Answer These Following Questions

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Answer these following Questions

1. What is the difference between rational and irrational numbers?

2. Is there a rational number exists between any two rational numbers.
3. Is there a real number exists between any two real numbers.
4. Is the set of rational numbers countable?
5. Is the set of real numbers countable?

The answer of routine task 1

1.Each rational number can be expressed in the form p/q , where p and q are
integers, and q is not equal to 0 while irrational number these are not rational,
hence they cannot be expressed as p/q for integers p and q.

2. Yes, there is.

Assume a = p/q = r/s and p,q,r,s are integers then a/2+b/2 = ps/2qs+qr/2qs
whics is the quotion of two integers expressions, and thus rational number.

3. Yes, there is.

For example, two real number are different, so there are number x1=a/2+b/2
which is between a and b of course there will be numbers x2=a/2+x1/2 which is

between a and x1 etc.

4. Yes, I think that if we assign to a rational number, and n+1 to another

rational number, then I can surely find a rational number in between these

two, which is not accounted for. If a set is countably infinite, then each
element of the set can be mapped to the set of natural numbers.

5. No, the set of all real numbers R, is an uncountable set. This is because,

the set of all irrational numbers is a sub set of R, and is an uncountable set in


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