Kelompok 5 2B Digestive System PDF

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“The Structure And Function Of The Digestive System”

Di Susun Oleh :
Kelompok 5

Aghniya Nisa’asy Shobiri Nhj NIM: 18.039

Melly B. Susilowati NIM: 18.054

Nanda Ayu ZH NIM: 18.059


TAHUN 2019-2020
Digestive system is break large food into small food. In working the
digestive system is helped by digestive enzimes produced by the digestive glands.

The structure and function of the digestive system :

1. Mouth and salivary glands

The fuction is
 Taste the food.
 Break large food into small food.
 Wet and lubricate food particles before swallowing.
 Anti-bacterial.
 Maintain ph of mouth.
 In salivary glands, the secrete an enzyme called amylase, which helps
in the breakdown of starch into maltose.
2. Pharynx and esophagus

The fuction is
 Food and drink access to the stomach.
3. Stomach/Gastric

The fuction is
 Production of gastric acid (HCL).
 The stomach holds food and also is a mixer and grinder.
 Gastric and enzim collaboration to processing food.
 Push and forward food to the intestine.
4. Small intestine (duodenum,jejunum,ileum)

The fuction is
 Absorption of food.
 Absorption of electrolyte,liquid.
 The secretes enzymes helping :
The pancreas help in the breakdown protein, fat, and carbohydrate.
The liver secretes bile and cleanses and purifies the blood.
The gallbladder help in release bile into the small intestine to aid in
the digestion process.
5. Large intestine

The fuction is
 Absorption of water,salt,glucose.
 Solidify the feces.
 Maintain balance of fluid and electrolyte in the body.
 Place of food spoilage.
6. Rectum

The fuction is
 Stool transport that causes stimulation to defecate.
7. Anus

The fuction is
 Control the expulsion of feces.

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