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Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581

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Evolution of Ganges–Brahmaputra western delta plain: clues from sedimentology

and carbon isotopes
A. Sarkar a, *, S. Sengupta a, J.M. McArthur b, P. Ravenscroft c, M.K. Bera a, Ravi Bhushan d,
A. Samanta a, S. Agrawal a
Department of Geology & Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India
Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, London WC1E BT, UK
Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Downing Place, Cambridge CB2 3EN, UK
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 380 009, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sedimentology, carbon isotope and sequence stratigraphic analysis of subsurface sediments from
Received 10 December 2008 western part of Ganges–Brahmaputra (GB) delta plain shows that a Late Quaternary marine clay and
Received in revised form fluvial channel-overbank sediments of MIS 5 and 3 highstands are traceable below the Holocene strata.
15 May 2009
During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea-level lowering of >100 m produced a regional unconformity
Accepted 20 May 2009
(type 1), represented by palaeosols and incised valley. C4 vegetation expanded on exposed lowstand
surface in an ambient dry glacial climate. At w9 ka transgression inundated the lowstand surface
pushing the coastline and mangrove front w100 km inland. Simultaneous intensification of monsoon
and very high sediment discharge (w4–8 times than modern) caused a rapid aggradation of both
floodplain and estuarine valley fill deposits between 8 and 7 ka. The Hoogli River remaining along its
present drainage possibly acted as the main conduit for transgression and sediment discharge that was
subsequently abandoned. C3 vegetation dominated the delta plain during this time. From 7 ka onward
progradation of delta plain started and continued till recent. This period experienced a mixed C3–C4
vegetation with localized mangroves in the mid-Holocene to dominant return of C4 vegetation in the late
Holocene period. The study indicates that while the initiation of western part of GB delta occurred at
least 1 ka earlier than the global mean delta formation age, the progradation started at w7 ka, at least
2 ka earlier than thought before. The terrestrial vegetation change was modulated by changes in
depositional environment, specific ecological niches and climate rather than pCO2.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction through time and space and development of the lower delta plain
and coastal zones during the late Quaternary period (Allison et al.,
The sedimentary record within river deltas provide unique 1998; Goodbred and Kuehl, 1998; Goodbred and Kuehl, 1999,
opportunities to study the complex interplay among and control of 2000a; Allison et al., 2003). During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM
different forcing mechanisms like eustasy, climate and tectonics on w18 ka) sea level was lower than the present mean sea level (msl)
the development of depositional sequences of various cycles and by at least w100 m and sediment delivery was extremely low due
magnitudes (Bhattacharya, 2006 and references therein). Over the to reduced water discharge through GB as a result of weak south
last decade extensive research have been carried out in the delta west monsoon and increased north-east monsoon which was
formed by Ganges–Brahmaputra (GB) rivers (Fig. 1a) of India and essentially dry (Cullen, 1981; Sarkar et al., 1990; Wiedicke et al.,
Bangladesh (together these two rivers has the highest sediment 1999). The unique features of the GB delta system are that its
discharge capacity in the world i.e. w109 ton/year; Coleman, 1969). Holocene sedimentation presumably started at w11 ka, predating
These studies revealed important information about evolution of all the major deltas by at least 2–3 ka and its shoreline was rela-
the GB delta namely, the changes in sediment budgets/dispersal tively stable in spite of rapid early Holocene sea-level rise (Good-
bred and Kuehl, 2000b). This eustatic rise back flooded the
lowstand surfaces (as much as w70 km inland; Allison et al., 2003)
* Corresponding author. formed during the LGM resulting in an expanded estuary (Allison
E-mail address: (A. Sarkar). et al., 2003). The Holocene shorelines were essentially traced out by

0277-3791/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581 2565

Fig. 1. (a) Regional map of Ganges–Brahmaputra delta and location of present study area (Barasat); also shown the earlier studied bore hole locations (solid dots) used for sequence
stratigraphic analysis. Note paucity of data in western (Indian) delta plain. The Hoogli River acted as main conduit of sediment supply (palaeo-Ganges, shown by dark shaded region)
during initial delta growth in Holocene subsequent to which progradation proceeded from west to east (for details see text). (b) Map of the study area showing bore hole locations
spread in a N–S transect.

assemblage of mangrove pollen and marine shell fragments in (Hait et al., 1996a, b; Stanley and Hait, 2000). Other studies mostly
radiocarbon dated subsurface sediments (Vishnu-Mittre and Gupta, reported the fossil pollen assemblages during the Holocene in terms
1972; Banerjee and Sen, 1987; Umitsu, 1993). Yet the increased of vegetation change and shifts in mangrove front (Gupta, 1981;
accommodation space, created by rising sea level, was rapidly filled Barui et al., 1986; Sen and Banerjee, 1988; Hait and Behling, 2005).
up by enormous sediment discharge (w>2 times than present) We observed that despite this work, the sedimentary successions in
caused by intensified early Holocene (11–7 ka) monsoon (Van the western delta plain still awaits a detailed facies and palae-
Campo, 1986; Sirocko et al., 1993) driven by the regional insolation oenvironmental analysis. Also, no attempt has so far been made to
maximum at w10–9 ka (Cohmap, 1988; Prell and Kutzbach, 1992). understand the basin filling history of the western delta plain in
These studies indicate that, apart from the sea level, regional a space-time framework using sequence stratigraphic insight. Of
climate change has equally important role for sequence develop- special interest is the types, fluxes and burial of organic carbon in
ment in river deltas, a conclusion also supported by non-linear this delta which possibly are strongly interlinked with the Hima-
numerical models of Goodbred et al. (2003). layan erosion and global atmospheric pCO2 change during the last
In spite of these voluminous works a comprehensive under- 20 ka (France-Lanord and Derry, 1994; Galy et al., 2007, 2008a, b).
standing about the entire delta system is lacking. A closer look at the Since organic matter processing in estuaries/deltas is largely
studied sections will indicate that majority of the subsurface data controlled by climate, vegetation type (viz. mangrove vs. marine
come from the eastern (Bangladesh) part of the GB delta (Fig. 1a). particulate organic matter) and sedimentary processes (Dittmar
Together, these data suggested abandonment and eastward migra- et al., 2001; Middelburg and Herman, 2007), it is indeed interesting
tion of the active Ganges distributary (Goodbred and Kuehl, 2000a) to see how the carbon cycle responded to the eustatic and
and the late Holocene progradation of lower delta plain in 4–5 monsoonal changes over this time period.
phases. The earliest progradation (at w5 ka) took place in the In this paper, we attempt a detail facies analysis through several
western extreme of the delta around the so called ‘‘early Ganges’’, drilled cores in the western GB lower delta plain that represent
remnants of which are represented by river Hoogli in India and other a period from pre-LGM to recent. We also use high resolution
minor distributaries of the Ganges (Allison et al., 2003). Such carbon isotope chemostratigraphy in these cores to retrieve the
a model requires extensive study of subsurface sediment packages in change in vegetation vis-à-vis the climate and sedimentation
the western GB delta not only along the E–W tract of lower delta during LGM-Holocene time. Using the available and new radio-
plain but also in an N–S transect. Most studies in the western delta carbon dates, published sea-level data along the Indian east coast,
confined to a generalized description of facies and sediment thick- and sedimentary logs along a N–S transect a sequence stratigraphic
ness and their possible connection with tectonics in Bengal basin framework is proposed for the western delta plain.
2566 A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581

2. Geologic setting and regional stratigraphy and Moyna (together termed as JAM; McArthur et al., 2004, 2008).
The area falls in the western part of the southern Bengal Basin
Bounded by Precambrian crystalline rocks in the north and west (north 24-Parganas District in southern West Bengal, India) and
and Assam-Arakan Neogene fold belt in the east, the GB delta covered by modern alluvium. The southerly flowing Hoogli River is
represents an integrated late Quaternary sedimentation history located w15 km west of the area. Lithologs were prepared from the
over a 105 km2 area (Fig. 1a). Several uplifted Pleistocene terraces retrieved cores (SW 1 to AP; Fig. 1b) and facies types were identi-
occur within and bordering its alluvial plain. The delta is fed by two fied. ‘‘Key surfaces’’ (Transgressive surface of erosion, unconformity
major rivers viz. Ganges and Brahmaputra which supply large etc.) were identified where abrupt change in interpreted bathym-
quantities of water (w6.5  1011 m3) and sediment (w1 billion ton; etry were found across the surfaces and taken as marker for
Coleman, 1969, Hossain, 1992) discharge into the delta plains and correlating different studied sections as well as to identify major
also to the Bay of Bengal (BOB). The maximum discharges (w80%) paleogeographic shift in the depositional history that can be traced
occur between June and October when summer (SW) monsoon both regionally and basin-wide. 14C dating was made on two select
precipitation is highest (Sengupta and Sarkar, 2006). Monsoon samples of organic rich clay by synthesis of sample carbon to
induced flooding causes widespread fluvial sedimentation in the benzene following liquid scintillation counting method of Bhushan
flood and delta plains. In addition to the Ganges and Brahmaputra, et al. (1994) and dates were converted to calendar dates before
several smaller rivers in the west also contribute to water/sediment present (BP) using the calibration of Stuiver et al. (1998). A set of
discharge, albeit to a lesser extent. The major river that drains the five 14C dates (in wood/peat) and 4 OSL dates (from sands),
western delta plain is Hoogli which alone accounts for about obtained in these cores, have already been published (see Table 1,
20–25% of water and w65  106 tons of sediment discharge in the McArthur et al., 2008). Supplementary data Table S1 provides the
GB delta system (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2006). Although much GPS locations of the cores, recovered length, materials dated and
lower than the Ganges and Brahmaputra combined discharges, isotopically analysed as well as ages obtained. Also compiled in
these figures indicate that this river too exerted substantial control Table S1 published data for cores from seven different locations
on sediment dynamics during the Quaternary-Holocene period. across the western delta plain. Few samples have been subjected to
Towards the Bay of Bengal, in the fringe area of the delta (both in laser diffractometry grain size analysis. Six cores (SW 1,4,5,6,7 and
India and Bangladesh), occur Sunderbans, the world’s largest DP) have been analysed for carbon isotopic (d13C) compositions of
mangrove forest and swamps (Fig. 1a). The name Sunderban comes bulk organic matter (sands excluded). For this about 50 mg of
from the presence of dominant tree species, Heritiera, locally decarbonated sediment sample was combusted in a Flash
known as ‘‘sundari’’ in these mangrove forests. elemental analyzer. The evolved CO2, purified through a moisture
Earlier studies on subsurface stratigraphy of GB delta showed trap, was measured for its isotopic compositions in a Delta Plus XP
presence of an oxidized sediment layer (interpreted as palaeosol in continuous flow mass spectrometer at IIT, Kharagpur. Few samples
McArthur et al., 2008, and the present study; see later discussion) from core SW 4 were analysed for d15N compositions following
formed during the LGM lowstand. The palaeosol has been recorded same protocol and converting samples to pure N2. Analytical
across the GB delta e.g. in Brahmaputra (Zheng et al., 2004), precision for d13C and d15N is w0.1&. Also measured were the
Meghna (Yount et al., 2005), Jamuna (BADC, 1992) and Hoogli total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and ratio of total
(McArthur et al., 2008) floodplains. In the eastern part of the delta carbon to nitrogen (C/N). For this samples were converted to CO2
this is overlain by thick (up to w60 m) silty sediments deposited and N2 in the elemental analyzer. The percentage of N and C were
between 11 and 6 ka during the major transgressive event (Umitsu, calculated from the peak areas obtained from the sum of the m/z 28
1993; Goodbred and Kuehl, 2000a, b). However, in the western part and 29 or 44, 45 and 46 respectively measured in the mass spec-
(Indian side) the thickness of the Holocene sediments have been trometer (Jensen, 1991). Typical analytical error was <1%.
found to be much less (w15–20 m; Hait et al., 1996a, b; Goodbred
and Kuehl, 2000a, b; Stanley and Hait, 2000). Goodbred and Kuehl 4. Chronology and sedimentation rate
(2000a) suggested three major Holocene stratigraphic units from
the upper delta plain viz. a lower mud unit (max. 25 m) of 10–7 ka A total of 11 dates were available on the cores used from the
age rich in peats, mangrove woods and marine fossils, a middle present study area (Table S1). Out of these four are OSL dates from
fluvial sand-silt unit and an upper silt-mud deposit (max. 15 m). channel sands. The age of sediments ranges from w23 ka to w1 ka
The top two units supposedly correspond to the progradational spanning pre-LGM to latest Holocene. Because channel sands might
facies following the early Holocene transgression. While this gives represent incomplete depositional record, the Holocene sedimen-
a generalized picture for the GB delta system, the progradation tation rates were determined from overbank silt/clay deposits
history, particularly in the western part, is poorly constrained. wherever apparent continuity of sedimentation was observed. Two
Although initiation of subaqeous delta clinoform has been sug- cores DP and SW 4 have by far the thickest Holocene overbank silt/
gested at w 7.5 ka (Michels et al., 1998), it is not known exactly clay deposits without any erosional channel sand (for lithologs see
when progradation started in different parts of the delta. Further, Fig. 3) and have been used for this purpose. In order to ensure that
both the palaeosol and upper progradational units are not contin- the sedimentation rate is indeed a regional representative, we have
uously present throughout the region and often eroded by single or also used eight available 14C dates from the nearest site Kolkata
amalgamated fluvial channel sands of various ages (Stollenwerk (Table S1) where the vertical facies variation and overbank facies
et al., 2007). While mud deposits are often well dated, chronolog- thickness are comparable to those of Barasat. 14C ages are plotted
ical constrains for the channel sands are poor. against depth in Fig. 2. The best fit lines through the data points,
taking into account the errors in 14C ages, show a distinct break in
3. Materials and methods sedimentation rate at 8 m corresponding to about 5.8 ka. The
calculated sedimentation rate in the mid- to late Holocene (w5.8–
Eight bore holes were drilled at Barasat locality (22 44.43/N, 1 ka) is w0.5 m/ka while the sedimentation rate in early to mid-
88 29.45/E; Indian/Bangladesh datum; Fig. 1a), 20 km northeast of Holocene (8–5.8 ka) is w4.4 m/ka, a large increase by a factor of
Kolkata and w100 km north of the BOB coast (Fig. 1b) by reverse- w9. The young age up to 4.5 m in Fig. 2 possibly indicates mixing of
circulation, percussion method (Ali, 2003). The bore holes are topmost sediment layer by anthropogenic activity like modern
spread in an N–S transect adjacent to three villages Joypur, Ardivok, cultivation. Such mixing does not penetrate deep and preserved the
A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581 2567

5.1. FA1: Pleistocene shelf

Constituted entirely of gray to dark gray stiff clay this facies

(facies type A) represents the oldest stratigraphic unit in the area.
Although not shown in Fig. 3, the total thickness of this unit is
w30 m (obtained by deep coring elsewhere) and form the base of
all sections. The facies is laterally continuous, top eroded either by
sands of facies B (northern part of the area) or facies D in the
southern part. On the basis of well correlated TOC and total sulfur
(TS) defining a TOC/TS slope of w1.1, McArthur et al. (2008) inter-
preted this facies as marine clay. Striking lateral continuity and
fairly high TOC (w1.6%) suggests its deposition under dysoxic to
anoxic marine shelf (pro-deltaic clay? Kanellopoulos et al., 2006)
condition generally below storm wave base (Gawthorpe et al.,
2000). Upper part of this facies is oxidized with low TOC and TS
(Table S1) indicating exposure and weathering.

5.2. FA2: pre-LGM fluvial channel sand and overbank

Lenticular sediment bodies of this association (Table S1) overlies

FA1 sediments and are constituted of fine grained brown (ferrugi-
nous) sand with intervening layers of clay. The clay layers, however,
have not been encountered at the present study area but found at
other places like Kolaghat and Kolkata (see Fig. 7). Capped by facies
C, this is often laterally incised by w23 ka old sands of facies D
Fig. 2. 14C ages of the Holocene sediments plotted against depth; data from both (Fig. 3). Low TOC content and ferrugination of the sand units
Barasat and Kolkata are included. Note a factor of 4–8 increase in sedimentation rate
indicate deposition in an oxic environment. Chemically the sands
before 6 ka.
show much less concentrations in most major and trace elements
C chronology of sediment column older than 1 ka. Even ignoring compared to younger sands of facies E (see later discussion;
all the dates younger than 5 ka and joining the surface (‘0’ age) and McArthur et al., 2008) suggesting intense leaching. The clay layers
5.8 ka level (dashed line in Fig. 2) provides a much lesser (w1.2 m/ are often organic rich and contains abundant mangrove pollen like
ka) sedimentation rate than the early Holocene time. In any case, Rhizopora, Avicennia, Heritiera etc. (e.g. at Kolaghat; Hait et al.,
the estimated late Holocene sedimentation rates (minimum 1996b) indicating back swamps associated with a high water table
w0.5 m/ka to maximum 1.2 m/ka) are quite similar to the 137Cs condition. At Kolaghat the clay layer of this facies association,
based modern accretion rates (0.3–1 m/ka) from south-central containing the above biota, is dated as w31.75 ka (Hait et al.,
floodplains of the G–B delta plains obtained by Goodbred and Kuehl 1996b). The sand:mud ratio is high in the study area suggesting
(1998). Using the early Holocene rate of w4.4 m/ka the base of the possible amalgamation. At Kolaghat the ratio is relatively low (Table
continuous Holocene clay sections at our area (core DP and SW 4 S1) indicating isolated sand bodies. We infer a fluvial channel-
without any channel sand) is dated close to w9 ka. Since w9 ka is overbank deposit for this association in general and low to high
obtained at the base of Holocene sections even at the most distal amalgamated channel sands in particular, variously preserved at
locations (viz. Digha; Fig. 1a; Hait et al., 1996a) we consider this as different locations (Wright and Marriott, 1993).
the initiation of Holocene sedimentation in this entire western
delta plain. Although near 10 ka date is found at the Holocene base 5.3. FA3: LGM palaeosol and incised valley fill
in eastern part of delta (Bangladesh; Umitsu, 1993; Goodbred and
Kuehl, 2000b), no date older than w9 ka has yet been obtained in This is composed of facies C and D. Facies C is represented by
the western part. The significance of OSL dates on sands will be brown clay with abundant decayed roots in its lower part (sub-facies
discussed later in the context of facies characterization. C1) with mildly calcretised top (sub-facies C2). It caps facies B and
eroded or overlain by facies E and F. Abundant decayed roots, low
5. Facies and depositional environments TOC content (0.2–0.6%), relative enrichment in immobile elements
e.g. Fe,Cr,Ni,Y etc. and depletion in labile elements like Na, Li etc.
Supplementary Table S2 summarizes the facies types (classifi- (McArthur et al., 2008) suggest this to be a palaeosol that was
cation scheme after Swift et al., 1991; Miall, 2000) and Fig. 3 exposed and weathered over a long time period. The calcretised part
illustrates facies dispositions in representative vertical lithologs is rich in carbonates (McArthur et al., 2008). The cumulative curve
along a N–S (AP-SW 1; see Fig. 1b) section. Five major facies asso- and frequency of grain size distribution of palaeosol sample (Fig. 4a)
ciations were recognized in the present study and each assigned to shows a weak bimodal population, fine sand to coarse silt, very fine
specific depositional environment. The paleo-environments vary skewed, very leptokurtic nature. All of these suggest a breakdown of
from nonmarine alluvial plain to distal marine shelf viz. 1) FA1: host rock mineral during the pedogenesis. However, low silt
Pleistocene Shelf, 2) FA2: pre-LGM fluvial channel sand and over- percentage suggests a rather limited soil formation process possibly
bank, 3) FA3: LGM palaeosol and incised valley fill, 4) FA4: Early in a low rainfall regime (Ellis, 1980). Due to low TOC content samples
Holocene estuarine valley fill/aggrading fluvial channel sand, from this facies could not be dated in the present location but these
overbanks and peat swamps 5) FA5: Middle to late Holocene are certainly younger than 23 ka and older than 9 ka (Fig. 3). Else-
channel-floodplains with minor peat swamps. Due to the lack of where in the western delta plain (viz. Kolkata and Diamond
subsurface data only a single facies could be identified in FA1 and Harbour) this facies has been variously dated as w24 ka and 14 ka
was used to infer depositional environment. (Fig. 7; Hait et al., 1996a; Stanley and Hait, 2000).
2568 A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581

Fig. 3. Facies types and graphic log correlation along SW1-AP transect at Barasat; different facies associations and stratigraphic units are shown; also shown d13C profiles against
individual log.

Facies D is represented by gray coloured medium to fine grained occupies the top of the LGM incised valley fill facies D. We infer that
sands. The sand:mud ratio is quite high. It erodes deep into marine while the lower part of this facies represents estuarine valley fill, the
facies A resulting in a geometry of low width:depth ratio. From the upper part corresponds to aggrading fluvial channel-overbank
subsurface data its contact with laterally adjacent sandy facies B system. The OSL dates (e.g. 7.6–7.1 ka in AP; Fig. 3) suggest that this
could not be characterized. Nevertheless comparison of lithologs aggradation was rapid often depositing >10 m sand in less than a ka.
and ages between the two facies shows that while facies B is Its distinct geochemical signatures e.g. high calcite (0.5%), TOC (0.1–
certainly older than palaeosol (>24 ka), the OSL dates of quartz 0.5%), and enrichment in most major and trace elements (McArthur
grains in facies D provide 23–17 ka (near-LGM) age. Further, the et al., 2008) also suggest fluvial aggradation in a high water table
chemical compositions of both sands are indistinguishable (McAr- condition whereby the redox potential was such that most major
thur et al., 2008). Together these evidences suggest that this facies and trace elements could not be leached out.
also eroded the pre-LGM facies B and re-deposited the sands as Facies F is represented by gray silt to mud with well developed
facies D. Much less concentrations in most major and trace peat layers. Towards the southern and northern ends of study area
elements compared to younger sands of facies E (McArthur et al., it overlies the channel sand/estuarine facies E while in the central
2008) suggest intense reworking and leaching similar to facies B as part it overlies the LGM palaeosol facies C (Fig. 3). Average TOC
mentioned earlier. Based on the evidence above we interpret this as content is highest among all the facies (0.5–1%) but it reaches up to
an incised fluvial valley fill deposit during the LGM. w34% in peat layers (McArthur et al., 2008). The peat layers with
compressed decayed leaves are found at 17–16 m corresponding to
5.4. FA4: Early Holocene estuarine valley fill/aggrading fluvial C age of 8 ka. The peat layers are, however, discontinuous in
channel sand, overbanks and peat swamps nature. The base of this facies has an estimated age of w9 ka where
salt tolerant benthic foraminifer like Ammonia is found (also found
The FA 4 environment consists of facies E and F. Facies E is rep- at Kolkata, Kolaghat and many other places). Almost at the same or
resented by medium to fine grained gray sand with lower sand:mud slightly younger level rich core mangrove pollen (e.g. of Heritiera,
ratio than facies B or D in general. Towards lower part sands are more Bruguiera, Acrostichum etc.) are also observed. Temporally the base
amalgamated. But it shows more pronounced fining upward of this facies is closer to the estuarine facies E (w9 ka). This, along
sequence (than B/D) with less amalgamation of sands up-section with the presence of foraminiferas, suggests a rapid marine incur-
(e.g. core SW 1 and 5; Fig. 3) much alike isolated transgressive sion during early Holocene time. The grain size analysis of mud
channel fill ribbons embedded in clays (Wright and Marriott, 1993). sample just below the peat layer shows a strong bimodality, fine
This facies is either capped by late Holocene mud (G2) of FA 5 or skewed, platykurtic nature (Fig. 4b) indicating mixing of different
laterally interfingers with facies F. A close look at the OSL and 14C sediment sources. A rapid deposition in a high energy regime and
dates across the lower and upper contacts of this facies indicates that scouring of older sediments might be responsible for this grain size
a significant time gap of w10 ka exists at D/E contact while the ages distribution. On the other hand grain size analysis of the fine sand/
gradually decrease across the E/F contact upward without any coarse silt mid-Holocene sample, above the peat layers, show
signature of hiatus (Fig. 3). While the C, D (FA 3) is entirely LGM in age a unimodal, symmetric, mesokurtic nature consistent with aggra-
the E and F FA 4 are essentially Holocene. The spatial disposition, dational part of a sequence (Fig. 4c). Together facies E and F suggest
depth and age data (Fig. 3) indicates that lower part of this facies an initial estuarine to later aggrading channel-overbank
A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581 2569

LGM Paleosol environment. The mangrove pollen indicates swamps in a rising

a 100
90 Bimodal, very poorly sorted water table condition.
Cumulative mass 80 Very fine sandy
retained (%) 70 coarse silt,
60 Very fine skewed
50 Very leptokurtic
5.5. FA5: Middle to late Holocene channel-floodplains with minor
40 peat swamps
0 The FA 5 environment consists of two facies G1 and G2 occur-
-1.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0
ring as topmost capping unit throughout the area. A lower silty part
(G2; 7–6 ka) with decreased concentration of mangrove pollen and
Class weight (%)

an upper part with thin fine sand layers interfingering with silts.
4.0 Towards the upper part (beyond 6 ka) mangrove pollen are
3.0 replaced by terrestrial pollen of C4 grasses like Poaceae, Cyperaceae
etc. (Sen and Banerjee, 1990). This might indicate a gradual
lowering of water table after 6 ka time. Brief, highly localized peat
-4.0 1.0 6.0 11.0 16.0 layers are observed at w7–5 m depth corresponding to 14C age of
Early Holocene transgressive mud 3–2 ka. Base of G1 (FA 5) silty sub-facies cannot be distinguished
b 100
90 Strongly bimodal, very poorly sorted
from the top of F facies (of FA 4) excepting significant change in
Cumulative mass

80 Mud, biota and pronounced change in d13C values (see following

retained (%)

70 Very fine skewed

60 Very platykurtic discussion). Grain size analysis of the fine sand/coarse silt sample
40 from the upper part of this association (facies G1) show a weak
bimodal, leptokurtic but coarse skewed nature (Fig. 4d) suggesting
10 higher coarse grain supply than the other two Holocene facies
-1.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 discussed before. These, along with retreat of mangrove and
5.0 occupation of more terrestrial plants, possibly suggest prograda-
tional channel/floodplain facies during the late Holocene period. An
Class weight (%)

environment of aggradational to progradational floodplain with
2.5 minor channel sands is envisaged for FA 5.
0.5 6. Sediment chemistry and carbon isotope stratigraphy
-4.0 1.0 6.0 11.0 16.0
In general the channel sands have much lower TOC compared to
Mid- Holocene aggrading silt
c 100 overbank silt or clay. Also, organic matter (and d13C compositions)
90 Unimodal, poorly sorted
Cumulative mass

80 Very fine sandy very coarse silt, within sands may not reflect the in-situ origin. Because pre-Holo-
retained (%)

70 Symmetrical
60 Mesokurtic cene sediments have much higher sand:mud ratio with thicker
50 channel sands (facies association FA 2, FA 3) compared to Holocenes
30 (facies association FA 4, FA 5) it was not possible to retrieve
10 continuous isotopic signature for the lower part of the successions.
-1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Similar problem arose for the estuarine valley fill and aggrading
channel sands of Holocene age. However, these sands have inter-
vening mud layers which were available for isotopic analysis (e.g.
Class weight (%)

5.0 core SW 1, 5). The most continuous isotope stratigraphy could be
reconstructed in the central part of the study area where the LGM
palaeosol and Holocene sediments are thickest without any channel
1.0 erosion (e.g. SW 4 and DP). Isotopic and chemical data including total
0.0 carbon, nitrogen and C/N etc. are given in supplementary data Table
-4.0 1.0 6.0 11.0 16.0
S3. Fig. 3 shows d13C values of bulk organic matter plotted against
Late Holocene prograding silt depths and lithologs for all the six cores. Fig. 5 shows the depth-
d 100
90 Bimodal, poorly sorted variation of d13C in SW4, DP and SW5 along with several other
Cumulative mass

80 Very fine sandy very coarse silt,

retained (%)

70 Coarse skewed climate proxies. For SW4 and DP only a generalized litholog is
60 Leptokurtic
50 provided in Fig. 5 as the depth-wise facies variations are almost same
30 at these two locations. The d13C variation in SW 4 and DP are
remarkably similar. In SW4 d13C shows continuous upward enrich-
0 ment from 23.3 to 18.1& (>5&) within the palaeosol. In DP the
-1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
enrichment is slightly less w3&. The d13C shows a rapid and large
depletion (w28&) immediately above the palaeosol at the onset of
Class weight (%)

5.0 Holocene sedimentation between 9 ka and 8 ka. The depletion is
9.6& at SW 4 and w8.5& at DP. Thereafter d13C remains constant (at
w27& level) up to w7 ka. From 7 ka to 1 ka the d13C shows
1.0 a second phase of enrichment reaching maximum (w18&) near
0.0 the core tops. The enrichment is again very large ranging from 9&
-4.0 1.0 6.0 11.0 16.0
(in DP) to w10& (in SW 4). In cores SW 1, 5, 6 and 7 the isotope
Particle diameter ( )
profiles are incomplete due to the presence of number of sand layers
Fig. 4. Cumulative and frequency curves of grain size distribution for Holocene sediments below mid-Holocene. Hence the 9–8 ka depletion is un-recorded in
of western GB delta. (a) LGM palaeosol, (b) Early Holocene transgressive mud, (c) Mid- all of them. These cores, however, record only the middle to late
Holocene aggradational fine sand/silt, (d) Late Holocene progradational fine sand/silt.
Holocene enrichment in their clay layers. Even there the magnitude
2570 A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581

Fig. 5. d13C, C/N, TOC profiles of core SW4 and DP. Large depletion above the palaeosol suggests transgression and mangrove domination; also note high sedimentation rate in early
Holocene corresponding to stable d13C value (aggradation) and middle to late Holocene progressive d13C enrichment. For comparison d13C profile of sand rich SW5 core is also
shown. Temporal changes in biota (including pollen) at Kolkata (Sen and Banerjee, 1990) and Chilka lake (re-drawn from Khandelwal et al., 2008) indicate control of vegetation on
d13C variation. d13C–C/N data for Chapai-Nawabganj are re-plotted from Meharg et al. (2006).

of enrichment is large (w7–8&) in core SW 1 and 5, while it is 6.1. Fingerprinting sources of organic matter by d13C and C/N
smaller (w2&) in SW 6 and 7. This is because numbers of inter-
vening clay layers are present towards the base of the sections at Estuarine or deltaic sediments receive both autochthonous (in-
SW 1 and 5 which could be isotopically analysed. SW 6 and 7, on situ plant community) and allochthonous (transported either by
the contrary, preserved only the topmost clayey part of the river or tidal incursion of ocean water) organic matters. Terrestrial
Holocene (Fig. 3). Taken together d13C shows a very consistent or aquatic plants, algae and marine particulate organic matters
variation from LGM to late Holocene throughout the study area. (POM) have large difference in their d13C compositions essentially
Such consistent variation and large changes in d13C in all the cores arising due to either the differences in photosynthetic mechanism
suggest a specific causative mechanism that perturbed the carbon or sources of carbon used. Terrestrial plants have two major modes
budget. The most common cause in these near coastal settings is of photosynthesis namely, C3 and C4. In general plants preferen-
the change in sources of organic matter having wide ranges of tially fix lighter carbon 12C via diffusion during photosynthesis
d13C compositions (Megens et al., 2002). Because C/N ratio of making the organic matter highly depleted compared to atmo-
organic matter is also a potential tool for discriminating the spheric CO2 (average d13C w8&; Keeling et al., 1995). d13C for C3
sources of organic matter (Meyers, 1994; Andrews et al., 1998), plants (e.g. large land plants including mangroves) ranges from
a comparison of d13C and C/N profile is necessary at this stage. 23& to 30& while the C4 plants (grasses, shrubs) have average
Fig. 5 also shows the C/N profiles for core SW 4 and DP along with value of w13& (Meyers, 1994). Freshwater aquatic plants,
TOC profile of SW4. The C/N ratio shows continuous enrichment however, have large d13C range from 50 to 11& (Keeley and
within palaeosol from w3 to 12 much alike the d13C. The Sandquist, 1992). C/N ratio of C3 (12; Tyson, 1995) and C4 (30;
maximum C/N value of w20 is, however, found towards the base Meyers, 1994) often overlap. d13C of freshwater algae (26& to
of Holocene section. C/N gradually decreases between 9 and 7 ka 30&) are substantially negative than marine algae (16& to
following which it remains steady between w7 and 1 ka. Changes 23&; Meyers, 1994), the later having a small difference with C4
in both d13C and C/N, therefore, strongly indicate changing source plant values. So is the case for marine POM (represented mostly by
of organic matter during the LGM-Holocene period. phytoplanktons) having ranges (21& to 18&; Middelburg and
A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581 2571

Nieuwenhuize, 1998) closer to C4 plants. Further, large variation Before discussing the use of d13C–C/N for source identification it
exists either in isotopic composition or C/N ratio within C3 and C4 is necessary to assess the post-depositional diagenetic effect on the
communities even at generic level. It is, therefore, prudent to use sedimentary organic matter. Early loss of labile organic component
both d13C and C/N to fingerprint the organic matter source. Fig. 6a in vascular vegetation do cause change in d13C but it is minor and
shows the ranges of d13C–C/N ratio of C3 (including mangrove), C4 the large differences in source organic matters are usually
plants, lacustrine and marine algae and marine POM from BOB. Also preserved particularly in younger sediments (Lamb et al., 2006).
shown values for mangrove plants and selective C4 grasses (e.g. The effect is more in C/N ratio. For example, degradation of
Poaceae) commonly found in GB delta. terrestrial organic matter causes enrichment in refractory lignin
thereby increasing the C/N ratio (Fogel et al., 1989; Thornton and
McManus, 1994). In spite of this, the general trend and relative
changes in C/N are found to be preserved even in most dynamic
coastal systems (Lamb et al., 2006). Except the two samples with
very high TOC in the peat layer of DP the average concentration (%)
of total nitrogen (TN) and TOC in our cores are 0.03  0.02 and
0.27  0.16 respectively. These values are exactly similar to average
TN and TOC values measured in modern floodplains of Ganges
(Padma river) in Bangladesh (0.03  0.02% and 0.34  0.23%; Dutta
et al., 1999) suggesting very little diagenetic alteration in general.
Excluding the two peat samples with very high TOC, those might
bias the trend, cross plot between total carbon and nitrogen
(Fig. 6b) shows a linear relationship where the regression line
passes very close to the origin indicating that the both are organ-
ically derived (Hedges et al., 1986). The slope of this line translates
to an average C/N ratio of w9 for these organic matters which are
close to lacustrine and marine algae or some C4 plant values. Based
on these evidences we infer that both d13C and C/N have not been
diagenetically altered to any large extent and retained their original
source signatures.
Because marine POM (phytoplanktons) can potentially mix into
the deltaic/estuarine system and C/N ratio often fail to discriminate
terrestrial and marine phytoplanktons or algae an independent
tracer is needed for assessing the marine contribution. Although
could not be analysed for the entire downcore, d15N values at select
levels of core SW 4 (Supplementary data Table S3) shows range from
3.5& to þ2.7&. These values are much lower than the average d15N
value of wþ5.2& of the POM obtained in the Bay of Bengal. Time
series measurements of POM d15N, hydrolysable carbohydrates and
amino acids in northern Bay of Bengal suggest that the average
terrestrial fluxes from Ganges–Brahmaputra are indeed character-
ized by lower (wþ3.7&) d15N values (Gaye-Haake et al., 2005; Unger
et al., 2005, 2006). We, therefore rule out any significant contribu-
tion of marine POM into the deltaic sediments throughout the
Holocene. If true, the d13C and C/N variation must then be due to the
changes in local vegetation pool as a function of time.

6.2. Carbon isotope and vegetation

To retrieve the possible link between isotope stratigraphy and

vegetation change, we compared the pollen obtained in the Kolkata
section (Sen and Banerjee, 1990) where the lithostratigraphy and
sedimentation rate are quite similar to those at Barasat. Fig. 5 shows
the isotope profiles (core SW 4, DP and SW 5 with channel sand-
clay section) and biotic assemblages in Holocene Kolkata section.
Fig. 6. (a) d13C and C/N ratios of core C3 mangroves (Rhizopora, Avicennia, Bruguiera,
Also shown the ages (ka) based on estimated sedimentation rates
Heritiera, Ceriops), tidal mangrove (Acrostichum), C4 grasses and herbs (Cheno-Amar- (given as m/103 year) against the lithlogs. The LGM palaeosol is
anthus, Poaceae) and freshwater plants (Typha); also shown are lacustrine and marine completely barren of any spore/pollen. Such is the case for the
algae and particulate organic matter from Bay of Bengal. Dotted lines show the total palaeosol throughout the western delta plain (Hait et al., 1996a;
ranges of C3 and C4 plants. C3 and C4 plants have distinct d13C values but overlapping
Stanley and Hait, 2000). This is possibly due to the prolonged
C/N ratios; note generally higher and lower C/N ratios for mangroves and C4 plants
(e.g. Poacea and Cheno-Amaranthus) respectively commonly found in Holocene sedi- exposure of this soil whereby most biotic elements got decom-
ments. The data compiled from various studies on modern plants, pollen and marine posed. As mentioned such decomposition can alter both d13C and C/
organic matters (Rodelli et al., 1984; Hemminga et al., 1994; Meyers, 1994; Cifuentesa N. Mostly 13C depletion occurs due to selective loss of the isotopi-
et al., 1996; Amundson et al., 1997; Ehleringer et al., 1997; Middelburg et al., 1997; cally heavy carbohydrate fractions, but occasional enrichment due
Peñuelas and Estiarte, 1997; Stribling and Cornwell, 1997; Hornibrook et al., 2000;
Marchand et al., 2005; Muzuka and Shunula, 2006; Descolas-Gros and Scholzel, 2007).
to loss of lipid and concentration of cellulosic material is also found
(b) Correlation between total organic carbon and nitrogen from sediments of western (Spiker and Hatcher, 1984; Meyers et al., 1995). However, this
GB delta. change can at best be only 1–2&; also the TOC within palaeosol is
2572 A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581

invariant and hence the large enrichment of w 3–5&, must be period of constant d13C represents an eco-system transition between
reflecting the change in in-situ organic matter in the palaeosol. The pure mangrove to mixed mangrove-C4 vegetation. However, the
organic matter in the lower part of the palaeosol, immediately pollen of Poaceae starts appearing only after 7 ka with concomitant
above the pre-LGM FA3, possibly has substantial C3 component. decrease in mangrove (C3:C4w50:50). The 9–10& gradual enrich-
Note that elsewhere, like in Kolaghat, the clay from FA3 yielded ment in d13C and large decrease in mangrove pollen, appearance and
mangrove (C3) pollen at w31 ka (see previous discussion). We expansion of Poacea, Cyperacea and Cheno-Amaranthaceae between
attribute the enrichment in the top of palaeosol to the prolific C4 7 ka and 2 ka in general suggest lowered water table and disap-
vegetation (mostly grasses) on the western delta floodplain during pearance of mangrove eco-system. The decrease in C/N ratio attests
the LGM. Indeed both GIS-based vegetation map (Ray and Adams, the stabilization of C4 vegetation during this phase. Mangrove
2001) and CARAIB dynamic vegetation model show expansion of pollen briefly appear between 4 and 3 ka (albeit with a much lesser
tropical grassland (in place of modern tropical seasonal forests) in magnitude) but its effect is not seen on the d13C composition. This
the western part of the GB delta often reaching a semi-desert level coincides with a minor peat forming event (high TOC in Fig. 5)
condition during the LGM (Galy et al., 2008a). Corresponding pre- in the western delta plain possibly representing local swampy
dicted model based change in average d13C of organic matter conditions within the late Holocene floodplains (Figs. 3 and 5).
(biomass, litter, soil carbon together) is from 26& (at present) to Towards the top of the sections at w1 ka the mangrove completely
w20& during the LGM. The highly enriched (w18 to 20&) disappears and C4 grasses like Poacea, Cyperacea reaches their
value in the palaeosol facies at Barasat possibly gives a direct maxima. The latest Holocene floodplains of the western part of the
evidence of C4 grassland expansion during the LGM. The correlated GB delta thus show invasion of C4 vegetation (C3:C4w30:70) when
change between d13C and C/N ratio in palaeosol is, however, the mangrove front was pushed back to its present location. The
intriguing. In general C/N is not a very effective criteria to estimation of C3:C4 for the LGM (40:60) closely agrees with those
discriminate C3 and C4 (Fig. 6a) although some C4 grasses like obtained from both bulk and n-alkane d13C data from Bengal fan
Poaceae can have very low C/N (w5–10; Descolas-Gros and Schol- (Galy et al., 2008b) but shows considerable departure during the
zel, 2007) similar to values found in the lower part of the palaeosol. early and late Holocene period. In particular the late Holocene
The most plausible reason of C/N enrichment to the topmost part of continental sediments show progressively large invasion of C4
the palaeosol is the degradation and consequent lignin concen- community (C3:C4w30:70) not recorded in the marine sediments.
tration in the organic matter, as mentioned above, due to extreme The LGM-late Holocene change in vegetation, observed in pollen
weathering atop the palaeosol in an arid climate. and d13C at Barasat and Kolkata, seems to have affected the entire
The large and rapid d13C fall at the onset of Holocene (w9 ka), Indian coast. A well dated sediment core from the Chilka lake (a
immediately above the palaeosol, occurs in a zone rich in benthic lagoon-barrier bar complex in east coast; Figs. 1a and 5) shows
foraminifera Ammonia and prolific pollen of arboreal mangrove exactly the similar temporal changes in vegetation (Khandelwal
plants such as Heritiera, Bruguiera, Acrostichum etc. slightly above it. et al., 2008). Like Kolkata, pre-9.5 ka level at Chilka also shows poorly
Clearly the range of d13C–C/N values of these plants (Fig. 6a) suggest preserved pollen of C4 plants like Cyperaceae–Chenopodiaceae and
that the 13C depletion of the order of 8–9& and highest C/N ratio ferns–freshwater taxa assemblage. Core mangrove assemblage like
(18–20) at this level were caused by a rapid increase in mangrove Rhizophoraceae–Avicennia–Sonneratia–Excoecaria rapidly expands
vegetation. Although presence of foraminifera at this level indicates at 9.5 ka and continues up to 7.5 ka. From 7.5 ka to 2 ka mangroves
a marine input, the total carbon budget was overwhelmingly decreased, remained at a low abundance and were replaced by C4
controlled by particulate organic matter derived from mangrove assemblage like Poaceae–Cyperaceae–Chenopodiaceae and hinter-
forests that was far more extensive than today. TOC is also high at land taxa. Between 2 ka to present mangroves completely dis-
this level (Fig. 5). The contact between palaeosol and earliest appeared and C4 plants had taken over. On a larger spatial scale the
Holocene sediment, therefore, demarcates a major change in pattern of d13C and C/N change from Barasat has striking similarity
vegetational history of the western delta plain. Between 8 and 7 ka with those from Chapai-Nawabganj (Fig. 5; data re-plotted from
the d13C remains stable at w27& where mangrove vegetation, Meharg et al., 2006), a northern location in Bangladesh although the
represented by Avicennia, Bruguiera, Rhizopora, Ceriops etc. sampling resolution is poor. Sedimentation rate at this location is
continued to dominate. The C/N ratio during this time gradually very high and 14C date at w25 m depth is w5 ka (BGS and DPHE,
returns to w11. Using the sediment d13C, a simple mass balance 2001) yet the d13C change reflecting C3–C4 transition, as observed in
calculation (Thornton and McManus, 1994) is applied to estimate Barasat during the Holocene, is also present here. Such uniformity in
the relative contribution of C3 and C4 vegetation in the LGM- d13C stratigraphy suggests that the vegetation change was indeed
Holocene section. The fractional contribution of C3 organic matter ubiquitous throughout the western part of the GB delta.
is calculated by
7. Sequence stratigraphy
13 13 13
d Cbulk ¼ f C3  d CC3 þ f C4  d CC4
Marine influence in a low gradient fluvio-deltaic setting can be
where, d13Cbulk ¼ sample value, fC3 ¼ C3 fraction, fC4 ¼ C4 fraction, traced up to w200 km inland (Posamentier, 2001). Hence, the key
d13CC3 (28&) and d13CC4 (13&) are average values for C3 and C4 to understand regional sedimentology and build a sequence
plants respectively (Fig. 6a; Meyers, 1994). Estimation shows that stratigraphic framework in a distal fluvial- shallow marine inter-
while the C4 dominated the LGM section (C3:C4w40:60), earliest active setting lies in the recognition of regionally correlative
Holocene transgressive phase was exclusively C3 dominated surfaces, various systems tracts and their physical position within
(C3:C4w90:10) which was responsible for extensive peat deposit the sequence (Bhattacharya, 2006). To achieve this goal attempts
throughout the region. The 8–7 ka period of near-constant d13C and were made to visualize the depositional architecture of the western
slightly decreased fC3 (C3:C4w80:20) possibly indicates no major delta plain from pre-LGM to late Holocene period through the
change in water table and a gradual return to a mixed C3–C4 vege- correlation of eight region-wide representative sections (Fig. 7).
tation. Because w80% of all C4 species are Poaceae grasses and dicots The sections are spread in a near N–S transect from Dankuni in
like Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae etc. (Keeley and Rundel, 2003) north to Bakkhali on the present coastline (see Fig. 1a). While two
whose C/N ratio are rather low (<10; Peñuelas and Estiarte, 1997; sections are from present study area, rests are taken from published
Keeley and Rundel, 2003; Descolas-Gros and Scholzel, 2007), this literature. Fundamental to the sequence analysis, however, is the
A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581
Fig. 7. Regional graphic log correlation across the Pre-LGM-Holocene sections from western delta plain; log locations are given in Fig. 1a, b. Data for AP and SW4 are from present study; the distance between AP and SW4 is not to the
scale and exaggerated for clarity. Data source for other locations: Sen and Banerjee (1990); Hait et al. (1996a, b); Stanley and Hait (2000). Correlative surfaces viz. unconformity, transgressive surface of erosion and maximum flooding
surfaces are marked. Note thin early Holocene Foraminifera-peat layer rich muds above the FSST (palaeosol-incised valley fill) of LGM age indicating an abortive TST due to very high sediment supply.

2574 A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581

Fig. 8. (a) Facies associations and sea level in the GB delta. (b) Sea-level curve around Indian coast; data source: Banerjee (1993); Vaz (1996); Vaz and Banerjee (1997); Vaz (1999);
Farooqui and Vaz (2000); Vaz, 2000; Pandarinath et al. (2001); Rao et al. (2003); Mathur et al. (2004); Hameed et al. (2006). Note rapid rise between 14 ka and 7 ka; rate of rise
decelerates after 7 ka; sea level was higher-than-modern between 4.5 ka and 2 ka. Red sea and global sea-level curves from Siddall et al. (2003) and Peltier (2002) respectively. pCO2
values between LGM and present are from Smith et al. (1999). (c) Monsoon proxies (G. bulloides upwelling index from Arabian sea, Gupta et al., 2003 and d18O precipitation index in
stalagmite from southern Oman, Fleitmann et al., 2003) over the last 14 ka. Note monsoon intensification between 10 ka and 7 ka; monsoon was weaker at 11–14 ka and late
Holocene (post-6 ka). Denudation rates in higher Himalayas was simultaneously higher (w5–6 times) than late Holocene (Bookhagen et al., 2005). BOB d13C data from Fontugne and
Duplessy (1986).

facies analysis, identification of discontinuity surfaces and isotope boundary between the marine clay (facies A) and 23 ka sand of
stratigraphy obtained from the eight cores in the present study area facies D. (ii) the surface atop the palaeosol demarcated either by
(Fig. 3). It is important to mention that the subsurface sections both few meter thick benthic foraminifera rich clay layer or peat layer
at Barasat and along the Dankuni–Bakkhali transect may not be rich in mangrove pollen.
strike perpendicular which often limits our spatial correlation of Regionally, occurrence of TOC rich marine FA 1 at the base of all
facies. Nevertheless it was possible to identify the major deposi- the sections suggests its deposition like a marine onlap in a trans-
tional changes and surfaces. gressive mode (Galloway, 1989). McArthur et al. (2008) reports
Two surfaces served the purpose as entire facies motif could be a minimum 14C age of w27.2 ka for this facies. The shallowest depth
constructed considering them as reference: (i) the conspicuous at which the upper contact of this facies found is w45 m below
lithological contact coinciding with the boundary of pre-LGM sand present msl (Fig. 3). Hence the sea level, during which this trans-
or clay of FA 2 and its overlying palaeosol (facies C). At Kolkata the gressive clay deposited, must have been several tens of meters
palaeosol yielded a date of w24 ka (supp. Table S1) that might higher than this depth. Because the tectonics induced change in
represent an integrated age over a large period of soil development. relative sea level in western delta plain is minor (Goodbred and
Tracing laterally, e.g. at Barasat, this contact is placed at the Kuehl, 2000a, b) and very high sea level only existed during the last
A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581 2575

interglacial stage (Siddall et al., 2003), we infer that this clay unit formed during the maximum sea-level fall of >100 m during the
was deposited in marine oxygen isotope (MIS) stage 5 (pre-80 ka) LGM (Fig. 8b). Important to note that the calcretised part of this
only. The exposure of this unit was possibly caused by relative sea- facies is quite thinner indicating either substantial erosion of soil
level lowering between MIS 5 and 4 when sea level was 90–100 m itself during the base level fall or not so extreme aridity (Tandon
lower than today. The absolute sea-level fall between MIS 5 and 4 and Gibling, 1997; Kraus, 1999) during the LGM. Grain size analysis
was of course w70 m (Siddall et al., 2003). Fig. 8a shows the too indicates the soil to be rather immature. Considering the
possible timing and duration of FA1 against the sea-level curve of average age of palaeosol in western delta plain as w20 ka and the
Siddall et al. (2003). oldest age of the overlying sediment (facies F) is w9 ka the contact
Up the stratigraphic section the fluvial channel sand-overbank between FA 3 and FA 4 signifies a hiatus of w104 years. The
deposit (FA2) overlies the shelfal FA1. The nature of contact or geometry of the palaeosol suggest that they occupy top of buried
transition between FA2 and FA1 could not be studied due to lack of uplands or interfluves (Figs. 3 and 7). Laterally the palaeosol is
data (present only at DP or AP; Figs. 3 and 7). However, between deeply incised. Such deep fluvial incision is characteristic of large
Barasat and Kolaghat the oxidized sand atop the FA1 laterally sea-level fall of >110 m as documented in Java shelf (Posamentier,
interfingers with w31 ka clay layers (Fig. 7) yielding mangrove 2001) and possibly occurred at the nadir of the sea-level fall of
pollen possibly indicating local swamps developed during a later >100 m during the LGM or MIS 2. Sequence stratigraphic model
highstand. The spatial variation in sand:mud ratio is noticeable in suggests that such deep incision as much as 40–70 m above the
this unit e.g. high at Barasat but low at Kolaghat. Because early shelf edge preferably occurs when the river entrenches a channel
highstand fluvial channel sands are essentially isolated and through a subaerially exposed convex-up topography like high-
engulfed in mud while the late ones are more amalgamated with stand prism (Talling, 1998). This is analogous to the present study
high sand:mud ratio (Shanley and McCabe, 1993) the regional area where the incision takes place within the MIS 3 highstand.
variation of this fluvial facies suggests preservation of different Together the palaeosol and incised valley make an ancient buried
components of highstand sediments. Together the age, biota and landscape forming upland terraces and valleys. The correlative
facies relationship suggest that deposition of this highstand fluvial contact (thick dashed line in Fig. 7) between MIS 3 sand and
sand-clay unit took place during the MIS stage 3 (50–30 ka) when palaeosol on the uplands or FA1 and facies D (base of incised valley
sea level was higher than MIS 4 but w50–60 m lower below fills) is of regional importance and implies a major unconformity
present (Siddall et al., 2003; Fig. 8a). laterally traceable in the entire delta plain. The LGM incised valley
There exist some data on sea-level change around Indian coast was filled by sands of 23–17 ka (Facies D) age possibly during the
between MIS 2 and late Holocene which need to be assessed before early to late lowstand when the rate of sea-level fall decreased.
discussing LGM-Holocene sequences. Fig. 8b shows the chrono- The palaeosol is immediately overlain either by benthic fora-
logically well constrained sea-level data plotted against age minifera rich clay-silt (facies F) horizon indicating marine incursion
between 20 ka and recent. While only few data are available on the (possibly during rapid post-LGM sea-level rise; Fig. 8b), e.g. at
basis of dated gastropod or oyster shells in the west coast, east coast Diamond Harbour or isolated clay-embedded transgressive channel
is relatively better constrained in terms of data frequency (well fill/estuarine ribbon sands (facies E) in incised valley (e.g. at Bar-
dated corals or bivalves). A cubic spline, fitted through the data asat), both having similar early Holocene age. The age difference
points, shows that the sea level was indeed lower by >100 m between incised valley fill (23–17 ka) and estuarine valley fill
during the LGM (20–18 ka). For comparison oxygen isotope based (w8 ka) suggests substantial scouring at the contact in between,
sea-level curve from Red sea (an area closer to the GB delta; Siddall either by estuarine channels or marine ravinement surfaces (Allen
et al., 2003) and theoretically estimated global sea-level curve and Posamentier, 1993; Rossetti, 1998). Such transgressive rework-
(Peltier, 2002) are also plotted in Fig. 8b. The global sea-level curve ing also left its traces in the grain size distribution showing a strong
closely matches the coral based curve of Barbados (Fairbanks, bimodality where coarser population is mixed with a finer one
1989). Although general pattern of Indian sea-level curve agrees possibly derived from two different sources. The spatial disposition,
with Red sea or global curve, there is also considerable mismatch depth and age data (Fig. 3) indicate that lower part of the facies E
between them. This could partly be due to weak Indian data base. sands occupy the top of the LGM incised valley fill facies D (Figs. 3 and
Between 18 and 14 ka the sea level was low with very slow rate of 7). Such occupation of partly filled incised valley fills suggests that its
increase corresponding to the late lowstand. Subsequently the sea upper part has possibly been converted as an estuarine valley fill at
level starts rising rapidly from aroundw14 ka, the fastest rise the onset of transgression (Dalrymple et al., 1992). The foraminiferal
occurring between 14 and 7 ka (w1.5 cm/year). Rate of sea level layer above the palaeosol is thin and interpreted as ‘‘event concen-
change decreased after 7 ka (w0.7 cm/year), maximum sea level tration’’ during rapid sea-level rise (Cattaneo and Steel, 2003).
(w5 m higher than present msl) reaching at 4.5 ka. A sea level Nevertheless an apparent diachroneity (Cattaneo and Steel, 2003) of
standstill occurs between 4.5 ka and 2 ka after which it comes this layer is identifiable. For example, at a distal location like Diamon
down to the modern level. The depositional sequence of GB delta Harbour the age of the base of this layer (assuming a sedimentation
between LGM and Holocene can, therefore, be viewed against these rate of w4.4 m/ka; Fig. 2) is 9 ka while at the most inland location at
eustatic changes. Dankuni it is w8 ka. In absence of any identifiable back-stepping
Development of meter thick palaeosol with calcretes (facies C) stacking pattern in subsurface cores, this perhaps suggests typical
atop the highstand FA 2 suggests maximum subaerial exposure in retrogradational nature of the transgression.
the interfluve areas. The low TOC and d13C values suggest presence Towards inland the foraminiferal horizon nearly merges with
of grassland vegetation and intense oxidation in a possible dry the peat layers. d13C and pollen at this level indicates complete
environment. The upward trend of d13C within the palaeosol (Fig. 5) occupation by C3 mangrove vegetation eventually giving rise to
suggests that vegetation gradually transformed from a mixed C3– peat deposits. Because peat formation takes place when the water
C4 in the lower part to dominant C4 grassland towards the top. This table is at its highest (accommodation > sediment supply) and
along with available ages (24 and 14 ka at Kolkata and Diamond marine maximum flooding surface (MFS) overlaps with the peat
Harbour respectively) suggests that possibly the soil formed at the layers (Hamilton and Tadros, 1994) we consider the top of the
culmination of extreme progradation of fluvial sands of MIS 3 earliest Holocene w9–8 ka old foraminifer-peat horizons as the
highstand and continued till 14 ka. The age bracket of the palaeosol MFS in western delta plain (thick dotted line in Fig. 7). Likewise we
corresponds to the MIS 2. We postulate that the palaeosol was assign the base of this unit (either between facies C and F or D and
2576 A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581

E; Fig. 3) as the transgressive surface of erosion (TSE; thick solid floodplain deposition took place during the MIS 3 highstand.
line, Fig. 7; Posamentier and Vail, 1988). Bounded between the two Typical mangrove forests in swampy or estuarine system grew
key surfaces, the LGM unconformity below and early Holocene TSE under a high monsoon rainfall condition as recorded by various
at the top, the palaeosol-incised valley of LGM are interpreted as climate proxies. Earlier studies indicated large glacier advance-
a forced regressive unit, a product of Falling Stage Systems Tract ment in higher Himalayas during MIS 3 (Owen et al., 2002).
(FSST) following revised Exxon systematic (Hunt and Tucker, 1992; Because glacier cover decreases the land-sea temperature gradient
Catuneanu, 2002). via albedo, it posed an apparent contradiction with high monsoon
Association of forced regressive unit like development of regime (Goodbred, 2003) during this time. Recent 10Be and 21Ne
palaeosol and coeval channel incision allowed us to interpret the chronologies of erratic boulders from moraines of monsoonal
relative sea-level fall a result of forced regression (Hunt and Gaw- Himalayas in southern Tibet suggest that all the MIS 3 ages
thorpe, 2000) and assign type 1 character for the unconformity actually represent the ages of exhumation-denudation in a high
(Catuneanu, 2002). Between TSE and MFS lies the transgressive rainfall regime and not the glacial advance (Schaefer et al., 2008).
systems tract (TST; 9–8 ka) either forming retrogradational estuary This is consistent with the records of stronger upwelling in the
in the upper part of the incised valley fill or peat swamps in the Arabian sea (Prell and Kutzbach, 1987). Elsewhere in India
adjacent floodplains. Important to note that on a regional scale extensive fluvial (both channel and floodplain) aggradation under
(Fig. 7) the thickness of the TST (in interfluves) is very low (1–2 m), a high rainfall regime has been observed during MIS 3 (50–25 ka),
does not vary much and the typical proximally thinning wedge viz. lower Narmada valley (Bhandari et al., 2005), Maharashtra
shape geometry is barely discernible (Fig. 7). The change in sedi- (Kale and Rajaguru, 1987), southern Gangetic plains (Gibling et al.,
mentological character across the MFS is minor from dominant 2005; Williams et al., 2006; Sinha et al., 2007) and margins of Thar
mud in the TST to fine sand to coarse silt above it. But near-constant desert (Juyal et al., 2006). Depositional and climatic data for MIS 3
d13C value with stabilized mangrove vegetation between 8 and 7 ka are absent in the plains of GB delta but high carbonate content
or rapid estuarine valley fillings (Fig. 5) suggest an aggradational from the submarine fan core (Weber et al., 2003) in BOB was
stage in a constant water table condition. The unimodal, meso- earlier interpreted as reduced terrigenous flux in MIS 3. Numbers
kurtic size distribution (Fig. 4c) also indicates insignificant change of evidences suggest that carbonate content during MIS 3 was high
in energy level. The aggradational thickness is also much higher (4– in northern Indian ocean mainly due to higher biogenic produc-
5 m) than the TST. This is in spite of the fact that the sea-level rise tivity (Sarkar et al., 2000). Hence the high carbonate in MIS 3 fan
was still rapid during this time period (Fig. 8b). Because effects of sediments too possibly reflect increased productivity and not
tectonism are negligible in western delta plain such thick aggra- reduced siliclastic flux. Actually the oceanic productivity increase
dation during an early transgressive event can be attributed to might have masked the enhanced terrigenous flux from the river.
a very high sediment supply (see later discussion). This possibly The HST channel sand and mangrove pollen rich clays (FA 2) testify
hindered the development of a full fledged thicker retrogradational such sediment trapping in a high sea-level warm strong
stacking pattern and instead produced an aborted TST. We, there- monsoonal environment.
fore, place the TST-HST contact at the base of this aggradational
sequence unlike Goodbred and Kuehl (2000a) who interpreted it as
‘‘TST aggradation’’. 8.2. Last Glacial Maximum and lowstand (MIS 2): 24–14 ka
Further up in the stratigraphic section fine sand to coarse silt
deposition continues between 7 ka and 1 ka. The amount of MIS 3 was followed by sea-level lowering of >100 m, extensive
channel sands in this segment are only minor, engulfed in mud/silt palaeosol (FA3) development on the exposed floodplains of GB delta
as encountered at Haldia and Bakkhali region (Fig. 7). The d13C and sediment bypassing to the Bengal during MIS 2. This palaeosol
indicates a gradual decrease in C3:C4 ratio possibly as a result of has been encountered throughout the GB delta (see earlier discus-
increased progradation, lowering of relative sea level and pushing sion). In western India 24–26 ka old palaeosols with pedogenic
of the mangrove front towards the present day coastline. The calcretes have also been observed in Narmada (Allchin et al., 1978)
aggrdational part just above the TST (8–7 ka; Fig. 5) and the pro- and Mahi (Maurya et al., 2000) river basins. The sea-level minimum
gradational part (7–1 ka) above it possibly represent the early and in LGM caused the maximum valley incision marking the end of FSST.
late highstand respectively representing the mid- to late Holocene OSL dates of w20 ka at the base of a valley fill deposit in coastal
highstand systems tract (HST). The supply of coarser fraction Narmada basin (Juyal et al., 2006) suggest that such incision was
increased during this time with the formation of minor channels. ubiquitous around the entire Indian coast. In GB delta the OSL dates
Alternatively, the less frequency of the channel sands at the top of indicate that at least a part of the incised valley was filled up by sands
HST could possibly be due to their low preservation potential (of FA3) during the lowstand between 18 and 14 ka.
during the ensuing sea-level fall (Goodbred, 2003). Localized peat Numerous studies have indicated that summer monsoon was
layers re-appear between 3 and 2 ka. This coincides with a sea level simultaneously weak in MIS 2 with lesser discharge through GB
higher than the present msl (Fig. 8b). However, unlike earliest system and higher salinity in BOB (Cullen, 1981; Duplessy, 1982;
Holocene it is not identifiable in d13C signal; nor they occur as Sarkar et al., 1990). Fig. 8c shows climate interpretation over the last
regionally persistent horizon. Nevertheless a brief period of high 14 ka based on various proxies. Trends of two monsoon proxy
water table can be envisaged for this period. records viz. Globigerina bulloides upwelling intensity from Arabian
sea (Gupta et al., 2003) and d18O precipitation record in stalagmite
8. Evolution of western delta plain from southern Oman (Fleitmann et al., 2003) suggest weaker Asian
monsoon in pre-Holocene period. The enriched d13C data in Bengal
8.1. Last interglacial (MIS 5) to interstade (MIS 3): 125–24 ka fan during the LGM was earlier interpreted as lesser input of
terrestrial organic matter into the marine system due to weaker
Extensive deposition of marine clay (FA1) took place during the monsoon and Ganges discharge (Fontugne and Duplessy, 1986).
MIS 5 highstand. Similar w125 ka old marine clay has also been However, the LGM enrichment in organic matter d13C must have
observed in the Mahi basin, western India (Juyal et al., 2000) a strong component of C4 vegetation that thrived onland as shown
suggesting it to be a regional phenomenon. Following the MIS 5 in the present work as well as d13C records from Bengal fan (Galy
highstand and subsequent lowstand of MIS 4, fluvial channel et al., 2008b).
A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581 2577

8.3. Post-LGM transgression and monsoon intensification (MIS 1): Hoogli River (Fig. 1a). Because the monsoon driven sediment flux at
(14–7 ka) the hinterland increased at least by 5 times, the newly created
accommodation space was rapidly filled up making the retro-
Rapid post-LGM sea-level rise between 14 and 7 ka (Fig. 8b) gradational TST thickness small (w1 m) but producing a thicker
pushed the coastline and mangrove front about 100 km inland (w4–5 m) aggradational sequence atop. In the eastern part of GB
(present work; Allison et al., 2003). The lowstand surfaces (palae- delta a much thicker (w50 m) aggradational sequence has been
osol-incised valley fill) were flooded forming a TST deposit between reported by Goodbred and Kuehl (2000a, b). The GB delta, there-
9 and 8 ka. On interfluve areas the TST deposited a foraminifera rich fore, considerably differs from other deltas like Mississippi both in
silt/mud at its base (TSE) or peat layers decomposed from mangrove depositional stacking patterns and climate driving force domi-
plants above (MFS). Incised valleys were covered by estuarine sands. nating over sea-level rise. This has been clearly demonstrated by
The estimated sediment accumulation rate during this time was 4–8 non-linear numerical models of Goodbred et al. (2003) which
times higher (see discussion earlier) than present (Fig. 5). Such large shows that the deltas, related to large tropical rivers, responds in
increase in early Holocene sedimentation rate has also been a much stronger way to mega-climate system like summer
observed in the eastern part of GB delta (Goodbred and Kuehl, monsoon than sea level alone. In fact the climate can drive the
2000a, b; Goodbred, 2003) and explained by intensification of sequence development along the entire fluvial system from its
monsoon and consequently much higher water/sediment discharge source to sink as documented in both upper Ganga (Gibling et al.,
through GB river systems. The climate proxy records show highest 2005) and lower delta plains.
monsoon intensity between 10 and 7 ka following which its strength The sequence stratigraphic rationale presented above does not
gradually decreased (Fig. 8c). The organic matter d13C in BOB nearly corroborate the earlier inference (Goodbred and Kuehl, 2000b) of
follows the trends of monsoon variation. Because the erosion rate in flooding of the LGM lowstand surface as early as 11–10 ka throughout
the Himalayan hinterland is directly correlated to intensity of rainfall the GB delta. The evidence of 11–10 ka transgression comes from
(Singh et al., 2008) and satellite based modern rainfall measure- dated wood and plant remains from a sediment core in Khulna
ments show orographic rainfall maximum along the stretch of (Bangladesh) having the same latitude as the present study area
southern Himalayan margin (Bookhagen and Burbank, 2006), high (Umitsu,1993). TST date older than 9 ka has, however, not been found
monsoon intensity during the Holocene must have an imprint of in the entire western delta and as far south as Chilka lake in the
erosion in sediment record. Indeed measurement of sediment eastern coast of India. It is, nevertheless, possible that the accom-
accumulation rate in higher Himalayan lakes associated with large modation space in the eastern part of the delta had a component, in
landslides show much higher denudation rate (w4.3 mm/year) addition to sea level, of tectonic subsidence (Goodbred and Kuehl,
between 10 and 7 ka that was driven by high precipitation, pore 2000b; Goodbred et al., 2003) which caused an earlier transgression.
water pressure, slope failure and eventual mass wasting. The late On the other hand our inference of aborted thin TST due to monsoon
Holocene to modern denudation rate is w0.7 mm/year, about w5–6 driven sediment discharge and rapid aggradation as early as 8 ka is in
times lower (Fig. 8c; Bookhagen et al., 2005). Interesting to note that agreement with those of Goodbred et al. (2003) indicating it as
magnitude of changes in Himalayan mass wasting rate are quite a regional phenomenon. In any case the initiation of GB delta as
close to the change in sediment accumulation rates between early a whole took place at least 1 ka earlier than the mean formation age of
and late Holocene measured in the western delta plain (see Fig. 2). w7.8 ka of world’s major deltas (Stanley and Warne, 1994).
This strongly suggests that large early Holocene increase in sedi-
mentation rate was essentially controlled by monsoon induced 8.4. Mid-late Holocene progradation and weaker monsoon (MIS 1):
increase in sediment flux in the hinterland. (7–1 ka)
We postulate that the transgressive invasion possibly took place
along the paleo-valley (palaeo-Ganga?) presently occupied by the This period coincides with reduction in monsoon intensity
and erosion in higher Himalayas (Fig. 8c). Rate of sea-level
change simultaneously decreased after 7 ka. Sedimentation in
delta plain experienced a progradational phase. This indicates
that rate of sediment supply was higher than the rate of devel-
opment of accommodation space in spite of the lesser sediment
supply from hinterland. Allison et al. (2003) demonstrated that
the progradation of lower delta plain occurred in five phases. The
earliest progradation occurred at w5 ka in Indian part. As the
accommodation was filled up the major delta lobe formation
switched from west to east culminating at w0.2 ka at the mouth
of the present active Ganges in Bangladesh. Our data from the
western delta plain suggest that following the transgressive shift
of coastline and mangrove front, delta progradation in the
western delta plain took place at least from 7 ka onwards
contrary to what suggested by Allison et al. (2003). The paleo-
Ganges or river Hoogli was the main sediment supply conduit
then. As the progradation was complete Hoogli was abandoned
and the supply occurred through more easterly channels like
Ganges and Brahmaputra. Such shift was attributed to tectonics
in the eastern part of delta (Goodbred, 2003; Allison et al., 2003)
thus making the GB delta considerably different compared to
Fig. 9. Frequency distribution of Holocene peat deposits around Indian coast; note other major deltas like Mississippi or Nile where the sediment
concentration at two time intervals viz. 8–7 ka and 5–4 ka. Data source: Umitsu (1993);
Islam and Tooley (1999); Goodbred and Kuehl (2000a, b); Allison et al. (2003) (East
supply conduit did not significantly change.
coast and GB delta), Farooqui and Vaz (2000); Pandarinath et al. (2001); Narayana The higher-than-modern sea level between 4.5 ka and 2 ka in
(2007) (West coast). a weak monsoon-low sediment supply condition might have
2578 A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581

caused a slight increase in accommodation space. In western delta the vegetation model estimates of Galy et al. (2008b) indicate
plain this might have been the reason of temporary return of considerable mismatch (with observed one) in the magnitude of
mangrove front between 3–2 ka (e.g. at Kolkata) or local peats (e.g. d13C change between LGM and Holocene. A detail compound
at Barasat, see Figs. 3 and 5). Fig. 9 shows the frequency of specific isotopic fingerprinting of different biomes and their fate
mangrove peat layers plotted against age around the Indian coast. It into soil and sediments in the upper Gangetic plain and GB delta
shows that earliest mangroves appeared in the west coast well system might resolve this apparent paradox. The vegetation
before 10 ka. The east coast mangroves show two distinct peaks one change occurring in different parts of a fluvio-deltaic basin must
at w8–7 ka and the other 5–4 ka. The 8–7 ka peats clearly corre- be taken into account for any future modeling effort.
spond to the early Holocene transgression discussed above.
Although the distribution might have substantial sampling bias,
10. Conclusions
distinct possibility exists about a later phase of mangroves when,
between 4.5 ka and 2 ka, the sea level was w5–10 m higher than
(1) Sedimentology, chronology, isotope (d13C) and sequence
present. However, the resulting accommodation space must not
stratigraphic analysis of subsurface sediments of western delta
have been very large since the mangrove swamps formed only
plain of Ganges–Brahmaputra delta shows that following the
locally and also their relative abundance remained subdued as
deposition of marine clay of MIS 5, fluvial sands and mangrove
indicated by both pollen and carbon isotopes (Fig. 5). In general sea
rich overbank muds (>23 ka age) deposited during the high-
level, and not climate, was the major driving force for sequence
stand of MIS 3.
development in the penultimate 7–1 ka period, thus largely
(2) During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea-level lowering of
producing a progradational HST (FA5) in the western delta plain.
>100 m produced a regional unconformity (type 1), repre-
sented by palaeosol and incised valley. C4 vegetation expanded
9. Driver of vegetation change
on exposed lowstand surface in an ambient dry glacial climate.
The incised valley was filled by sands of 23–17 ka age during
The simultaneous change in local climatic (monsoon) condi-
the lowstand when the rate of sea-level fall decreased.
tion, depositional environment and sequence development had
(3) At around w9 ka a rapid transgression inundated the lowstand
profound impact on the terrestrial vegetation, namely the
surface pushing the coastline and mangrove front w100 km
proportion of C3–C4 vegetation on the delta plain. This is contrary
inland. Simultaneous intensification of monsoon and very high
to the observation made by Galy et al. (2008b) who, based on
sediment discharge (w4–8 times than modern) caused a rapid
ocean core data from Bengal fan, suggested that the terrestrial
aggradation of both floodplain and estuarine valley fill deposits
vegetation in Himalayan basin or on Gangetic plains unidirec-
between 8 and 7 ka. The present Hoogli River possibly acted as
tionally changed from essentially C4 during the LGM to a mixed
the main conduit for transgression and sediment discharge
C3:C4 up to 8 ka mainly due to the change in atmospheric pCO2
that was subsequently abandoned. C3 vegetation dominated
and climate. Thereafter mixed C3–C4 vegetation continued till late
the delta plains at this time.
Holocene. Although the origin of isotopically enriched C4 plants
(4) From 7 ka onward progradation of delta plain started and
(efficient CO2 users compared to C3 plants) has long been associ-
continued till recent. This period experienced a mixed C3–C4
ated with a general decline in atmospheric CO2 during the Ceno-
vegetation with localized mangroves in the mid-Holocene to
zoic (Cerling et al., 1997), recent studies suggest that natural
dominant return of C4 vegetation in the late Holocene period.
selection of C4 plants is favored by increased perturbation of the
(5) The study indicates that while the initiation of the western part
ecological niches (namely fire in an arid climate; Keeley and
of GB delta occurred at least 1 ka earlier than the global mean
Rundel, 2005 or warm season precipitation like monsoon; Bond
delta formation age, the progradation started at w7 ka, at least
et al., 2005) rather than pCO2 change (Huang et al., 2001). Further,
2 ka earlier than thought before.
C4 plants are better adapted to a dry water-stressed condition
(6) The terrestrial vegetation change was modulated by changes in
than C3 plants (Bond et al., 2005). Our work suggests that vege-
depositional environment, ecological niches and climate rather
tation was controlled by specific ecological niches created largely
than pCO2.
by changes in depositional environment and climate. The domi-
nantly C4–C3 transition was never unidirectional on delta plain,
rather fluctuated at least twice, once from LGM C4 to early Acknowledgement
Holocene C3 mangrove (C3:C4 changing from 40:60 to 90:10) and
again from mid-Holocene mixed C3–C4 to late Holocene C4 (C3:C4 Cores for this study were raised under a joint collaborative project
changing from 50:50 to 30:70). While the estimated C3:C4 ratio of between University College London and IIT, Kharagpur funded by the
LGM at Barasat (40:60) is similar to that of Galy et al. (2008b) viz. Royal Society, U.K. Isotope data were generated in the mass spec-
45:55, the late Holocene ratios are quite different (30:70 at Barasat trometer laboratory, IIT, Kharagpur funded by the DST, New Delhi. AS
against 75:25 estimated from Bengal fan). Further, unlike at Bar- thanks Prof. Rajiv Sinha, IIT, Kanpur for providing the grain size
asat, the Bengal fan data suggest that the ratio remained constant analysis data of the samples and Prof. P. P. Chakraborty, ISM, Dhanbad
for the last 8 ka (Galy et al., 2008b). The late Holocene C4 invasion for his useful comments on an earlier version of manuscript. The
found in GB delta plain or coastal lagoons like Chilka are not paper greatly benefited from suggestions of the editor Antony Long
visible in ocean core. The variation in C4 between LGM and and critical reviews of two anonymous reviewers.
Holocene, thus, cannot be explained by atmospheric pCO2 as the
global pCO2 singularly increased from w190 ppmv to >270 ppmv
during this time (Smith et al., 1999; Fig. 8b). The LGM or late Appendix 1. Supplementary data
Holocene increase in C4 is better explained by a combined effect of
weaker monsoon intensity and low water table condition (water- Table S1. Summary of core locations and chronological data
stress) due to relative sea-level lowering. It looks that the ocean generated and used in the study area; also given the available
core data provide only an integrated picture not recording the chronology from the entire western delta plain. Table S2. Facies
specific history of trapping and dispersal of terrestrial organic types in the western GB delta plain. Table S3. Downcore data on
matters formed by different photosynthetic mechanisms. Indeed d13C, TOC (%), TN (%), C/N and d15N of bulk organic matter.
A. Sarkar et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (2009) 2564–2581 2579

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