Prepared By: Khris Matt P. Rojas Obtec M 1-6

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=Utilitarianism= and that people never desire anything but

- Utilitarianism is one of the most powerful and –Mills explains at length that the sentiment of justice
persuasive approaches to normative ethics in the is actually based on utility and the rights exist only
history of Philosophy. because they are necessary for human happiness.

3. Comparison of Utilitarianism
 Utilitarianism is generally held to be the view
that the morally right action is the action that Both that the moral value of an act was determined
produces the most good. by the pleasure it produced.
 The theory is a form of consequentialism: the
right action is understood entirely in terms of  Bentham considered only quantity of pleasure.
 Mill considered both quantity and quality of
consequences produced.
-Bentham’s utilitarianism was criticized for being a
Utilitarianism and its criticism
philosophy “worthy of only swine”.
 Bentham’s theory was act utilitarianism
1. Many people find it difficult to believe that you
 Mill’s was rule utilitarianism.
can qualify happiness and even more difficult to
What are the diff between the theories of Mill and
believe that you can compare different people’s
level of happiness.
1. Qualitative distinctions in tendencies:
2. We can make rough estimates in real life that
-Bentham does not admit any difference in
work out for us- we know when someone is
tendencies but Mill classified human tendencies and
behaving sadder than someone else or are behaving
by virtue of qualitative difference called some noble
happier than others.
and others base. In this way, he said that intellectual
1. Some forms of utilitarian consider the pleasure of
tendencies are far superior to physiological
a sadist is equal to the pleasure of an altruist.
2. Sadism results in short term pleasure but in the
2. Qualitative distinctions in pleasure:
long run results long term suffering and pain.
-In the same way, Mill made qualitative distinctions
Altruistic actions on the hand result in long and short
in different pleasures. According to Bentham, all
term pleasure and satisfaction.
pleasures are similar. If the quantity of pleasure be
1. Some people disagree with the idea that
the same, then there is no difference between
utilitarianism does not consider the motive of
poetry and pushpin
actions (except for motive utilitarianism) and only
The Hedonistic Calculus :
consider the consequences.
-Bentham’s method of estimating pleasures and
2. An argument back to this is that as long as the
pains can be applied to egoistic hedonism.
person who is known to have had bad intensions is
-Bentham believed the right act is the act which of
dealt with appropriately, the consequences for the
all those open to the agent, will actually or probably
world remains useful- regardless of how it
produce the greatest amount of pleasure in the
world-at-large. Pleasure and pain form the basis
A.Utilitarianism and other concepts, theories etc. standard of the standard of right and wrong.
according to Bentham The variables of Hedonistic Calculus:
-Philosphical pleasure: 1. Intensity- How intense is the pleasure or pain?
Jeremy Bentham (1748- 1832) was an English 2. Duration- How long does the pleasure of pain last?
Philosopher who sought to reform society and social 3. Certainty- What probability that the pleasure or
thought. He subscribed to utilitarianism and the idea pain will occur.
that people’s actions should be based on how much 4. Propinquity – How far off in the future is the
pleasure they experience. pleasure or pain?
–one’s actions should be determined by how much 5. Fecundity- What is probability that the pleasure
pleasure or pain is experienced from that action and will lead to other pleasure.
that the determination of this can be done via the 6 . Purity- What is the probability that the pain will
hedonic calculus method. lead to other pains?
–Betham believed in the goodness of pleasure and 7. Extent- How many persons are affected by the
the less pain involved, the more pleasure one will pleasure?

B. Utilitarian according to Mill

-John Stuart Mill (1806- 1873) was an English
philosopher and economist.
–Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill- is an essay
written to provide support for the value of
utilitarianism as a moral theory and to respond to PREPARED BY : KHRIS MATT P. ROJAS
misconception about it.
–Mill argues that utilitarianism coincides “natural” OBTEC M 1-6
sentiments that originated from humans’ social
nature. Therefore, if society were to embrace
utilitarianism as an ethic, people would naturally
internalize these standards as morally binding.
–he argues that happiness is sole basis of morality,

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