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Wanteg Sekuritas gives clients access to trade Indonesian stocks and other financial

instruments. We also provide numerous other services such as research, financial advisory
and underwriting.
2. How do i open an account with Wanteg sekuritas?
Opening an account with us can be done in person or through mail. For more details,
please click here
3. What are the fees to trade stocks through Wanteg Sekuritas?
For trades made through WON (our online trading platform), transaction fees are 0.185%
to buy and 0.285% to sell. Please note that dealer assisted trades may cost more.
4. What is online trading?
It is an online platform that enables investors to perform transactions without the need to
contact brokers / dealers. Wanteg offers this service through Wanteg Online Trading
(WON) to all our customers.
5. What are the differences between transactions through online trading and
regular transactions?
6. When can investors trade public stocks?
Stock transactions can be made in the following hours:
7. What is investing?
Investment is spending money or capital in the hope of gaining profit in the future.
Investing can be done through various instruments and degrees of risks. The financial
instruments can be selected based on an individual’s risk profile.
8. What are the differences between investing and saving?
The differences between investing and saving can be seen in the table below:

9. Why is investing important?

By investing, you can safeguard your asset values from inflation and can also help meet
future needs. The earlier you invest, the more prepared you are to face the risks that may
arise in the future.
10. What is a stock?
A stock is a security which indicate proof of part ownership of a public company with
shares listed and transacted on the stock exchange. Buying shares of a company means
owning part of the company and also entitles you to part of the company’s wealth and
income (Shareholders may receive a share of the profits distributed to them through
11. What are the benefits of investing in stocks?
Benefits of investing in stocks can are dividends and capital gain.
Dividends are the distribution of profits provided by the company that were derived from
the income generated by the company. The dividends are granted after obtaining approval
in the shareholders meeting.
Capital Gain are profits earned from selling a security at a price higher than the security
was purchased for.
12. What are the risks associated with investing in stocks?
There are several risks in stock investing, such as capital loss and stock illiquidity risk.
Capital loss: A decline in the price of a stock purchased, this is the opposite of capital gains.
Capital loss happens when investors sell stocks lower than their purchase price.
Stock illiquidity risk: The risk that there might not be enough market interest in that
particular stock. The lack of buyers may lead to owners of the stock being unable to sell
their stocks quickly.
Please note that there are other risks not listed here.
13. Is it safe to invest in stocks?
Yes, the stock market is regulated by the government. There are several regulating bodies
in place such as KSEI (Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia) and KPEI (Kliring Penjaminan
Efek Indonesia) to make sure that all transactions clear. KPEI guarantees investors who
buy stocks will receive the security and stock sellers will receive their money.
14. What are the institutions that support the capital market?
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), organizes and provides systems and facilities to bring
together parties who wish to buy and sell securities.
Financial Services Authority (OJK) is tasked with fostering, managing and overseeing
investment activities in the capital market and formulating a transparent policy for
investors as well as society as a whole.
Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI), a depository and settlement institution in the
capital market. Holds centralized securities deposit as well as records activities and
completion of securities transactions.
Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI), an intermediary to conduct legal transfers
between exchange members and KPEI in guaranteeing the settlement of exchange
Exchange Member or Anggota Bursa (AB), is a securities company that has obtained
license from Ototritas Jasa Keuangan and Bursa Efek Indonesia to perform brokerage
services such as securities underwriting and investment manager.

Bank kustodian atau disingkat kustodian adalah suatu lembaga yang bertanggung jawab untuk
mengamankan aset keuangan dari suatu perusahaan ataupun perorangan. Bank kustodian ini akan
bertindak sebagai tempat penitipan kolektif dan dari asset seperti saham, obligasi, serta
melaksanakan tugas administrasi seperti menagih hasil penjualan, menerima deviden,
mengumpulkan informasi mengenai perusahaan acuan seperti misalnya rapat umum pemegang
saham tahunan, menyelesaikan transaksi penjualan dan pembelian, melaksanakan transaksi
dalam valuta asing apabila diperlukan, serta menyajikan laporan atas seluruh aktivitasnya sebagai
kustodian kepada kliennya.

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