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Internet Influence on kids?

Yes,Internet has made dramatic influence on children's life and move to them seperate.Internet
has a good as well as bad influence on kids.We cannot deny that the internet is one of the most
powerful means of communication in the history of humankind. The internet has made our
planet become a better place for living.

First of all, using the internet has some negative effects on young children. Instead of playing
some games or sports activities outside in the past, young children now often spend most their
free time on playing games on or suffering webs. If that using computers long time will have bad
influence on people's eyes, backbones and make brains become strained. This can cause other
problems such as obesity.

In addition, using the web influences in negative way on relationships among members in family.
In the past, people used to spend their free time with their families; they had chance to chat and
share emotion together, which enhances relationships among members. However, in modern
society, people seem prefer spending spare time for suffering the internet to talking to others.
Naturally, the more time people spend on the internet, the less time they have for talking to
their friends, families, and some time they lose social communication.

To prevent those negative effects from using the internet, personally, I think that parents play
main role in eliminating bad influences on their children. They should limit time using the
internet as well as the number of webs for their children. Simultaneously, parents should give
advices and directions for their children about use the internet, and encourage their children to
participate in outdoor activities. Moreover, adults should spend their time for suffering the
internet appropriately. They should spend time for communicating with friends and family.

In conclusion, although using

the internet brings some disadvantages, we can reduce those effects to minimum if we use web
in a positive way.

Thank You,


Gajendra Gaonkar

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