fact that the “law” is being challenged. Normally it would be
no big deal, due to the fact that the afterglow of sex doesn’t
really tend to last for a terribly long time.

Presenting your mixed feelings immediately after the fact,

however, is going to introduce that chaos factor to his primal
feelings in a way that he probably wasn’t completely prepared
for at first. When he senses that something has happened that
threatens the “closure” of the sex he just had, that emotional
temperature will jump.

The important thing is that this line is at least going to be a

very clear admission to him that the sex means a lot more to
you than just a random one-night stand with no strings
attached - at the very least, you won’t have yourself to blame
for not being honest about just what it was that you were
feeling all along, no matter what the outcome might actually be
when he responds to you.

Now, here’s a slightly more ‘layered” line that you can use to
the same effect...

“I have a lot of reasons to like you, Tom, but something

else is definitely going on here. Do you think we could
just take a break from doing this until we figure it out?”

Now this is one powerhouse of a line! With this line, you are
directly ADDRESSING the fact that there’s something more
significant than just a physical romp happening between the
two of you. You don’t ask him if there’s something more
significant happening between of you, you just tell him that
there’s something there to acknowledge.

In the short moment of time after the two of you have had sex,
his feelings of raw connection to you are naturally going to be
at a higher level than they would typically be on any ordinary
day - therefore, anything that you mention regarding a
connection with him is going to seem a little bit more authentic
by default.

Now when you mention that you think it might be a good idea
for the two of you to actually take a break from anything that
might be too intimate, his amygdala is going to get activated in
a big way. When your man gets hit by an unconscious feeling
that source of his satisfaction is being threatened, his emotional
temperature skyrockets.

At first, his initial reaction might be to try as hard as he can

bargain for the chance of making the idea of sex not seem like
a such a bad idea. You might tempted to take it easy on him,
but you have to stand your ground and be strong about the fact
that the deeper things need to be discussed in depth before the
physical fun can continue.

What you’re doing here is making sure that he knows where

your priorities lye when it comes to your relationship with one
another. If you make things clear with this type of confession,
and you do it within a close time-frame with the sex, then

you’ve basically made it so that your feelings are inseparable
from what you have to offer physically.

Now, there’s another situation that can arise that might require
a bit more creativity! We’re all adults here, so we can
acknowledge the fact that sometimes a little fun on the
mattress IS all we’re first.

We’re humans first and mature adults second. Being humans,

sometimes we wind up developing impulses and feelings that
we didn’t plan on. What if you start to catch feelings for a guy
that you already made an agreement with to keep things

Well the first thing that you should do is forgive yourself for
being born with emotions. Shame on us, right? The second
thing that you should do is make an executive decision NOT to
keep it a secret from the man.

Just because you may have decided to keep things casual in the
beginning doesn’t mean that you’ve signed a contract that
forbids being honest. Even if you feel that things might be
complicated if you bring things up with him, you don’t need to
worry about that, because things are clearly already
complicated; being honest makes it SIMPLER.

A surefire way that you can make this situation more difficult
than it has to be is by trying to go into denial about how you
feel - this never works. Your feelings WILL manifest eventually,
and it’s better that you confront that lovey-dovey demon early
in its lifespan before it gets too strong and makes a fool of you.

On the other hand, he may or may not be feeling the same
thing that you are. Even if he’s not wrestling with little imps on
his shoulder pestering him about his true feelings, this can still
work in your favor. Remember, your goal here is to make sure
that he knows that you can’t be considered a casual fling any
longer. No exceptions!

Being confronted with YOUR little emotional monster under the

bed while he’s in his most vulnerable, post-coital moment is
going to get his blood pumping. He’ll either be caught off-guard
if he wasn’t thinking of it, or be excited if he had a premonition
of his own. In either case, his emotional temperature will have
nowhere to go but up!

Now, here’s a good way that you can break it to the boytoy that
your casual arrangement is starting to turn into a not-so-casual

“Tom, I really don’t want to freak you out, but I owe it to

you to say something. Even though we said that this
would be sex only, I’m starting to get some very serious
thoughts about what you mean to me. I love it when I’m
with you, but can we take a break from it for now?”

It really can’t get more honest and direct than this! It’s really a
shame that there are so many woman who believe that there
isn’t any way that they can show this kind of honesty without
coming off as needy. This is complete disclosure, but it doesn’t
put pressure on the guy to move in with you and throw away
his dirty magazines.

What this is doing to your guy is stimulating his amygdala to
the absolute max! After a good session in the sheets, when you
hit him with the fact that you love it, he’s going to feel a
seriously positive wave of validation. The catch is that the
validation is stirred in with a little taste of rejection at the same

You aren’t exactly rejecting him in an all-inclusive way, but at

the same time, you’re forcing him to face the fact that the sex
isn’t a sure thing. You’re making him realize that the sex
beyond his reach unless he actually acknowledges that you’re
feeling something a lot deeper than his reproductive organ.

Even if he only wanted to invest his body into the sex and
nothing else, doing this is going to make him consciously
associate the sex you’ve had with the concept of commitment.

He may immediately want to get back being physically active

with you, but when he realizes that it won’t happen unless he
starts thinking about the more intimate things, he’ll have no
choice but to make a choice. As he thinks more and more about
the right choice to make, that inner debate is going to make big
waves in his emotional temperature!

The next Emotion Devotion line is just a tad bit more nuanced
than what’s been covered so far. Let’s say that you’ve been
having a healthy dose of casual sex, but your feelings are
getting real and you want to test for a transition into something

Rushing into the transition from sex buddies to boyfriend and
girlfriend is definitely not high on the list of ways to de-stress
your life, but at the same time, you have to do something about

If you’ve been sleeping with the kind of guy who appears highly
affectionate outside of sex but hasn’t mentioned anything in
terms of a relationship just yet, you can use a line like this...

“I love it when we have sex, but I think you’re starting to

treat me like your girlfriend!”

This type of line puts the man on the spot! He’s going to have
to take moment to contemplate the meaning of the time that he
spends with you, and along with that, the concept of being
committed to you.

The highest priorities in this situation are to tone down the

hardcore friskiness, let him know that the emotional aspect of
things are on your mind, and make an attempt to gauge how he
reacts to the concept of things getting a little more heated
between the two of you.

Since his emotional temperature is going to have an incredibly

low boiling point after sex, having him mentally relate the idea
of commitment to you and his behavior towards you so far is
going to have a powerful effect!

Section 9 - Intimacy Yoo-Hoo Lines

Men and women share houses but live in different dimensions.

Forget about Mars and Venus, we’re already galaxies apart on
the same planet! We’ve been working on ways to communicate
with men from across the stars for centuries, but even after all
the progress that’s been made, some things still get lost in

You think your date/boyfriend/husband is acting weird? That’s

the way it’s supposed to be! The day that men and women run
out of questions to ask each other is the day that every person
can reproduce asexually like an amoeba.

Before we even know the meaning of the words “boy” and “girl”,
society surrounds us with a gender-based frame. A person can
either embrace that frame or completely reject it, but either
way, the identity they forge for themselves is a reaction to that

For the man that lives inside of society’s frame of “masculinity”,

emotions are a sensitive topic - the word “sensitive” is ironic,
since what we’re dealing with is ANTI-sensitivity.

Even though the double-standard for emotional expression is
discussed a lot more openly than it used to be, it still holds a lot
of weight today!

Many men from cultures across the globe still live under
constant pressure to avoid coming off as soft or weak in any
way. From a young age, boys have the “men don’t cry” mindset
drilled into them - anger is glorified and sadness is practically
taboo! Things have gotten a little bit less rigid in the western
world, but we can still see fragments of it everywhere we look.

When you think about all of the pressure that some of these
men are under to stick to what society expects, it’s no wonder
that so many of them act like they’re emotionally constipated!

Have you ever had a man assume that your gender made you
incapable of doing something you could do since you were five
years old? Believe it or not, a man might have the same kind of
frustration when it’s assumed that he should be able to handle
ANYTHING or be stripped of his “man points”.

Sometimes, a man will end up completely embracing that

gender-typical expectation for him to show his anger as a way
of reacting to that very expectation! It’s a catch-22 that can
really mess with a guy’s sense of identity if he doesn’t have
anybody to open up to about it.

Men are usually left with only a small circle their closest friends,
their family, and their significant other to feel comfortable
revealing their emotional struggles to. Sometimes they’re too

embarrassed to show their sensitive side to a single living soul!
A man can wind up feeling like his emotions are something that
he has to bury beneath a giant pile of vices.

Naturally, we’ve got the power to do something “cathartic” for

our men to help them through their timeless man-struggle;
when I say that, I’m not just talking about letting him “explore
more territory” in the bedroom!

When we’re in a relationship with men, we have a certain ability

to give them relief in a way that isn’t physical. When it seems
like the entire world will completely condemn him for not
“manning up”, a man’s woman is like his private safe zone
where he can allow himself to have the full human experience.
He probably won’t ask you for this, but trust me, he wants it!

Now before we go any further, I have to make a disclaimer. You

can’t just undo a thousand generations of social and
psychological conditioning in your man’s mind all by yourself; if
you could do that, then it would be your DUTY to stop reading
right now and write your own book! For the rest of us, we’ve
got to face the fact that there’s a limit to the influence we can

You probably already know this as well, but I’ll state it just for
the sake of being thorough: some elements of the double
standard are actually healthy. The way that society expects men
to handle their emotions is what his “primal protector” sleeps
on. For thousands of years, men lived and fought to be the best
hunters, warriors, organizers and providers.

Before the human race developed enough to have any real
emotional insight, all that mattered was strength and
toughness. In this day and age, where the mind carries more
weight than the physical body, the effects of our ancient and
brutal roots still haven’t worn off.

Men are still built to aggressively seek dominance and success,

but it’s impossible to deny the complex emotions we evolved to
feel. If balancing our “modern” emotional identity with our
ancient gender roles was an easy things to do, we would have
pulled it off centuries ago!

Have you ever screamed bloody murder at the sight of a giant

spider in your room? Some studies claim that lots of people
have a built-in phobia of spiders and snakes because, back in
the days before medicine, encountering a poisonous creature
was a life-or-death situation; a man’s irrational fear of showing
weakness can actually be the same kind of reaction!

Think about what we’ve said so far about the amygdala, and
how it activates when a man goes into fight or flight mode.
Even in civilized settings, a man still has that little tick in his
mind that makes him associate a show of weakness with a
threat to his survival.

Right here and now, you can be that equalizer for your man
that he can’t find with anyone else. You can offer him some
relief from society’s impossible demands in a way that won’t
embarrass him!

In order to give our man that emotional relief that he’s so
desperate to have but even more desperate to hide, we need to
use the power of intimacy. You’re not alone if want your man to
be more intimate in general, so when it comes down to it, this
is a mutually beneficial situation!

By the end of this section, you will know how to covertly give
your man some sweet emotional relief and have enjoy a little
bit more more intimacy. You don’t have to compromise you or
your man’s needs in order to work, and if all goes as planned,
the strength of your relationship will double!

Getting a man to lower his proverbial sword and shield so that

you can get around his defenses is a serious accomplishment!
You will be pulling something off that a lot of women would
probably dismiss as science fiction if it was suggested. All that
you have to do is say the right thing at the right time, and just
like all of the other lines we’ve talked about, the results are

The timing of when you try and appeal to your man’s emotions
is CRITICAL! Don’t underestimate how intense his paranoia of
showing sensitivity can be. In the hunter and gatherer ages,
even a second of weakness could be the difference between
eating and dying.

In modern days, most men would rather show no emotion at all

than be cautious and even show just a little bit. Even when the
“danger” has mostly passed over, his nerves are still activated
and the adrenaline won’t disappear right away.

For example, let’s say that you and your man have just
managed to get over a little shouting match. When the dust has
settled and a couple can use their indoor voices again, there are
probably still lingering “echoes” of the argument creating a tiny
bit of tension. Even if you want to talk about what’s happened
in more calmly, most men won’t want to address it.

Even when there isn’t any immediate sign of conflict, the man
will still be in a mode that makes him want to avoid showing
any sign of being affected by it. As crazy as it may seem, even
showing that he’s AFFECTED by a minor argument can feel like
an admission of weakness to him - it is truly a 24/7 battle
inside of his mind!

You need to constantly aware of any situation when the

emotional temperature between the two of you might still be
“hot” enough for him to believe he’s got feelings to hide. It’s
just like when somebody turns down the burner on a stove
when they’re done cooking - even though the stove has
technically been deactivated, the eye is still searing hot to the

Try to treat the situation like a private investigator who’s hot on

the trail of somebody who thinks they’ve gotten away scott-
free. To avoid compromising your “investigation”, the last thing
that you want to do is let them know that you’re onto them! If
they catch onto the fact that you’re reading their insecurities,
their first instinct is going to be to run away.

Instead of announcing that you’ve caught them red-handed on

the charge of repressed feelings, your job as the “investigator”

should be make them feel so comfortable that they voluntarily
give up the truth all on their own. You don’t want to literally
treat your man like some kind of a criminal, so you definitely
want to avoid making it seem like you’re putting him on trial!

Just like everything else we’ve covered up to this point, there is

a certain kind of language that you can use to reach your goals
in a subtle yet powerful way. The things you can say to make a
man less defensive about his emotions are what I like to call
“Intimacy Yoo Hoo Lines”.

There’s an important rule about using these lines that you

should follow to make sure that these lines don’t wind up
backfiring on you at a crucial moment: don’t focus on yourself
as an example of why it should be easy for you man to open
up! Remember, society is a lot more sympathetic to the image
of a woman crying than the image of a man crying, and he
knows that.

Here’s an example of the wrong way to try using an Intimacy

Yoo Hoo line:

“Babe, you need to stop being so afraid to feel and just let it
out! It’s not illegal to show your feelings every once in a while.
If I feel like crying, I just cry and nobody judges me for it! Just
be honest about what’s bothering you and life won’t be so

Now, play devil’s advocate, there’s technically nothing false

about the above argument. Life is definitely a bit less stressful

when we can be a little bit more emotionally open about the
things that are bothering us, and any woman would be telling
the truth if she said that she wouldn’t be mocked for openly
crying - that’s where everything “right” about this argument

This argument is incredibly flawed because it’s an attempt to

force your man into a frame that he can’t really identify with no
matter what his personality might be. Even a man who is
completely secure about about his emotions isn’t immune to the
way that society will judge him for not trying to keep up a stoic
mask at all times.

If you tell your man that he needs to grow up and just stop
caring about the image created by crying, it’s just going to
come off as inconsiderate. He may not even react in a way that
shows he’s offended by it, and that will be directly related to the
reason why he doesn’t want to reveal his emotions in the very
first place.

In order to avoid making the problem worse in the process of

trying to fix things, the best thing that we can do for our men is
to avoid doing what society has already done to them - pushing
them into a frame that just isn’t humanly possible to live in at
all times.

I’ve put together some examples of the right way to go about

making your man come to terms with all of the good that
comes with being able to open to you! If you can take the core
of these Intimacy Yoo Hoo Lines to heart, then your relationship
will be several steps closer to weathering the storm against all

of the gender-based double standards in the world!

“Honey, I have to let you know that you really inspire me. No
matter what we go through, I know that you can be the rock I
depend on to get through it all. I admire you because I know
that staying tough can be the hardest thing in the world
sometimes. Whenever you feel like you just need to get get
something off your chest, let me know and I’ll be there to

Can’t you see the massive difference between phrasing the line
like this and the wrong way that I mentioned earlier? Trust me,
the difference between this kind of encouragement and the
“wrong” example is like fire and ice.

First of all, this line opens up in a way that lets the man know
that you legitimately respect his role as a man before anything
else. Just by showing that you respect the kind of standards
that he has to live up to in order to be your man, you avoid
making the most crucial mistake that anyone could make when
it comes to understanding double standards about gender.

The second vital thing about this phrase is that it doesn’t

demand anything from your man beyond the call of duty. You’re
not asking him to move any mountains and completely let go of
his pride just because you think it would make sense for him to
do so; instead, what you’re doing is letting him know the the
emotional door is always open to him if he choose to use it.

In all of these different lines that you can use to make your
man more willing to open up to you, the key is to afford him the

opportunity to let his guard down instead of making him feel
like you’re telling him to let his guard down.

To put it in perspective, let’s use the example of a teenager and

the chores that their parents expect them to do around the
house. Chances are that you might be able to relate!

A typical parent wants their kid to pick up after themselves as a

way of preparing for when they’ll be living on their own, right?
We all know how rebellious teenagers are, but every now and
then, the kid might actually decide that they want to do a little
bit of housework without being told.

What happens when the parent tells them to do their chores

right before they start? They go right back to NOT wanting to
do those chores, just because they’ve been told to! When it
comes to your man and the expression of his intimate feelings,
remember how you might feel if you were a kid again and your
parents told you to do something right before you started.

Now, here’s an example of an Intimacy Yoo Hoo Line that you

can use that can actually defuse your man’s emotional tension
before it gets too intense.

“Babe, I hope you know that not a day goes by that I don’t
think about how lucky I am to have your love. All it takes is one
look for me to sense just how much you care. One thing I really
hope is that you never feel like you have to hold anything back
from me. If there’s ever anything that upsets or annoys you

about me, you can always let me know!”

When you use this line, your man’s natural response might
actually be to deny that there’s anything immediately bugging
him about you or the world in general. If he denies the fact that
anything could possibly make him upset, don’t fight him on it!
You and he already both understand that there will be times
when everything isn’t so easy to take in stride.

When you use a line like this, what you’re doing is making sure
that your man never feels that he has to walk on eggshells
around you. The expectation that society has of men to always
be in 100% control of their emotions can make them feel like
they’re always walking a razor-thin line between respect and

When you open the floor for him to express his frustration, the
result is generally always positive in the long run, no matter he
might respond. The point is that he’s not going be as likely to
think that expressing himself to you will make it seem like he’s
less of a man for doing it.

If you feel like you can be just a little bit more direct with your
man about the struggles he’s facing to maintain a strong
impression, then there’s a way you can do it without going
overboard! The example below shows a way that you can talk
to him about emotional repression in a more direct way and still
avoid making him feel like he’s being put on the spot.

“You are truly a gift to me. Beyond just being a wonderful
partner, you are a wonderful man in general. I feel like I’ve
won the lottery every time that I think about the fact we get to
share this life together. I’ve been a little bit concerned about
something lately though. Sometimes you seem really consumed
by your thoughts, and I hope I can be there for you if you’re in
any pain.”

Once again, this line LEADS IN with the fact that you respect
and love him before anything else. Most men are deathly afraid
of losing the love of their partner if they don’t seem strong
enough, and so reassuring him of your feelings really takes a
massive weight off of his shoulders.

Now, the point where you get more direct about the things that
might be bothering him has to be handled gently. With the
above line, take note of the fact that you wouldn’t be telling him
that you’ve come to the conclusion that he’s actually
experiencing pain or stress.

By saying that it seems like he’s been really pensive, you don’t
come off as though you’re TELLING him his feelings. Just like
the other Intimacy Yoo Hoo lines, what you’re doing here is
simply laying the foundation to let him know that your company
is a place where his reputation is safe and sound.

Now be aware, there is definitely a chance that he might be

quick to try and deny that there’s any chance that he could be
experiencing distress - when he does this, even if it may be

tempting to tell him that he’s not invincible, let him have the
satisfaction of at least making an effort to assert his mental

At the end of the day, what will matter is that he feels

comfortable enough to associate any pain he’s really feeling
with your willingness to understand. You’re probably not going
to have him gushing about every little thing that’s ever
bothered him just by saying any of these lines just once, but
the fact that you use them will add up in the long run.

There’s another variation of the Intimacy Yoo Hoo line that you
might personally be more comfortable with! This next example
will be something that you can use if you want to try and have
him see himself from your point of view just a little bit more

“Do you know what I see when I look at you? I see a person
who reminds me of just how strong a man can really be. I know
it might sound a little bit weird, but it’s true. Whenever I look
at you, I can feel the strength flowing out of you, and it makes
me feel strong too! Being by your side really makes me feel like
I could rule the world with you.

Sometimes I do get a little bit worried, though. I know that

there are things that you want to keep to yourself, and I won’t
ever be able to read your mind. Sometimes I start wondering
about what kind of pressure you might be dealing with under all
of that strength. I wish that I could take all of your stress away,
but I know that facing challenges made you powerful.”

With this line, you go just a little bit farther in terms of really
letting your man see himself through your eyes. Never forget, a
man is ALWAYS thinking of the impression that he gives off, and
the way that his woman thinks of him can be one of the most
potentially troubling things of all for him to stress over!

When you specifically tell him exactly what you think when you
think about him, it’s like you’re giving him DIRECT reassurance
that he has nothing to worry about. He won’t be able to control
the way that people look at him when it comes to his personal
life, but when it comes to you, he’s going to know that he
doesn’t have to get anxious about the most important person.

When it comes to the matter of addressing his potential stress,

in this line, you don’t make any kind of declaration that you
KNOW exactly what he’s going through. You’re being genuine
about how he makes you feel in a very detailed away, but the
key point is that you’re keeping his stress as a hypothetical
factor and not a definite factor.

By referring to the things that might be stressing him out as

things that you would be HYPOTHETICALLY worried about, and
not in the present tense, you avoid making him feel like you’re
“calling him out” on something that he’s hiding. You’re
activating that primal protector within him and letting him know
that his most private pain won’t make you think less of him.

All of these Intimacy Yoo Hoo Lines are meant to help your man
warm up to the IDEA of getting more open with you! You can’t

expect him to become a fountain of emotion overnight, but
leading him to a place that he feels okay about potentially
letting you see his weak spots is a huge step forward!

Section 10 - Light of my Life Lines

Has a man ever made you feel like you knew the sight of his
back than you knew him as a person?

Next to Russian Roulette, relationships are probably the world’s

most savage game of high risk and high reward. When you give
another person your unconditional love, it’s basically like you
exhale your heart into a balloon and let it drift up into the eye
of a hurricane. By the time you let that balloon fly, it’s at the
mercy of every uncontrollable element beyond your reach.

Sometimes, just one bad mistake destroys it like a flash of

lightning. Sometimes, all you can do is watch the gale winds
throttle your heart back and forth before it finally gets
completely blown away. The worst case scenario of all, without
question, is when that heart of yours gets shot out of the sky
by the very person that you let it go for.

In less other words, you feel more disregarded than a yellow

traffic light!

Deciding to give a damn about a man with everything that you

have takes more than energy, it takes life force! Because
everything we invest our love into takes a tiny bit of our life
force, coping with a failed relationship can be compared to the
stages of grief. You deny it, you lash out against it, you drown
your tissues because of it, and you may “bargain” to undo it.

The first time that you experience the “man of your life” treat
you like a soap opera rerun, you might be so stunned by it that
you can’t even tell what’s happening. In the worst case
scenario, you might not have even realized you were dumped
until you don’t even get a dial tone when you call him.

You join a class of people who are taught a cruel lesson about
the difference between the sound of a blocked call and missed
call, free of charge and full of pain.

After all of the sleepless nights and slept-away days, you have
nothing but a single torturous question: “What happened?!”

Pinpointing the moment when a guys goes from “your man” to

a brick wall is very tricky. Usually, it’s not a just a single
moment in time that marks the transition. It’s a slow decline
through days of decaying interest before he stops being
receptive. You notice that hanging with the boys, watching TV,
surfing the internet and ANYTHING but time with you becomes
his priority.

Maybe you actually have a faint idea of when things started

flying south? Did you remember when you realized you couldn’t
recall the last time you got a kiss? Did you start noticing when
the hugs stopped happening as often? Do you remember how
you might have reacted when you felt the temperature your
chemistry was run cold?

However you reacted, here are some of the most common

mistakes that a woman can make when she feels trouble
dripping into paradise. I’ve organized these behavior patterns

into “modes” that even the most level-headed among us might
slip into if she gets desperate:

Mode 1: “Please don’t leave me!!” Mode

In this mode, your tension is wound tighter than a mouse trap!

Your mind is basically hijacked by drunk pilots of manic
emotions. You might not even know if the words you say are
meant to fit together in a sentence, but you just hope that one
of them will convince the man to come back to you. If
desperation is at Level 8, then this mode could be considered
Level 11!

If that description sounds scary to you, then imagine how it

would seem to a man on the receiving end of it around the
clock; and I DO mean around the clock. Some of the clients I’ve
counseled in this mode had become so restless and maniacal
about winning their men back that it almost seemed like they
were on amphetamines.

If you slip into the mode where you’re pleading for your man to
come back to you like he’s the oxygen you need to breathe, you
could completely lose track of when the days begin and end.
You might look up and realize that you’ve made 100
unanswered phone calls to his number in the same span of time
that a normal person only 10 calls.

The most tragic things about this is that a woman who’s in

“Please don’t leave me” mode will almost never be aware of it
until it’s a matter of hindsight and the damage has been much

more than done.

“Please don’t leave me” mode means that your fight-or-flight

threshold has gotten too low to function when it comes to a
certain man. Women who get too deep into codependent
relationship patterns are the most likely to snap and enter this
state when things fall through.

The best way that you can avoid declining into this poor state is
to understand that there’s no point in trying to bargain with
your man to make him stay. When it’s become apparent that
your man is slipping away, don’t get anxious and give him a list
of reasons why he should stay.

Remember, just as people don’t logically choose to fall in love,

people don’t logically choose to fall out of love either. Even if a
man might have what he believes are logical reasons for cutting
connections with you, the actual process of losing that
attraction was not a logical process.

No matter how valid the reasons that you have for him staying
or the reasons that he presents for leaving might be, at the end
of the day, the emotional disconnect can’t be logically reversed.
If you keep on trying to give sensible reasons, you’re doomed
to fail.

Reasons will turn to begging, begging will turn to pleading, and

pleading will be half-a-step away from “Please don’t leave me”
mode! The best favor that you can do for yourself is to make
the promise, right now, that you won’t ever fall into the trap of
desperately asking your man to stop being so distant.

In addition to making sure that you don’t try to bring your man
back by begging, you’ve got to be careful about the things that
you do as well - this what we’re going to touch on in the next
mode of interest...

Mode 2: “Your wish is my mission” Mode

This mode is basically physical in every way that “Please don’t

leave me” mode is verbal. Sometimes, an unfortunate woman
may not just stop at trying to beg her man to come back only;
she may take several notches further and decide that the only
way to win her man back will be by doing everything for him.

Instead of just relentlessly hounding his phone, this woman is

especially likely to go out of her way to serve her man’s every
need. Note, this is going to be FAR more excessive than the
normal amount of support that a rational woman would give her
man in a stable relationship.

A woman in “Your wish is my mission” mode will desperately try

to win her distant man back to the point of AGGRESSION. The
reason that I call this mode “Your wish is my mission” and not
“Your wish is my command” is because the man typically won’t
even request OR want any of the extreme favors that the
desperate woman tries to win him over with.

If you ever fall into this state, then you can become completely
blind to the fact that your constant attempts to please him will

only push him further and further away. There is almost nothing
less attractive than raw desperation, and that applies to both
genders. This mode is basically the highest tangible form of
desperation that there is in a failing relationship.

In this mode, you might end up convincing yourself that it’s

your goal in life to make your man happy even if he’s giving you
clear signs of rejection. You might get your own reflection
warped into an incredibly caring woman looking out for her
man’s best interests, when in his eyes, all he sees is a reason to
get a restraining order.

The worst case scenario is when this mode overlaps with

“Please don’t leave me mode”, and the desperate attempts to
please your man get mixed in with constant begging sessions
and arguments against his distant behavior.

If you want to avoid slipping into this extremely dangerous

state of mind, then right now, you need to understand a golden
rule: when your man stops being available, don’t try to win him
back by breaking your back to please him. Don’t try dressing up
sexy for him or blowing your paycheck on him.

If you fall into a continual cycle of trying to win your man back
with excessive favors, then not only is it doomed to fail, but
you’ll basically be enslaving yourself to your own desperation!

Now, I’m assuming that you don’t want to become a desperate

and rambling servant to a man who doesn’t want you around. If
I’m right, then you can avoid degrading yourself by making a
pledge not to try bargaining, begging, seducing or begging an

emotionally distant man back into your life.

Far too many women fool themselves into thinking they’re just
showing love, when in reality, they’re just making themselves
antagonistic and less sympathetic.

Now on that note, there’s yet another common damage control

mode that you have to be careful about. You know now that it’s
a bad idea to try being overly sweet on your man to win him
back, but you’ve got to be sure that you don’t take it too far in
the other direction either...

Mode 3: “Blame Game” Mode

Now this mode might not be as needy as behavioral patterns of

the first two modes, but that’s not to say that it’s a good mode!
Going into “blame game”mode is just as potentially damaging
as “Please don’t leave me” mode and “Your wish is my mission”

Basically, this mode is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of

trying to win your man back by doing too much or begging, a
woman here will become hellbent on blaming the man for
ruining everything. In this state, you will be completely
consumed by bitterness and hurt. Your veins will be full of
venom, and you’ll demonize the man to the ends of the Earth.

Now any woman who’s ever had to experience their man

ignoring and leaving them can definitely empathize with you if
you feel a ton of rage and embarrassment at being kicked to
the curb. There’s not a person in the world who would blame

you for feeling a massive urge to vent out everything you feel
about the guy who left you in the emotional wastebasket.

Playing the blame game is toxic for some unique reasons apart
from the first two behavior patterns. Of course blaming the man
won’t do anything to get him back to your side, but in addition
to that, the strain that it can have on your daily life can be
completely devastating.

Even though you may only mean to direct the your negative
feelings towards the man, carrying all of that negativity around
will allow it to bleed out into other parts of your world. If you
keep on tearing your man down too much, then you might be
prone to fixating on that bitterness you feel even in situations
that aren’t related to him at all.

I once had a client who vilified her man for so long and so
much that she actually started losing hair from the stress. Her
friends were there for her in the beginning, but because she
never found a way to make peace with what had happened, it
kept haunting her social life.

Her friends became exhausted by the way that she could never
go without ranting about what a bastard her man had been, and
one by one, they slowly dropped out of her life until she was all
alone. It was an extremely hard case to deal with! She didn’t
seem to be a naturally bitter person, but she never found the
strength to rise above her first real taste of romantic loss.

When you come to the realization that your man is distancing

himself from you for reasons you can’t fully understand, you’re

entitled to feel hurt and angry. You’re not crazy for feeling like
calling him out on making it a little bit harder to smile. If you
really want to enjoy your life, however, you owe it yourself not
to let your pain take over the good things you still have!

Blaming the man will never make him come back to you, nor
will it bring you any kind of inner peace. It might temporarily
feel like some kind of release, but it’s no different than picking
an emotional scab and turning it into a permanent scar.

So now you know the three major modes to avoid when you
feel like a man is leaving you behind! You know that it’s
extremely important to refrain from:

1. Begging your man to stay and bombarding him with logical

reasons not to leave
2. Trying extremely hard to please him, emotionally or sexually,
to “win him back” at your own expense
3. Aggressively blaming him and tearing him down at every

Now that we’ve gone over the major behavioral landmines to

avoid in an abandonment situation, it’s time that we start
discussing how to RECOVER from it the RIGHT way!

The key thing to understand here is the same thing that we’ve
covered in-depth in the previous sections: the truth of what
makes a man desire a certain woman more than anything else
in the world!

As I’ve said before, just starting the relationship doesn’t
guarantee that it’s going to have staying power. Even after a
man and woman have decided to commit and form a couple,
that logical decision to give the relationship a title needs
constant substance to survive.

The substance that I’m talking about here is genuine desire,

and desire comes from the value that the man and women see
in each other. It may seem cruel, but value is never permanent
all on its own. Value needs to be refreshed and renewed on a
frequent basis in order to keep the desire from dying.

A relationship that starts out perfectly might make the couple

get too comfortable, which makes them neglect the importance
of putting in effort. An “average” relationship where both
couples are constantly putting in effort to increase their value in
one another’s eyes will end up with FAR more passion than a
“perfect” relationship where the man or women don’t try.

So how can this relate to you when the relationship has

technically already ended? There’s a silver lining in the lonely
cloud. Because desire is not a logical thing, that means that if
GENUINE desire can be generated between a man and woman
once again, it won’t even matter that they separated.

If you really want to get your man back, then the key to
success is showing that man your value in a way that doesn’t
come off as desperate or needy. Women who don’t know any
better might think that the best way to show an ex-boyfriend
their value is to make drastic attempts to please or convince
them, but as we’ve established, that’s a recipe for disaster.

Since you now know the three terrible “modes” that a lot of
woman enter when they get desperate, the true solution is
incredibly simple: do the exact OPPOSITE! Instead of losing
sleep over the man, make a choice not to give him any more
energy than he deserves.

The common denominator between “Please don’t leave me”

mode and “Your wish is my mission” mode is desperation.
Desperation doesn’t do anything but scare people away and
give them secondhand embarrassment. Instead of getting
desperate and dramatic when he leaves, instead, don’t show
any drama at all!

As a matter of fact, men can be blown away when they leave

and woman responds kindly. Instead of losing your head and
pleading, the savvy woman has an awesome power to get
startle her man by calmly acknowledging the distance and
openly accepting it.

Most men have learned to be wary of the “psycho woman”

stereotype who can’t handle not being paid attention to. If you
react to his distance any drama at all, you won’t accelerate the
pace that he leaves.

You can take this even further by making a proactive response

to his coldness. Instead of getting bent out of shape, you can
rekindle a spark in his heart by initiating the distance yourself.

Now I know that it might seem a little bit counterproductive,

but trust me on this one! Your emotional needs are real and
vital. If you’re not getting the equal nourishment you need in

your relationship, then you’re wasting your time by madly
fighting for it.

Communicating to your distant man that you can’t just keep

accepting his lack of effort, in a controlled and stable tone, can
catch him completely off-guard. Take a line like this, for

“Babe, I think you’re an amazing person, but lately I’m just not
feeling connected to you. I want to make amazing memories
with you, but it just doesn’t seem like the feeling is mutual. I
want nothing but the best for us both, and I think it might be
best if we had our distance for now.”

There’s not even a single drip of neediness or desperation in

those words, but it’s still completely honest about your affection
and desire. This is a way that you can let your man know you
care about him at the same time that you take a powerful step
towards keeping your sanity and dignity.

Gently but firmly cutting the thread out of respect for your own
needs shows a lot more value than going crazy trying to keep a
distant man tied down. Instead of the drama and fallout he
respected, he might not even know how to react to the way you
politely turn the page on him. He won’t be able to help but
wonder when you started to doubt him as a lover.

Showing the man that you don’t need him to be around to be

happy can seriously catch him off-guard, even if he was feeling
the same way. He might have expected things to just fizzle out
gradually, but your smooth and conclusive rejection will be a

powerful form of reverse psychology.

When he gets the feeling that you could have a perfectly happy
life without him around, your value is going to rise

When a man first feels that nervous attraction to woman he’s

never known, his imagination is driving him wild. Her
mysterious allure comes from the fact that he has no idea if she
would even accept him into her life that he knows nothing
about. Before he knows you, he has no idea whether or not he
can compete with the other, unknown men attracted to you.

As a man becomes more familiar with you, he naturally won’t

feel the same tension that he did when he knew nothing about
you at all. Showing him that you can still be happy and have
fun without him is going to renew that anxious, heart-pumping
feeling he had before the two of you were together.

The man is going to re-experience that haunting uncertainty

about whether or not you think about him. Once again, he will
no longer know if he can stack up to whoever you may meet
when you’re on your own.

He won’t be able to stop speculating about all the places you’ll

go as an uncommitted woman. The thought of you enjoying
yourself without a care in the world while he wonders about you
will be unbearable. The old restless attraction to the mystery of
you will reawaken within him, and before long, he may not be
able to handle it!

Section 11 – Secret Hanky Panky

Every one of my clients that reaches out to me comes from a

unique background, but there are always common
denominators! Since my very first day coaching women through
the labyrinth of love, certain themes have always echoed
through their different personal challenges. The hottest
recurring goals of my clients tend to be:

-Pulling off seduction the smart way.

-Making a man truly obsessed.
-Keeping more of the good men around and losing the losers.

No matter what the specific advice is that I give my client, I

always have to leave them with what might be the most crucial
advice that I have to offer in general: a man’s eyes might be
bigger than his stomach, but his eyes are NOT bigger than his

Men are stereotyped as being all about looks and hooking up in

popular culture. We can’t really say that the stereotype is
completely unfounded, but nonetheless, there’s more than
meets the eye in more than one way.

A man might get overloaded with testosterone every now and

then, but deep down, there IS an appreciation for the things
that can’t be ogled and fondled.

As mentioned before, men have a desire for emotional
fulfillment that they often try very hard to conceal. Lots of men
have a crippling fear of looking like “wimps”, no matter how silly
it might seem from the outside looking in. Men have it drilled
into them that showing too much emotion makes them less
masculine, but this doesn’t wipe out their need to feel

If we really want to get underneath a man’s skin in the best

way, then we’ve got to use our awareness of a man’s hidden
urge to get his emotional jollies off! Remember what I
mentioned about “attraction switches “ in the very beginning?
When a man’s attraction switch gets activated, the effect is a
massive EMOTIONAL surge that makes him obsessively

At the end of the day, everything comes back to what you can
do in order to get through to your man’s emotional pressure
points. When you break through to a man’s emotional side, it’s
almost as if you’ve found a way that you can massage his most
sensitive, INVISIBLE erogenous zone.

Tending to a man’s emotional side helps you accomplish the

three most commonly-requested points of advice that my
clients come to me with. Emotional stimulation, without any
question, is the key to having a man become obsessed with

Remember the story I told in the first chapter about my

associate Lance Taylor, the hypnotist? All of the male clients
who had come to see Lance, completely out of their minds with

fixation on certain women, had been touched in a profoundly
emotional way. If you recall, one of Lance’s men had been a
notorious pickup artist, and even he got emotionally
compromised in the end.

We’ve done a lot of talking about how you can completely pull
the rug out out from under a man’s sense of security by
appealing to the smallest, most seldom-appreciated parts of his
biological makeup. In this chapter, we’re basically going to fuse
the power of soft emotional stimulation and pure, sensual

The most complete seduction doesn’t neglect to appeal to a

man’s emotional side or his pure, animalistic desire to have a
mate. Men may not be complete flesh hounds, but the amount
of lust that they feel is still a powerful and valid thing. To appeal
to the man’s physical AND emotional desires at the same time,
you can use what I call my “Hanky Panky Lines”.

What does an emotional surge have in common with pure

sexual lust? Both of them create pressure. The man experiences
pressure when he’s fantasizing about sex, and he experiences
pressure when he’s trying figure out what his feelings are for
you. With my Hanky Panky Lines, you can create BOTH of the
important kinds of pressure when it comes to attraction.

The kind of verbal technique we’re dealing with here is one that
is absolutely flush with powerful IMAGES created by the spoken
words. When it comes to seduction, the images created by the
words that are spoken mean EVERYTHING.

Just as mentioned in the beginning, the mind is pumped full of
images as soon as it processes a spoken word. With Hank
Panky lines, we’re going to be taking complete advantage of
just how much influence you can have when you make full use
of the mental images you can create in a man’s mind on a

After all, a fantasy couldn’t exist if there weren’t any way to

visualize it. When you gain control over the images created in a
man’s mind when he thinks of you, it’s practically guaranteed
that you’ll become one of the most powerful fantasies that he’s
ever had. With just the use of a some saucy little words, you’ll
gain entry into his dreams and deepest impulses.

Once you have a handle on the basic ways to create that

pressure that a man feels, either emotionally or sexually,
there’s a technical process to having his reach the most
extreme heights of his desire for you. The Hank Panky lines that
I’m going to share with you will forge a sure and true path to
making him see you as his greatest fantasy.

I’ve created a few examples of different Hanky Panky lines that

you can use to get his heart and his body buzzing at the same

“Sometimes I can just feel your gaze drilling into me when you
look my way. Just knowing that your eyes are on me is enough
to thrill me.”

Just take a moment to appreciate the imagery in this line. It’s

just a simple comment what it feels like for him to look at you,

but at the same time, there’s much more subtext at work.
When you use a word like “drilling”, the impression that you’re
going to make on him becomes incredibly very clear. The
images created in his mind are going to take it to a very specific

At the same time, something more intense than just the

physical implication created by the words that you speak to
him. Mentioning what you feel when your man looks at you is
going to summon up feelings inside of him that take his head to
a different place than the bedroom.

The way that your man looks at you reflects all of the pressure
and tension he’s felt since the very first moment that he’s even
seen you. All of the uncertainty that he’s ever felt about
meeting your gaze, the way he feels about being in your
presence, all of that will be wrapped up in the simple
description of how you feel when he looks at you.

The simple formula for creating a perfect Hanky Panky line is

one that can use some clever physical wordplay and have it
relate to a genuine emotional experience! Here’s another
example of how you can make this powerful combination work
in your favor....

“Every time you get near me, it’s like I feel your touch before it
even happens. Having your skin touch mine is enough to make
me feel high all on its own. Drugs can’t create that kind of

This line is a little just a little bit more direct about the physical

aspect, but the emotional aspect is still very much there. The
skin on skin contact that you’re mentioning here is going to get
his imagination going for sure, but that takes the backseat
compared to how feel about his nearness.

A man wants to feel like he’s valued for more than just his
body, and when you mention that you get serious high off his
nearness, it lets him know that you have a desire for his
essence. There is no greater sense of validation for a man than
the feeling that a woman wants him for ALL that he is, and
nothing less.

At the same time that his mental images are tantalizing him,
he’ll also be have that sweet sense of satisfaction from knowing
that you legitimately want him for what he has to offer as a
person in general.

Now of course, you don’t have to be too dramatic or detailed

with these lines to make them achieve the desired effect! Here’s
an example of how you could use one of these lines in a more
casual way and still get both his mind and heart racing out of

“Honey, I love it when you hug me from behind out of nowhere

- that moment feels like it could last forever.”

Now with just the thought of a hug, you’ve already got him
imagining the sensation of touching you. Mentioning what it
feels like when he hugs you from behind provides another
dimension to the sensuality.

Telling him that you love it when he hugs you will make him
think about all of the different times that he’s done it, and
beyond that, all of the times that he’ll do it in the future as well.
When you say that the moment could last forever, you got him
thinking about the prospect of staying with you for a very long
time. It may not literally be forever, but that seed will be
planted in his head.

The seed that a Hanky Panky line plants in your man’s mind,
created by a sensual image, is a great way to forge a
connection to your man in ways that might not be immediately
apparent. The physical aspect of the technique shouldn’t be
mistaken for something that’s “shallow” - the physical aspect
can actually be used to make your man relate your unconscious

To have your man’s subconscious mind connect to yours just a

little bit more deeply, you could alter the Hanky Panky line so
that it focuses just a little bit more intensely on the specific
physical sensations that you feel when he’s around.

“Honey, whenever you hold my hand, I just feel this electricity

run up the veins of my arm and tingle in my shoulders. It flows
down into my chest and goes through my whole body, and
sometimes it’s completely overwhelming.:

Now, what’s important to recognize here is the focus that you’d

be putting on the specific areas of your body that you get that
electricity in when he makes contact with you. The areas of the
body that you mention don’t even have to be erogenous zones -
they can be completely normal parts of the body that both a
man and a woman share.

When you go into detail about how you feel sensations in places
like the shoulders and arms, he’ll immediately be able to relate
to that sensation by imagining that he’s feeling those things

When the man starts to image that he’s feeling those tingles in
his body in the same places that you’ve mentioned, you’ve
instantly created a powerful subconscious connection between
the two of you. Both his mind AND his body will be linked to the
words that you said, and to top it all off, the nature of those
words will center around how much you care about him.

Now, do you see how these lines can be a perfect cocktail of

sexuality AND an emotional connection? If you’d like, you can
actually make this even DEEPER by introducing another element
to the the physical and emotional realms - this is the realm of

Here’s how you can take a Hanky Panky line’s dual appeal and
introduce the element of memories to make things even more
intimate and powerful.

“Do you remember how it felt on that day when we ran into
each other for the first time? Such an amazing moment. I
remember our arms just brushing a little bit too closely by
mistake, but when it happened, it actually felt really good.
Thinking about it actually still turns me on.

In this Hanky Panky line, you’ve got your sexual tension hard at
work in the focus on physical contact. The description of the

meeting as an “amazing moment” introduces that little
emotional spin on things that’s going to make him start
considering his own feelings and the ways that they relate to

The real treasure about this line is the fact that it would focus
on a time that stretches into the past. The focus on the past is
going to be extraordinarily powerful due to the fact that it’s
going to take him back to a time in his life that will be full of
kinds of sights, sounds and smells in his memory.

As he has to recall things that have happened to him long ago,

the level of detail in the way that he thinks about what you said
is naturally going to get enhanced. Not only will the sensory
effect of your words be increased because of how he has to
reach into his own memories, but so will the emotional impact
as well.

The physical excitement, sensory experience, and emotional

investment in a memory that relates entirely to you will all be
working at once! The only thing that you have to do in order to
have this work in your favor is to think of any time in the past
that you and your man have shared, and with that, find a way
to connect it to something sensual. Mission accomplished!

Now, to bring things back to the present, let’s say that you
want your man to think about you in a way that affects the way
that he feels on a daily basis. For this type of line, you don’t
have to look for a moment in the past. In this Hanky Panky line,
you can put explicit focus on your day-to-day lives instead;
here’s how you can accomplish this...

“I just have to let you know, I really believe that I have a
serious addiction to the way that you stoke my hair. Every
single day, I can’t help but look forward to when I get to feel it

Now this Hanky Panky Line isn’t quite as loaded as the other
ones that I’ve mentioned so far, but rest assured, you’re still
going to be getting the best kind of effect out of it. The fact that
this doesn’t relate to anything objectively sexual actually gives
the emotional aspect a little bit more power; of course, the
sensual implication of stroking your hair is still there!

Now the real impact of this particular line would from the the
fact that you mention looking forward to feeling him stroke your
hair on a daily basis. The fact that you mention the him stroking
your hair every day is going to make him associate his feelings
about daily life with physical contact between the two of you.

Once he’s started to think about his day-to-day life in terms of

the way that he touches you, all of the groundwork is basically
laid for him to start fantasizing. Even though you may have
mentioned the way that he strokes your hair in the current
time, chances are that he’ll be thinking back to all of the times
that he’s done it in the past.

As mentioned before, as soon as he starts to associate his

memories with your words, the sensory experience will get a lot
more intense! To use this kind of line to the best effect in your
personal life, all that you have to do is think of any casual way
that he normally touches you and speak of it in the same way
as the above line.

Now, the next Hanky Panky Line is going to draw from the
power of awakening your man’s primal protector. If you can
recall everything that we’ve said about the primal protector so
far, you know that a man draws an extreme sense of
satisfaction from being validated by his mate.

With the Hanky Panky line example below, you can awaken that
primal protector and get the awesome sensory effect that we’ve
been discussing so far in this chapter.

“Honestly babe, when I’m around you I feel like I’m royalty. I
feel so lucky to have a sexy king as my man.”

Just taking a quick inventory of this Hanky Panky Line lets you
see that the most important elements are accounted for. The
word “sexy” brings up all of that imagery that you want in order
for him to get excited in a physical way, but the real power
comes from the rest of the line.

The fact that you tell him you feel so special and royal around
him is a sign that he makes you feel protected, and as
mentioned before, the primal protector exists in order to
PROTECT his mate! When you say something that tells him that
he’s making you feel safe, it’s basically a confirmation that his
most ancient and sacred duty is being successfully fulfilled!

When the man’s primal protector is in a state of extreme

validation, his adrenaline and testosterone are naturally going
to start flowing at a much faster rate - when this happens, he’s
going to feel a kind of raw, sexual attraction to you that can’t
be matched in a normal way!

The powerful biological effect that he’ll get from the line will be
mixed in with great feeling of emotional validation that comes
with being honored as your man! The full power of the Hanky
Panky line can be summoned any time that you compare your
man to something powerful and influential, like a king or an

Now, a seriously unique way that you can use the Hanky Panky
line to relate to your man is actually by describing its effects in
terms of how it makes you feel. If you want your man to be
consumed by a constant fantasy of you, then you can make this
happen by describing the how you feel in a similar way!

“I may not have mentioned it before, but the other day you
looked so good that it was impossible to stop thinking about
you. I was trying to work, but I couldn’t get rid of this image in
my mind of that sexy man that I get to call my own.”

Every aspect of the Hanky Panky line is here, just like all the
others, but the spin on this particular phrasing is that WE
describe OUR FEELINGS in the way that we would hope for our
men to experience their own fantasies about us.

When you describe the way that you felt when he looked a
certain way, he’s instantly going to put himself back into that
day when he looked just as you’re describing. As he’s going
through that little time-traveling trip in his mind to the day
when you said he looked unbelievably good, the fact that you
included a sexy element is going to effect the direction his
imagination goes.

So now you see that the Hanky Panky line is one of the best
ways that you can apply just about everything we’ve covered so
far, at the same time! Your man’s primal protector and sexual
drive will be catered to, but at the same time, you’re going to
be taking care of his secret craving for emotional closeness as

Use some subtle physical imagery, a detailed description of the

amazing ways that he makes you feel, along with specific
mentions of the times that he’s made you feel that way, and his
fantasies about you will run wild.

Section 12 - Slap of Love Lines

It seems like it was only yesterday when I was just as hungry

for knowledge about relationships as the clients that I coach
today! As a matter of fact, to this day I’m still always fascinated
by all of the new breakthroughs that keep getting made in love

Before I knew a single thing about the “primal protector” or the

basics of attraction, I was constantly reading books. What I
lacked in luck with dating, I filled with the salve of
understanding. I dove into all kinds of writings on psychology
and social dynamics, and one of the greatest treasures that I
discovered in my dive was how to “control the frame”.

I mentioned the concept of “controlling the frame” briefly in an

earlier section, but right now, I’m going to dig a lot deeper into
the meat of what a “frame” really is and how it applies to you
on a daily basis.

Instead of just giving you a cut and dry definition of what

“frame” means in this context, let me give you a little example!
Let’s say that you want to make plans, and so you hit up a
circle of your friends to see who’s available for what. Let’s say
that you suggest the plan, but when someone can’t make the
time you suggested, you change it.

Maybe you change the activity altogether!

Now in the alternate scenario, let’s say that instead of changing

the plan, you decide to go through with it anyway and just take
along anybody who’s able to be in the place that you suggested
at the original time that you said would work for you.

Do you know what the difference between the first and second
scenarios is? It’s really simple. In the first scenario, when you
changed the plan to accommodate the ones it wouldn’t work for,
you had no control of the “frame”. You sacrificed the frame,
your control over the situation, because it would the path of
least resistance and make that person happy.

Now, in the second scenario, you MAINTAIN control of the

frame. Even though there was a person that the plan wouldn’t
work for, you stuck to the original itinerary and did what was
most convenient for you in the very beginning. When you don’t
compromise your convenience just to make things more
convenient for others, you are keeping your “frame control”!

Now I really have to put in a little disclaimer here before we go

any further: don’t feel the need to take this to the extreme of
ALWAYS maintaining frame control in every little situation that
you find yourself in. Sometimes, sacrificing just a tiny bit of
frame for the sake of people you care about just means you
aren’t selfish.

In terms of relationships, though? I have to say, just about

every nasty situation that I women get into in their

relationships comes from the fact that they gave up ALL of their
frame control to win the approval of their man!

If you don’t want your own desperation to kick you into a ditch,
you can use a technique that will give you respectable frame
control. Frame control commands respect, and with respect,
you can re-attract the most aloof and hard-to-get men in the
entire world!

Beyond just being able to renew the attraction of just about any
man in the world, using the frame control techniques that I’m
going to be sharing with you here can benefit you in a lot of
other situations as well; for example, the situation that involves
another woman, perhaps?

Love is war, and that’s not just a saying, that’s an observation.

You have competition, overcoming that takes tools. Tools that
ensure your constant possession of frame control will make you
very, very successful in the war of love.

Even though it might seem like something that should be

obvious, like so many obvious things, it gets overlooked a lot!
Knowing how to keep the ball in your court at all times will
distinguish you from the rest of the herd. If he’s used to women
who are always willing to upset their center of power to
accommodate him, you’ll give him a real shock to his system
with this technique.

It doesn’t matter whether you use this technique when you’re

face-to-face with a man or if you decide to use it through text -
the message that it’s going to send him, ultimately, will still be

exactly what you want it to be.

Just like the other techniques that we’ve mentioned so far, this
is going to make it so that your man is going to end up being at
the mercy of his own speculation about you at the end of the
day! Instead of trying to make your man know all of the
reasons why you’re worth it, which we know now is a flawed
goal, you’ll make him wish he knew more in the very first place!

With this technique, you’ll learn how you can absolutely revel in
the challenge that more “hard-to-get” men pose you. Instead of
being intimidated or discouraged by how you might feel when a
man doesn’t seem immediately receptive, you can enjoy it as
an opportunity to use what you’ve learned here!

The power of the first impression is REAL. In the very first

impression, you could actually almost say that the “frame”
control between two people who have just met is established
right then and there. With this technique, you can learn how to
guarantee that the first strike is always yours and always a

In every back-and-forth there is that involves attraction, both

people are being tested, even if it isn’t intentional! When a man
tests you, part of him is looking to establish just how much
power and influence he can have over the way that you respond
to him. With the technique that you’re going to be learning
here, you’re going to have what it takes to break that test every

Now let’s start cracking into what it means to be able to turn a

man’s perception of you into one of your greatest powers.
Everything that you’ve been learning so far is going to be
present in some form in the lesson here, so if you’ve been
studying well, this should all come naturally to you!

The core of this lesson can basically be summed up as follows:

“No matter what kind of way you’re interacting with any

man, you can always find a way to take control of the
frame. Make his words a reflection of his desire, and the
frame will always be within your control”.

It’s very simple! When you’re dealing with a man, you can be a
little bit tongue-in-cheek about the way that you respond to any
man that you’re having a conversation with. The twist to this
kind of technique is that the “tools” you use are the words that
he speak, which means that your ability to use this technique is
practically infinite.

Now don’t feel like you need to use every single syllable that
comes out of your man’s mouth as a way to draw up some kind
of sign that he’s attracted, because if you do that, you run the
risk of seriously overdoing it. If you can moderate the balance
between how much you twist his words and how much you
communicate him, you will be almost unnaturally attractive to

Now the best thing about effectively creating frame control with
this technique is just how seamless it is if you do it the right
way! If you can master and personalize the nature with which
you handle this technique, then your man won’t ever have any

idea what it is that you’re actually doing in the first place. The
entire time that you’re influencing him, he’ll think it was his

The man will feel like his mind is being taken to a completely
alien and unfamiliar place on his own volition, and he’ll feel
completely helpless against his feelings of mysterious attraction
to you. The script will be flipped and his defenses will be laid
down completely, giving you the best possible angle to make
the most powerful advance possible.

The first hypothetical situation that I’m going to mention here

relates to when you think you’re getting sidelined. The feeling
of an imminent rejection is when a lot of women start to panic,
but if you can understand the nature of these phrases that I call
“Slap of Love Lines”, you’ll take that moment as an opportunity
to flip the script.

He says: “I’m not sure if this is going to work.”

You say: “Funny you should say that, because I was actually
thinking the exact same thing! Something tells me that I might
be a little bit too hot for you to handle, so it’s probably for the

Now check out the kind of impression that you’re making when
you say something like this. Instead of making reacting to this
rejection by getting dramatic or depressed, we make it sound
like he’s afraid to commit and that it’s the real reason he’s
having second thoughts.

When a man feels like his own boldness is being tested, he’s
prone to becoming incredibly defensive. He might try to save
face and deny the fact that he has any fear at all about getting
involved with you, and as soon as that happens, you have
assumed total control of the frame and can appreciate your

So you see here, you don’t have to actually try and do any
complex verbal back flips to make a technique like this work. All
that you really have to do is make an implication about the true
nature of what he said in order flip the script and completely
change the frame of the exchange.

Now the effect of flipping the script on a man like this doesn’t
necessarily have to happen right away in order to get the man
thinking in a way that you can seriously benefit from. You really
only have to do it once, and after that, the seed will have been
firmly planted!

He may be completely sure about the initial thing that he said

at first, but soon enough, he’s going to get a little bit unsure.
Soon enough, little shadows of doubt are going to be cast over
his mind at a gradual and haunting pace. After a time, he’s
going to start seriously wondering about whether or not his own
words mean exactly what he thought that they did.

He might even conscious decline it in his conscious mind, but in

his unconscious mind, some storm clouds will be brewing. The
fact that you only have to do this one time means that there’s
no need for you to be overly persistent or relentless about the
way that you use this technique - just flip the script one time,
and the dominoes will be set in place just like you need them.

When you see how well this technique can work with minimal
effort, you might think start thinking that it’s almost unfair. You
shouldn’t feel terribly guilty about using this technique,
however, because it’s just a matter of leveling the playing field.
With a single sentence, it’s like the fuse has been lit for an
explosive chain of changes in his emotional mind.

Now if you’re wondering why it is that a a Slap of Love Line

works so well, it all ties back to the combination of TWO very
important factors in the equation:

Reason Number One - Hard Rejection

When a man says something in order to deny a woman, he

generally does so with the assumption that she’s not going to
take it very well at all. There are lots of men out there who are
prone to avoid speaking to women at all about the fact that
they’re not interested, all because of the fact that they hope to
avoid the possibility that the woman might have a nasty

Now because we know that the man probably has it in his head
that we’re too emotionally fragile to take what he said in a well-
adjusted way, we’re in the perfect position to completely flip his
expectations right back over into his face.

In the most subversive type of way, you’ll be completely

rejecting his words without even telling him that he’s wrong in
the first place. It might seem a little bit crazy at first, but in
truth, what you’re doing here is actually being so thorough that

you can reject the man’s message at the same time that you
overtly seem to be on the same page as him.

The thing that you prove to this man is that you’re completely
unflinching in the face of rejection, making a powerful
impression on him right away. Lots of men are very accustomed
to having women completely subscribe to exactly what they
say, so when faced with a REJECTION of his claim, it will be like
slap to his subconscious

After getting a slap directly to his subconscious brain, he’s

slowly going to start feeling pulses of uncertainty well up in his
chest. As the uncertainty grows more and more powerful inside,
that mysterious allure created by a woman that a man can’t
completely figure out becomes more and more real.

Reason Number Two - The urge to save face

Whenever a man feels that his composure has been

compromised in some way, he’ll get nervous. The man’s urge to
keep up appearances will make him go into “damage control
mode” as soon as he feels that he doesn’t appear to be in
complete control. You will be making sure that he never gets so
comfortable that he thinks he’s got it all figured out.

Twisting his words around into forms that make him insecure
about his intentions will force him into defense mode. He leaves
himself wide open to the poison of his own ego, and once he’s
made that mistake, your work is pretty much done.

While he’s trying to reassure himself that what he said is

exactly what he meant in the very beginning, he’ll be practically
blind to the fact that he’s doing exactly what you wanted him to
in the very first place. He’s going to get so caught up with
justifying his words that the kinks in his armor will be
completely exposed

Now here are some more examples of ways that we could take
something a man confidently states, and then twist those
statements to slap his subconscious brain silly.

Let’s imagine that it’s a first date situation, for example:

(He gets a little too physically bold, too early)

And then, you respond with`

“Okay, I see what you’re after. Let’s dial it back just a

little bit here.” (And then you turn your head to take a
kiss on cheek.)

If the man is feeling bold enough to move in for a kiss, then

he’s probably convinced that there’s no way that his attempt
could be rejected. When you turn a cheek on him, however, you
completely flip his expectations backwards. He’ll have been
completely convinced that there was no way his attempt could
be rejected, and then in an instant, it’s completely blown back.

If he’s not one hundred percent confident in the security of his

gesture, he might try and start trying to justify it by implying
he didn’t mean to go any further than that. As soon as he

shows the slightest sign of being unsure or rustled, you’ll know
that you’ve managed to make a powerful and lasting impact on

Now in another circumstance...

Him – So what do you think of me?

You – “Hmmm, I’m still figuring that out myself.”

A man almost always expects to be flattered in some way when

he asks this, but then you respond that you’re “figuring things
out” it makes second-guess his attractiveness.

Him – (Any indication of nervousness)

You – Aww, you’re cute when you’re nervous.

When a man is feeling nervous, the last thing that he hopes is

that his nervousness is easy to tell! When you call him out on
the fact that he’s sweating, it’ll take away a bit of his
impenetrable confidence in his ability to “pull” you.

Him – You’re gorgeous!

You – Thanks, but don’t go getting any ideas just yet.

A lot of men are commonly taught that the best way to make a
woman ready to have sex with him is to butter them up with
platonic compliments. Even if the guy is a complete stud, we
can maintain control of the frame by making it completely
apparent that we know what the score is.

Once the guy has been faced with the fact that you’re not
completely oblivious to any attempts at being slick, he’ll be a
little less sure about how good his chances are - this creates
nervousness, and nervousness weakens control of the frame by
a great degree.

Him – Maybe we should just stay casual friends
You – That’s probably the right call. We would probably
be the most dysfunctional couple ever, I’d drive you
insane within a week.

Now when the date has just about wrapped up, there are some
lines you can use to close out the date on a strong note...

“It was a great night; It was cute to see you sneakily

checking me out”.

Guys tend to think they’re a lot slicker than they actually are
when it comes to “discretely” checking a girl out. Making a
comment about him checking him out, no matter when or how
he did, will instantly put him on his guard and wonder about
just how obvious he was.

“You were so nice today, let’s hope you maintain this in

the future”.

If the date has managed to reach its end without incident, it’s
definitely a reason to be grateful! Still, even if things went
smoothly and you feel good about letting it go a little bit further,
you can benefit from keeping the frame within your control.

When you say that you hope he can keep things up, you’re
laying on the pressure to keep up whatever good impression
that he’s made so far. He’s probably already thinking about how
he can maintain your interest in the long run, so when you
mention it directly, it’s instantly going to lay even more
pressure on him create that positive nervousness you want in

“You hugged me like a baby hugs his mother! It was cute.

I’d like to see you again.”

Now with this line you could be completely telling the truth
about wanting to see him again, you’re putting him on edge by
challenging his masculinity at the same time that you show
interest. The man might think that there’s nothing more that he
has to do in terms of getting you interested, but this will ensure
that he knows he still has to keep his A-game up!

Now if you’re in a relationship, you can still use these Love Slap
Lines to a great effect. All you have to do is apply the same
principle of making sure that you test him when he feels like
he’s in a position of power. For example, if he’d acting
extremely angry, moody or trying to lecture you, try something
like this:

“The way you get those lines in your face when you’re
mad is so adorable!”

No matter direct what he says might seem at first, your only

task is to take the impact of those words and diffuse the
pressure in a way that redirects it right back at the man in

You don’t have to say exactly what’s listed here in order to have
a lasting effect. Take the general principle of the changing the
frame with Slap of Love Lines, and the situations that you can
use it in are endless!

Section 13 - Soulmate Mishmash

In my work, there’s a story that I constantly hear between all of

the clients that come to me. Typically the way it will unfold goes
a little bit like this, every time...

The woman has been with her man for more than a couple of
weeks but not quite as much as a year. Things haven’t
completely fallen apart; as a matter of fact, the relationship has
actually been more or less stable! There is no disrespect,
destructive arguing or dishonesty.

The problem in this scenario generally isn’t even that the

relationship is going south, but the fact the relationship just
doesn’t seem to be going anywhere at all. Even if it seems like
he’s truly in love with you and has gone out of his way t show
you just how much he means it, you can’t help but feel like
there’s just the ghost of something that keeps him fully
committing to you.

If you’ve come so far so that there’s not even a shadow of a

doubt that there’s something in him that makes him want to
devote his entire life to you, but he just isn’t letting it see the
light of day just yet, then don’t lose hope! The fact that you can
at least sense that there’s a part of him that wants to commit to
you is something that you should keep building on!

Now when I say that you should keep building on your intuition,
I don’t mean that you need to start trying to force the idea of
commitment down his throat. As you might recall from chapter
dealing with the worst ways to act towards a distant man,
trying too hard to convince a man of the “logical” reasons to
commit to you will almost always backfire.

Any attempts to get a completely logical, straight answer about

your man’s willingness to commit is likely to result in him not
being able to tell you much besides the fact that he’s just “not
ready yet”.

The truth of the matter, however frustrating it might be, is that

a man often won’t even really be able to put his own fear of
commitment into completely clear words that make sense even
to himself. When a man says that he just doesn’t think he’s
ready, you’d do yourself a favor by just accepting that he really
has no clue.

Remember, logical awareness of the reasons to commit is not

what we’re looking for! This entire game, from the very first
inning to the very last pitch, is all about emotions. When you
appeal to the part of man that overrides his logic, his emotional
consciousness, there will be nothing else that you have to do in
order to have the man know that you’re his soul mate.

So remember, the golden rule is to NEVER directly demand

commitment or marriage from your man. It’s not just a matter
of avoiding wasted time, it’s also a matter of keeping your self
respect and dignity intact! Asking for commitment like you need
it will make you loo incredibly needy, and that’s absolutely the

last thing that we’re after!

Now if you’ve already made a point to tell the man that you’re
interested in things like settling down and having a children,
you don’t have to panic! A couple utterances of the fact that
you don’t hate the idea of having kids in the future isn’t
irreparable damage, especially if he’s still hanging around after
the fact and giving off sings that he’s still interested.

Now naturally, you have some vale for your time. You don’t
want to look back on this day 15 years from now and wonder
how you could have found better advice on getting a man
interested in the idea of commitment. Don’t worry, because if
you follow this advice to the letter, you’re not going to have
anything to worry about with creating commitment interest ever

If you want to make your man understand why committing to

you is a good idea, then the perfect way to go for making that
happen is to ensure that he knows why committing to you
ISN’T a bad idea!

How do you make it so that your man doesn’t think that

committing to you is a bad idea? It’s very simple! All that you
have to do to make your man okay with the idea of committing
to you is to show that committing to you isn’t boring!

I’m serious. The number one reason that so many men are
paralyzed at the idea of committing to a woman is due to the
simple fact that they can’t stand the idea of being perpetually
BORED! No kind of man, no matter what kind of lifestyle he

leads, will ever enjoy the idea of having to face endless

Remember the things we’ve said so far about how a man is

attracted to woman when he meets her for the first time,
knowing absolutely nothing about her? The fact that he knows
nothing about the woman will make that chaos factor is
incredibly strong. The lack of concrete knowledge about the
woman will EXCITE him, because he won’t be able to predict

The unpredictable woman is insanely alluring to a man, but the

woman who represents permanent boredom and predictability
is like a prison! If you don’t want him to interpret getting
committed to you as a complete death-of-fun sentence, then
there are things you can do to keep things dynamic.

Now just because I said dynamic doesn’t mean it’s time for you
to hop online and buy yourself a flamethrower and nipple
clamps! Dynamic means that your company is, to put it imply,
more than just your company! You have to bring something to
the table that makes him want to stay that’s more than just
sharing the same oxygen most the of time!

The best way to show a man that you have something to offer?
For starters, you can show him that his life isn’t the only thing
that defines you. Being too needy will make seem like you need
him around in order to be alive; it sounds unfortunate, woman
who make this mistake seem more like emotional leeches than
romantic partners!

More than just having love for your man and what he
represents as a person, you’ve got to to start by making sure
that your own life, your own interests, and your own friends are
still preserved outside of the relationship!

If you remember what was mentioned in the chapter about the

best ways to show a distant man your value, you know the
importance of showing that you can live life without him! You
don’t have to blow him off and leave, but you need to show him
that you’re capable of having fun without him being in the
vicinity - this will make you seem a lot more exclusive.

Naturally, when you and the man got to know each other much
better over time, the initial pressure wore off! Neither of you
thought much of it at the time, but surely enough, he came to
find that he just wasn’t as anxious about being around you as
he used to be!

Now that you’re ready to kick things up to the next level, your
critical job in this situation is to see to it that he re-experiences
that thrill at the idea of sharing a life with you, EVEN if that life
of yours isn’t exactly a mystery anymore!

Now understand, even when you’ve (legally) gotten him to slip

into a state of mind where commitment is a lot less scary, it’s
going to take more than just a couple of hours of sleeping on it
before he becomes 100% comfortable with it! A lot of crazy
things can happen overnight, but a man commit is not one of
those things!

Even if the man does have some strong feelings about getting

into a relationship with you, the anxiety that he feels about
wondering how the next few years will pan out can put a cork in
his readiness to go all the way!

Beyond the fear of just being bored with a committed

relationship, another factor that men are anxious about when it
comes to relationships is the concept of kids. The responsibility
and sense of changeless routine can make even if the most
lovesick man have second thoughts about making the jump into
married man status.

Now we have to be honest about this part: in a lot of different

ways, marriage laws tend to be a little bit less strict on us than
they are on the guys! Men these days have the pressure to get
prenups driven into them like the fear of God. The man knows
that in any kind of divorce, you’ll be entitled to half of
everything that he has when the split is finalized.

Naturally, one of the best ways to make sure that man doesn’t
fear the the relationship is to give him time to be confident in
the fact that you aren’t a vampire! A man who can go through
with the decision to get married, even with half of everything
he’s ever made at stake, is becoming a rarer and rarer thing
every year; this is going to take time, and there’s no way
around that!

In addition to the nationwide fears that man hasn’t about

marriage, which apply to everyone, we also have to account for
the fact that there are possibly things in his past that are
holding him back. If he’s already had his heart broken once,
putting it up at risk again, along with half of all his money, isn’t
exactly going to be the easiest gamble for the man to take!

I had a client who was absolutely up to their neck in stress
about the fact that her boyfriend of over five years still wasn’t
ready to bring up the idea of marriage. It was the most
distressing thing because he had been a wonderful boyfriend in
just about every way, but getting him to just hang up his
bachelor gloves and settle down was starting to seem
completely impossible.

Now just like any typical couple, they did occasionally get into
the odd argument now and then. What struck me as interesting
was the fact that, from what she told me, all of their arguments
seemed to be over things that were petty! Truly dysfunctional
couples will tend to have a serious fallout over a real problem,
but they only seemed to fight about the most minor things.

What was really apparent was the fact that these arguments
were definitely a cover for something else much more
meaningful. In his uncertainty to commit, the man was looking
for any and every small thing that could distract her from
getting committed.

In every developing relationship, rest assured that the man is

always observing your behavior on a daily basis. Even if he’s
not doing it consciously, every little thing that you so in the
relationship is being evaluated and digested by the second.
Even if it may not be a “big deal”, the little things that you do
will culminate into the picture that he has of a potential
relationship with you.

A man is taking note of the way that you react to the little
things that bother you! If you act incredibly negative about the

small things, he’s going to imagine what it would be like to live
with you and have you reacting to those things every day in the

With that being said, there are three important things to keep
in mind:

1. Have your own life!

When a man wants to get involved with a woman, he wants his

life to be enriched by having you in his life, not weighed down
by the prospect! If you can’t make do with what you’ve got in
the life that you lead as an individual, then that’s just going to
put pressure on him to have to carry his life and yours instead
of being your teammate!

It’s perfectly fine to want to spend as much time with your man
as you can, but at the end of the day, it’s always best to make
sure that you yourself are capable of functioning on your own
before you become codependent.

2. Be CAPABLE of living your own life!

In addition to have HAVING your own, life, it’s important to

make sure that you can actually LIVE it without needing to be
hand held the entire time! A man’s primal protector loves to be
needed, but at the same time, there has to be a positive
balance struck between making him feel useful and making him
pre-chew all your food for you.

If you can show him that he’s not going to be “on-call” for every
single time you stub your toe, then it’ll be a lot less likely for
him to compare a life with you to being trapped in a cage.
Showing him that you’re independent will let him be completely
free to decide about committing to you with full flexibility.

3. Out with the bad, in with the good!

“Honey, I promise that every single day will begin and end with
the sounds of my complaints echoing through the halls! I will
not allow the sun to rise and set without crying at least once,
and that is a promise. I hope you were in the debate club,
because I will ALWAYS find a reason to argue, and I will never
lose once! You’d better proofread your text, because I’m seeing
them all!”

Now I want you to read those words above and let me know if it
sounds like the kind of thing that would make a man want to
commit. Do you think men fantasize about being legally,
financially and emotionally hog-tied to the most negative
female specimen in their hemisphere?

I’d bet that you don’t really believe your man would be seduced
by an offer like that! If you’re human, then you can probably
agree with the fact that constant negativity actually isn’t the
sexiest thing in the entire world.

Positive people have the optimism sucked right out of them by

a sourpuss, and not even negative people enjoy other negative
people’s company! If you want to make your man a lot less

horrified by the idea of marrying you, then it would help make
an effort not to have more uplifting conversations with him than
bitter conversations!

It doesn’t mean you have to go act like everything is rainbows

and lollipops, but try to imagine just what kind of person you
would like to spend time with after a long day at work for the
rest of life: would it be somebody who always knows how to
find the worst in something, or would it be someone who
always knows what to say to make you smile? It’s not a hard

If you present yourself to the man as a constant source of

negativity and pain, there will be three nasty little side effects:

1 - He’s going to feel like committing to you will be like going to

2- He’ll start to physically cringe at the thought of paying for
you to be a wet blanket
3 -He’ll want to avoid committing to you in order to SAVE his

Now, if you actually want the man to treat a relationship with

you as something that he can look FORWARD to, then the best
thing you can actually do is to see to it that the positives
outweigh the negatives, alleviating most of his fears!

You can have the man overcome his fears and see the bright
side to committing with my “Soulmate Mishmash” Lines!

Soulmate Mishmash Lines are completely honest, heart-to-heart
messages you can relay to your man in order to assure that the
most common fears that men have about potentially being with
a woman for the rest of their lives!

For example...

“Honey, I truly love you, but I don’t want you to think

that I can’t let you have personal time. Sometimes I
worry about the fact that you might think that I’ll try
tying you down, but I want you to know that I respect
you wanting to live your own life! We should be able to
lead our owns lives even if we’re together.”

Now do you see what’s going on in this passage? It’s made very
clear here that not only do you respect his personal time, but
you actually worry about the fact that he might start feeling
claustrophobic. Many women out there are just too nervous
about mentioning worries like this, but if you do it calmly and
honestly, it will definitely be for the better in the long run!

“Personally? I don’t think that being in a relationship

means that we literally have to fuse our lives! I want you
to be my man, and I want to be your lady, but I don’t
want us to have to melt into a single puddle of DNA soup
for that to happen!”

If you want your man to really see that you’re not about the
ball-and-chain relationship model, then openly mocking the idea
will show that you know the value of being an arm’s distance
away from each other at least once a week. Another advantage

of this line is that it’s a way to show you’re willing to give
distance without sounding like you don’t want to commit at all!

Remember, while you don’t want the man to feel like he’s going
to lose all of his freedom by committing to you, you still at least
want him to know that the idea of spending a life with him
something that you actually want to happen.

“I want us to be able to be together without having to be

each other, you know what I mean?”

This line will alleviate the man’s fear that being with you could
potentially remove his sense of identity!

“My girlfriend can’t go 5 minutes alone without

wondering where her man is. I feel kind of bad for her...”

If you show that you don’t support the way some of your
friends can’t stop being obsessed about their men, it will show
him that you’re not going to let anyone you talk to convince you
to be clingy!

“I love that we’re stable enough to spend time together

without needing to be together every single second of
the day!”

Telling the man something like this will show him that taking
things to the next level won’t make things any more demanding
than they already are!

“Don’t you feel kind of bad for those couples who just
can’t function without each other for a single second?”

You can rest assured that the man is definitely looking at

codependent couples and cringing at the idea of becoming the
man in that couple, and so if you show him that you’re creeped
out by it too, it will make him more comfortable!

“I love your sense of freedom. I can never wait to hear

about the latest adventure you’ve been on.”

This line will let the man know that getting committed to you
won’t mean that he has to sacrifice any of his taste for going
out an having new experiences!

“You really inspire me to go out and live my life to the

fullest, and I hope I can do the same for you!”

This line also shows your man that he won’t have to stop having
fun, but in addition to that, it will also show him that you’re
interested in having a life of your own while being committed.

All of these Soulmate Mishmash lines will show your man that
you’re definitely interested enough in him to be committed to
him, but not in a demanding or needy way; as a matter of fact,
he’ll see that you want him to still have freedom!

Section 14 - Blind Sweetheart Lines

So here’s another situation that a lot of my clients have been

through and you might be able to relate to as well. They’ve
been with a guy for a little while, or more than a little while,
and they get to that point you feel like you relationship is
maybe 85-95% stable.

And then the tires screech. You hit a little bump in the
relationship that knocks things off course without warning, or
maybe the chemistry just runs out of fuel - whatever the case
is, your guy is just no longer your guy anymore!

How did it happen? The ways it can happen are endless, and to
sweeten the deal, it can happen no matter how well you think
you know the guy. You think you’ve got his feelings figured out
even more thoroughly than you know your first language
alphabet, then it turns out that you had the alphabet backwards
all along.

You loved it when he would compliment you on that little thing

that never seemed to get noticed by anyone else, then he
blindsides you more than anyone else in the world can - such is
the life of a dating woman in the 21st century, no matter what
catch she is!

Well even if the future that you visualized with the guy turns

out not be as much of a sure shot as you initially imagined,
that’s not a sign that you should just give up on the future
altogether! If there’s anything that you should take from this
section, it’s that your life should be lived, no matter whether or
not another guy wants to be around for it.

Now to keep current what we’ve talking about in these lessons

so far, we’re still going to be talking about how to deal with a
guy after an unexpected break - that is, if the guy you’ve
broken off with happens to be worth taking another shot for!

Sometimes, things may happen to disrupt the flow of a

relationship with a guy who actually doesn’t suck. Maybe you
still have a good feelings that things can work out, and you
want to show him this without seeming too desperate or needy
- if that’s the case, then you have come to the right place!

When that former lover boy in your life seems to have

voluntarily gone MIA, and you still can’t exorcise those
annoying butterflies in your stomach, then the first step is to
make sure that you don’t let those butterflies control you.

As we’ve mentioned before, a woman who is desperate with

anxiety is a woman who won’t have any special guys in her life
that aren’t related to her or cats. If you can move forward while
having complete respect for yourself and your time, then you’re
ready to go through with what I’m about to teach you without
making a fool of yourself!

When you’ve got what it takes to tame those annoying

butterflies in your stomach, you’ll be in the right position to

start understanding the most crucial things that there are to
know about men when you get into a situation like this.

Things like the primal protector, attraction switches, and the

emotional brain can only be completely appreciated by a
woman who is able to control her desire and not the other way
around. In this section, the most relevant thing to understand is
the natural flow of a man’s behavior once he starts to become
more familiar with you as a person.

When a man starts to become more familiar with you, as we’ve

mentioned before, he won’t have that same level of
anxiousness in dealing with you as he used to have before.
Slowly but surely, that mysterious allure that kept him hooked
on you is going to start getting replaced by concentrated
thoughts that he has about the future with you.

As he starts to think more about the future, what’s happening is

that his emotional brain is slowly but surely losing steam in
comparison to the to his unconscious, emotional brain. He’s
acclimating to what he knows and building a tolerance to that
natural anxious attraction, which makes him start acting more
hot and cold as the relationship matures!

Human beings lose adrenaline as the relationship grows older,

which is why I’ve been so big on stressing the importance of
keeping your exclusiveness and value fresh as you and the man
get to know each other better as the days go by - this is the
only way to make sure that things don’t get too boring!

When the sensory effects of that heightened adrenaline finally

die down, a lot of women can’t believe that it didn’t last forever.
Even if you’re not married to a guy, EVERY relationship that we
have (or step up to the next level), has a “honeymoon period”.
When the honeymoon period is over, you’ve got to be ready for
the effects!

When the subtle changes have already taken place, it’s very
easy for a lot of women to get taken off-guard and wonder just
what the hell happened all of a sudden. What I’m going to teach
you here is a way to avoid being caught off-guard when that
honeymoon period finally expires.

At the very least, you won’t go into one of those terrible three
“modes” that I mentioned before! As a matter of fact, with the
use of this technique that I’ve prepared to discuss in this
section, you will be the opposite of a woman who is desperate
to please her man after he’s expressed disinterest and made

I call this technique the “Blind Sweetheart Line”. You could

consider these lines to be like a procedure you go through to
bring the plane up and steady into a nice glide when the
relationship has lost altitude. If you pull off these lines in the
best possible way, you might actually find that the proverbial
plane goes even higher than before!

When you’re in a relationship isn’t feeling like that relationship

is the most fun that you’ve ever had anymore, it’s going to be
kind of like you’re locked in a room and forced to watch the
same rerun of a TV show over and over again until you bust
down that door and leave. On the other hand, a TV show that’s
interesting makes you keep coming back for more! What a Blind

Sweetheart line does is present the value you offer as
something that is always changing, developing, and turning into
something new.

Here’s the precedent: live life to the fullest, and live life, for
you, before that relationship even comes to play in the first
place! Think of all of the amazing new thrills, adventures and
experiences that you can have in your life, with or without a
man at your side. Not only does this make you happier in
general, but it makes the relationship more solid.

In the context of a Blind Sweetheart Line, what living an

awesome life is going to do is actually give you grounds to
substantiate the lines before you actually use them! In essence,
what you’re about to do here is show the man that he’s missing
out on something when he becomes distant or stops engaging

Now thing about the TV show again. When an awesome TV

show episode is airing, is it begging you to watch it, or does it
go on whether or not you turn your head away? You’re not
going to be pleading or even asking for your man to come back
with these Blind Sweetheart Lines, but what you’ll be doing is
showing him things are happening.

With a Blind Sweetheart line, you’re going to instill a certain

feeling in your man’s mind that makes him lament leaving
behind something that continues to develop and get more
exciting without him. He’s going to have to deal with the fact
that the amazing TV show just got canceled, SPECIFICALLY for

Try and fathom this for a moment: somehow, some way, you
just lose the ability to watch an amazing program. The show is
virtually canceled for you, but everyone else is the world has
the ability to enjoy it at their leisure. Even if it doesn’t get to
you immediately, after awhile, you’re definitely going to start
thinking that it’s unfair.

Your man is going to be set on the path to thinking that he’s

missing out on something fulfilling and fun, and that’s going to
eat at him until the point that he feels like he just has to do
something to try and win back his rights.

On the other hand, it won’t be like the hypothetical situation in

which only ONE show plays on the TV; this is something that’s
practically begging to be walked away from with a massive
feeling of disappointment for ever having even given it

You probably already understood that no sane person wants to

get into a situation where boredom becomes the norm, but you
just wouldn’t believe how many clients I’ve had who just no
idea what the importance of maintaining momentum and
dynamism in a relationship is.

Being in a relationship with someone who never evolves or

grows is about as bad as being in solitary confinement. I don’t
know if you’ve done any research on what the psychological
effects of solitary confinement are like, but the summary is that
it drives you absolutely insane in a much shorter time than a lot
of people think!

How long can you expect a man, or anyone at all, to voluntarily
stay in solitary confinement? I can guarantee you that the time
that they will voluntarily choose to stay will be much, much
shorter than the idea of “forever” that a lot of my clients had
when the relationship first started.

Now naturally, I’m not trying to say that you should feel
ashamed if it’s happened to you! A world without any mistakes
would be a place where learning wasn’t even a factor, because
there would be no such thing as doing things ‘”right” or

In order to get yourself out of this little dilemma, once it’s

happened, is to use my Blind Sweetheart Lines. Whatever
damage has been done, I can practically guarantee that Blind
Sweetheart Lines are going to light a fire under the man out of
nowhere so quickly that he has no idea what’s happened.

The “blind’ aspect in Blind Sweetheart refers to the fact that,

while you’ll be contacting the man, you’re not going to be giving
him any more information that necessary when you do talk to
him. Because you know not to go chasing after the man
desperately after he got distant, “Blind” means that you
willingly accepted and respected the distance.

Now fast forward to a little bit of time after the distance has
already been established, and think about what you’ve been
doing since then. Remember what I said about leading a
fulfilling life regardless of your relationship status?

Well right here and now, however long it’s been since you came

to the conclusion that your man was definitely packing things
up in his mind, I want you to just start writing down a list of all
of the different ways that you can be the best possible you.
What moves can you make in order to get closer to the best
version of yourself there is?

Do you have any unfinished projects? Do you have any

connections that you can get in touch with to start working on
upgrading your career? Do you have any lists of places you
want to go or things you want to see? Do you need to raise
money before you start knocking out that bucket list?

Whatever the case is, if you can see to it that you put forth
whatever energy you need to in order to bring those things
closer to a reality, start earnestly working in that direction.
Start aspiring to reach the point at which you can honestly get
in contact with your man and have something to show for the
time that you’ve spent apart.

More important than having something to show the time you’ve

spent apart to your man, you can have something that you’re
proud to show ANYBODY who has known you.

Now once you’ve reached the point where you’re feeling good
enough to say that you’ve made progress, you are in the prime
position to start making the best use of my Blind Sweetheart
Lines below. Understand that the goal isn’t to make what you
done an attempt purely to impress the man, but things that you
legitimately wanted.

The key to delivering these lines in the right way is to make

sure that you don’t come off as if you’re trying too hard to
make it seem like you need to impress him. When it comes to
using these lines in the right way, to be honest, less is actually
more! Be honest about what the time apart has meant you, and
the effects will be what they need to be.

So without further ado, here are some examples of the Blind

Sweetheart Lines that you can use after some time has passed
for you to truly dive into the thick of what makes you feel alive
as a person, single or not:

‘So I want you to know that I understand the importance

of having a little alone time now and then. I don’t want
to be one of those girls who just smothers you every
time you need distance. We should both give each other
a little room to grow for now.”

Immediately after a break, a guy’s mind tends to float between

two different extremes: the thought of his girl just completely
forgetting about him, or the thought of his girl coming back
crying to him in an attempt to win him back.

When you show that you’re appreciative of the time that you
spent apart, and you do it in a way that isn’t even bitter, he
may not even know how to respond. I had a client who gave a
line like the above example to her guy through text, and he
wouldn’t stop trying to get her to reply to him again for two

“It’s been awhile since we last got in touch, but a lot of

unbelievable things have been going on for me and I’m

sure that it’s the same for you. Let’s catch up when we
both have time.”

The catch with this line is that it actually puts pressure on the
guy to be able to say how things have been going equally good,
if not even better for him since the break. No matter how he
actually responds to this, you can be sure that this is going to
make him a little self-conscious about how his life has been
since things between you two ended.

“The past couple of months have been crazy, but

honestly, it was good choice for us to get a little space. It
was worth it so that we could become better people. I’d
like to tell you all about it when there’s a free moment.”

When you say that you’re down to catch up with him when
there’s a ‘free moment’ for the two of you to get back in touch,
you give him the impression that your time is valuable and you
have a packed schedule. Naturally he’s going to be thinking
about how to reply, but he won’t know whether or not you have
the time to reply back!

When he gets unsure about whether or not you have time to

get back to him, that old uncertainty that guys get when they’re
thinking about hitting up a girl they’re getting to know will be
rekindled within him!

“Honey I really care about you, but lately, I’m not sure if
us being together was a good or bad idea. I think in the
long run it was a good idea for us take a break and

improve our lives. I’ve made some great moves and I’d
like to let you know all about it someday. I’ll keep in

Now when you say things like “someday” and “keep in touch”,
the general ambiguity of it all is going to make him have mixed
feelings about just when you plan on getting back to him.
You’re clearly expressing a non-confrontational desire to
maintain contact with him, which is already disarming, but not
knowing when will force him to start thinking hard.

The point of all of these Blind Sweetheart Lines, once again, is

to diverge from the common and counterproductive strategy of
antagonizing the man after a breakup. Being too bitter about a
breakup, and letting him see that, will do nothing but make you
more bitter than you need to be and stroke his ego in the

With the nature of these lines, you basically assert your power
while disarming any ability he would have to be feel validated or
retaliate - there just won’t be anything for him to retaliate
against in the first place! If he does get defensive or upset
about this, then it’s basically confirmation that he’s operating
within your frame.

In the best case scenario, however, what may happen is that

he’s impressed by the fact that you’ve gotten back in touch with
him in such a respectable way.

A man is always turned on by a woman who has her stuff

together, whether he likes it or not. If you impact him in a way

that intrigues him, then he might start thinking about what he
might be able to do in order to try things with you again.

Whatever your objective might be when you use Blind

Sweetheart Lines like these, the goal should always be firmly in
mind before you even send the first catch-up message! Do you
just want to to put a little bit of pressure on him, or are you
actually interested in getting back with him?

Whatever the case may be, make an effort to actually lead a life
that’s fulfilling enough for you to be okay no matter what the
result is. Actually leading an awesome life and not needing a
man to be happy is a virtue for all of us ladies, not matter
whether we’re single ladies or dealing with the aftermath of a

No matter how you choose to deliver a line like these, the

ultimate effect will be that the guy will be a little bit taken
aback. Plenty of guys out there are convinced that if a woman
contacts them after a break, it must mean that she’s sorry for
every splitting up and wants to try patching things up.

When you tell him that you’re actually thankful for the chance
to split and think it over, though, it’s kind of going to mess with
his head! In a way you are making an effort to patch things up,
but at the same time, it’s not going to be in a way that most
guys are actually prepared for. You’ll keep your dignity and
create additional value!

What you can really take away from the philosophy of these
lines, and the section in general, is the art of using single life as

a period of empowerment. The greatest thing to take away is
that being on your own doesn’t mean that you have to be lonely
- this leads to a better chance of being happily committed in the


If you take anything from what we’ve covered over the course
of these sections, it’s that the most powerful kind of relationship
you can have is the kind that you have with the things that go

Instead of being completely wrapped up in what can be

immediately observed, just read through the subtext of
everything, and there won’t be any relationship challenge that
you can’t handle.

After many years of working with clients and conducting

research, I’ve come to the conclusion that we almost always
know what it takes to unwrap the male mind on a subconscious
level- the key is to break out of the counterproductive habits
that get programmed into a lot of us just through bad

It’s unfortunate, but a lot of people really do grow up with the

impression that men just don’t have any emotional substance at
all! At this point, though, you know a lot better than that. You
know that as soon as man feels a serious emotional tug, it will
be almost impossible to rip his fixation off of the woman who
awakened it within him.

By understanding that unconscious emotional surges ALWAYS

overpower the conscious brain, and that all you need to do is
activate and attraction switch to create those surges, you are in

the top 1% of all women who can attract a high-value man and
keep him around for a lifetime.

As demonstrated by all of the work done by my colleague Lance

Taylor, the hypnotist, a man who has had his emotional brain
completely seized will have almost a supernatural ability to
describe every single physical aspect of the woman who
manged to do it to him. Every logical assessment of the costs
will get overwritten by his primal drive to please the woman as
his mate!

A lot of women who come to me are desperate because they

feel powerless, but when they learn about how much leverage
the man’s Love Hormone can give them, it blows their mind. My
clients often just can’t fathom that so much more progress can
be made after the man has already been hooked in the

What we’ve covered so far might seem incredibly obvious in

hindsight, but I’m never surprised when I meet with a woman
who just has no idea how different the art of attraction is to
what she previously thought. Women and men alike might be
inclined to think that the game is pretty much over when the
relationship starts, but you know a lot better now!

After the relationship has begun, you know that your next
primary objective should be to focus all of your powers on
spinning that almighty circle of attraction. When you spin the
circle of attraction, every single thing you do will set of a chain
reaction of self-sustaining passion that keeps the man attracted
to you indefinitely.

These lessons aren’t meant to make you think that you can just
read the future when it comes any man that you deal with, but
it’s just a way of seeing to it that you’re always prepared for
what some of the most challenging relationship situations can
be like when they arise.

Instead of just being at the mercy of unpredictable highs and

sudden lows, you will have what it takes in order to make sure
that you always have the power to maintain constant
MOMENTUM when it comes to the heat of the passion in the

In addition to making sure that the passion of the relationship

stays high and moving, it’s important not to forget the
importance of being free of bitterness when you do! I know that
it’s easier said than done, and no sane person could blame you
for being frustrated with a man who seems like he’s being
distant for the sake of it, but bitterness will only slow you down.

More than anything, the most important thing that you can do
here is make sure that you keep things sweet. In the section
that I mention Sweet Like Honeybunch Lines, I cannot stress
how much MORE effective all of these techniques really are if
you’re able to pull them off while being completely cordial and
complimentary as you do!

The man’s primal protector ALWAYS wants to be validated, no

matter activity may be going on in his mind on a conscious
level. If you can see it that you don’t let your composure slip,
you can use the primal protector’s need for validation as a way
to create value by either feeding it or teasing it.

If you appeal to the man’s need to feel like he has to be a
suitable mate, then whether he’s a stranger or you’ve already
know him for several years on end, the ultimate result is going
to the same every time! He’s going to feel a tug in his mind on
a level that isn’t normally reached, and though what you said
was sweet, the force is going to feel strong and aggressive to

Within your flattery, there’s an entire armory of wall-breaking

power just waiting to be used for summoning up a firestorm of
uncontrolled lust and desire in the deepest forest of your man’s
mind. All of the psychological complexity we’re talking about
will be as simple and smooth as glass once you’ve put it to
practice just a few times!

After you’ve gotten this down to the type of science where you
can do all of these intuitively, then you will always be able to
set off a fire in the man’s belly without even trying! The fire in
the belly in the man’s urge to hunt, be validated, and feel

The fire in the belly is when logic is just about completely

eclipsed by desire! As women, we were made with the code for
setting off that fire in man’s belly written deeply into our DNA.
By learning how to set off the fire in his belly with minimal
effort, we’re basically fusing our modern world logic with our
ancient powers for the next level of attraction power!

To put it simply, what we’re doing here is playing the game

smarter. We’re taking a qualitative look at the playing field,
taking a good hard look at all of the worst ways to try scoring,
and then adjusting our strategies to get more and more winning

plays every time.

If you’re like my friend Kylie, and just about every other red-
blooded woman in the world, you want to be loved by the man
you love- that’s not a desire that you ever need to jump
through a bunch of hoops to make happen! All that it takes is
some awareness of the fact that it t preserving the love takes
little bit more work than just wanting it to happen.

Remember the story that I told about that guy who I thought
was in a relationship with, who turned out to not actually share
my perspective on that arrangement? That story still makes me
cringe sometimes, but if it weren’t for little setbacks like that, I
wouldn’t be able to tell you all about how I was able to learn
from it and develop into a relationship coach today.

If you can see all of the mistakes that you’ve ever made with a
guy as a sign of how to do things a little bit better the next
time, then you’ll be in perfect shape to keep on advancing your
relationship knowledge instead of always being at a loss for how
to get over the last one that didn’t work out.

Out of situations like the ones that I had with guys like Joseph,
I discovered the sublime power Lovetraction Lines. With all of
the techniques that you can work on taking to here, you’ll
always be able to keep a firm handle on the emotional
temperature between you and guy that determines how much
pressure he feels.

Unlike the temperature that a man feels on his skin, emotional

temperature will be felt by a man in a place that he can’t just

pour cold water on himself to feel relief from. If you can create
the right kind of emotional temperature between you and your
man at the right time, you will have what it takes to makes sure
that a man feels it even when you aren’t even around him.

When a man feels the emotional temperature despite the fact

that you aren’t next to him, you WILL know - he will see to it
that you know. Even if a man has made it seem as though his
interest just isn’t at the level that you’d like, creating the right
level of emotional temperature can make his interest skyrocket
no matter what the first impression might have been.

My Rejection Squish Squash lines were included to serve as an

example of how even the most distant of all men can be turned
into complete adorers, without fail, if you can exercise some
real power over the kind of impression that you make on him
once he does give you any signs of distance.

When you show that you’re not bothered or panicked by

prospect of rejection, or even the prospect of being single in
general, you’re going to create the kind of impression on your
man reminiscent of the alpha females in the ancient days of the
human race!

Remember, an alpha female is one who has no use for feelings

like self-doubt or fear. An alpha female doesn’t care about any
challenges that her goals may pose, became all that matters in
her world is that she has the momentum and drive to go after
what she wants.

An alpha female is the ultimate validation for the alpha male,

and because of that, the man won’t ever be able to help be
recognize an alpha female when he sees one. His primal
protector is going to go haywire, and once that happens, it’s
pretty much game over! He’s going to feel the pressure to
either step up to the plate or accept that he just wasn’t up to

When a man is deprived of that security he gets from the

feeling that any woman he rejects would be easy to get if he
ever changed his mind, something profound is going to happen
in his mind that really sets him off-balance! When he’s hit by a
taste of rejection himself, along with a sense of validation to go
along with it, it’s what I called a Sensation Grand Slam!

With the Sensation Grand Slam Line, you basically give your
man a bittersweet double-whammy that contains both the
amazing feeling acceptance and that crushing emptiness from
being pushed away - okay, it may not really be quite that
dramatic, but you still get the kind of effect that makes your
man unsure of the best way to react!

When your man just doesn’t know whether or not he feels

better about twinges of validation or the sense that he’s just
been rejected, he’s not going to be able to stop thinking about
you no matter how hard he tries!

Because the cocktail of rejection and validation works so well

even on men who have already turned the woman down before
she used them, that’s why it’s an extremely powerful tool for
keeping the ball in your court even when the man already
seems like he’s attached to you!

This is what I mean when I say that you can’t just stop trying to
create some positive discomfort in your man when he starts to
show you that he has legitimate feelings of affection towards
you. Getting the man to feel some serious attraction towards
you is simply getting a clean hit, but when you mix it in with
some rejection-flavored tension, it’s a grand slam!

It might seem just a little bit devious at first glance, but when
you consider the fact that the primal protector needs to feel
validated in order to stay healthy, you’ll understand that what
you’re doing is actually one of the most healthy ways that you
can keep a man invested in your relationship in the long run.

The toxic behavior in a relationship isn’t just limited to things

that can be singled out like isolated events - think about what
happens when you neglect the fact that man needs to feel like
he’s still being challenged, and you’ll be sure to give him that
challenge JUST AS MUCH as you avoid things like infidelity and

You’re not looking to be your man’s jailer, but instead, the

queen of his heart. As a benevolent queen, you truly do have a
legitimate care for the contents of his heart that you have so
much power over - at least, you should!

With the power to awaken your man’s primal protector, you’ve

got what it takes to get your man to want to be all over you
without having to use any kind of manipulative or deceptive
tactics. A lot of women get the wrong idea about these kinds of
lessons and assume that it’s like an attack on the man, but that
really couldn’t be any further from the truth!

You can truly inspire a man to do anything once you have the
kind of emotional leverage over him that makes him feel that
temperature even when he’s separated from you, but be careful
about it! Seeing as a man could legitimately (and HAS, in the
case of one of Lance Taylor’s clients) actually break his bank to
please his queen, caution and mercy are values!

Now once you’ve developed the kind of power that can make
you the queen of his heart, you’ll have the follow steps down to
a complete science:

1. Presenting what you want to happen to him in a clear

2. Associating that desire with something he can do in order to
make it happen
3. Having him to make the commitment to going through with it
4. Psychologically rewarding him so that he ‘learns” it as a habit
5. Always letting him know what the key is to keeping you
pleased in the best way

As soon as you make a habit of doing this, eventually, he’s

going to have literally developed a HABIT of wanting to make
you as happy as possible whenever he has the opportunity!

When a man has gotten into the habit of wanting to do things

for you, PURELY for the sake of doing them, then he will be in a
state that we like to call “emotion devotion”. If you remember
from the ninth section, my Emotion Devotion lines are what we
use in order to see to it that man always values more than just
a one-night stand.

When a man sees you as a one-night stand and nothing more,
he’s only going to see pleasing you as a side-effect of a goal to
please himself and NOTHING more than that! With the use of
verbal techniques like Emotion Devotion lines, however, he goes
from a state of only wanting self-satisfaction to a state where
he WANTS to make you feel as good as possible.

A man who sleeps with you, just to sleep with you, doesn’t
necessarily have his primary protector activated. When you’ve
said things that psychologically force him to associate the act of
sleeping with you with the concept of being emotionally
connected to you, he won’t possibly be able to deny that
connection when he thinks about you in a physical way!

Emotion Devotion is like a security measure against any worries

you might have about the frisky side of things being all that
matter to your man when it comes to the relationship. When
he’s in the state that comes right after being in the throes of
sex, he’ll be the absolute easiest to break through to with just a
couple of sensitivity-summoning words.

Even though men and women may be on different social

planets, our ability to connect with one another has been
perfected down to a science. “Inter-dimensional” intimacy is
what can be achieved when you find a way to fuse the physical
aspect of things with the emotional aspect of the relationship;
contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t have to be mutually

The key to making these things work is to always keep your eye
on the prize no matter how discouraging it seems when the

man is initially resistant to showing any serious signs of
intimacy. When your man is looking like he’s disinterested, you
know that he’s probably feeling hangups about the social
expectations that pressure him to ignore his deeper emotions.

Instead of trying to make the man feel like he HAS to spill all of
his emotional contents to you like an overturned cup, you know
at this pint that the best way to go about it is to just make the
prospect of getting to know you an attractive one!

If you make your man know that there’s no need to feel

uncomfortable about the fact that he can open up to you, you
will become like precious safe zone to him where he never has
to worry about being judged for showing his human

You know now that it’s better idea to present the pain that your
man may be feeling as a hypothetical matter than something
you’re just going to claim exists already! Though you may have
a good feeling that there is something wrong, he’ll appreciate it
the most if you don’t take it upon yourself to directly tell him
that you know everything happening under the hood!

Now suppose you’re in a position where it seems like things

between you and your man have already been more or less
compromised. While we definitely don’t want to let our own
feeling of pride get in the way of communicating with the man
when the relationship is still “active”, you definitely don’t want
to lose your dignity when the relationship is going through a
rough patch!

If you forget your own dignity when the relationship is going
south, or gone, then you risk falling into one of those three
“modes” that I mentioned in the tenth section:

1. “Please don’t leave me!” mode

2. “Your wish is my mission!” mode
3. “Blame game” mode

All three of these modes are simply symptoms of a woman who

has let her own bitterness and desperation get the best of her,
and unfortunately, this can happen to the best of us.

Fortunately, you now know that the best way to avoid falling
into these states is to make sure that you don’t ever forget the
importance of sweetness. Sweet doesn’t mean that you need to
go overboard and fake niceness, but it means that you always
remember that you catch more bees with honey than salt.

When you politely approach a distant man in a way that makes

it clear that you can handle the separation in a mature way, it’s
going to defy a lot of stereotypes out there that make it seems
as though a woman can’t handle being rejected!

Once you’ve shown your man that not even his distance can
upset your balance, it will take away his “bullet-proof” feeling of
always having your attachment as a guaranteed thing. All of the
verbal techniques that we’re using here are simply different
ways that we can quietly, subconsciously, POWERFULLY alter a
man’s impression with minimal effort.

Without him even knowing what’s happening, we’re getting
under his skin in a way that’s actually good for him. His
conscious brain may not know exactly what’s happening, but his
subconscious brain is going to be eating it all up and loving
every second of it.

Once you’ve gotten a strong handle on how to appeal to his

subconscious mind and flip those attraction switches like
turning on the lights in your bedroom, you’ll be at the skill level
where Hanky Panky lines become like second nature! In
essence, Hanky Panky lines are like the peak of fusing physical
sensuality with his emotional brain’s sensitivity.

If you can learn how to make any mention of a physical touch

tie into some sentimental connection between the two of you,
then both his body and his mind will be on the track to
becoming more and more devoted to you.

The key with the Hanky Panky lines is to keep things saucy,
ensuring that the emotional aspect has some serious firepower
ahead of it to drill right down into the reward center of his
mind. Bringing some memories that the two of you share into
the mix will make it so that he always thinks about the things
you say with deeper immersion into his senses!

At the end of all of these techniques, there is just one more

lingering concern that my clients have even with all of the
potential power offered to them - the issue of commitment-
phobia in a man. Indeed, even a man who has been
successfully hooked by your most attractive traits is capable of
waking up one day and realizing that what he felt just isn’t
there anymore!

At this point, however, what I’ve taught you will ensure that you
know the best way to keep a man around after you’ve gotten
him into your frame. Once you’ve got his devotion to you at a
high enough degree, the next step is to make sure that you
lower the anxiety he might feel in another area- his freedom.

Letting the man know that you’re definitely not looking to stand
in the way of his ability to live his life, even when he has made
an effort to devote himself to you, will be like supercharging the
attraction that he already felt before you even said anything.

When you let the man know that you feel he is still entitled to
his own life, and you to yours, will keep him from feeling his
own attraction dwindle out of fear of the fact that he’s getting
too committed. I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve had who
did every step right except for this one, which made their
devoted men float away at the worst possible moment!

The cherry on top of it all that you have the power already, and
you all you have to do is let it manifest in the right way! Love
yourself as the apex of female evolution up until your birth,
born with all of the tools to drive men wild, and enjoy going
through life like royalty! Love is war, and now you have the
weapons to assure victory! Now go and conquer your kingdom!


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