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“The zoo is the only place where the prisoners are innocent”

According to oxford dictionary a zoo is a place where many kinds of

wild animals are kept for the public to see and where they are studied, bred

and protected.

Zoos are an unsuitable environment for wild animals and should,

therefore, be abolished. Firstly, zoo animals are kept in a very confined

area compared with their vast natural habitat. Secondly, breeding

programmes are far less successful than zoos claim. Thirdly, zoo animals

are exposed to many diseases and other dangers.

The zoo is an unnatural environment that exposes animals to

numerous dangers. Diseases often spread between species that would

never live together naturally. For example, many Asian elephants have died

in US zoos after catching herpes from African elephants. Furthermore, zoo

animals are often exposed to chemicals, solvents and other toxic

As a kid I never got to think about the animals and the situation that they

have to face every day. Animals are gifts are gift from god. At the first time

I entered zoo, I was very happy because I got to see various kind of animals

from reptiles, amphibians, mammals to birds, and the only word that I can

say is wonderful. They are beautiful and unique in their own form and own


The famous elephant, Tyke who is shot 86 times and is severely abused in

circus died in the hands of another human, The look in his eyes when he is

shot is tragic and very emotional, how he tries to raised his right foot asking

for help.

That’s the day I cared for animals, animals can’t speak, they cant lie, they

are honest, very loyal and extremely adorable. Come to think of the world

that we respect each other personal space and have a freedom to to fly like

an eagle soaring the sky using the negative energy of a storm to fly even

My conclusion is that zoos and circus need to stop, animal abusement for

human amusement is not fair at all, Each one of every living things God

create have a soul. And we all have a nuture of surving and respecting each

others ways to live. So in that way our future kids can see animals not only

in childrens book.

Tyke (2015). Tyke Elephant Outlaw

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