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2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013

Q1 - Answer the following (not more than two sentences) (20 Marks) Frequency
What is the difference between prorogation and dissolution? 3   
Write two important features of the Government Of India Act,1935. 2  
Write any two fundamental duties OR Enumerate any two fundamental duties of the citizens of India. 2  
What do you understand by Uniform Civil Code? 2  
What is doctrine of pleasure? 2  
What is colourable legislation? 2  
What is double jeopardy? 2  
What is Judicial Review? 2  
What is an Ordinance? Who can issue it? 2  
What is Eminent Domain? 2  
Write the modes of termination of citizenship as given in the Citizenship Act, 1955. 2  
Mention any two important features of the Government of India Act, 1919. 1 
State any two shortcomings of the Government of India Act, 1919. 1 
Which Act established the Federal Court in British India? 1 
State the kinds of jurisdiction of the Federal court established by British Crown? 1 
Which Act proclaimed lapse of British paramountacy over Indian States? 1 
State four salient features of the Indian Constitution? 1 
What is ex-post facto laws? 1 
What is a quasi federal Constitution? 1 
The Chapter of Fundamental Duties has been added to the Constitution by which Amendment Act? 1 
State the reasonable restrictions for freedom of speech & expression. 1 
Write two restrictions on Freedom of Assembly. 1 
What is meant by ‘Protection against Self-Incrimination’? 1 
What is Doctrine of Waiver? 1 
What is doctrine of severability? 1 
What is meant by ‘Doctrine of Collective Responsibility’? 1 
State any two constitutional safeguards against Preventive Detention Laws? 1 
How is the vice-president elected in India? 1 
Give two important Constitutional duties assigned to the Governor. 1 
State any two Constitutional duties of the Prime Minister? 1 
State the composition of the Parliament. 1 
What is a joint session of both the Houses of Parliament? 1 
When can the president summon a joint session of the two house of the parliament? 1 
Whom does the electoral college of Presidential election comprise of? 1 
On what grounds can a President be impeached? 1 
What is meant by ‘Bicameral Legislature’? Name any two states of India which have ‘Bicameral Legislature’. 1 
Enumerate any two situations wherein the Parliament is empowered to legislate on subjects in state list. 1 
How does the Constitution seek to handle inter-state water disputes? 1 
Enumerate the ways in which a new state may be formed or established under Article 3 of the Constitution. 1 
What is amendment by ratification of states? 1 
2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013
Q1 - Answer the following (not more than two sentences) (20 Marks) Frequency
State any two Directive Principles required to be achieved by the state for securing economic justice.(Article 39)
What are the grounds for declaration of State Emergency? 1 
When is financial emergency declared? 1 
By which Amendment Act has Right to education been incorporated as an independent Article in the Constitution?
Write two important cases relating to right to education. 1 
What is Mandamus? 1 
What is Judicial Activism? 1 
State the qualifications for appointment as a judge of the Supreme Court. 1 
State the grounds for Impeachment of Judges of High Court and Supreme Court. 1 
State the four main categories of appellate jurisdiction of the supreme court. 1 
State any two functions of Election Commission. 1 
Who is a Public Servant? 1 
What is Union Public Service Commission? 1 
State any two functions of Union public Service Commission? 1 
What is the test of reasonable classification? 1 
What is Prospective Overruling? 1 
What is Gram Sabha? 1 

2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013

Q2 - Short Notes Attempt and 4 out of 6 (20 Marks) Frequency
Powers of the President 4    
Privileges of Legislature 3   
Union Public Service Commission 3   
Preamble of the Constitution 2  
Judicial Activism 2  
Legislative relations between the Centre and the States 2  
National Emergency 2  
Significance of the Preamble 1 
The Indian Parliament 1 
Independence of Judiciary 1 
Uniform Civil Code 1 
Fundamental Duties 1 
Directive Principles & Fundamental Rights. 1 
Object and Importance of Directive Principles 1 
Right to free legal aid 1 
Right against Self Incrimination 1 
Right to education in India 1 
Abolition of Untouchability 1 
2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013
Q2 - Short Notes Attempt and 4 out of 6 (20 Marks) Frequency
Explain - ‘Procedure established by Law’ 1 
Administrative relations of centre and state 1 
Comptroller and Auditor General of India 1 
State Emergency 1 
Principles of Writ Jurisdiction 1 
The Habeas Corpus Case AIR 1976 SC 1207 1 
Money Bill 1 
Consolidated Fund of India 1 
Secularism- A basic feature 1 
Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India 1 
Theory of Basic Structure 1 
Freedom of Trade and Profession 1 
Doctrine of Severability 1 

2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013

Q3 Solve any 2 out of 3 (12 Marks) Frequency

In K.A .Abbas vs Union of India the validity of Cinematograph Act, 1952 was challenged on the ground that it makes
unreasonable classification. Under the Act, Cinema Trims were classified into two categories, viz "U" films and "A" films
according to their suitability for adults or young people.
(a) Is it right to classify films into different categories? Justify your answer with relevant provisions of the Constitution.
(b) Discuss the above case in the light of Fundamental Freedoms? The above situation is in relation with which
Fundamental Freedom?

The Censor Board of India under The Cinematography Act, 1952 issues the certificates to film into A and U category. It is
argued that the classification of films amount to discrimination and results in violation of freedom of speech and expression.
1. Discuss the right to freedom of speech and expression in the above situation.
2. Does the categorization of films into A and U amount to discrimination? Why?
Bablu, a 4 year old boy died on account of drowning in a pond in a small village.
The pond was not surrounded by a fence or wall. The Municipality had constructed the pond.
(i). Can the State be made liable to pay compensation for Bablu's death? Explain with legal provisions.
(ii) Does Municipality fall under the definition of State?
Mr. ‘X’ was diagnosed as ‘HIV positive’. On knowing this, his employer Mr. ‘Y’ terminated his employment.
(i) Whether Mr. Y's action is constitutionally permissible? Cite the relevant constitutional provisions.
(ii) What are the constitutional remedies available to Mr. X against the said action? 1 
(iii) What reliefs can Mr. X pray for? Cite the relevant constitutional provisions.
2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013
Q3 Solve any 2 out of 3 (12 Marks) Frequency
A leading political party called for ‘Bharat Bandh’ to protest against Inflation and unemployment. A public-spirited citizen
filed a petition against the political party challenging the constitutionality of ‘Bharat Bandh’.
(i) Cite the relevant constitutional provision on the basis of which the petitioner can challenge ‘Bharat bhadh’. What prayer
can the petitioner put forth before the court? (ii) Which 1 
constitutional provisions can the respondents rely upon to justify ‘Bharat Bandh’? Whether their arguments will be
(iii) What differences between ‘Bandh’ and ‘Hartal’ have been laid down by the Apex court?

A significantly larger number of ordinances were promulgated by the Governor of Bihar and were also subsequently re-
promulgated to maintain the Continuity of the ordinances. A public-spirited citizens conducted through research into this
matter and challenged the Governor's action in the Apex Court.
(i) Whether any citizen of the country can be permitted to move the court in such matters? If yes, on what conditions?
(ii) Whether such uncontrolled promulgation and re-promulgation of ordinances is constitutionally permissible? Justify your
(iii) What is an ordinance? What is the purpose of vesting ordinance-making powers in the Governor?
Shamla was denied promotion to Grade I of the Indian Foreign Service on the ground that a female employee has to obtain
permission of the government in writing before her marriage is solemnised
(i) Can Shamla challenge the denial of her promotion?
(ii) Does such restriction violate any fundamental right of Shamla?
Vivek a 22 year old man was arrested by police in connection with investigation of an offence of theft. He died in police
custody the next day. The mother of the deceased alleged it as custodial death.
(i) On what ground can the mother file a Writ petition? State the relevant article.
(ii) Which is the landmark judgement for custodial death laid down by the supreme court?
Manoj, a convict undergoing life time imprisonment was killed by a coaccused in jail who too was serving a life time
(i) Can Manoj's wife claim compensation in the above case? Explain with legal provisions.
(ii) Who is responsible for Manoj's death in the above matter?

A tribunal was appointed by the Central Government to decide the question of water of the river Cauvery which flows
through two states A and B. The tribunal gave order to release water to state B. State A did not follow the said direction.
State B protested against the same.
(i) In the above case can the President make reference to the supreme court? Support your answer with legal provisions.
(ii) Can state A promulgate ordinance to nullify the direction of the tribunal?
The Chief Commissioner of Delhi issued an order against Ahmed, the editor of an English Weekly Magazine to submit his
news article in duplicate for scrutiny before publication.
(i) Can Ahmed challenge the said order? Explain with Constitutional provisions.
(ii) Does the said order violate Ahmed's fundamental right?
Satyen, a public activist had raised few issues against the Chief Minister, Mr. Nagesh Chauhan. Satyen contended that he
has a right to raise pertinent questions as the Chief Minster is a public servant and he wanted to initiate legal proceeding
against the Chief Minister. 1 
(i) Does Chief Minister fall under the meaning of Public Servant as defined under Section 21 of IPC?
(ii) Explain if prior sanction from Governor is required to take action against the Chief Minister?
2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013
Q3 Solve any 2 out of 3 (12 Marks) Frequency

A circular was issued by the Director of Public Instructions making it compulsory for all school children across the state to
sing the national anthem. 3 children belonging to a particular sect of the Christian community were expelled from a school
on their refusal to sing at that time, but did not sing. Although they used to stand at that time, but did not sing it because
they held the religious belief that their faith did not permit them to join any ritual except any prayer to their God i.e Jehova 1 
i. What Constitutional remedies are available to the parents / guardians of the expelled children against the order of
expulsion? Can they plead violation of any fundamental right? If yes, cite the relevant Constitutional Provision.
ii. On what grounds can the school management justify the orders of expulsion? Cite the relevant Constitutional provision
which they can take refuge of. (with reasons).

Rakhi Kapoor, a member of the Rajya Sabha was appointed as a member of the Film Development Council which was an
“office of profit”. It carried certain Honorarium and several other facilities and incentives. Her Rajya Sabha membership
was challenged on the basis of the "office of profit" and after seeking opinion of the Election Commission she was
disqualified from membership of Rajya Sabha. This disqualification was challenged by her in the Apex Court. 1 
i. What do you understand by "office of profit"? What is the object behind prohibiting parliamentarians from holding such
ii. What are the test applied by the court to determine whether an office is an office of profit or not?
iii. Whether her contention that the benefits from the office were not actually received by her, be sustainable in court? What
is the likely outcome of the case?

Hakim Singh, who was a member of Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samiti, accidentally fell off a running train and
sustained serious head injuries. He was taken to various government hospitals in Calcutta but could not be admitted as there
was no bed available for him. Ultimately he had to be admitted to a private hospital where he had to incur huge medical
expenses. You are a constitutional Lawyer. Hakim Singh approaches you for consultation & advice. Guide him. 1 
i. In which court and under which constitutional provision can the victim seek redressal of his grievance? On what grounds?
Cite relevant Provisions of the Constitution.
ii. Had the victim died after being denied admission to government hospitals, could any other person would have been
allowed to approach the court on his behalf? Can the court allow locus standi to a total stranger to the cause?
iii. What remedy can the court grant to victims in such cases? Can the court issue any directions to the State in this respect?
Mr. Rowde, who was not a member of either House of Parliament, was appointed as the Prime Minister. His appointment
was challenged.
(i) On which ground can the Prime Minister's appointment be challenged?
(ii) What is the provision for appointment of a person as a Minister, if he is not a member of either House?
In a landmark judgment, the petitioner had challenged the appointment of Mr X as the Minister in Central Cabinet in 1996
on the ground that at the time of appointment he was not a member of either House of Parliament.
(a) Can a person be appointed as a Minister even if he is not the member of either House of Parliament? Explain . 1 
(b) Give two examples when a people were not elected to either house of the Parliament but were appointed as Minister or
Prime Minister.
2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013
Q3 Solve any 2 out of 3 (12 Marks) Frequency

In a temple, in the State of Verala a non-Brahmin was appointed for performing puja in the temple. The Brahmin
performing puja for several years challenged the said appointment of the non-Brahmin pujari as violative of his fundamental
right to religion.
(i) Does the appointment in above case violate the right to religion of Brahmin pujari? Explain with Relevant provisions?
(ii) State the reasonable restrictions on the fundamental right to religion.
Mr Tarun and Mrs .Yashoda are married for last five years. Mr Tarun has an extramarital relation with Miss Zahira and
they want to marry each other. Mr Tarun converted to Islam and got married to Miss Zahira.
(a) Is the marriage between Mr Tarun and Mrs Zahira valid in the eyes of law? Why?
(b) Discuss the status of marriage between Tarun and Yashoda in the light of Sarla Mudgal case.
Amrita and Shyam are preparing for IAS exams. Amrita belongs to OBC and Shyam belongs to Scheduled Caste. Arnnta is
engaged to Shyam. Post marriage Amrita wants to apply for IAS under the Scheduled Caste category.
1. Is Amrita allowed to apply under Scheduled Caste category? State the reasons
2. Write the rule of reasonable classification as given under Indian Constitution.

Somdutt, a prisoner was released on parole. During his brief stay at his home he experienced that two police constables
were constantly keeping a watch on him. He filed a petition in the court for violation of his fundamental rights. 1 
1. Which fundamental right Is violated In the above case? Give reasons.
2. Explain any two rights of prisoners.

2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013

Q4 - Write any 4 out of 6 (48 Marks) Frequency
When can National Emergency be declared? State the effects of National emergency?

What are the effects of National Emergency? Explain the grounds on which the National Emergency can be proclaimed?
What is National Emergency? Explain the grounds and effects of National Emergency with the aid of relevant case laws.
Explain the provision regarding the proclamation of emergency under the Indian Constitution. Elaborate on the status of
fundamental rights during emergency.
What is Religion? Discuss with the help of Supreme Court judgments.
What is religion? Explain the right to freedom of religion with reasonable restrictions. 3   
What is Religion? Explain the Freedom to Manage Religious in detail with the aid of relevant case laws.
Elaborate the object behind freedom of Trade, Commerce and Intercourse with reasonable restrictions.
Explain the object of freedom for trade, commerce and intercourse with reasonable restrictions under Articles 301 to 307 of 2  
the constitution.
Discuss the Salient features of the Constitution of India. 2  
Explain the functions of the Indian Parliament. 2  
What is untouchablity? Explain how the menace of untouchablity is sought to be tackled by the Protection of Civil Rights
Act, 1955.
Explain the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. 2  
2016 2016 2015N 2015 2014 2014 2013
Q4 - Write any 4 out of 6 (48 Marks) Frequency
"Fundamental Rights strive to balance the liberty with restrictions as required in the society"- Explain this statement with
relevant case laws.
Has the Civil Rights Protection Act achieved its object in India? 1 
Explain in detail the importance of The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 in safeguarding the rights of people belonging
to Schedule Castes.
Elaborate the various provisions of The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 in safeguarding the rights of backward
Enumerate the provisions of the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 which prescribe punishments for practising
Define untouchability and highlight the importance of Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955. 1 
What is secularism? Explain the rights of the minorities to establish educational institutions in India. 1 
Discuss the judicial activism of Supreme Court in protection of fundamental rights of citizens of India. 1 
What is Judicial Activism? Explain with the help of case laws. 1 
What is an Amendment? Write the procedure for amendment of the Constitution. Explain basic structure theory. 1 
Explain the procedure for Amendment of the constitution. Write a note on ‘Amendment of Fundamental Rights’. 1 
What is the theory of Basic Structure? Explain the procedure of Amendment of Fundamental Rights with relevant case
What is Constitutional Amendment? Explain the procedure by which Constitution can be amended? 1 
Explain the procedure for amendment of the constitution as enshrined in Article 368. Write a note on ‘Doctrine of Basic
structure of the Constitution’. Cite relevant case Laws in relation to this Doctrine.
"The relationship between Centre and State should be complimentary and supplementary to each other." Discuss with the
help of constitutional provisions the relations between centre and state governments.
Discuss in details the administrative relations between the Union and the States. 1 
"State can make special provisions for Women and Children"- Discuss in the light of equality provisions with landmark
Highlight the importance of Right to health as a facet of Article 21 with relevant case laws. 1 
Highlight the importance of Right to Information in the present era? 1 
Define "State" according to article 12. With the aid of relevant case laws, explain how the Apex Court has expanded the
definition of State in the last few decades
Critically examine the concept of “Equality before Law” as enshrined in Article 14 of the Constitution with the help of
landmark judgements of the Supreme Court.
Explain whether Supreme Court is bound by its own decision with landmark case laws. 1 
Explain the classification between class legislation and reasonable classification. 1 
What is sexual harassment of women at workplace? Explain with landmark judgements. 1 
“Article 32 is the soul and heart of the constitution”. Discuss the scope and purpose of this provision with the aid of
landmark judgements in order to expound the above statement made by Dr. Ambedkar.

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