Physical Effects From The Planets - Phaladeepika 2:8-14: Both and

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Physical Effects from the Planets –

Phaladeepika 2:8-14
When a planet is very dominant on the physical focal points in a chart, the
physical characteristics of that planet will manifest in the person’s body. The
physical focal point is the Ascendant – which includes

 The Ascendant itself

 The Rising Sign / 1st House
 The lagnesh (Ruler of the 1st House)
 The Navamsha of the ascendant.

Take Saturn for example, he aspects three houses – the 3rd, 7th and 10th house
from him. So if Saturn is in the 4th , 7th or 11th house he will aspect the 1st House
and have some influence on the person’s physical characteristics. Say that
Saturn is in the 7th House while the lagnesh is in the 4th or the 9th. In this scenario
Saturn would be aspecting both the 1st House and the 1stHouse ruler (lagnesh),
so his influence on the person’s physical characteristics would be twice as
strong. Say further that the ascendant is at 10º of the 1st House, while Saturn is at
10º in the 7th House. In this case the effect is tripled for Saturn also effects the
first house by Tajjika aspect (“western” orb-aspects, an “opposition” aspect). If
the Lagnesh is also within a few degrees of 10º in the 4th House we add yet
another influence, saying that Saturn’s effect on the physical characteristics of
the person is “quadrupled”. This is intentionally simplified somewhat, just to give
you an idea. Say Saturn also happens to be in the navamsha’s first house, etc.
this can multiply his effect on the physical body still further.
You can say that the 2nd house is another focal point for appearance, as far as
the appearance pertains to the face specifically.
Also when a planet is simply much more powerful and dominant that the other
planets in the chart, the physical characteristics of the planet will “leak through”
into the person.
So this is how you analyze the chart to see how much each planet influences the
physical characteristics of a person. Now, She Who Illuminates the Fruits will
describe what the typical effects of a planet’s influence on our physical
characteristics will be.
The Sun
High metabolism (“pitta”) ,Strong bones, Thins the hair on the head, Darkens and
reddens the complexion, Reddens the eyes, Brave attitude, Gives a build which
is quite sturdy, square, Inclines one to dress in red

The Moon
Ample body (“kapha w/ some vata”) ,Fluctuating weight ,Fine black hair ,Pale and
fair complexion ,Attractive, wet eyes ,Mild attitude ,Fair speech ,Inclination to
dress in white

High metabolism (“pitta”) ,Strong bone marrow ,Shiny and curly hair ,Reddish
complexion ,Fierce eyes ,Hash attitude ,Angry but generous ,Lean body and thin
waist ,Youthful appearance ,Attraction to wearing red

Sensitive constitution (balanced “tridosha”) ,Good symmetry in the
limbs ,Prominent veins on the skin ,A greenish look, or attraction to wearing
green ,Love for fun and games

Ample, plump, big body (“kapha”) ,Big chest ,Brown hair ,Brown eyes ,Intelligent
Powerful voice ,Interested in wealth ,Yellowish complexion ,Interest in (or you
might say “looks good in”) yellowish cloths ,“Yellowish” actually means the color
of saffron. This is a sort of mix between orange, yellow and brown.

Ample body, larger size (“kapha” and some “vatta”) ,Beauty ,Long, lovely eyes
Curly hair ,Powerful sexual charisma and potency ,Attraction to colorful clothes

Cold body type (“vatta”) ,Lanky (long and thin) ,Deepest eyes ,Large teeth and
nails ,Thick hair shafts ,Dark complexion ,Prominent veins ,Peculiar walk , Stiff
body, lack of flexibility, Fierce look ,Mature or old look ,Attraction to black clothes
Heart hearted and insensitive , Lack of cleanliness

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