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No Metrics Are Perfect:

Adversarial Reward Learning for Visual Storytelling

Xin Wang∗, Wenhu Chen∗, Yuan-Fang Wang , William Yang Wang

University of California, Santa Barbara


Though impressive results have been

achieved in visual captioning, the task
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
arXiv:1804.09160v2 [cs.CL] 9 Jul 2018

of generating abstract stories from photo Captions:

streams is still a little-tapped problem. (a) A small boy and a girl are sitting together.
Different from captions, stories have more (b) Two kids sitting on a porch with their backpacks on.
expressive language styles and contain (c) Two young kids with backpacks sitting on the porch.
(d) Two young children that are very close to one another.
many imaginary concepts that do not ap-
(e) A boy and a girl smiling at the camera together.
pear in the images. Thus it poses chal-
Story #1: The brother and sister were ready for the first
lenges to behavioral cloning algorithms. day of school. They were excited to go to their first day
Furthermore, due to the limitations of au- and meet new friends. They told their mom how happy
tomatic metrics on evaluating story qual- they were. They said they were going to make a lot of new
ity, reinforcement learning methods with friends . Then they got up and got ready to get in the car .
hand-crafted rewards also face difficul- Story #2: The brother did not want to talk to his sister.
The siblings made up. They started to talk and smile.
ties in gaining an overall performance Their parents showed up. They were happy to see them.
boost. Therefore, we propose an Adver-
sarial REward Learning (AREL) frame-
work to learn an implicit reward function Figure 1: An example of visual storytelling and
from human demonstrations, and then op- visual captioning. Both captions and stories are
timize policy search with the learned re- shown here: each image is captioned with one sen-
ward function. Though automatic eval- tence, and we also demonstrate two diversified sto-
uation indicates slight performance boost ries that match the same image sequence.
over state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in
cloning expert behaviors, human evalua- capabilities in understanding more complicated vi-
tion shows that our approach achieves sig- sual scenarios and composing more structured ex-
nificant improvement in generating more pressions, visual storytelling (Huang et al., 2016)
human-like stories than SOTA systems.1 has been proposed. Visual captioning is aimed at
depicting the concrete content of the images, and
1 Introduction
its expression style is rather simple. In contrast,
Recently, increasing attention has been focused visual storytelling goes one step further: it sum-
on visual captioning (Chen et al., 2015, 2016; Xu marizes the idea of a photo stream and tells a story
et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2018c), which aims at about it. Figure 1 shows an example of visual
describing the content of an image or a video. captioning and visual storytelling. We have ob-
Though it has achieved impressive results, its ca- served that stories contain rich emotions (excited,
pability of performing human-like understanding happy, not want) and imagination (siblings, par-
is still restrictive. To further investigate machine’s ents, school, car). It, therefore, requires the capa-
∗ bility to associate with concepts that do not explic-
Equal contribution
Code is released at itly appear in the images. Moreover, stories are
littlekobe/AREL more subjective, so there barely exists standard
templates for storytelling. As shown in Figure 1, the implicit reward function from human demon-
the same photo stream can be paired with diverse strations. The learned reward function would be
stories, different from each other. This heavily in- employed to optimize the policy in return.
creases the evaluation difficulty. For evaluation, we conduct both automatic met-
So far, prior work for visual storytelling (Huang rics and human evaluation but observe a poor cor-
et al., 2016; Yu et al., 2017b) is mainly inspired relation between them. Particularly, our method
by the success of visual captioning. Nevertheless, gains slight performance boost over the base-
because these methods are trained by maximizing line systems on automatic metrics; human evalu-
the likelihood of the observed data pairs, they are ation, however, indicates significant performance
restricted to generate simple and plain description boost. Thus we further discuss the limitations
with limited expressive patterns. In order to cope of the metrics and validate the superiority of our
with the challenges and produce more human-like AREL method in performing more intelligent un-
descriptions, Rennie et al. (2017) have proposed derstanding of the visual scenes and generating
a reinforcement learning framework. However, in more human-like stories.
the scenario of visual storytelling, the common re- Our main contributions are four-fold:
inforced captioning methods are facing great chal-
• We propose an adversarial reward learning
lenges since the hand-crafted rewards based on
framework and apply it to boost visual story
string matches are either too biased or too sparse
to drive the policy search. For instance, we used
the METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) score • We evaluate our approach on the Visual
as the reward to reinforce our policy and found Storytelling (VIST) dataset and achieve the
that though the METEOR score is significantly state-of-the-art results on automatic metrics.
improved, the other scores are severely harmed.
Here we showcase an adversarial example with an • We empirically demonstrate that automatic
average METEOR score as high as 40.2: metrics are not perfect for either training or
We had a great time to have a lot of the.
They were to be a of the. They were to be in • We design and perform a comprehensive
the. The and it were to be the. The, and it human evaluation via Amazon Mechanical
were to be the. Turk, which demonstrates the superiority of
the generated stories of our method on rele-
Apparently, the machine is gaming the metrics. vance, expressiveness, and concreteness.
Conversely, when using some other metrics (e.g.
2 Related Work
BLEU, CIDEr) to evaluate the stories, we observe
an opposite behavior: many relevant and coherent Visual Storytelling Visual storytelling is the
stories are receiving a very low score (nearly zero). task of generating a narrative story from a photo
In order to resolve the strong bias brought by stream, which requires a deeper understanding
the hand-coded evaluation metrics in RL training of the event flow in the stream. Park and Kim
and produce more human-like stories, we propose (2015) has done some pioneering research on sto-
an Adversarial REward Learning (AREL) frame- rytelling. Chen et al. (2017) proposed a multi-
work for visual storytelling. We draw our inspi- modal approach for storyline generation to pro-
ration from recent progress in inverse reinforce- duce a stream of entities instead of human-like de-
ment learning (Ho and Ermon, 2016; Finn et al., scriptions. Recently, a more sophisticated dataset
2016; Fu et al., 2017) and propose the AREL algo- for visual storytelling (VIST) has been released
rithm to learn a more intelligent reward function. to explore a more human-like understanding of
Specifically, we first incorporate a Boltzmann dis- grounded stories (Huang et al., 2016). Yu et al.
tribution to associate reward learning with distri- (2017b) proposes a multi-task learning algorithm
bution approximation, then design the adversarial for both album summarization and paragraph gen-
process with two models – a policy model and a eration, achieving the best results on the VIST
reward model. The policy model performs the dataset. But these methods are still based on be-
primitive actions and produces the story sequence, havioral cloning and lack the ability to generate
while the reward model is responsible for learning more structured stories.
Reinforcement Learning in Sequence Genera- Environment
tion Recently, reinforcement learning (RL) has Images references
gained its popularity in many sequence generation
tasks such as machine translation (Bahdanau et al., Adversarial
Reward Model
Policy Model
Objective Story
2016), visual captioning (Ren et al., 2017; Wang
Inverse RL
et al., 2018b), summarization (Paulus et al., 2017;
Chen et al., 2018), etc. The common wisdom of
using RL is to view generating a word as an ac- RL
tion and aim at maximizing the expected return
by optimizing its policy. As pointed in (Ranzato Figure 2: AREL framework for visual storytelling.
et al., 2015), traditional maximum likelihood al-
gorithm is prone to exposure bias and label bias,
while the RL agent exposes the generative model Inverse Reinforcement Learning Reinforce-
to its own distribution and thus can perform bet- ment learning is known to be hindered by the
ter. But these works usually utilize hand-crafted need for an extensive feature and reward engi-
metric scores as the reward to optimize the model, neering, especially under the unknown dynamics.
which fails to learn more implicit semantics due to Therefore, inverse reinforcement learning (IRL)
the limitations of automatic metrics. has been proposed to infer expert’s reward func-
tion. Previous IRL approaches include maximum
Rethinking Automatic Metrics Automatic margin approaches (Abbeel and Ng, 2004; Ratliff
metrics, including BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002), et al., 2006) and probabilistic approaches (Ziebart,
CIDEr (Vedantam et al., 2015), METEOR (Baner- 2010; Ziebart et al., 2008). Recently, adversarial
jee and Lavie, 2005), and ROUGE (Lin, 2004), inverse reinforcement learning methods provide
have been widely applied to the sequence gener- an efficient and scalable promise for automatic re-
ation tasks. Using automatic metrics can ensure ward acquisition (Ho and Ermon, 2016; Finn et al.,
rapid prototyping and testing new models with 2016; Fu et al., 2017; Henderson et al., 2017).
fewer expensive human evaluation. However, they These approaches utilize the connection between
have been criticized to be biased and correlate IRL and energy-based model and associate every
poorly with human judgments, especially in many data with a scalar energy value by using Boltz-
generative tasks like response generation (Lowe mann distribution pθ (x) ∝ exp(−Eθ (x)). In-
et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2016), dialogue sys- spired by these methods, we propose a practical
tem (Bruni and Fernández, 2017) and machine AREL approach for visual storytelling to uncover
translation (Callison-Burch et al., 2006). The a robust reward function from human demonstra-
naive overlap-counting methods are not able tions and thus help produce human-like stories.
to reflect many semantic properties in natural
language, such as coherence, expressiveness, etc. 3 Our Approach
Generative Adversarial Network Generative 3.1 Problem Statement
adversarial network (GAN) (Goodfellow et al.,
2014) is a very popular approach for estimating Here we consider the task of visual storytelling,
intractable probabilities, which sidestep the diffi- whose objective is to output a word sequence W =
culty by alternately training two models to play a (w1 , w1 , · · · , wT ), wt ∈ V given an input image
min-max two-player game: stream of 5 ordered images I = (I1 , I2 , · · · , I5 ),
where V is the vocabulary of all output token.
min max E [log D(x)] + E [log D(G(z))] , We formulate the generation as a markov deci-
D G x∼pdata z∼pz
sion process and design a reinforcement learning
where G is the generator and D is the discrimina- framework to tackle it. As described in Figure 2,
tor, and z is the latent variable. Recently, GAN our AREL framework is mainly composed of two
has quickly been adopted to tackle discrete prob- modules: a policy model πβ (W ) and a reward
lems (Yu et al., 2017a; Dai et al., 2017; Wang et al., model Rθ (W ). The policy model takes an image
2018a). The basic idea is to use Monte Carlo pol- sequence I as the input and performs sequential
icy gradient estimation (Williams, 1992) to update actions (choosing words w from the vocabulary V)
the parameters of the generator. to form a narrative story W . The reward model
My brother recently graduated college.
It was a formal cap and gown event.
CNN and
My mom and dad attended. dad
Later, my aunt and grandma showed up. <EOS>

Story Convolution Pooling FC layer

When the event was over he even
got congratulated by the mascot.
Encoder Decoder
Figure 4: Overview of the reward model. Our re-
ward model is a CNN-based architecture, which
Figure 3: Overview of the policy model. The vi- utilizes convolution kernels with size 2, 3 and 4
sual encoder is a bidirectional GRU, which en- to extract bigram, trigram and 4-gram representa-
codes the high-level visual features extracted from tions from the input sequence embeddings. Once
the input images. Its outputs are then fed into the the sentence representation is learned, it will be
RNN decoders to generate sentences in parallel. concatenated with the visual representation of the
Finally, we concatenate all the generated sentences input image, and then be fed into the final FC layer
as a full story. Note that the five decoders share the to obtain the reward.
same weights.
Reward Model The reward model Rθ (W ) is a
is optimized by the adversarial objective (see Sec- CNN-based architecture (see Figure 4). Instead of
tion 3.3) and aims at deriving a human-like reward giving an overall score for the whole story, we ap-
from both human-annotated stories and sampled ply the reward model to different story parts (sub-
predictions. stories) Wi and compute partial rewards, where
i = 1, · · · , 5. We observe that the partial rewards
3.2 Model
are more fine-grained and can provide better guid-
Policy Model As is shown in Figure 3, the pol- ance for the policy model.
icy model is a CNN-RNN architecture. We fist We first query the word embeddings of the sub-
feed the photo stream I = (I1 , · · · , I5 ) into a story (one sentence in most cases). Next, multi-
pretrained CNN and extract their high-level image ple convolutional layers with different kernel sizes
features. We then employ a visual encoder to fur- are used to extract the n-grams features, which
ther encode the image features as context vectors are then projected into the sentence-level repre-
←− → −
hi = [ hi ; hi ]. The visual encoder is a bidirectional sentation space by pooling layers (the design here
gated recurrent units (GRU). is inspired by Kim (2014)). In addition to the
In the decoding stage, we feed each context vec- textual features, evaluating the quality of a story
tor hi into a GRU-RNN decoder to generate a sub- should also consider the image features for rele-
story Wi . Formally, the generation process can be vance. Therefore, we then combine the sentence
written as: representation with the visual feature of the input
image through concatenation and feed them into
sit = GRU(sit−1 , [wt−1
, hi ]) , (1) the final fully connected decision layer. In the
πβ (wti |w1:t−1
) = sof tmax(Ws sit + bs ) , (2) end, the reward model outputs an estimated reward
value Rθ (W ). The process can be written in for-
where sit denotes the t-th hidden state of i-th de- mula:
coder. We concatenate the previous token wt−1 i

and the context vector hi as the input. Ws and Rθ (W ) = φ(Wr (fconv (W ) + Wi ICN N ) + br ), (3)
bs are the projection matrix and bias, which out-
put a probability distribution over the whole vo- where φ denotes the non-linear projection func-
cabulary V. Eventually, the final story W is the tion, Wr , br denote the weight and bias in the
concatenation of the sub-stories Wi . β denotes all output layer, and fconv denotes the operations in
the parameters of the encoder, the decoder, and the CNN. ICN N is the high-level visual feature ex-
output layer. tracted from the image, and Wi projects it into the
sentence representation space. θ includes all the Algorithm 1 The AREL Algorithm.
parameters above. 1: for episode ← 1 to N do
2: collect story W by executing policy πθ
3.3 Learning 3: if Train-Reward then
Reward Boltzmann Distribution In order to 4: θ ← θ − η × ∂J θ
∂θ (see Equation 9)
associate story distribution with reward function, 5: else if Train-Policy then
we apply EBM to define a Reward Boltzmann dis- 6: collect story W̃ from empirical pe
tribution: ∂J
7: β ← β − η × ∂ββ (see Equation 9)
exp(Rθ (W )) 8: end if
pθ (W ) = , (4) 9: end for

Where W is the word sequence of the story and
pθ (W )Pis the approximate data distribution, and where H denotes the entropy of the policy model.
Zθ = exp(Rθ (W )) denotes the partition func- On the other hand, the objective Jθ of the re-
tion. According to the energy-based model (Le- ward function is to distinguish between human-
Cun et al., 2006), the optimal reward function annotated stories and machine-generated stories.
R∗ (W ) is achieved when the Reward-Boltzmann Hence it is trying to minimize the KL-divergence
distribution equals to the “real” data distribution with the empirical distribution pe and maximize
pθ (W ) = p∗ (W ). the KL-divergence with the approximated policy
distribution πβ :
Adversarial Reward Learning We first intro-
duce an empirical distribution pe (W ) = 1(W|D|∈D) Jθ =KL(pe (W )||pθ (W )) − KL(πβ (W )||pθ (W ))
to represent the empirical distribution of the train-
= [pe (W )Rθ (W ) − πβ (W )Rθ (W )] (7)
ing data, where D denotes the dataset with |D| sto- W

ries and 1 denotes an indicator function. We use + log Zθ − log Zθ − H(pe ) + H(πβ ) ,
this empirical distribution as the “good” examples,
which provides the evidence for the reward func- Since H(πβ ) and H(pe ) are irrelevant to θ, we
tion to learn from. denote them as constant C. It is also worth not-
In order to approximate the Reward Boltzmann ing that with negative sampling in the optimization
distribution towards the “real” data distribution of the KL-divergence, the computation of the in-
p∗ (W ), we design a min-max two-player game, tractable partition function Zθ is bypassed. There-
where the Reward Boltzmann distribution pθ aims fore, the objective Jθ can be further derived as
at maximizing the its similarity with empirical
Jθ = E [Rθ (W )] − E [Rθ (W )] + C . (8)
distribution pe while minimizing that with the W ∼pe (W ) W ∼πβ (W )

“faked” data generated from policy model πβ . On

the contrary, the policy distribution πβ tries to Here we propose to use stochastic gradient de-
maximize its similarity with the Boltzmann dis- scent to optimize these two models alternately.
tribution pθ . Formally, the adversarial objective Formally, the gradients can be written as
function is defined as
∂Jθ ∂Rθ (W ) ∂Rθ (W )
max min KL(pe (W )||pθ (W )) − KL(πβ (W )||pθ (W )) . = E [ ]− E [ ],
β θ ∂θ W ∼pe (W ) ∂θ W ∼πβ (W ) ∂θ
(5) ∂Jβ ∂ log πβ (W )
= E (Rθ (W ) − log πβ (W ) − b) ,
∂β W ∼πβ (W ) ∂β
We further decompose it into two parts. First,
because the objective Jβ of the story genera-
tion policy is to maximize its similarity with
where b is the estimated baseline to reduce vari-
the Boltzmann distribution pθ , the optimal policy
ance during REINFORCE training.
that minimizes KL-divergence is thus π(W ) ∼
exp(Rθ (W )), meaning if Rθ is optimal, the op- Training & Testing As described in Algo-
timal πβ = π ∗ . In formula, rithm 1, we introduce an alternating algorithm to
Jβ = − KL(πβ (W )||pθ (W )) train these two models using stochastic gradient
= E [Rθ (W )] − log Zθ + H(πβ (W )) , (6) descent. During testing, the policy model is used
W ∼πβ (W )
with beam search to produce the story.
4 Experiments and Analysis Method B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 M R C
Huang et al. - - - - 31.4 - -
4.1 Experimental Setup Yu et al. - - 21.0 - 34.1 29.5 7.5
XE-ss 62.3 38.2 22.5 13.7 34.8 29.7 8.7
VIST Dataset The VIST dataset (Huang et al., GAN 62.8 38.8 23.0 14.0 35.0 29.5 9.0
2016) is the first dataset for sequential vision-to- AREL-s-50 62.9 38.4 22.7 14.0 34.9 29.4 9.1
language tasks including visual storytelling, which AREL-t-50 63.4 39.0 23.1 14.1 35.2 29.6 9.5
consists of 10,117 Flickr albums with 210,819 AREL-s-100 64.0 38.6 22.3 13.2 35.1 29.3 9.6
AREL-t-100 63.8 39.1 23.2 14.1 35.0 29.5 9.4
unique photos. In this paper, we mainly evalu-
ate our AREL method on this dataset. After filter-
ing the broken images2 , there are 40,098 training, Table 1: Automatic evaluation on the VIST
4,988 validation, and 5,050 testing samples. Each dataset. We report BLEU (B), METEOR (M),
sample contains one story that describes 5 selected ROUGH-L (R), and CIDEr (C) scores of the
images from a photo album (mostly one sentence SOTA systems and the models we implemented,
per image). And the same album is paired with 5 including XE-ss, GAN and AREL. AREL-s-N de-
different stories as references. In our experiments, notes AREL models with SoftSign as output acti-
we used the same split settings as in (Huang et al., vation and alternate frequency as N, while AREL-
2016; Yu et al., 2017b) for a fair comparison. Dur- t-N denoting AREL models with Hyperbolic as the
ing our experiments, we apply two kinds of non- output activation (N = 50 or 100).
linear functions φ for the discriminator, namely
SoftSign function (f (x) = 1+|x| ) and Hyper- matic evaluation metrics. Then we further discuss
bolic function (f (x) = sinhxcoshx ). We found that
the limitations of the hand-crafted metrics on eval-
unbounded non-linear functions like ReLU func- uating human-like stories.
tion (Glorot et al., 2011) will lead to severe vibra-
tions and instabilities during training, therefore we Comparison with SOTA on Automatic Metrics
resort to the bounded functions. In Table 1, we compare our method with Huang
et al. (2016) and Yu et al. (2017b), which report
Evaluation Metrics In order to comprehen- achieving best-known results on the VIST dataset.
sively evaluate our method on storytelling dataset, We first implement a strong baseline model (XE-
we adopt both the automatic metrics and human ss), which share the same architecture with our
evaluation as our criterion. Four diverse automatic policy model but is trained with cross-entropy loss
metrics are used in our experiments: BLEU, ME- and scheduled sampling. Besides, we adopt the
TEOR, ROUGE-L, and CIDEr. We utilize the traditional generative adversarial training for com-
open source evaluation code3 used in (Yu et al., parison (GAN). As shown in Table 1, our XE-
2017b). For human evaluation, we employ the ss model already outperforms the best-known re-
Amazon Mechanical Turk to perform two kinds of sults on the VIST dataset, and the GAN model can
user studies (see Section 4.3 for more details). bring a performance boost. We then use the XE-
ss model to initialize our policy model and further
Training Details We employ pretrained
train it with AREL. Evidently, our AREL model
ResNet-152 model (He et al., 2016) to extract
performs the best and achieves the new state-of-
image features from the photostream. We built a
the-art results across all metrics.
vocabulary of size 9,837 to include words appear-
But, compared with the XE-ss model, the per-
ing more than three times in the training set. More
formance gain is minor, especially on METEOR
training details can be found at Appendix B.
and ROUGE-L scores. However, in Sec. 4.3, the
4.2 Automatic Evaluation extensive human evaluation has indicated that our
AREL framework brings a significant improve-
In this section, we compare our AREL method
ment on generating human-like stories over the
with the state-of-the-art methods as well as stan-
XE-ss model. The inconsistency of automatic
dard reinforcement learning algorithms on auto-
evaluation and human evaluation lead to a suspect
There are only 3 (out of 21,075) broken images in the that these hand-crafted metrics lack the ability to
test set, which basically has no influence on the final results. fully evaluate stories’ quality due to the compli-
Moreover, Yu et al. (2017b) also removed the 3 pictures, so it
is a fair comparison. cated characteristics of the stories. Therefore, we
3 conduct experiments to analyze and discuss the
Method B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 M R C Method Win Lose Unsure
XE-ss 22.4% 71.7% 5.9%
XE-ss 62.3 38.2 22.5 13.7 34.8 29.7 8.7
BLEU-RL 23.4% 67.9% 8.7%
BLEU-RL 62.1 38.0 22.6 13.9 34.6 29.0 8.9 CIDEr-RL 13.8% 80.3% 5.9%
METEOR-RL 68.1 35.0 15.4 6.8 40.2 30.0 1.2 GAN 34.3% 60.5% 5.2%
ROUGE-RL 58.1 18.5 1.6 0 27.0 33.8 0 AREL 38.4% 54.2% 7.4%
CIDEr-RL 61.9 37.8 22.5 13.8 34.9 29.7 8.1
AREL (best) 63.8 39.1 23.2 14.1 35.0 29.5 9.4
Table 3: Turing test results.
Table 2: Comparison with different RL mod-
els with different metric scores as the rewards. The corresponding reference is
We report the average scores of the AREL mod-
els as AREL (avg). Although METEOR-RL and The table of food was a pleasure to see!
ROUGE-RL models achieve the highest scores Our food is both nutritious and beautiful!
on their own metrics, the underlined scores are Our chicken was especially tasty! We love
severely damaged. Actually, they are gaming their greens as they taste great and are healthy!
own metrics with nonsense sentences. The fruit was a colorful display that tanta-
lized our palette.
defects of the automatic metrics in section 4.2.
Although the prediction is not as good as the ref-
Limitations of Automatic Metrics String- erence, it is actually coherent and relevant to the
match-based automatic metrics are not perfect theme “food and eating”, which showcases the de-
and fail to evaluate some semantic characteristics feats of using BLEU and CIDEr scores as a reward
of the stories (e.g. expressiveness and coherence). for RL training.
In order to confirm our conjecture, we utilize
Moreover, we compare the human evaluation
automatic metrics as rewards to reinforce the
scores with these two metric scores in Figure 5.
model with policy gradient. The quantitative
Noticeably, both BLEU-3 and CIDEr have a poor
results are demonstrated in Table 1.
correlation with the human evaluation scores.
Apparently, METEOR-RL and ROUGE-RL are
Their distributions are more biased and thus can-
severely ill-posed: they obtain the highest scores
not fully reflect the quality of the generated sto-
on their own metrics but damage the other met-
ries. In terms of BLEU, it is extremely hard for
rics severely. We observe that these models are
machines to produce the exact 3-gram or 4-gram
actually overfitting to a given metric while losing
matching, so the scores are too low to provide use-
the overall coherence and semantical correctness.
ful guidance. CIDEr measures the similarity of a
Same as METEOR score, there is also an adver-
sentence to the majority of the references. How-
sarial example for ROUGE-L4 , which is nonsense
ever, the references to the same image sequence
but achieves an average ROUGE-L score of 33.8.
are photostream different from each other, so the
Besides, as can be seen in Table 1, after rein-
score is very low and not suitable for this task. In
forced training, BLEU-RL and CIDEr-RL do not
contrast, our AREL framework can lean a more
bring a consistent improvement over the XE-ss
robust reward function from human-annotated sto-
model. We plot the histogram distributions of both
ries, which is able to provide better guidance to
BLEU-3 and CIDEr scores on the test set in Fig-
the policy and thus improves its performances over
ure 5. An interesting fact is that there are a large
different metrics.
number of samples with nearly zero score on both
metrics. However, we observed those “zero-score” Visualization of The Learned Rewards In Fig-
samples are not pointless results; instead, lots of ure 6, we visualize the learned reward function for
them make sense and deserve a better score than both ground truth and generated stories. Evidently,
zero. Here is a “zero-score” example on BLEU-3: the AREL model is able to learn a smoother re-
I had a great time at the restaurant today. ward function that can distinguish the generated
The food was delicious. I had a lot of food. stories from human annotations. In other words,
The food was delicious. I had a great time. the learned reward function is more in line with
human perception and thus can encourage the
An adversarial example for ROUGE-L: we the was a .
and to the . we the was a . and to the . we the was a . and to model to explore more diverse language styles and
the . we the was a . and to the . we the was a . and to the . expressions.
Figure 5: Metric score distributions. We plot the histogram distributions of BLEU-3 and CIDEr scores
on the test set, as well as the human evaluation score distribution on the test samples. We use the Turing
test results to calculate the human evaluation scores (see Section 4.3). Basically, 0.2 score is given if the
generated story wins the Turing test, 0.1 for tie, and 0 if losing. Each sample has 5 scores from 5 judges,
and we use the sum as the human evaluation score, so it is in the range [0, 1].


Relevance 61.7 25.1 13.2 55.8 27.9 16.3 56.1 28.2 15.7 52.9 35.8 11.3
Expressiveness 66.1 18.8 15.1 59.1 26.4 14.5 59.1 26.6 14.3 48.5 32.2 19.3
Concreteness 63.9 20.3 15.8 60.1 26.3 13.6 59.5 24.6 15.9 49.8 35.8 14.4

Table 4: Pairwise human comparisons. The results indicate the consistent superiority of our AREL model
in generating more human-like stories than the SOTA methods.

is prone to the vanishing gradient issue. Analyti-

cally, our method does not suffer from these two
common issues and thus is able converge to op-
timum solutions more easily. From Table 1 we
can observe slight gains of using AREL over GAN
with automatic metrics, but we further deploy hu-
man evaluation for a better comparison.

4.3 Human Evaluation

Automatic metrics cannot fully evaluate the ca-
Figure 6: Visualization of the learned rewards on pability of our AREL method. Therefore, we
both the ground-truth stories and the stories gen- perform two different kinds of human evaluation
erated by our AREL model. The generated sto- studies on Amazon Mechanical Turk: Turing test
ries are receiving lower averaged scores than the and pairwise human evaluation. For both tasks,
human-annotated ones. we use 150 stories (750 images) sampled from the
test set, each assigned to 5 workers to eliminate
Comparison with GAN We here compare our human variance. We batch six items as one assign-
method with vanilla GAN (Goodfellow et al., ment and insert an additional assignment as a san-
2014), whose update rules for the generator can ity check. Besides, the order of the options within
be generally classified into two categories. We each item is shuffled to make a fair comparison.
demonstrate their corresponding objectives and
ours as follows: Turing Test We first conduct five indepen-
dent Turing tests for XE-ss, BLEU-RL, CIDEr-
GAN 1 : Jβ = E [− log Rθ (W )] ,
W ∼pβ RL, GAN, and AREL models, during which the
GAN 2 : Jβ = E [log(1 − Rθ (W ))] , worker is given one human-annotated sample and
W ∼pβ one machine-generated sample, and needs to de-
ours : Jβ = E [−Rθ (W )] . cide which is human-annotated. As shown in Ta-
W ∼pβ
ble 3, our AREL model significantly outperforms
As discussed in Arjovsky et al. (2017), GAN 1 is all the other baseline models in the Turing test: it
prone to the unstable gradient issue and GAN 2 has much more chances to fool AMT worker (the
There were many
We took a trip to the
XE-ss different kinds of We had a great time. He was a great time. It was a beautiful day.
different kinds.
At the end of the day,
The family decided to There were so many
The family decided to we were able to take
AREL take a trip to the different kinds of I had a great time.
go on a hike. a picture of the
countryside. things to see.
beautiful scenery.
We drank a lot of
Human- We went on a hike There were a lot of The view was
I had a great time. water while we were
created Story yesterday. strange plants there. spectacular.

Figure 7: Qualitative comparison example with XE-ss. The direct comparison votes (AREL:XE-ss:Tie)
were 5:0:0 on Relevance, 4:0:1 on Expressiveness, and 5:0:0 on Concreteness.

ratio is AREL:XE-ss:BLEU-RL:CIDEr-RL:GAN expressiveness, and concreteness. Therefore, it

= 45.8%:28.3%:32.1%:19.7%:39.5%), which con- empirically confirms that our generated stories are
firms the superiority of our AREL framework in more relevant to the image sequences, more coher-
generating human-like stories. Unlike automatic ent and concrete than the other algorithms, which
metric evaluation, the Turing test has indicated however is not explicitly reflected by the auto-
a much larger margin between AREL and other matic metric evaluation.
competing algorithms. Thus, we empirically con-
firm that metrics are not perfect in evaluating many 4.4 Qualitative Analysis
implicit semantic properties of natural language.
Besides, the Turing test of our AREL model re- Figure 7 gives a qualitative comparison example
veals that nearly half of the workers are fooled by between AREL and XE-ss models. Looking at the
our machine generation, indicating a preliminary individual sentences, it is obvious that our results
success toward generating human-like stories. are more grammatically and semantically correct.
Then connecting the sentences together, we ob-
Pairwise Comparison In order to have a clear serve that the AREL story is more coherent and
comparison with competing algorithms with re- describes the photo stream more accurately. Thus,
spect to different semantic features of the sto- our AREL model significantly surpasses the XE-
ries, we further perform four pairwise compar- ss model on all the three aspects of the qualitative
ison tests: AREL vs XE-ss/BLEU-RL/CIDEr- example. Besides, it won the Turing test (3 out 5
RL/GAN. For each photostream, the worker is AMT workers think the AREL story is created by
presented with two generated stories and asked to a human). In the appendix, we also show a nega-
make decisions from the three aspects: relevance5 , tive case that fails the Turing test.
expressiveness6 and concreteness7 . This head-to-
head compete is designed to help us understand in
5 Conclusion
what aspect our model outperforms the competing
algorithms, which is displayed in Table 4.
In this paper, we not only introduce a novel ad-
Consistently on all the three comparisons, a
versarial reward learning algorithm to generate
large majority of the AREL stories trumps the
more human-like stories given image sequences,
competing systems with respect to their relevance,
but also empirically analyze the limitations of the
Relevance: the story accurately describes what is hap- automatic metrics for story evaluation. We believe
pening in the image sequence and covers the main objects. there are still lots of improvement space in the
Expressiveness: coherence, grammatically and semanti- narrative paragraph generation tasks, like how to
cally correct, no repetition, expressive language style.
Concreteness: the story should narrate concretely what better simulate human imagination to create more
is in the image rather than giving very general descriptions. vivid and diversified stories.
Acknowledgment Wenhu Chen, Aurélien Lucchi, and Thomas Hofmann.
2016. Bootstrap, review, decode: Using out-of-
We thank Adobe Research for supporting our lan- domain textual data to improve image captioning.
guage and vision research. We would also like CoRR.
to thank Licheng Yu for clarifying the details Xinlei Chen, Hao Fang, Tsung-Yi Lin, Ramakr-
of his paper and the anonymous reviewers for ishna Vedantam, Saurabh Gupta, Piotr Dollár, and
their thoughtful comments. This research was C Lawrence Zitnick. 2015. Microsoft coco captions:
sponsored in part by the Army Research Labora- Data collection and evaluation server. arXiv preprint
tory under cooperative agreements W911NF09-2-
0053. The views and conclusions contained herein Zhiqian Chen, Xuchao Zhang, Arnold P. Boedihardjo,
are those of the authors and should not be inter- Jing Dai, and Chang-Tien Lu. 2017. Multi-
preted as representing the official policies, either modal storytelling via generative adversarial imita-
tion learning. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth
expressed or implied, of the Army Research Lab- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelli-
oratory or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Gov- gence, IJCAI-17, pages 3967–3973.
ernment is authorized to reproduce and distribute
Bo Dai, Sanja Fidler, Raquel Urtasun, and Dahua Lin.
reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding 2017. Towards diverse and natural image descrip-
any copyright notice herein. tions via a conditional gan. In The IEEE Interna-
tional Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).

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Appendix • Visual Encoder: the visual encoder is a bi-
directional GRU model with hidden dimen-
A Error Analysis sion of 256 for each direction. we concate-
Failure Case in Turing Test In Figure 8, we nate the bi-directional states and form a 512
presented a negative example that failed the Turing dimension vector for the story generator. The
test (4 out of 5 made the correct decision). Com- input album is composed of five images, and
pared with the human-generated story, our AREL each image is used as separate input to differ-
story lacked emotion and imagination and thus can ent RNN decoders.
be easily distinguished. For example, the real hu-
man gave the band a nickname “very loud band” • Decoder: The decoder is a single-layer GRU
and told a more amusing story. Though we have model with hidden dimension of 512. The
made encouraging progress on generating human- recurrent decoder model receives the output
like stories, further research of creating diversified from the visual encoder as the first input, and
stories is still needed. then at the following time steps, it receives
the last predicted token as input or uses the
Data Bias From the experiments, we observe ground truth as input. During scheduled sam-
that there exist some severe data bias issues in pling, we use a sampling probability to de-
the VIST dataset, such as gender bias and event cide which action to take.
bias. In the training set, the ratio of male and
female’s appearances is 2.06:1, and it is 2.16:1 • Reward Model: we use a convolutional neu-
in the test set. the models aggravate the gender ral network to extract n-gram features from
bias to 3.44:1. Besides, because all the images the story embedding and stretch them into a
are collected from Flickr, there is also an event flattened vector. The embedding size of input
bias issue. We count three most frequent events: story is 128, and the filter dimension of CNN
party, wedding, and graduation, whose ratios are is also 128. Here we use three kernels with
6.51:2.36:1 on the training set and 4.54:2.42:1 on window size 2, 3, 4, each with a stride size
the test set. However, their ratio on the testing of 1. We use a pooling size of 2 to shrink the
results is 10.69:2.22:1. Clearly, the models tend extracted outputs and flatten them as a vector.
to magnify the influence of the largest majority. Finally, we project this vector into a single
These bias issues remain to be studied for future cell indicating the predicted reward value.
During training, we first pre-train a schedule-
B Training Details sampling model with a batch size of 64 with
NVIDIA Titan X GPU. The warm-up process
Our model is implemented on PyTorch and con-
takes roughly 5-10 hours, and then we select the
sists of two parts – a policy model and a reward
best model to initialize our AREL policy model.
model. The policy model is implemented with
Finally, we use alternating training strategy to op-
a multiple-RNN architecture. Each RNN model
timize both the policy model and the reward model
is responsible for generating a sub-story for each
with a learning rate of 2e-4 using Adam optimiza-
photo in the stream. But the weights are tied
tion algorithm. During test time, we use a beam
to minimize the memory consumption. The im-
size of 3 to approximate the whole search space,
age features are extracted from the pre-trained
we force the beam search to proceed more than 5
ResNet-152 model8 . The visual encoder receives
steps and no more than 110 steps. Once we reach
the ResNet-152 features and uses recurrent neu-
the EOS token, the algorithm stops and we com-
ral network to understand the temporal dynamics
pare the results with human-annotated corpus us-
and represents them as hidden state vectors, which
ing 4 different automatic evaluation metrics.
is further fed into the decoder to generate stories.
The reward model is based on convolutional neu- C Amazon Mechanical Turk
ral network and uses convolution kernels to extract
semantic features for prediction. Here we give the We used AMT to perform two surveys, one picks
detailed description of our system: a more human-like story. We asked the worker
8 to answers 8 questions within 30 minutes, and
deep-residual-networks we pay 5 workers to work on the same sheet to
[female] and [female] [male] and [male] are
I went to the party The band played a lot We had a great time
XE-ss were having a great having a great time at
last week. of music. at the party.
time. the party.
[female] and [male] [male] and [male] are After a few drinks,
My friends and I went The band played a lot
AREL were having a good the best friends in everyone was having
to a party. of music.
time . the world. a great time.
my friend [female]
[male] and [male]
There was a very loud had enough. She took
Human- My first party in the cornered me and Party! We all danced
band called “very my hand and led me
created Story dorm! asked me out on a until passed out .
loud band”. to the kitchen where
date with them both .
we couldn’t hear.

Figure 8: Failure case in Turing test. 4 out of 5 workers correctly recognized the human-created story
and 1 person mistakenly chose AREL story.

eliminate human-to-human bias. Here we demon-

strate the Turing survey form in Figure 9. Besides,
we also perform a head-to-head comparison with
other algorithms, we demonstrate the survey form
in Figure 10.
2/22/2018 HIT

Survey Instructions (Click to expand)

Read the following image streams and compare two stories in the aspect of matching, coherence, and

Given a photo stream, select a story which is more likely to be generated by human

Q1 Read the following image stream to answer the questions

A. the park was so crowded in the morning . the venue was filled with antsy people . the graduates word glossy
black gowns . this faculty member gave a excited speech . we gathered together to share roses and balloons .

B. today was the day of the graduation ceremony . there were a lot of people there . everyone was very excited .
the dean gave a speech to the graduates . everyone was very happy to be there .

Which story is generated by human? A B Unsure

Q2 Read the following image stream to answer the questions

Figure 9: Turing Survey Form

A. i had a great time at the party yesterday . the meat was delicious . i had a lot of food to eat . the food was
delicious . we had a lot of food for the occasion . 1/4
2/22/2018 HIT

Survey Instructions (Click to expand)

Read the following image streams and compare two stories in the aspect of matching, coherence, and

Relevance: the story accurately describes what is happening in the image stream and covers the main
objects appearing in the images. 

Expressiveness: coherence, grammatically and semantically correct, no repetition, expressive language style

Concreteness: the story should narrate concretely what is in the image rather than giving very general

Good example: the students gathered to listen to the presenters give lectures . there was several presenters on
hand to speak . they spoke to the crowd with new ideas . the students listened with interest . some of the
students took notes as the presenters spoke .

Bad example (repetition): today was the day .  i  was very happy to see them . she was very happy to be there
. they were all very happy to see him . this is a picture of a group .

Bad example (too abstract): this is a picture of a speaker . the speaker was very good . everyone is happy
to be there . everyone was very happy . everyone was very happy .

Q1 Read the following image stream to answer the questions

2/22/2018 HIT
A. the graduation ceremony was held in the auditorium . there were a lot of people there . i was so proud of me . the dean
of the school gave a speech to the graduates . everyone was so happy to be married .

B. today was the day of the graduation ceremony . there were a lot of people there . everyone was very excited . the dean
gave a speech to the graduates . everyone was very happy to be there . 1/5

Which story better describe the images? A B Tie

Which story is more coherent? A B Tie

Which story is more concrete? A B Tie

Q2 Read the following image stream to answer the questions

Figure 10: Pairwise Comparison Form

A. the food was delicious . the meat is cooked and ready to be cooked . this is a picture of a dish . i bought a lot of

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