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A.Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of sounds and their meanings
for appropriate use of words.
B.Performance Standards
The learner manipulates skillfully the sounds in words to express meaning.
The learner displays sensitivity to sounds in spoken language.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives
Recognize rhyming words in nursery rhymes, poems, songs heard
 C.G. EN I PA-IIIa-e-2.2


1.Teacher’s Guide pages 10-12
2.Learner’s Material pages 1
B.Other Learning Resources
Lyrics of the song “Hello, How Do You Do?”
Pictures, charts

A. Reviewing previous Lesson or presenting new lesson
Introduce the song “Hello, How Do You Do?” in class.
“Hello , How Do You Do?”

Hello, hello, hello

Hello, How do you do?
I’m glad to be with you
And you, and you, and you
La lalalalalala
(Repeat Twice)
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Ask the pupils if they enjoy the singing the song.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson.
The teacher will read the lyrics of the song “Hello, How Do You Do?”
while pointing at the words. Let the pupils identify the rhyming words in it.

“Hello, How Do You Do?”

Hello, hello, hello
Hello, How do you do?
I’m glad to be with you
And you, and you, and you
La lalalalalala
(Repeat Twice)

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills.#1

Let the pupils read the examples of rhyming words.

nun sun mat hat

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2.
Listen to your teacher as he or she reads the following words.
Stand up if it’s a rhyming word and remain seated if it’s not.
hot – dot
set – cat
dad – mad
pet – man
ban – pan

F. Group Activity
Group the students into three, each of the group will be given a task to do.
I- For each word, think of 2 rhyming words.
1. cat ______________ _________
2. dog ___________ ___________
3. pen ___________ __________
II- Draw a picture that rhyme with a given word.
1. man
2. fat
3. boy
III- Present a song with rhyming words.
G. Indepent Practice
Direction: Encircle all the words that rhyme with the first word.
1. face place nose race
2. boat fold coat float
3. all ball call will
4. cave gave share save
5. jump happy bump lump
H. Generalization
Always remember that two or more words that have the same ending sounds are
called rhyming words.
I. Evaluation
Color the pictures that rhyme.
J. Assignment
Cut pictures of 3 pairs of rhyming words from old newspapers and magazines. Paste it on
your notebook and label them. Ask your family member to help you do your work. Show your
work in class tomorrow.
A.Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of word meaning for correct usage.
B.Performance Standards
The learner correctly uses familiar words in speaking activities.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives
Use words that are related to self, family, school, community, and concepts such
as the names for colors, shapes, and numbers
 C.G. EN IV-IIIa-e-5



1.Teacher’s Guide pages 12-15
2.Learner’s Material pages 2
B.Other Learning Resources
Video / Lyrics of the song “Finger Family Song”
Pictures of a family with labels
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or presenting new lesson
Introduce the song “Finger Family Song” in class. Pupils will sing while doing the
actions of the song.
“Finger Family Song”

Father Finger, Father Finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Mother Finger, Mother Finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Brother Finger, Brother Finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Sister Finger, Sister Finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Baby Finger, Baby Finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?
(repeat once)
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
1.Ask the pupils what words in the song sound the same?
The words do and youhave the same sound. Both words end with the u sound.
2.Ask at least 2-3 pupils to share their homework about the rhyming words in class.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson.
Show picture of a family and separate pictures of a father, mother, brother, sister,
baby and grandparents with labels in class.


Baby Grandfather Grandmother

Father Mother Brother Sister

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills.#1

Group activity:
The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will sing a part of the song,
“Finger Family”
Group 1 – Father
Group 2 – Mother
Group 3 – Brother
Group 4 – Sister
Group 5 – Baby
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2.
Draw a line to match the pictures with their proper labels.

1. A. Baby

2. B. Brother

3. C. Father

4. D. Mother

5. E. Sister

F. Developing Mastery (Lead to Formative Assessment #3)

Group Activity:
Picture puzzle.
Give each group a picture puzzle of a family. Let them arrange the pieces of
puzzles properly. The first group to finish the task will be the winner.
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Pass the ball.
While the song “Finger Family” is playing, let the pupils pass the ball. And when
the music stops, the pupil holding the ball will share in class who are the members of
the family. Call at least 3-5 pupils.
H. Generalization
The members of the family are father, mother, brother, sister, baby
and grandparents.
I. Evaluation
Name and color the members of your family.(See page 2 of LM)

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

J. Assignment
Look for the best and most memorable family picture that you have and paste it on
your notebook. Share your work in class tomorrow.

A.Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of familiar literary forms and concept
of words in English for effective expression.
B.Performance Standards
The learner participates actively in different oral activities.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives
 Use/Respond appropriately to polite expressions
EN I OL-IIIa-e1.5
 Greetings
EN I OL-IIIa-e1.5.1
 Leave takings
EN I OL-IIIa-e1.5.2



1.Teacher’s Guide pages 15-18
2.Learner’s Material pages 3
B.Other Learning Resources
Lyrics of the song “Hello, How Do You Do?” and “Finger Family Song”
Pictures showing polite expressions.

A. Reviewing previous Lesson or presenting new lesson
Let the class together with the teacher sing the songs they’ve learned,
“Hello, How Do You Do?” and “Finger Family”.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Show pictures of a situation where greetings and leave takings are used.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson.
Ask the pupils if they can you still remember the greetings they’ve learned in
their Mother Tongue and Filipino classes. Show pictures of situations
showing greetings.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills.#1

Ask the pupils if they can still remember the leave takings they’ve learned in their
Mother Tongue and Filipino classes. Show pictures of situations using leave takings.
See later Teacher
See you later!

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2.

Group Activity:
Each group will practice using polite expressions they’ve learned from the
lesson based on what they have pick from the box given by the teacher.
F. Developing Mastery (Lead to Formative Assessment #3)
Call on some volunteers to work by pair to practice the polite expressions they’ve
learned today.
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Answer the following questions.
What will you say to your mother when you’re about to leave for school?
Before you go to sleep at night, what are you going to say to your mother
and father?
H. Generalization
A greeting is what we say to people when we meet or see them,
while leave takinng is what we say to people before we leave them or
before we go sleep.
I. Evaluation
Listen to your teacher and repeat what he or she says. Read and copy
the greetings and leave-takings on the blanks.(See page 3 of LM)
1. Good morning. __________________
2. Good afternoon. __________________
3. Goodbye. __________
4. Good night _________
5. See you later. __________________
J. Assignment
Choose a greeting or a leave taking and draw a picture showing situations.
You may use crayons to make your work colorful. Write the greeting or leave taking
under your drawing.

A.Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts of nouns and adjectives
for identification and description.
B.Performance Standards
The learner correctly names people, objects, places and things through
theme-based activities.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives
Recognize sentences and phrases
Recognize similarities and differences in the way sentences are formed / structured
in Mother Tongue (MT), Filipino, and English
 EN I G-IIIa-1.1
1.Teacher’s Guide pages 19-21
2.Learner’s Material pages 4
B.Other Learning Resources
Poem “Clap Your Hands”
Chart for evaluation
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or presenting new lesson
Ask the class to recall the examples of greetings or leave takings they’ve
learned yesterday.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Introduce the poem “Clap Your Hands” in class. Let the pupils recite while doing
the actions in the poem.
“Clap Your Hands”

Clap your hands

Touch your toes
Turn around
Put your finger on your nose
Flap your arms
Jump up high
Wiggle your fingers
And reach for the sky.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson.
Let the pupils study the examples of a sentence and a phrase posted on
the board. And ask which they think is a sentence and which is a phrase?

Elsa goes to school. notebook and pencil

The teacher will explain to the class the difference between a sentence and
a phrase.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills.#1
Read the sentences found in the table.
Ask: What do you notice about the sentences? Is there an action done in
the sentence in Mother Tongue/Filipino/English? Is there a doer in
Mother Tongue/Filipino/English?
Filipino English
Kumakain Kumak The
angdaga. ainang mouse
daga. eats.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2.

Read the following sentences or phrases. Clap your hands twice if it’s a
sentence and clap your hands once if it’s a phrase.
1. my bag
2. My mother loves to cook.
3. in the table
4. Biboy runs fast.
5. red apple
F. Developing Mastery (Lead to Formative Assessment #3)
Listen very carefully to what the teacher will read. Tell if what the teacher read
is a sentence by sounding the letter S. Tell if it’s a phrase by sounding the letter P.
1. Families watched the parade.
2. chairs and tables
3. Children are dancing.
4. The cotton candy
5.The mayor is speaking.

G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living

Ask the pupils to give their own example of a sentence and a phrase.
H. Generalization
What is a sentence?
A sentence is a word or group of words that has a complete thought. Its first word
begins with a big letter. It is also ends with a punctuation mark such as period or a
question mark.
What is a phrase?
A phrase is a word or a group of words that do not have a complete thought.
I. Evaluation
Listen to your teacher as he or she reads each sentence or phase.
Write S for a sentence or P for a phrase in the box. (See page 4 of LM)

1. The family is having a breakfast.

2. mother and father
3. in the mall
4. The family is walking in the park.
5. My mother is beautiful.

J. Assignment
On your notebook, write 3 examples of a sentence and 3 examples of a phrase.

A.Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding in story elements and text structures for
effective oral expression.
B.Performance Standards
The learner correctly identifies elements of literary and informational texts to aid
meaning getting.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives
Listen to short stories/poems and note important details pertaining to character,
setting and events.
 EN I LC -IIIa-j-1.1



1.Teacher’s Guide pages 21-23
2.Learner’s Material pages 5
B.Other Learning Resources
Poem “Clap Your Hands”
Story “ Polite Cora”
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or presenting new lesson
Ask the pupils to share their homework in class about sentence and phrase.
Call at least 2-3 pupils.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Introduce the poem “Clap Your Hands” in class. Let the pupils recite while doing
the actions in the poem.
“Clap Your Hands”
Clap your hands
Touch your toes
Turn around
Put your finger on your nose
Flap your arms
Jump up high
Wiggle your fingers
And reach for the sky.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson.
Show a picture of a child receiving a ribbon/reward from the teacher.
Let the pupils study the picture.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills.#1

Ask the following questions.
 What do you see in the picture?
 Why do you think people call “Polite Cora?”
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2.
Ask the pupils to listen very carefully as their teacher tell the story about
“Polite Cora”. Let them answer the questions afterwards base on the story
they’ve heard.
“Polite Cora”
Everyone likes Cora. She greets everyone with a smile. She greets the guard in the school
“Good Morning!” She greets the principal “Good Afternoon!” when she sees him.
And when classes are over, she says good bye to everyone.
At night, she greets father “Good Evening!” and gives him a kiss on the cheek. She hugs
mother and tells “Good Night!” before she goes to sleep.
Everyone likes Cora because she is polite.
(The teacher may use pictures while telling the story)
F. Developing Mastery (Lead to Formative Assessment #3)
Group Activity:
Answer the following questions.
Group 1:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Where can we find Cora and the guard/principal/classmates?
Group 2:
Where can we find Cora and Father/Mother?
3. What happens when Cora sees the guard at school?
Group 3:
4. What happens when Cora sees the principal?
5. What does Cora say to father when she comes home?
Group 4:
6. What does Cora tell Mother before she goes to sleep?
Why does everyone like Cora?
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Call some pupils to answer the following questions.
 Is Cora a nice child?
 How did you say so?
If you were Cora, are you going to do the same thing like what she did with everyone?
H. Generalization

Everyone loves
a polite kid.

I. Evaluation
Inside the ribbon, write the full name of someone you know who is polite. Then color the
ribbon with your favorite colors. (See page 5 of LM)


is polite.


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