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Subject – Business law

1. Business law

2. Law relating to sale of goods act

3. Law relating to negotiable instruments

4. Law relating to consumer protection act

Indian contract Act -

1. Define contract? state the essential of valid contract?

2. Define agreement? mention the various kinds of agreement with suitable examples?
- Elaborate the difference between agreement and contract?

3. Define acceptance? Explain the provision of valid acceptance?

4. What is meant by consideration? Explain its characteristics?

5. What is free consent?

- What is free consent? Mention the factor affecting adversely on free consent?
- Meaning and characteristics of fraud?
- Define undue influence?

6. Define the term discharge of contract?

7. Explain the breach of contract? state the available remedies for aggrieved parties?

- Suggest the remedies for breach of contract?

- What are the various kind of breach of contract?

8. Contract of Guarantee? state the essentials of contract of guarantee?

- What are the nature and extent of surety’s liability?
- What are the kinds of guarantee? Differentiate between indemnity and guarantee?
Law relating to sale of goods act -

1. Define contract of sale of goods?

- What do you mean by contract of sale?

- Mention essential of contract of sale?
- How is contract of sale is formulated?

2. What is transfer of ownership? How does it differ from title of transfer?

- Define transfer of ownership?

- What are the various rule of transfer of property?

3. What do you mean by performance of contract of sale? Explain the various mode of delivery?

4. What is meaning of unpaid seller? Explain his rights?

5. Explain the duties of unpaid seller?

- Mention the seller’s right of disposal?

- What are the rights and duties of seller?
- What are the various kinds of right and duties of buyers?

6. Partnership is born out of contract and not status Elucidate.

- What do you mean by the Indian partnership act, 1932 along with its features?
- State the main features of partnership?
- What are the essential elements of a partnership?

7. State the duties of partners?

- Mention the responsibility of partners?

- Explain the liabilities of partners?

8. Can the minor become a partner? Explain

- what are the various rights and liabilities of minor?

9. What do you mean by registration of partnership?

- Explain the procedure of registration of a partnership firm?

11. What are the effect of non- registration of a partnership firm?

12. Explain the need of partnership deed?

- Mention the main content of partnership deed?

13. Elaborate the difference the dissolution of partnership and dissolution of firm?

- Write the provision of dissolution of partnership?

14. What are the modes of dissolution of partnership firm?

15. Explain the effect of dissolution of the partnership firm?

Law relating to Negotiable instrument act

1. Define the term of negotiable instrument. Also the state the nature of negotiable instrument?
- Explain the main features of negotiable instrument act?

2. What are the various kind of Negotiable instrument?

3. Explain the term ‘Promissory note’?

- What are the essential elements of promissory note?

- State the feature of a promissory note?

4. Write the types of bills of exchange?

5. Differentiate between bills of exchange and promissory note?

6. State the types of cheques?

7. Explain the various types of crossing of cheques?

- State the importance and types of crossing of cheques?

8. Distinguish between negotiation and assignment?

- Explain the transfer of negotiation and transfer of assignment?

9. Discuss the two modes of negotiation?

- State the kinds of endorsement?

10. Explain the concept of dishonor of negotiable instruments?

- under which circumstances a negotiable instrument is treated as dishonoured?

- state the importance of notice of dishonor?

11. Define ‘Noting’ and ‘protesting’?

- what are noting and vouching?


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