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Let’s Talk

GAT Vocab รวมคำศัพท์ GAT ENG จำกข้อสอบจริ ง

Book Design and Production: English with Ajarn Mieder

Editor: Mieder van Loggerenberg
Translation: Nipaporn Chommo

Copyright © 2018 by Mieder van Loggerenberg

Published by English with Ajarn Mieder

Telephone: +66 8 99 22 82 89
Line: Mieder
Twitter: Ajarn.Mieder
Instagram: AjarnMieder

Let’s Talk is a trademark of Mieder van Loggerenberg. All rights reserved.

Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by section 107 or 108 of the
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permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, English with Ajarn Mieder

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject
matter covered.

The persons, entities and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarities with actual persons or entities,
past and present, are purely coincidental.

Printed in Thailand

1. Preface ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….. 3
2. Test Preparation …………………………………………………...………………………………….…………………………………..…….. 4
3. Pronunciation Guide …………………………………………….………………………………….………………………………………….. 5
4. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab A ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….………………………………………………..6
5. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab B ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….………………………………………………..9
6. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab C ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….………………………………………………..10
7. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab D ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….…………………………………………..….. 14
8. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab E ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….……………………………………………….. 16
9. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab F ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….……………………………………………….. 18
10. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab G ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….………………………………………..…….. 20
11. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab H ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….……………………………………..……….. 21
12. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab I ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….………………………………………….…….. 22
13. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab J ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….…………………………………………….…..25
14. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab L ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….……………………………………………….. 25
15. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab M ………………..……..……..……..………...…………………….……………………………………..……….. 26
16. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab N ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….………………………………..…………….. 27
17. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab O ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….…………………………………………..….. 28
18. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab P ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….……………………………………………….. 29
19. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab Q ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….…………………………………………..….. 31
20. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab R ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….………………………………………………..32
21. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab S ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….……………………………………………….. 34
22. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab T ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….………………………………………..…….. 37
23. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab U ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….……………………………………….….….. 38
24. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab V ………………..……..……..………………...…………………….……………………………………….….….. 39
25. Let’s Talk GAT Vocab W ………………..……..……..……….……...…………………….……………………………………………….. 40

Let’s Talk GAT Vocab รวมคำศัพท์ GAT ENG จำกข้ อสอบจริ ง is designed to give you practice with the vocabulary that
are most often seen in the GAT (General Aptitude Test).

The vocabularies were found by analysis of the official tests since 2009. The words included in this book were
chosen because they occurred many times in the test.

For all learners, I emphasize the importance of pronunciation. To use this book effectively you should focus on
learning the phonetic alphabet first to be able to pronounce the words correctly.

จำกที่เคยสอน GAT ที่ผำ่ นมำ ส่วนมำกนักเรี ยนมักทำคะแนน ได้ไม่ค่อยดีเพรำะทำไม่ได้และทำไม่ทนั ซึ่งหนึ่งในสำเหตุหลักน่ำจะมำจำก

ไม่รู้คำศัพท์น้ นั เอง วันนี้ก็เลยรวบรวมคำศัพท์ GAT ที่มกั ออกสอบในรอบ 2 ปี ที่ผำ่ นมำให้กบั คนที่สนใจ ได้ลองฝึ กกัน สอบครั้งต่อไปก็
น่ำจะช่วยให้คะแนน เพิ่มขึ้นได้บำ้ ง ครับ คำศัพท์หลำยคำ จริ งๆ แล้วมีหลำยควำมหมำยเหมือนคำในภำษำไทย แต่ผมยกมำเพียงบำง
ควำมหมำยเท่ำนั้น ถ้ำไม่ไปอ่ำนเจอที่อื่นแล้วควำมหมำยต่ำงไปก็ไม่ผิดครับ

* ผมได้เพิ่มเติมกำรอ่ำนออกเสี ยง (Phonetic) เข้ำไปให้ดว้ ย ถ้ำใครอยำกอ่ำนออกเสี ยงให้ได้เหมือนเจ้ำของภำษำ ต้องฝึ ก Phonetic

Alphabet ให้แม่นยำด้วยนะครับ

* ถ้ำคุณจำ Phonetic Alphabet ได้หมดทุกตัว คุณก็จะสำมำรถอ่ำนออกเสี ยงทุกคำศัพท์ได้เหมือนเจ้ำของภำษำ โดยไม่จำเป็ นต้องจำวิธีกำร

อ่ำนเป็ นคำๆ อีกต่อไป

Test Preparation

ก่ อนสอบ
ติดตามข้ อมูลข่ าวสาร เกีย่ วกับการสอบ เข้ าระบบเพื่อตรวจสอบ เตรียมบัตรแสดงตน
เนื้อหำกำรสอบ รู ปแบบ ของข้อสอบ กำหนดกำรสอบ เลขที่นงั่ สอบ และ บัตรประจำตัวประชำชน หรื อ บัตร
และตัวอย่ำง กระดำษคคำตอบ ได้ที่ สถำนที่สอบก่อนกำรสอบ และควร ประจำตัวนักเรี ยนที่มีรูปถ่ำย หรื อบัตร เดินทำง ไปสำรวจสนำมสอบก่อนวัน ที่ออกโดย ทำงรำชกำรที่มีรูปถ่ำยตัว
สอบ เพื่อวำงแผนในกำรเดินทำง จริ ง และยังไม่หมดอำยุ และอุปกรณ์ ที่
ใช้ในกำรสอบที่สำมำรถนำเข้ำ ห้อง

ตรวจสอบรายชื่ อผู้เข้ าสอบ และแผนผัง เมื่อเข้ าห้ องสอบให้ ปฏิบัตติ ามระเบียบ
ห้ องสอบ 1. ตรวจสอบกระดำษคำตอบว่ำ เป็ น สถำบันทดสอบทำงกำรศึกษำ แห่งชำติ
ที่บอร์ดของสนำมสอบ สนำมสอบจะ ข้อมูลของตัวเองหรื อไม่ (องค์กำรมหำชน) ว่ำด้วยแนวทำง
อนุญำต ให้ผเู ้ ข้ ำสอบเข้ำห้องสอบ ได้ 2. เซ็นชื่อในกระดำษคำตอบ และใบ ปฏิบตั ิเกี่ยวกับ กำรดำเนินกำรทดสอบ
ก่อนเวลำสอบ 15 นำที ให้ตรวจสอบ เซ็นชื่อให้ตรงกัน พ.ศ. 2557 อย่ำงเคร่ งครัด สำมำรถ
รำยชื่อ และผังที่นงั่ ที่ติดหน้ำห้องสอบ 3. ตรวจสอบข้อสอบว่ำครบถ้วน ศึกษำได้จำก
ก่อนเข้ำห้องสอบ สมบูรณ์ เมื่อได้รับอนุญำต
4. อ่ำนคำชี้แจงให้เข้ำใจ ก่อนลงมือ

Pronunciation Guide
Phonetic Alphabet

Consonants เสี ยงพยัญชนะ

1 b บ boy babe 13 p พ pan pop

2 d ด dad did 14 r ร red arm

3 f ฟ fat leaf 15 s ส so kiss

4 ɡ ก go pig 16 ʃ ช she fish

5 dʒ จ June large 17 t ท tea sat

6 h ฮ he hen 18 tʃ ช chin rich

7 j ย yes yellow 19 θ ฟธ thin tooth

8 k ค cat back 20 ð วธ then bathe

9 l ล leg call 21 v ฟว very love

10 m ม man jam 22 w ว wet week

11 n น net pen 23 z ซ zoo nose

12 ŋ ง sing ring 24 ʒ จ vision garage

Vowels เสี ยงสระ

25 iː อี see she 31 ɔː ออ door saw

26 ɪ เอ๊อะ bit hit 32 ʊ อุ good put

27 e เอะ bet ten 33 uː อู boot too

28 æ แอะ bat cat 34 ʌ อะ cup hut

29 ɑː อำ arm card 35 ɜː เออ fur bird

30 ɒ อ๊อ got shot 36 ə เออะ ago the

Diphthongs เสี ยงสระควบ

37 eɪ เอ day rain 41 ɔɪ ออย boy join

38 əʊ โอ know home 42 ɪə เอีย beer here

39 aɪ ไอ by five 43 eə แอ bear hair

40 aʊ เอำ now down 44 ʊə อัว poor sure

GAT Vocab A
1. abandon v. ə.ˈbæn.dən to leave behind or run away from someone or ละทิ้ง
something, or to give up something
2. abstract adj. ˈæb.strækt existing in thought or as an idea but not having ซึ่งเข้ำใจยำก
a physical or concrete existence.
3. academy n. əˈk.æ.də.mi a school that teaches a particular subject or วิทยำลัย
trains people for a particular job
4. accepting adv. ək.ˈsep.tɪŋ amenable; open กำรยอมแพ้

5. access n. ˈæ a means of approaching or entering a place ทำงเข้ำ

6. acclaim n. ə.ˈkleɪm public approval and praise เสี ยงไชโยโห่ ร้อง

7. accommodate v. ə.ˈkɒm.ə.deɪt fit in with the wishes or needs of อำนวยควำมสะดวก

8. accommodating adj. ə.ˈkɒ.mə.deɪ.tɪŋ a person who is eager or willing to help other อำรี
9. accompany v. əˈk.ʌm.pə.ni go somewhere with (someone) as a มำกับ
companion or escort
10. accumulate v. ə.ˈkjuː.mjə.leɪt gather together or acquire an increasing เก็บสะสม
number or quantity of
11. accurate v. ˈæ.kjə.rət correct and without any mistakes ถูกต้อง

12. achieve v. ə.ˈtʃiːv successfully bring about or reach (a desired บรรลุ

objective, level, or result) by effort, skill, or
13. acknowledge v. ək.ˈnɒ.lɪdʒ accept or admit the existence or truth of รับทรำบ

14. acquire v. ə.ˈkwaɪə to get something ได้รับ

15. acuity n. ə.ˈkjuːə.ti the ability to hear, see or think accurately and ควำมไวของหู , ควำม
ฉลำดเฉลียว, ควำมชัดเจน

16. adapt v. ə.ˈdæpt become adjusted to new conditions ปรับ

17. adequate adj. ˈæ.dɪ.kwət satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity เพียงพอ

18. adjacent adj. ə.ˈdʒeɪsnt very near, next to, or touching ติดกัน

19. adjust v. ə.ˈdʒʌst alter or move (something) slightly in order to ปรับ, แก้ไข
achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result
20. administrate v. əd.ˈmɪ.nɪ.streɪt to manage or direct; administer ดูแล

21. administration n. əd.ˌmɪ.nɪ.ˈstreɪʃ.n̩ the process or activity of running a business, กำรบริ หำร
organization, etc.
22. adult n. ˈæ.dʌlt a person who is fully grown or developed ผูใ้ หญ่

23. advocate v. ˈæd.vək.eɪt publicly recommend or support สนับสนุน

24. affect v. ə.ˈfekt to have an influence on someone or something มีผลต่อ

25. affiliate v. ə.ˈfɪ.lieɪt to cause a group to become part of or form a เข้ำร่ วม

close relationship with another larger group
26. affirm v. ə.ˈfɜːm to say something in a positive way ยืนยัน

27. aggregate n. ˈæ.ɡrɪ.ɡət something formed by adding together several สรุ ป

amounts or things
28. aid v. eɪd help, assist, or support (someone or ช่วยเหลือ
something) in the achievement of something
29. allocate v. ˈæ.lək.eɪt distribute (resources or duties) for a particular จัดสรร
30. alter v. ˈɔːl.tə to change something, usually slightly, or to เปลี่ยนแปลง
cause the characteristics of something to
31. alternative n. ɔːl.ˈtɜː.nə.tɪv something that is different, esp. from what is ทำงเลือก
usual; a choice
32. ambiguous adj. æm.ˈbɪ.ɡjuəs having or expressing more than one possible คลุมเครื อ
meaning, sometimes intentionally
33. analyze v. ˈæ.nə.laɪz examine methodically and in detail the วิเครำะห์
constitution or structure of (something,
especially information)
34. annual adj. ˈæ.njuəl occurring once every year ประจำปี

35. anticipate v. æn.ˈtɪ.sɪ.peɪt to imagine or expect that something will คำด

happen, and prepare for it
36. apocalyptic adj. ə.ˌpɒ.kə.ˈlɪp.tɪk resembling the end of the world; momentous นิยำยทำนำยหำยนะของ
or catastrophic

37. apparent adj. ə.ˈpæ.rənt able to be seen or understood เห็นได้ชดั

38. appreciate v. ə.ˈpriːʃ.i.eɪt recognize the full worth of ซำบซึ้ ง

39. approach v. ə.ˈprəʊtʃ come near or nearer to (someone or เข้ำใกล้

something) in distance
40. appropriate adj. ə.ˈprəʊ.priət suitable or proper in the circumstances เหมำะสม

41. approximate adj. ə.ˈprɒk.sɪ.mət close to the actual, but not completely ประมำณ
accurate or exact
42. aptly adj. ˈæ suitable or right for a particular situation เหมำะเจำะ

43. arbitrary adj. ˈɑː.bɪ.trə.ri based on chance rather than being planned or โดยพลกำร
based on reason
44. aspect n. ˈæ.spekt a particular part or feature of something แง่มุม

45. as yet adv. əz jet until and including this time เป็ นยัง

46. assemble v. ə.ˈ ̩ fit together the separate component parts of รวบรวม
(a machine or other object)
47. assess v. ə.ˈses evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or ประเมินผล
quality of

48. assign v. ə.ˈsaɪn to give a particular job or piece of work to กำหนด
49. assist v. ə.ˈsɪst to help ช่วยเหลือ

50. assorted adj. ə.ˈsɔː.tɪd consisting of various types mixed together สำรพัน

51. assume v. ə.ˈsjuːm to accept something to be true without สมมติ

question or proof
52. assure v. ə.ˈʃɔː to tell someone confidently that something is รับประกัน
true, especially so that they do not worry
53. attach v. ə.ˈtætʃ to fasten, join, or connect something แนบ

54. attain v. ə.ˈteɪn succeed in achieving (something that one บรรลุ

desires and has worked for)
55. attitude n. ˈæ.tɪ.tjuːd a settled way of thinking or feeling about ท่ำที
someone or something, typically one that is
reflected in a person's behavior
56. attribute n. ˈæ.trɪ.bjuːt a quality or feature regarded as a คุณลักษณะ
characteristic or inherent part of someone or
57. author n. ˈɔː.θə a writer of a book, article, or report ผูเ้ ขียน

58. authority n. ɔː.ˈθɒ.rə.ti the moral or legal right or ability to control อำนำจ

59. autocratic adj. ˌɔː.tə.ˈkræ.tɪk like a tyrant, assertion of total authority เผด็จกำร

60. available adj. ə.ˈveɪ.ləb.l ̩ able to be used or obtained; at someone's ใช้ได้, หำง่ำย
61. aver v. ə.ˈvɜː to state positively or declare to be true ยืนยัน

62. aware adj. ə.ˈweə knowing that something exists, or having ทรำบ
knowledge or experience of a particular thing
63. awry adj. ə.ˈraɪ showing that you find a bad or difficult เบี้ยว
situation slightly amusing
64. axiom n. ˈæk.siəm a statement or principle that is generally ควำมจริ ง
accepted to be true

GAT Vocab B
65. barrier n. ˈbæ.riə an obstacle that stops people or things from อุปสรรค
going somewhere
66. begrudge v. bɪ.ˈɡrʌdʒ to feel ill will or to regard someone or อิจฉำ
something with displeasure or resentment
67. behalf n. bɪ.ˈhɑːf done for another person’s benefit or support ตัวแทน

68. benefit n. ˈbe.nɪ.fɪt an advantage or profit gained from something ประโยชน์

69. bias n. ˈbaɪəs prejudice in favor of or against one thing, อคติ

person, or group compared with another,
usually in a way considered to be unfair
70. blend n. blend a mixture of different things or styles กำรผสมผสำน

71. breadth n. bredθ general size, scope, distance from side to side, ควำมกว้ำง
or the extent of something
72. brief adj. briːf of short duration สั้น

73. bulk n. bʌlk something very large, or a large amount, not ส่วนใหญ่
divided into smaller parts

GAT Vocab C
74. calibrate v. ˈkæ.lɪ.breɪt to mark units of measurement on an วัดขนำด
instrument such so that it can measure
75. cannibalism n. ˈkæ.nɪ.bə.lɪ.zəm a person who eats human flesh, or an animal กำรกินเนื้ อพวกเดียว
that eats the flesh of animals of its own type

76. canyon n. ˈkæ.njən a deep valley with steep sides and usually a หุบเขำลึก
river flowing along the bottom
77. capable adj. ˈkeɪ.pə.bl ̩ having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary สำมำรถ
to do or achieve a specified thing
78. capacity n. kə.ˈpæ.sɪ.ti the maximum amount that something can ควำมจุ
79. category n. ˈkæ.tɪ.ɡə.ri a class or division of people or things regarded ประเภท
as having particular shared characteristics
80. cease v. siːs bring or come to an end หยุด

81. cello n. ˈtʃe.ləʊ a large, wooden musical instrument with four ซอขนำดใหญ่
strings which a player rests on the floor
82. challenge v. ˈtʃæ.ləndʒ a call to take part in a contest or competition, ท้ำทำย
especially a duel
83. chapter n. ˈtʃæp.tə a main division of a book, typically with a บท
number or title
84. characterize v. ˈkæ.rək.tə.raɪz to describe something by stating its main อธิบำยลักษณะ
85. charcoal n. ˈtʃɑː.kəʊl a hard, black substance similar to coal that can ถ่ำน
be used as fuel or to draw with
86. chart n. tʃɑːt drawing that shows information in a simple แผนภูมิ
way, often using lines and curves to show
87. chemical n. ˈke.mɪ.kl ̩ any basic substance that changes its atoms or สำรเคมี
88. circumscribe v. ˈsɜːk.əm.skraɪb to limit something จำกัด วง

89. circumstance n. ˈsɜːk.əm.stəns a fact or condition connected with or relevant กรณี

to an event or action
90. cite v. saɪt to mention something as proof for a theory or กล่ำวถึง
as a reason as taken from written work
91. civil adj. ˈsɪ.vəl relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, พลเรื อน
as distinct from military or ecclesiastical
92. clarify v. ˈklæ.rɪ.faɪ make (a statement or situation) less confused อธิบำย
and more clearly comprehensible
93. classic adj. ˈklæ.sɪk being of a high standard against which others คลำสสิ ก
are judged
94. clause adj. klɔːz a particular part of a written legal document ประโยค

95. cliché n. ˈkliː.ʃeɪ an idea that has been repeated too often ถ้อยคำที่เบื่อหู

96. coherent n. kə.ˈhɪə.rənt If someone is coherent, you can understand เชื่อมโยงกัน

what they say

97. cohesion n. kəʊ.ˈhiː.ʒn̩ the situation when the members of a group or สำมัคคี
society are united
98. coincide v. ˌkəʊɪn.ˈsaɪd to come together in position or happen at or เหมือนกัน
near the same time
99. collapse v. kə.ˈlv.æps fall down or in; give way ล่มสลำย

100. colleague n. ˈkɒ.liːɡ a person with whom one works, especially in a เพื่อนร่ วมงำน
profession or business
101. comment n. ˈkɒ.ment something that you say or write that expresses ควำมเห็น
your opinion
102. commission n. kə.ˈmɪʃ.n̩ to formally choose someone to do a special คณะกรรมำธิกำร
piece of work
103. commit v. kə.ˈmɪt carry out or perpetrate (a mistake, crime, or ผูกมัด
immoral act)
104. commodity n. kə.ˈmɒ.dɪ.ti a raw material or primary agricultural product สิ นค้ำ
that can be bought and sold, such as copper or
105. communicate v. kə.ˈmjuː.nɪk.eɪt share or exchange information, news, or ideas สื่ อสำร

106. community n. kə.ˈmjuː.nɪ.ti the people living in one particular area with ชุมชน
common interests, social group, or nationality
107. companion n. kəm.ˈpæ.nɪən someone or something you spend a lot of time สหำย
with or travel with
108. comparable adj. ˈkɒm.pə.rə.bl ̩ similar in size, amount, or quality to something เปรี ยบ
109. compensate v. ˈkɒm.pən.seɪt to pay someone money in exchange for ชดเชย
something that has been lost or damaged
110. compile v. kəm.ˈpaɪ.l ̩ to collect information from a variety of places รวบรวม
and arrange it in a book, report, or list
111. complement n. ˈkɒm.plɪ.mənt to help make something or someone more ส่วนประกอบ
complete or effective
112. complex adj. ˈkɒm.pleks having many parts related to each other in ซับซ้อน
ways that may be difficult to understand
113. complicated adj. ˈkɒm.plɪk.eɪ.tɪd consisting of many interconnecting parts or ซับซ้อน
elements; intricate
114. component n. kəm.ˈpəʊ.nənt a part that combines with other parts to form ส่วนประกอบ
something bigger
115. comprise v. kəm.ˈpraɪz to consist of or to be made up of ประกอบด้วย

116. concentrate v. ˈkɒn.sən.treɪt focus one's attention or mental effort on a ตั้งสมำธิ

particular object or activity
117. conceive v. kən.ˈsiːv become pregnant with, form or devise (a plan ตั้งครรภ์, คิดในใจ
or idea) in the mind
118. conclude v. kən.ˈkluːd bring (something) to an end สรุ ป

119. concrete n. ˈkɒŋ.kriːt a very hard building material made by mixing คอนกรี ต
together cement, sand, small stones, and
120. concurrent adj. kənˈkʌ.rənt happening at the same time พร้อมกัน

121. conduct v. kən.ˈdʌkt to organize and direct a particular activity ดำเนิน

122. confine v. kən.ˈfaɪn keep or restrict someone or something within จำกัด
certain limits of (space, scope, quantity, or
123. confirm v. kən.ˈfɜːm establish the truth or correctness of ยืนยัน
(something previously believed, suspected, or
feared to be the case)
124. conflict n. kən.ˈflɪkt an active disagreement, as between opposing ขัดกัน
opinions or needs
125. conform v. kən.ˈfɔːm comply with rules, standards, or laws สอดคล้อง

126. consent n. kən.ˈsent permission or agreement ควำมยินยอม

127. consequent adj. ˈkɒn.sɪ.kwənt happening as a result of something เป็ นผลลัพธ์

128. considerable adj. kən.ˈsɪ.də.rə.bl ̩ large or of noticeable importance มำก

129. constant adj. ˈkɒn.stənt occurring continuously over a period of time มัน่ คง

130. consist v. kən.ˈsɪst be composed or made up of ประกอบด้วย

131. constitute v. ˈkɒn.stɪ.tjuːt to be or be considered as something เป็ น

132. constrain v. kən.ˈstreɪn to control and limit something จำกัด

133. construct v. kən.ˈstrʌkt to build something or put together different สร้ำง

parts to form something whole
134. consult v. kən.ˈsʌlt to get information or advice from a source ปรึ กษำ
with special knowledge on a particular subject
135. consume v. kən.ˈsjuːm to use fuel, energy, or time, esp. in large กิน
136. contact v. ˈkɒn.tækt communicate with (someone), typically in ติดต่อ
order to give or receive specific information
137. contemporary adj. kən.ˈtem.prə.ri living or occurring at the same time ร่ วมสมัย

138. content adj. kən.ˈtent pleased with your situation and not hoping for เนื้ อหำ
change or improvement
139. context n. ˈkɒn.tekst the influences and events related to a สิ่ งแวดล้อม
particular event or situation
140. contract n. kɒn.ˈtrækt a written or spoken agreement, especially one สัญญำ
concerning employment, sales, or tenancy,
that is intended to be enforceable by law
141. contradict v. ˌkɒn.trə.ˈdɪkt to say the opposite of what someone else has เถียง
142. contrary n. kən.ˈtreə.ri a fact or opinion that is the opposite of one ตรงกันข้ำม
already stated
143. contrast n. kən.ˈtrɑːst an easily noticed or understood difference ตรงกันข้ำม
between two or more things
144. contribute v. kən.ˈtrɪ.bjuːt give (something, especially money) in order to สนับสนุน
help achieve or provide something
145. controversy n. ˈkɒn.trə.vɜː.si disagreement, typically when prolonged, กำรโต้เถียงอย่ำงรุ นแรง,
public, and heated

146. converse n. kən.ˈvɜːs the opposite สนทนำ

147. convince v. kən.ˈvɪns to persuade someone or make them certain โน้มน้ำวใจ

148. cooperate v. kəʊ.ˈɒ.pə.reɪt act jointly; work toward the same end ร่ วมมือกัน

149. coordinate v. ˌkəʊ.ˈɔː.dɪ.neɪt to make various, separate things work ประสำนงำน

150. counterpart n. ˈkaʊn.tə.pɑːt a person who has the same position as another ของคู่กนั , เงำ, ฉบับเทียบ
in a different organization
151. covered adj. ˈkʌ.vəd covered in the way mentioned ทำน้ำแข็งให้ละลำย

152. criteria adj. kraɪ.ˈtɪə.rɪə a condition or fact used as a standard by which เกณฑ์
something can be judged or considered
153. crucial adj. ˈkruː.ʃl ̩ decisive or critical, especially in the success or สำคัญมำก
failure of something
154. culture n. ˈkʌl.tʃə the way of life of a particular people, including วัฒนธรรม
their attitudes, moral and religious beliefs
155. currency n. ˈkʌ.rə a system of money in general use in a เงินตรำ
particular country
156. custodian n. kʌ.ˈstəʊ.dɪən a person with responsibility for protecting or ผูป้ กครอง
taking care of something

GAT Vocab D
157. daunting adj. ˈdɔːn.tɪŋ making you feel slightly frightened or worried ที่น่ำกลัว
about your ability to achieve something
158. dazzling adj. ˈdæz.l ̩ɪŋ extremely attractive or exciting พรำว

159. dead set against v. ded set ə.ˈɡenst to be determined not to do something น่ำอำย

160. debate n. dɪ.ˈbeɪt serious discussion of a subject in which many กำรอภิปรำย

people take part
161. decade n. ˈde.keɪd a period of ten years ทศวรรษ

162. decimate v. ˈde.sɪ.meɪt to destroy something thoroughly ฆ่ำทิ้ง

163. declaration n. ˌde.klə.ˈreɪ.ʃn̩ an announcement, often one that is written กำรประกำศ

and official:
164. decline v. dɪ.ˈklaɪn politely refuse (an invitation or offer) ปฏิเสธ

165. deduce v. dɪ.ˈdjuːs arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning; อนุมำน

draw as a logical conclusion
166. define v. dɪ.ˈfaɪn to say what the meaning of something, กำหนด
especially a word, is
167. definite adj. ˈde.fɪ.nət clearly stated or decided; not vague or ชัดเจน
168. deform v. dɪ.ˈfɔːm to spoil the usual and true shape of something เบี้ยว

169. defrost v. ˌdiː.ˈfrɒst to cause to become free of ice, or no longer ควำมต่ำง

170. demonstrate v. ˈde.mən.streɪt to show how to do something; explain แสดง

171. denote v. dɪ.ˈnəʊt to represent something แสดงว่ำ

172. deny v. dɪ.ˈnaɪ to say that something is not true ปฏิเสธ

173. depress v. dɪ.ˈpres to cause a person to feel unhappy and without กด

174. derive v. dɪ.ˈraɪv to get something from something else ได้รับมำ

175. despite prep. dɪ.ˈspaɪt without being affected by; in spite of แม้จะมี

176. detect v. dɪ.ˈtekt discover or identify the presence or existence ตรวจจับ

177. deteriorate v. dɪ.ˈtɪə.rɪə.reɪt to become worse เสื่ อมสภำพ

178. device n. dɪ.ˈvaɪs a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment เครื่ อง

made or adapted for a particular purpose
179. devote v. dɪ.ˈvəʊt to give all to something you believe in or to a อุทิศ
180. diminish v. dɪ.ˈmɪ.nɪʃ make or become less ลดทอน

181. discrete adj. dɪ.ˈskriːt having an independent existence or form apart โดยสิ้ นเชิง
from other similar things; separate
182. discriminate v. dɪ.ˈskrɪ.mɪ.neɪt to treat a person differently or unfairly to the เห็นควำมแตกต่ำง
way other people are usually treated
183. disparity n. dɪ.ˈspæ.rɪ.ti a lack of equality or similarity, especially in a ควำมไม่สอดคล้องกัน,
way that is not fair, a great difference

184. dispose v. dɪ.ˈspəʊz to make someone feel a particular way กำจัด

towards someone or something
185. disposed adj. dɪ.ˈspəʊzd to like or approve of something or someone ชอบ

186. disproportionate adj. ˌdɪ.sprə.ˈpɔː.ʃə.nət too large or too small in comparison to ไม่สมส่วน
something else
187. disrepute n. ˌdɪ.srɪ.ˈpjuːt the state of not being respected or trusted ควำมไม่น่ำไว้วำงใจ

188. distinct adj. dɪ.ˈstɪŋkt readily distinguishable by the senses แตกต่ำง

189. distribute v. dɪ.ˈstrɪ.bjuːt to give something out to several people, or to กระจำย

spread or supply something
190. diverge v. daɪ.ˈvɜːdʒ to go in different directions from the same แตกต่ำง
point, or to become different
191. diverse adj. daɪ.ˈvɜːs showing a great deal of variety; very different หลำกหลำย

192. diversify v. daɪ.ˈvɜː.sɪ.faɪ to start to include more different types or เปลี่ยน

193. domain n. dəʊ.ˈmeɪn an area of interest or an area over which a โดเมน
person has control
194. domestic adj. də.ˈme.stɪk relating to the running of a home or to family ในประเทศ
195. dominate v. ˈdɒ.mɪ.neɪt to have control over a place or a person, or to ครอบงำ
be the most important person or thing
196. domination n. ˌdɒ.mɪ.ˈneɪʃ.n̩ power or control over other people or things กำรปกครอง

197. dotard n. ˈdəʊ.tɑːd an old or feeble person, often one who is คนแก่ข้ ีหลงขี้ลืม
198. draft n. drɑːft a piece of work that is done to help prepare to ร่ ำง
complete the work in its final form
199. ductile adj. ˈdʌk.taɪl describes metals that can be bent easily น่วม

200. duration n. djʊ.ˈreɪ.ʃn̩ the length of time that something lasts ระยะเวลำ

201. dynamic adj. daɪ.ˈnæ.mɪk having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm พลวัต

GAT Vocab E
202. economy n. ɪˈk.ɒ.nə.mi the system of trade and industry by which the เศรษฐกิจ
wealth of a country is made and used
203. element n. ˈel.ɪ.mənt a part or aspect of something abstract, ธำตุ
especially one that is essential or characteristic
204. eliminate v. ɪ.ˈlɪ.mɪ.neɪt completely remove or get rid of (something) กำจัด

205. elliptical adj. ɪ.ˈlɪp.tɪ.kl ̩ having an oval shape รู ปไข่

206. emerge v. ɪ.ˈmɜːdʒ move out of or away from something and ออกมำ
come into view
207. emphasis n. ˈem.fə.sɪs special attention given to something because it ควำมสำคัญ
is importance
208. enable v. ɪ.ˈneɪ.bl ̩ make someone able by providing whatever is ช่วยให้
necessary to achieve that aim
209. encounter v. ɪnˈk.aʊn.tə unexpectedly experience or be faced with พบ
(something difficult or hostile)
210. energy n. ˈe.nə.dʒi the strength and vitality required for sustained พลังงำน
physical or mental activity
211. enforce v. ɪn.ˈfɔːs to make people obey a law, or to make a บังคับใช้
particular situation happen or be accepted
212. enhance v. ɪn.ˈhɑːns to improve the quality, amount, or strength of เสริ ม
213. enormous adj. ɪ.ˈnɔː.məs very large in size, quantity, or extent มหำศำล

214. ensure v. ɪn.ˈʃʊə to make something certain to happen ทำให้มนั่ ใจ

215. enthusiast n. ɪn.ˈθjuː.zɪæst a person who is very interested in and involved คนที่กระตือรื อร้น
with a particular subject or activity
216. entity n. ˈen.tɪ.ti something that exists apart from other things, เอกลักษณ์
having its own independent existence
217. environment n. ɪn.ˈvaɪə.rən.mənt the surroundings or conditions in which a สิ่ งแวดล้อม
person, animal, or plant lives or operates
218. equip v. ɪ.ˈkwɪp to provide objects that are needed for a จัดให้
particular purpose
219. equivalent adj. ɪ.ˈkwɪ.və.lənt equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc. เท่ำกัน

220. eradicate v. ɪ.ˈræ.dɪk.eɪt destroy completely; put an end to กำจัด

221. erode v. ɪ.ˈrəʊd (of wind, water, or other natural agents) กัดกร่ อน
gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land)
222. error n. ˈe.rə a mistake, esp. in a way that can be discovered ควำมผิดพลำด
as wrong, or the making of such mistakes
223. establish v. ɪ.ˈstæ.blɪʃ to start something that will last for a long time สร้ำง

224. estate n. ɪ.ˈsteɪt a large, privately owned area of land in the ที่ดิน
country, often with a large house
225. estimate v. ˈe.stɪ.meɪt a judgment or calculation of approximately ประมำณกำร
how large or how great something is

226. ethic n. ˈe.θɪk a system of accepted beliefs that control หลักจริ ยธรรม
behavior, often based on morals
227. ethnic adj. ˈeθ.nɪk relating to a particular race of people ชำติพนั ธุ์

228. evaluate v. ɪ.ˈvæ.ljʊeɪt to judge or calculate the quality, importance, ประเมินผล

amount, or value of something
229. eventual adj. ɪ.ˈven.tʃʊəl occurring at the end of or as a result of a series ในที่สุด
of events; final; ultimate
230. evident adj. ˈe.vɪ.dənt plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood ชัดเจน

231. evidence n. ˈe.vɪ.dəns the available body of facts or information หลักฐำน

indicating whether a belief or proposition is
true or valid
232. evolve v. ɪ.ˈvɒlv develop gradually, especially from a simple to คำย
a more complex form
233. exceed v. ɪk.ˈsiːd to be greater than a number or amount, or to เกินกว่ำ
go beyond a permitted limit
234. exception n. ɪk.ˈsep.ʃn̩ someone or something that is not included in a ข้อยกเว้น
rule or does not behave in the expected way
235. exclude v. ɪk.ˈskluːd deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) ไม่รวม
from a place, group, or privilege
236. exert v. ɪɡ.ˈzɜːt to use authority, power or influence to make ออกแรง
something happen
237. exhibit v. ɪɡ.ˈzɪ.bɪt to show something publicly แสดง

238. expand v. ɪk.ˈspænd become or make larger or more extensive ขยำยตัว

239. expectant adj. ɪk.ˈspek.tənt thinking that something pleasant or exciting is ซึ่งคำดหมำยไว้
going to happen
240. expert n. ˈek.spɜːt a person who has a comprehensive and ผูเ้ ชี่ยวชำญ
authoritative knowledge of or skill in a
particular area
241. explicit adj. ɪk.ˈsplɪ.sɪt communicated directly in a clear and exact ชัดเจน
242. export v. ɪk.ˈspɔːt to send goods to another country for sale ส่งออก

243. expose v. ɪk.ˈspəʊz to remove what is covering something so that เปิ ดเผย
it can be seen
244. extract v. ɪk.ˈstrækt to remove or take out something สำรสกัด

GAT Vocab F
245. facilitate v. fə.ˈsɪ.lɪ.teɪt make (an action or process) easy or easier อำนวยควำมสะดวก

246. faction n. ˈfæk.ʃn̩ a group with slightly different ideas within a ฝ่ ำย

larger group
247. factor n. ˈfæk.tə a fact or situation that influences the result of ปัจจัย
248. fare n. feə the money a passenger on public ค่ำโดยสำร
transportation has to pay
249. feat n. fiːt something difficult needing a lot of skill, ควำมสำเร็ จ
strength, courage, etc. to achieve it
250. feature n. ˈfiː.tʃə a distinctive attribute or aspect of something ลักษณะ

251. federal adj. ˈfe.də.rəl having or relating to a system of government รัฐบำลกลำง

in which several states form a unity but remain
independent in internal affairs
252. fee n. fiː a payment made to a professional person or to ค่ำธรรมเนียม
a professional or public body in exchange for
advice or services
253. fencing n. ˈfens.ɪŋ fences, or the materials used to make fences รั้ว

254. fertile adj. ˈfɜː.taɪl describes animals or plants that are able to อุดม
produce (a lot of) young or fruit
255. file n. faɪl A file in a computer is a collection of ไฟล์
information stored as one unit with one name:
256. finance n. ˈfaɪ.næns the management of large amounts of money, กำรเงิน
especially by governments or large companies
257. finite adj. ˈfaɪ.naɪt having a limit or end จำกัด

258. fluctuate v. ˈflʌk.tʃʊeɪt to change, especially continuously and ขึ้น ๆ ลง ๆ

between one level or thing and another
259. flexible adj. ˈflek.sə.bl ̩ capable of bending easily without breaking คล่องตัว

260. fluctuate v. ˈflʌk.tʃʊeɪt rise and fall irregularly in number or amount ขึ้น ๆ ลง ๆ

261. fluent adj. ˈfluːənt a person who can speak a language easily, คล่องแคล่ว
well, and quickly
262. focus v. ˈfəʊ.kəs the main or central point of something, โฟกัส
especially of attention or interest
263. foresee v. fɔː.ˈsiː to know about something before it happens ล่วงรู ้

264. formula n. ˈfɔː.mjʊ.lə the exact chemical parts that a mixture สูตร
consists of
265. forthcoming adj. ˌfɔːθˈkʌ.mɪŋ happening soon เตรี ยมพร้อม

266. foul adj. faʊl extremely unpleasant เหม็น

267. foundation n. faʊn.ˈdeɪ.ʃn̩ an underlying basis or principle for something พื้นฐำน

268. fragment n. fræɡ.ˈment a small piece or a part, especially when broken ส่วน
from something whole

269. framework n. ˈfreɪm.wɜːk a structure around or over which something is กรอบ
270. frigid adj. ˈfrɪ.dʒɪd extremely cold เยือกเย็น

271. fringe n. frɪndʒ the outer or less important part of an area, ชำยขอบ
group, or activity
272. function n. ˈfʌŋk.ʃn̩ an activity or purpose natural to or intended งำม, ฟังก์ชนั
for a person or thing
273. fund n. fʌnd a sum of money saved or made available for a เงิน, ทุน
particular purpose
274. fundamental adj. ˌfʌn.də.ˈ ̩ forming a necessary base or core; of central ซึ่งเป็ นรำกฐำนสำคัญ
275. furthermore adv. ˌfɜː.ðə.ˈmɔː in addition; besides (used to introduce a fresh นอกจำกนี้
consideration in an argument)
276. futile adj. ˈfjuː.taɪl incapable of producing any useful result; ไม่ได้ผล

GAT Vocab G
277. generate v. ˈdʒen.ə.reɪt cause (something, especially an emotion or ผลิต
situation) to arise or come about
278. goal n. ɡəʊl the object of a person's ambition or effort; an เป้ ำหมำย
aim or desired result
279. gracious adj. ˈɡreɪ.ʃəs behaving in a pleasant, polite, calm way มีนำ้ ใจ
280. grant n. ɡrɑːnt money given to a person or organization for a ให้
special purpose
281. greed n. ɡriːd a very strong wish to continuously get more of โลภ
something, especially food or money
282. grill v. ɡrɪl to question relentlessly; it also means to cook ย่ำง
over a flame
283. guarantee n. ˌɡæ.rən.ˈtiː a promise to repair or change a product that รับประกัน
develops a fault
284. guts n. ɡʌts courage in dealing with danger or uncertainty กล้ำ

GAT Vocab H
285. hang around v. hæŋ ə.ˈraʊnd to move or do things slowly ป้วนเปี้ ยน

286. hardware n. ˈhɑːd.weə the physical and electronic parts of a ฮำร์ดแวร์

computer, rather than the instructions it
287. haughtiness n. ˈhɔː.tɪ.nəs unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself ควำมหยิง่ ยโส
better than other people
288. haunt v. hɔːnt a ghost who appears in a place repeatedly หลอกหลอน

289. haven n. ˈheɪ.vn̩ a safe or peaceful place ท่ำเรื อ

290. helper n. ˈhel.pə someone who helps with an activity เส้นสำย

291. hence adv. hens as a consequence; for this reason ด้วยเหตุน้ ี

292. herculean adj. ˌhɜː.kjʊ.ˈliːən needing great strength and determination ยำกมำก

293. herd n. hɜːd a large group of animals of the same type that ฝูงสัตว์
live and feed together
294. hesitantly adv. ˈhe.zɪ.tə slow to act due to being nervous or not certain อ้อมแอ้ม

295. hideous adj. ˈhɪ.dɪəs extremely ugly or bad น่ำเกลียด

296. hierarchy n. ˈhaɪə.rɑːk.i a system or organization in which people or ลำดับชั้น

groups are ranked one above the other
according to status or authority.
297. highlight n. ˈhaɪ.laɪt an outstanding part of an event or period of เหตุกำรณ์ที่สำคัญ
298. hinge n. hɪndʒ a piece of metal that fastens the edge of a หลักกำร
door, window, lid, etc. to something else and
allows it to open or close
299. hold up n. həʊldʌp a delay ค้ำชู

300. horribly adv. ˈhɒ.rə.bli extremely, especially in a very bad or อย่ำงน่ำกลัว

unpleasant way
301. hurl v. hɜːl to throw something with a lot of force, usually ขว้ำง
in an angry or violent way
302. hypothesis n. haɪ.ˈpɒ.θə.sɪs a supposition or proposed explanation made สมมติฐำน
on the basis of limited evidence as a starting
point for further investigation

GAT Vocab I
303. identical adj. aɪ.ˈden.tɪ.kl ̩ similar in every detail; exactly alike เหมือนกัน

304. identify v. aɪ.ˈden.tɪ.faɪ establish or indicate who or what (someone or แยกแยะ

something) is
305. idiocy n. ˈɪ.dɪə.si a stupid action, or stupid behavior ควำมโง่เขลำ

306. ignorant adj. ˈɪɡ.nə.rənt having no knowledge or awareness of ไม่รู้

something or of things in general
307. illustrate v. ˈɪ.lə.streɪt provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures แสดง

308. image n. ˈɪ.mɪdʒ a picture in your mind or an idea of how ภำพ

someone or something is
309. immense adj. ɪ.ˈmens extremely large; great in size or degree เวิง้ ว้ำง

310. immigrate v. ˈɪ.mɪ.ɡreɪt to come to live in a different country อพยพ

311. impact n. ɪm.ˈpækt the force or action of one object hitting ส่งผลกระทบ
312. implement v. ˈɪm.plɪ.ment to put a plan or system into operation ใช้

313. implicate v. ˈɪm.plɪk.eɪt show (someone) to be involved in a crime เกี่ยวข้อง

314. implicit adj. ɪm.ˈplɪ.sɪt implied though not plainly expressed โดยปริ ยำย

315. imply v. ɪm.ˈplaɪ strongly suggest the truth or existence of บ่งบอกถึง

(something not expressly stated)
316. impression n. ɪm.ˈpre.ʃn̩ an idea or opinion of what something or ควำมประทับใจ
someone is like
317. improbable adj. ɪm.ˈprɒ.bə.bl ̩ not likely to happen or be true: ไม่น่ำจะเป็ นไปได้

318. improper adj. ɪm.ˈprɒ.pə dishonest and against a law or a rule ไม่ถูกต้อง

319. in charge adj. ɪn tʃɑːdʒ in control or with overall responsibility ที่อยูใ่ นควำมรับผิดชอบ

320. incentive n. ɪn.ˈsen.tɪv a thing that motivates or encourages one to do แรงจูงใจ

321. incline v. ɪn.ˈklaɪn feel willing or favorably disposed toward (an ลำดเอียง
action, belief, or attitude)
322. incidence n. ˈɪn.sɪ.dəns an event, or the rate at which something เหตุกำรณ์
323. income n. ˈɪŋkʌm money received, especially on a regular basis, เงินได้
for work or through investments
324. indicate v. ˈɪn.dɪk.eɪt point out; show แสดง

325. individual n. ˌɪn.dɪ.ˈvɪ.dʒʊəl single; separate รำยบุคคล

326. induce v. ɪn.ˈdjuːs to persuade someone to do something, or to ชักจูง

cause something to happen

327. inelegantly adv. ˌɪn.ˈe.lɪ.ɡə not attractively performed อย่ำงไม่งดงำม

328. inevitable adj. ɪn.ˈe.vɪ.təb.l ̩ certain to happen; unavoidable แน่นอน

329. infer v. ɪn.ˈfɜː deduce or conclude (information) from สรุ ป

evidence and reasoning rather than from
explicit statements
330. inflation n. ɪn.ˈfleɪʃ.n̩ a general, continuous increase in prices เงินเฟ้อ

331. inherit v. ɪn.ˈhe.rɪt to receive money, a house, etc. from someone สื บทอด
after they have died
332. inhibit v. ɪn.ˈhɪ.bɪt to take an action that discourages someone ยับยั้ง
from doing something
333. initial adj. ɪ.ˈnɪ.ʃl ̩ of or at the beginning; first แรกเริ่ ม

334. initiate v. ɪ.ˈnɪ.ʃɪeɪt cause (a process or action) to begin เริ่ มต้น

335. injure v. ˈɪn.dʒə do physical harm or damage to (someone) ทำให้ได้รับบำดเจ็บ

336. innovate v. ˈɪ.nə.veɪt make changes in something established, แหวกแนว

especially by introducing new methods, ideas,
or products
337. input n. ˈɪn.pʊt information put into a system, so it can อินพุต
338. insert v. ɪn.ˈsɜːt to put something in something else แทรก

339. insight n. ˈɪn.saɪt a clear, deep, understanding of a complicated ควำมเข้ำใจลึกซึ้ ง

problem or situation
340. inspect v. ɪn.ˈspekt look at (someone or something) closely, ตรวจ
typically to assess their condition or to
discover any shortcomings
341. instance n. ˈɪn.stəns an example or single occurrence of something ตัวอย่ำง

342. institute n. ˈɪn.stɪ.tjuːt an organization where people do scientific, สถำบัน

educational, or social work
343. instruct v. ɪn.ˈstrʌkt direct or command someone to do something, สัง่
especially as an official order
344. integral adj. ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡrəl necessary and important as a part of, or สำคัญ
contained within, a whole
345. integrate v. ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡreɪt to join society by changing ways of life, habits, รวบรวม
and customs
346. integrity n. ɪn.ˈte.ɡrɪ.ti he quality of being honest and having strong ควำมสมบูรณ์
moral principles that you refuse to change:
347. intelligence n. ɪn.ˈte.lɪ.dʒəns the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and สติปัญญำ
348. intense adj. ɪn.ˈtens of extreme force, degree, or strength เข้มข้น

349. intensive adj. ɪn.ˈten.sɪv involving a lot of effort or activity in a short เข้ม
period of time
350. interact v. ˌɪn.tə.ˈrækt act in such a way as to have an effect on โต้ตอบ
another; act reciprocally

351. intermediate adj. ˌɪn.tə.ˈmiː.dɪət being between two other related things, สื่ อกลำง
levels, or points
352. internal adj. ɪn.ˈtɜː.nl ̩ existing or happening inside a person, ภำยใน
organization or country
353. interpret v. ɪn.ˈtɜː.prɪt to describe the meaning of something; ตีควำม
examine in order to explain
354. interval n. ˈɪn.tə.vl ̩ a period between two events or times, or the ระยะห่ ำง
space between two points
355. intervention n. ˌɪn.tə.ˈven.ʃn̩ intentionally become involved in a difficult กำรแทรกแซง
situation in order to improve it
356. intrinsic adj. ɪn.ˈtrɪn.sɪk being an extremely important and basic เนื้ อแท้
characteristic of a person or thing
357. invest v. ɪn.ˈvest expend money with the expectation of ลงทุน
achieving a profit or material result by putting
it into financial schemes, shares, or property,
or by using it to develop a commercial venture
358. investigate v. ɪn.ˈve.stɪ.ɡeɪt to examine something carefully to discover the สอบสวน
359. invoke v. ɪn.ˈvəʊk cite or appeal to (someone or something) as ขอร้อง
an authority for an action or in support of an
360. involve v. ɪn.ˈvɒlv (of a situation or event) include (something) as รวมถึง
a necessary part or result
361. irksome adj. ˈɜːk.səm annoying น่ำเบื่อ

362. irrelevance n. ɪ.ˈre.lə.vəns something that is not related to what is being ควำมไม่ถูกจุด
363. irresolution n. ɪ.ˌre.zə.ˈluː.ʃn̩ not able or willing to take decisions or actions ควำมไม่แน่ใจ

364. irrevocable adj. ɪ.ˈre.və.kə.bl ̩ impossible to change เอำคืนไม่ได้

365. irritable adj. ˈɪ.rɪ.tə.bl ̩ becoming annoyed very easily ระคำยเคือง

366. isolate v. ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt to separate something from other things with เก็บเนื้ อเก็บตัว
which they are joined
367. issue n. ˈɪ.ʃuː an important topic or problem for debate or ปัญหำ
368. item n. ˈaɪ.təm an individual article or unit, especially one that ชิ้น
is part of a list, collection, or set

GAT Vocab J
369. jolt n. dʒəʊlt something or someone caused to move เขย่ำ
suddenly and violently
370. journal n. ˈdʒɜː.nl ̩ a daily record of news and events of a personal วำรสำร, บันทึก
nature; a diary
371. just right adj. dʒəst raɪt a time or event that is just around the corner is เพียงขวำ
coming very soon
372. justify v. ˈdʒʌ.stɪ.faɪ to give or to be a good reason for แสดงให้เห็นถึง

GAT Vocab L
373. label n. ˈleɪ.bl ̩ a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar ฉลำก, ป้ำย
material attached to an object and giving
information about it
374. labor n. ˈleɪb.ə practical work, especially that which involves แรงงำน
physical effort
375. layer n. ˈleɪə a thin sheet of a substance on top of a surface, ชั้น
or a level of material that is different from the
material on either side
376. lecture n. ˈlek.tʃə an educational talk to an audience, especially คำบรรยำย
to students in a university or college
377. legal adj. ˈliː.ɡl ̩ connected with the law ถูกกฎหมำย

378. liberal adj. ˈlɪ.bə.rəl open to new behavior or opinions and willing ใจกว้ำง
to discard traditional values
379. license n. ˈlaɪsns a permit from an authority to own or use อำชญำบัตร
something, do a particular thing, or carry on a
trade (especially in alcoholic beverages)
380. likewise adv. ˈlaɪk.waɪz in the same way; also ในทำนองเดียวกัน

381. limestone n. ˈlaɪm.stəʊn a white or light grey rock that is used as a หิ นปูน
building material and in the making of cement
382. locate v. ləʊˈkeɪt to be in a particular place ค้นหำ

383. logic n. ˈlɒ.dʒɪk a particular way of thinking, especially one that ตรรกะ
is reasonable and based on good judgment
384. lumber v. ˈlʌm.bə to move slowly and awkwardly ไม้แปรรู ป

385. luminary n. ˈluː.mɪ.nə.ri a person who is famous and important in a ดวงประทีป

particular area of activity

GAT Vocab M
386. maintain v. meɪn.ˈteɪn cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) เก็บรักษำ
to continue
387. major adj. ˈmeɪ.dʒə important, serious, or significant สำคัญ, หลัก

388. mania n. ˈmeɪ.nɪə an unusually strong and continuing interest in ควำมบ้ำคลัง่

an activity or subject
389. manipulate v. mə.ˈnɪ.pjʊ.leɪt control or influence (a person or situation) จัดกำร, โกง
cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously
390. manual adj. ˈmæ.njʊəl done or operated with the hands คู่มือ

391. mature adj. mə.ˈtjʊə fully developed physically; full-grown เป็ นผูใ้ หญ่

392. matrimony n. ˈmæ.trɪ.mə.ni the state of being married วิวำห์

393. maudlin adj. ˈmɔːd.lɪn overly emotional, sappy ฟูมฟำย

394. mechanism n. ˈme.kə.nɪ.zəm a part of a machine, or a set of parts that work กลไก
395. mediate v. ˈmiː.dɪeɪt help to solve a disagreement by ไกล่เกลี่ย
communicating between groups
396. medical adj. ˈme.dɪ.kl ̩ relating to the science of medicine, or to the ทำงกำรแพทย์
treatment of illness and injuries
397. mental adj. ˈ ̩ relating to the mind, or involving the process ทำงใจ
of thinking
398. merciless adj. ˈmɜː.sɪ.lɪs having or showing no mercy เลือดเย็น

399. messed up adj. mest ʌp unhappy and emotionally confused ยุง่ เหยิง

400. method n. ˈme.θəd a particular form of procedure for วิธี

accomplishing or approaching something,
especially a systematic or established one
401. mettle n. ˈ ̩ an inherent quality of character or courage ควำมกล้ำหำญ

402. migrate v. maɪ.ˈɡreɪt to move from one country or region to โยกย้ำย

another, often temporarily
403. military adj. ˈmɪ.lɪ.tri relating to or belonging to the armed forces ทหำร

404. minimal adj. ˈmɪ.nɪ.ml ̩ as small as possible ต่ำสุ ด

405. minimize v. ˈmɪ.nɪ.maɪz to reduce something to the least possible level ลด

or amount
406. minimum adj. ˈmɪ.nɪ.məm being the smallest amount or number allowed ขั้นต่ำ
or possible
407. ministry n. ˈmɪ.nɪ.stri a department of the government led by a กระทรวง
408. minor adj. ˈmaɪ.nə not great in size or importance ผูเ้ ยำว์

409. mixed adj. mɪkst showing a mixture of different feelings or ผสม


410. modestly adv. ˈmɒ.dɪ not large in size or amount, or not expensive อย่ำงสุ ภำพ

411. modesty n. ˈmɒ.dɪ.sti the quality of not talking about abilities and ควำมพอประมำณ
412. modify v. ˈmɒ.dɪ.faɪ make partial or minor changes to (something), แก้ไข, เปลี่ยนแปลง
typically so as to improve it or to make it less
413. moisture n. ˈmɔɪs.tʃə a liquid such as water in small drops in the air ควำมชื้ น

414. monitor v. ˈmɒ.nɪ.tə to watch and check something carefully over a ตรวจสอบ
period of time
415. monochromatic adj. ˈmɒ.nə.krəʊˈmæ.tɪk containing or using only one color เดียว

416. monotony n. mə.ˈnɒ.tə.ni a situation in which something stays the same ควำมน่ำเบื่อ
and is therefore boring
417. morale n. mə.ˈrɑːl the amount of confidence felt by a person or คติธรรม
418. motive n. ˈməʊ.tɪv a reason for doing something เหตุจูงใจ

419. mourning n. ˈmɔː.nɪŋ great sadness felt because someone has died กำรไว้ทุกข์

420. mutineer n. ˌmjuː.tɪ.ˈnɪə someone who takes part in a mutiny ผูก้ ่อกำรกำเริ บ

421. mutual adj. ˈmjuː.tʃʊəl feeling the same emotion, or doing the same ร่ วมกัน
thing to or for people or groups

GAT Vocab N
422. negate v. nɪ.ˈɡeɪt to cause something to have no effect ลบล้ำง

423. network n. ˈne.twɜːk a group or system of interconnected people or เครื อข่ำย

424. neutral adj. ˈnjuː.trəl not helping or supporting either side in a เป็ นกลำง
conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial
425. nevertheless adv. ˌne.və.ðə.ˈles in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same ยัก, แต่กระนั้น

426. nonetheless adv. ˌnʌn.ðə.ˈles in spite of that; nevertheless กระนั้น

427. norm n. nɔːm an accepted standard or a way of being or บรรทัดฐำน

doing things
428. notion n. ˈnəʊ.ʃn̩ a belief or idea ควำมคิด

429. notwithstanding adv. ˌnɒ.twɪθ.ˈstænd.ɪŋ nevertheless; in spite of this อย่ำงไรก็ตำม

430. nuclear n. ˈnjuː.klɪə the power produced when an atom's nucleus นิวเคลียร์
is joined to another nucleus
431. numerous adj. ˈnjuː.mə.rəs many นำนำ

GAT Vocab O
432. objection n. əb.ˈdʒek.ʃn̩ an expression or feeling of disapproval or กำรคัดค้ำน
opposition; a reason for disagreeing
433. objective n. əb.ˈdʒek.tɪv something that you aim to do or achieve วัตถุประสงค์

434. obscure adj. əb.ˈskjʊə not known to many people ปิ ดบัง

435. obstacle n. ˈɒb.stə.kl ̩ something that blocks movement or prevents อุปสรรค

an action
436. obtain v. əb.ˈteɪn to receive, by asking, buying, working, or ได้รับ
producing it from something else
437. obvious adj. ˈɒb.vɪəs easily perceived or understood; clear, self- ชัดเจน
evident, or apparent
438. occupy v. ˈɒ.kjʊ.paɪ reside or have one's place of business in (a ครอบครอง
439. occur v. əˈk.ɜː happen; take place เกิดขึ้น

440. offset n. ˈɒf.set a consideration or amount that diminishes or สำขำ, สิ่ งชดเชย
balances the effect of a contrary one. the
amount or distance by which something is out
of line
441. ongoing adj. ˌɒn ˈɡəʊ.iŋ continuing; still in progress ไม่หยุดยั้ง

442. onslaught n. ˈɒn.slɔːt a very powerful attack กำรโจมตี

443. opaque adj. əʊ.ˈpeɪk preventing light from travelling through, and ทึบแสง
therefore not transparent or translucent:
444. option n. ˈɒp.ʃn̩ a thing that is or may be chosen ตัวเลือก

445. orientate v. ˈɔː.rɪən.teɪt to make something suitable for a particular ปรับกำร

group of people
446. outcome n. ˈaʊtkʌm the result or effect of an action, situation, or ผล
447. output n. ˈaʊt.pʊt an amount that a person, machine, or เอำท์พตุ
organization produces
448. overall adj. ˌəʊ.və.ˈrɔːl extremely large; great in size or degree รวมทั้งหมด

449. overseas adv. ˌəʊv.ə.ˈsiːz in or to a foreign country, especially one across ข้ำมน้ ำข้ำมทะเล
the sea
450. oversee v. ˌəʊv.ə.ˈsiː supervise (a person or work), especially in an กำกับ, สำรวจ
official capacity

GAT Vocab P
451. paradigm n. ˈpæ.rə.daɪm a typical example or pattern of something; a ตัวอย่ำง
452. paragraph n. ˈpæ.rə.ɡrɑːf a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually ย่อหน้ำ
dealing with a single theme and indicated by a
new line, indentation, or numbering
453. parallel n. ˈpæ.rə.lel lines whose distance between them is the คู่ขนำนกับ
same all along their length
454. participate v. pɑː.ˈtɪ.sɪ.peɪt take part มีส่วนร่ วม

455. partner n. ˈpɑːt.nə a person who takes part in an undertaking หุ ้นส่ วน

with another or others, especially in a business
or company with shared risks and profits
456. passive adj. ˈpæ.sɪv not acting to influence or change a situation; อดทน
allowing other people to be in control
457. perceive v. pə.ˈsiːv to think of something in a particular way เข้ำใจ

458. perch v. pɜːtʃ to rest or sit on a branch or on the edge or top เกำะ

459. persist v. pə.ˈsɪst to continue to exist past the usual time ยืนกรำน

460. perspective n. pə.ˈspek.tɪv the art of drawing solid objects on a two- มุมมอง, ทิวทัศน์
dimensional surface so as to give the right
impression of their height, width, depth, and
position in relation to each other when viewed
from a particular point
461. phase n. feɪz any stage in a series of events or in a process ระยะ
of development
462. phenomenon fɪ.ˈnɒ.mɪ.nən a fact or situation that is observed to exist or ปรำกฏกำรณ์
happen, especially one whose cause or
explanation is in question
463. philosophy n. fɪ.ˈlɒ.sə.fi the study of the fundamental nature of ปรัชญำ
knowledge, reality, and existence, especially
when considered as an academic discipline
464. physical adj. ˈfɪ.zɪ.kl ̩ relating to the body as opposed to the mind กำยภำพ

465. policy n. ˈpɒ.lə.si a course or principle of action adopted or นโยบำย

proposed by a government, party, business, or
466. pork n. pɔːk meat from a pig, eaten as food เนื้ อหมู

467. portion n. ˈpɔːʃ.n̩ a part of a whole; an amount, section, or piece ส่วน

of something
468. pose v. pəʊz to cause something, especially a problem or ท่ำทำง
469. positive adj. ˈpɒ.zə.tɪv full of hope and confidence, or giving cause for บวก
hope and confidence
470. posthumous adj. ˈpɒ.stjʊ.məs happening after a person's death ซึ่งเกิดขึ้นหลังจำกที่

471. potential adj. pə.ˈten.ʃl ̩ having or showing the capacity to become or ที่อำจเกิดขึ้น
develop into something in the future
472. practitioner n. præk.ˈtɪ.ʃə.nə someone involved in a skilled job or activity แพทย์

473. precede v. prɪ.ˈsiːd come before (something) in time ล่วง

474. precipitation n. prɪ.ˌsɪ.pɪ.ˈteɪʃ.n̩ water that falls from the clouds towards the กำรเร่ งรัด
ground, especially as rain or snow
475. precise adj. prɪ.ˈsaɪs marked by exactness and accuracy of แม่นยำ
expression or detail
476. predict v. prɪ.ˈdɪkt say or estimate that (a specified thing) will ทำนำย
happen in the future or will be a consequence
of something
477. predominant adj. prɪ.ˈdɒ.mɪ.nənt being the most noticeable or largest in เด่น
number, or having the most power or
478. preliminary adj. prɪ.ˈlɪ.mɪ.nə.ri coming before a more important action or เบื้องต้น
event, introducing or preparing it
479. preservation n. ˌpre.zə.ˈveɪʃ.n̩ the act of keeping something the same or of กำรเก็บรักษำ
preventing it from being damaged
480. prestige n. pre.ˈstiːʒ respect and admiration given due to ศักดิ์ศรี
481. previous adj. ˈpriː.vɪəs existing or occurring before in time or order ก่อน

482. primary adj. ˈpraɪ.mə.ri of chief importance; principal ประถม

483. principle n. ˈprɪn.sə.pl ̩ a basic idea or rule that explains or controls หลัก
how something happens or works
484. priority n. praɪ.ˈɒ.rɪ.ti the fact or condition of being regarded or จัดลำดับควำมสำคัญ
treated as more important
485. process n. ˈprəʊ.ses a series of actions or steps taken in order to กระบวนกำร
achieve a particular end
486. professional adj. prə.ˈfe.ʃnəl relating to or connected with a profession มืออำชีพ

487. prohibit v. prə.ˈhɪ.bɪt formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or ห้ำม

other authority
488. project n. prə.ˈdʒekt planned work with a particular aim, limited by โครงกำร
time and budget
489. promote v. prə.ˈməʊt to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or ส่งเสริ ม
support something
490. proper adj. ˈprɒ.pə real, satisfactory, suitable, or correct เหมำะสม

491. proportion n. prə.ˈpɔː.ʃn̩ the number or amount of a group or part of สัดส่ วน

something when compared to the whole
492. protectionist adj. prə.ˈtek.ʃə.nɪst government action to help its country's ผูส้ นับสนุนลัทธิ ต้ งั อัตรำ
industry by taxing goods from other countries

493. psychology n. saɪˈk.ɒ.lə.dʒi the scientific study of the human mind and its จิตวิทยำ
functions, especially those affecting behavior
in a given context
494. publication n. ˌpʌ.blɪˈk.eɪʃ.n̩ a book or document, or the act of making สิ่ งพิมพ์
information or writing available

495. publish v. ˈpʌ.blɪʃ (of an author or company) prepare and issue ประกำศ
(book, journal, piece of music, or other work)
for public sale
496. purchase v. ˈpɜː.tʃəs to buy something ซื้อ

497. purification n. ˌpjʊə.rɪ.fɪˈk.eɪ.ʃn̩ the act of removing harmful substances from กำรฟอก
498. pursue v. pə.ˈsjuː to follow or search for someone or something, ติดตำม
in order to catch or attack that person or thing

GAT Vocab Q
499. quote v. kwəʊt repeat or copy out (a group of words from a อ้ำงอิง
text or speech), typically with an indication
that one is not the original author or speaker

GAT Vocab R
500. radiation n. ˌreɪ.dɪ.ˈeɪ.ʃn̩ a form of energy that comes from a nuclear กำรแผ่รังสี
reaction and that can be very dangerous to
501. random adj. ˈræn.dəm made, done, happening, or chosen without สุ่ม, ส่งเดช
method or conscious decision
502. ratio n. ˈreɪ.ʃɪəʊ the relationship between two amounts, อัตรำส่ วน
indicating how much bigger one is than the
503. rational adj. ˈræʃ.n̩ .əl showing clear thought or reason มีเหตุผล

504. react v. rɪ.ˈækt respond or behave in a particular way in เกิดปฏิกิริยำ

response to something
505. recover v. rɪˈk.ʌ.və return to a normal state of health, mind, or ฟื้ นตัว, กู้
strength. find or regain possession of
(something stolen or lost)
506. recreation n. ˌre.krɪ.ˈeɪ.ʃn̩ enjoying yourself when you are not working นันทนำกำร

507. refine v. rɪ.ˈfaɪn remove impurities or unwanted elements from ปรับแต่ง

(a substance), typically as part of an industrial
508. reform v. rɪ.ˈfɔːm make changes in (something, typically a social, ปฏิรูป
political, or economic institution or practice) in
order to improve it
509. regime n. reɪ.ˈʒiːm a particular government or a system or ระบบกำรปกครอง
method of government
510. region n. ˈriː.dʒən an area or division, especially part of a country ภูมิภำค
or the world having definable characteristics
but not always fixed boundaries
511. register n. ˈre.dʒɪ.stə an official list or record, for example of births, กำรลงทะเบียน
marriages, and deaths, of shipping, or of
historic places
512. regulate v. ˈre.ɡjʊ.leɪt control or maintain the rate or speed of (a ควบคุม
machine or process) so that it operates
513. regulatory adj. ˈre.ɡjə.lə.tə.ri a person or organization whose job is to กฎระเบียบ
control regulations
514. reinforce v. ˌriːɪn.ˈfɔːs to make something stronger, usually by adding เสริ มสร้ำง
more material or another piece
515. reject v. rɪ.ˈdʒekt dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to ปฏิเสธ
one's taste
516. relax v. rɪ.ˈlæks make or become less tense or anxious ผ่อนคลำย

517. release v. rɪ.ˈliːs allow or enable to escape from confinement; ปล่อย

set free
518. relevant adj. ˈre.lə.vənt closely connected or appropriate to what is ที่เกี่ยวข้อง
being done or considered
519. reluctant adj. rɪ.ˈlʌk.tənt unwilling and hesitant; disinclined ไม่เต็มใจ

520. rely v. rɪ.ˈlaɪ to need help to continue to work correctly or วำงใจ

to succeed

521. remove v. rɪ.ˈmuːv eliminate or get rid of เอำออก

522. renounce v. rɪ.ˈnaʊns to state formally or publicly non-ownership or สละ

connection with something
523. require v. rɪ.ˈkwaɪə to need something or make something ต้องกำร
524. research n. rɪ.ˈsɜːtʃ the systematic investigation into and study of วิจยั
materials and sources in order to establish
facts and reach new conclusions
525. resolve v. rɪ.ˈzɒlv settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, แก้ไข
or contentious matter)
526. resource n. rɪ.ˈzɔːs a useful or valuable possession or quality of a ทรัพยำกร
country, organization, or person
527. respond v. rɪ.ˈspɒnd say something in reply ตอบสนอง

528. restore v. rɪ.ˈstɔː bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, ฟื้ นฟู
or situation); reinstate
529. restrain v. rɪ.ˈstreɪn to control the actions or behavior of someone ยับยั้ง
by force
530. restrict v. rɪ.ˈstrɪkt put a limit on; keep under control จำกัด

531. retain v. rɪ.ˈteɪn to keep or continue to have something รักษำ

532. reveal v. rɪ.ˈviːl make (previously unknown or secret เปิ ดเผย

information) known to others
533. revenue v. rɪ.ˈviːl income, especially when of a company or รำยได้
organization and of a substantial nature
534. reverse v. rɪ.ˈvɜːs to cause something to go in the opposite ถอยหลัง
direction, order, or position
535. revolution n. ˌre.və.ˈluː.ʃn̩ a change in the way a country is governed, กำรปฏิวตั ิ
often using violence or war
536. rigid adj. ˈrɪ.dʒɪd not permitting any change เข้มงวด

537. rind n. raɪnd a hard, outer layer on food เปลือก

GAT Vocab S
538. saddle n. ˈsæ.dl ̩ a seat, often made of leather, used on a horse อำน
or motorcycle
539. sample n. ˈsɑː ̩ a small amount of something that shows you ตัวอย่ำง
what the rest is or should be like
540. sanction n. ˈsæŋk.ʃn̩ a strong action taken to make people obey a กำรบังคับตำมกฎระหว่ำง
law or rule, or a punishment, official
permission or approval for an action
ประเทศ, กำรอนุมตั ิ

541. scenario n. sɪ.ˈnɑː.rɪəʊ a description of possible events สถำนกำรณ์

542. schedule n. ˈʃed.juːl a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, ตำรำงเวลำ
giving lists of intended events and times
543. scheme n. skiːm a plan for doing or organizing something โครงกำร

544. score n. skɔː to win or get a point, goal, etc. in a คะแนน

competition, sport, game, or exam
545. scotch v. skɒtʃ to put an end to or to crush สก๊อต

546. section n. ˈsek.ʃn̩ a part of something ส่วน

547. secure adj. sɪ.ˈkjʊə fixed or fastened so as not to give way, ปลอดภัย
become loose, or be lost
548. select v. sɪ.ˈlekt carefully choose as being the best or most เลือก
549. shepherd n. ˈʃe.pəd a person whose job is to take care of sheep คนเลี้ยงแกะ
and move them from one place to another
550. shield n. ʃiːld a large, flat object held in front of the body as โล่
551. significant adj. sɪɡ.ˈnɪ.fɪkənt important or noticeable สำคัญ

552. signify v. ˈsɪɡ.nɪ.faɪ to be a sign of something; to mean มีควำมหมำยว่ำ

553. silversmith n. ˈsɪl.və.smɪθ a person who makes or sells silver objects ช่ำงเงิน

554. similar adj. ˈsɪ.mə.lə looking or being almost, but not exactly, the เหมือนกัน
555. simulate v. ˈsɪ.mjʊ.leɪt to create conditions or processes similar to แกล้งทำ
something that exists
556. site n. saɪt a place where something is, was, or will be สถำน
557. skeptical adj ˈskep.tɪk.l ̩ not easily convinced; having doubts or ไม่เชื่ อ
558. so-called adj. səʊˈkɔːld to describe someone or something that is not ดังที่เรี ยกกัน
suitable or not correct
559. source n. sɔːs a place, person, or thing from which แหล่ง
something comes or can be obtained
560. specialize v. ˈspe.ʃə.laɪz to spend your time studying one particular เชี่ยวชำญ
subject or one type of work
561. specific adj. spə.ˈsɪ.fɪk relating to one thing and not others; particular โดยเฉพำะ

562. specify v. ˈspe.sɪ.faɪ to state or describe something clearly and ระบุ
563. sphere n. sfɪə a subject or area of knowledge, work วง

564. spiral n. ˈspaɪə.rəl a situation in which something becomes lower เกลียว

because one bad event causes another
565. spray n. spreɪ a mass of very small drops of liquid carried in สเปรย์
the air
566. stabilize v. ˈsteɪ.bə.laɪz If you stabilize something, you cause it to ทำให้มีเสถียรภำพ
become fixed or to stop changing
567. stable adj. ˈsteɪ.bl ̩ firmly fixed or not likely to move or change มัน่ คง

568. statistic n. stə.ˈtɪ.stɪk a fact or piece of data from a study of a large สถิติ
quantity of numerical data
569. status n. ˈsteɪ.təs the relative social, professional, or other สถำนะ
standing of someone or something
570. stellar adj. ˈste.lə describes people or their activities that are of เป็ นตัวเอก
an extremely high standard
571. straightforward adj. ˌstreɪt.ˈfɔː.wəd uncomplicated and easy to do or understand ซื่อตรง

572. strategy n. ˈstræ.tə.dʒi a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a กลยุทธ์

major or overall aim
573. structure n. ˈstrʌk.tʃə the arrangement of and relations between the โครงสร้ำง
parts or elements of something complex
574. stress n. stres worry caused by a difficult situation, or ควำมตึงเครี ยด
something that causes this condition
575. string n. strɪŋ strong, thin rope used for fastening and tying เชือก
576. style n. staɪl a way of doing something that is typical of a สไตล์
person or group
577. submerge v. səb.ˈmɜːdʒ to go below or make something go below the จมลงใต้นำ้
surface of the sea or a river or lake
578. submit v. səb.ˈmɪt accept or yield to a superior force or to the เสนอ
authority or will of another person
579. subsequent adj. ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt happening after something else ภำยหลัง

580. subsidy n. ˈsʌb.sə.di money given as part of the cost of something เงินสมทบ
to help or encourage it to happen
581. substitute v. ˈsʌb.stɪ.tjuːt to use something or someone instead of แทนค่ำ
another thing or person
582. succinct adj. sək.ˈsɪŋkt said in a clear and short way; expressing what รวบรัด
needs to be said without unnecessary words
583. sufficient adj. sə.ˈfɪʃnt enough; adequate เพียงพอ

584. summary n. ˈsʌ.mə.ri a brief statement or account of the main สรุ ป

points of something
585. summit n. ˈsʌ.mɪt an important formal meeting between leaders ประชุมสุดยอด
of governments from two or more countries
586. supernatural adj. ˌsuː.pə.ˈnæt.ʃrəl caused by forces that cannot be explained by อภินิหำร
587. supplement n. ˈsʌ.plɪ.ment something that completes or enhances เกษียน
something else when added to it
588. survey v. sə.ˈveɪ (of a person or their eyes) look carefully and สำรวจ
thoroughly at (someone or something),
especially so as to appraise them
589. survive v. sə.ˈvaɪv continue to live or exist, especially in spite of อยูร่ อด
danger or hardship
590. suspend v. sə.ˈspend temporarily prevent from continuing or being แขวน
in force or effect
591. sustain v. sə.ˈsteɪn strengthen or support physically or mentally ประคับประคอง

592. symbol n. ˈsɪ ̩ a sign, shape, or object that is used to สัญญลักษณ์

represent something else

GAT Vocab T
593. target n. ˈtɑː.ɡɪt a person, object, or place selected as the aim เป้ำ
of an attack
594. temporary adj ˈtem.prə.ri lasting for only a limited period of time; not ชัว่ ครำว
595. telegraph n. ˈte.lɪ.ɡrɑːf a method of sending and receiving messages ส่งโทรเลข
by electrical or radio signals
596. terminate v. ˈtɜː.mɪ.neɪt bring to an end ยุติ

597. thankful adj. ˈθæŋk.fəl pleased or expressing gratitude and relief กตัญญู, ที่รู้สึกยินดี

598. theory n. ˈθɪə.ri a supposition or system of ideas intended to ทฤษฎี

explain something, based on general principles
independent of the thing to be explained
599. thereby adv. ðeə.ˈbaɪ by that means; as a result of that ดังนั้น

600. thesis n. ˈθiːs.ɪs a long piece of writing on a particular subject, วิทยำนิ พนธ์
for university degree
601. threaten v. ˈθ̩ state one's intention to take hostile action ขู่
against someone in retribution for something
done or not done
602. topic n. ˈtɒ.pɪk a matter dealt with in a text, discourse, or หัวข้อเรื่ อง
conversation; a subject
603. trace v. treɪs to find someone or something that was lost ติดตำม

604. tradition n. trə.ˈdɪʃ.n̩ the transmission of customs or beliefs from ประเพณี

generation to generation, or the fact of being
passed on in this way
605. transfer v. ˈtræn.sfɜː to move someone or something from one โอน
place, vehicle, person, or group to another
606. transform v. ˈtræn.sfɔːm to change completely so that there is an แปลง
607. transmit v. trænz.ˈmɪt cause (something) to pass on from one place ส่งผ่ำน
or person to another
608. transparent adj. træns.ˈpæ.rənt If a substance or object is transparent, you can โปร่ งใส
see through it very clearly
609. transport v. træns.ˈpɔːt take or carry (people or goods) from one place ขนส่ ง
to another by vehicle, aircraft, or ship
610. trepidation n. ˌtre.pɪ.ˈdeɪ.ʃn̩ fearful uncertainty or anxiety ควำมกังวลใจ

611. trigger v. ˈtrɪ.ɡə to cause something bad to start ไก

612. trough n. trɒf a long, narrow, open container, for holding รำงน้ำ
water or food or for washing something
613. tub n. tʌb a large, round container with a flat base and อ่ำงอำบน้ำ
an open top
614. typify v. ˈtɪ.pɪ.faɪ something that shows all the characteristics เป็ นสัญลักษณ์
expected to be seen
615. tyrannical adj. tɪ.ˈræ.nɪ.kl ̩ using, showing, or relating to the unfair and เผด็จกำร
cruel use of power over people in a country

GAT Vocab U
616. ultimate adj. ˈʌl.tɪ.mət being or happening at the end of a process; ที่สุด
617. ultrasonic adj. ˌʌl.trə.ˈsɒ.nɪk sound waves that are too high for people to ล้ำเสี ยง
618. unbeliever n. ˌʌn.bɪ.ˈliː.və a person who does not have any religious แห้งออก
619. uncanny adj. ʌnˈk.æ.ni supernatural, unusual or exciting wonder ลึกลับ

620. underlie v. ˌʌn.də.ˈlaɪ to be a hidden cause of or strong influence on รองรับ

621. undergo v. ˌʌn.də.ˈɡəʊ experience or be subjected to (something, ได้รับ
typically something unpleasant, painful, or
622. underlying adj. ˌʌn.də.ˈlaɪ.ɪŋ real but not immediately obvious: เป็ นมูล

623. uniform adj. ˈjuː.nɪ.fɔːm not changing in form or character; remaining เหมือนกัน
the same in all cases and at all times
624. unify v. ˈjuː.nɪ.faɪ to bring separate parts of something together รวมกัน
so that they are one
625. unique adj. juː.ˈniːk being the only one of its kind; unlike anything เป็ นเอกลักษณ์
626. utilitarian adj. ju:.ˌtɪ.lɪ.ˈteə.rɪən designed to be useful rather than decorative ถือประโยชน์เป็ นสำคัญ

GAT Vocab V
627. valid adj. ˈvæ.lɪd (of an argument or point) having a sound basis ถูกต้อง
in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent
628. vary v. ˈveə.ri to change in some way, or to cause similar แตกต่ำง
things to differ
629. vehicle n. ˈviːɪk.l ̩ a machine, usually with wheels and an engine, พำหนะ
used on roads
630. veil n. veɪl a piece of thin material worn by women to ผ้ำคลุมหน้ำ
cover the face or head
631. verify v. ˈve.rɪ.faɪ make sure or demonstrate that (something) is ตรวจสอบ
true, accurate, or justified
632. version n. ˈvɜː.ʃn̩ something that is slightly different from other รุ่ น
forms of the same thing
633. via prep. ˈvaɪə traveling through (a place) en route to a ผ่ำนทำง
634. vigorous adj. ˈvɪ.ɡə.rəs strong, healthy, and full of energy แข็งแรง

635. violate v. ˈvaɪə.leɪt to break or act against something such as a ละเมิด

law, agreement, or principle
636. violence n. ˈvaɪə.ləns actions or words that are intended to hurt ควำมรุ นแรง
637. virtual adj. ˈvɜː.tʃʊəl almost or nearly as described, but not เสมือน
completely or according to strict definition
638. visible adj. ˈvɪ.zə.bl ̩ able to be seen มองเห็นได้

639. vision n. ˈvɪʒ.n̩ the faculty or state of being able to see วิสยั ทัศน์

640. visual adj. ˈvɪʒ.u.əl relating to seeing or sight ภำพ

641. volatile adj. ˈvɒ.lə.taɪl likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly, or ระเหย
suddenly violent or angry
642. volume n. ˈvɒ.ljuːm the number or amount of something having a ปริ มำณ
lot of units or parts
643. voluntary adj. ˈvɒ.lən.tri done, made, or given willingly, without being สมัครใจ
forced or paid to do it

GAT Vocab W
644. warranty n. ˈwɒ.rən.ti a written guarantee, issued to the purchaser กำรประกัน
by its manufacturer, promising to repair or
replace it if necessary within a specified period
of time
645. welfare n. ˈwel.feə physical and mental health and happiness สวัสดิกำร

646. well-organized adj. wel.ˈɔː.ɡə.naɪzd arranged according to a particular system อย่ำงดีจดั

647. whereas conj. weər.ˈæz in contrast or comparison with the fact that แต่ทว่ำ

648. widespread adj. ˈwaɪd.spred existing or happening in many places and/or แพร่ หลำย
among many people
649. willing adj. ˈwɪl.ɪŋ ready, eager, or prepared to do something เต็มใจ

650. willow n. ˈwɪ.ləʊ a tree that grows near water and has long, thin วิลโลว์
branches that hang down


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