Seeds Asia: Cebu Project Philippines

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Cebu Project

Newsletter Issue No.2

(August 2015 – August 2016)


DRR Education Takes Root

The “Project for Capacity Building for elementary and one high school while
Disaster Risk Reduction Education for the Promotion Divisions there is one
(DRRE) through Cooperation with the school each and this sums up to thirteen
Local Community in Cebu Province” is (13) schools. DRR Education Takes Root Page 1
slowly taking its roots and growing at Proactive cooperation and strong support helps for
the Department of Education Region VII
Capacity Building for DRRE DRRE to establish its roots in DepEd.
(DepEd RO7) with the nurturing from its In order to build the capacities for DRRE,
a 5-day training is conducted that DRR Education Nurturing: Major
key officials through the leadership of
includes building the knowledge on the Activities Conducted Page 2
Regional Director Dr. Juliet A. Jeruta, the The key activities that helped for DRRE to grow to what
Schools Division Superintendents (SDS), basics of DRR, global and national
it is now.
Curriculum Implementation Division policies and laws, the twenty-one (21)
Chiefs (CIDs) and DRRM Coordinators of DRR Education Activities and the Cultivating the Sense of Ownership:
the ten (10) Division Project drafting of instructional plans (iPlans) DRRE Taking a Life of its Own Page 7
beneficiaries and also of the 13 School with DRRE integration. The training DepEd RO7 slowly taking the lead for DRRE
Heads with its Teachers. program design was crafted by the DRR sustainability.
Education Core Team through the
Project Beneficiaries technical assistance of SEEDS Asia. To 2nd Japan Study Visit for DRRE Page 9
Technical study visit to learn from DRRE initiatives and
The Project has a total of ten (10) DepEd date, there have been three (3) sets of 5- practices of Japan with the key authorities of DepEd.
Divisions as beneficiaries namely (1) day capacity building trainings
Bogo City, (2) Danao City, (3) Cebu conducted with a total of 182 DRRE Integrated Class Page 9
Province, (4) Carcar City, (5) Cebu City, participants equipped with DRRE Observation
(6) Lapu-lapu City, (7) Mandaue City, (8) proficiencies. Prior to the training, all the Japanese experts observing classes with DRRE
integration and technical exchange with the teachers.
Naga City, (9) Talisay City and (10) participants were administered with
Toledo City. The first three (3) are called Knowledge Tests and likewise Key Actors of DRRE in DepEd: Page 10
the DRR Education Model Divisions and afterwards in order to check immediate An Introduction
the remaining seven (7) as the DRR impact of gained learnings. Each Testimonials on the importance of DRR Education.
Education Promotion Divisions. Under Division have also prepared plans of
the Model Divisions, two (2) Model expansion and started cascading DRRE SEEDS Asia Cebu Project Team Page 12
Schools each are chosen with one to other schools.

DRR Education Nurturing: Major Project Activities

Since the commencement of the DRR Education Project last November 2014, significant milestones have
already been achieved with its implementation of almost two (2) years.

August – December 2015 Development Field Office 7 (DSWD-

Teachers’ Training Program Design
Core Team DRR Education Workshop of the Core Team
Integration Workshop Part 2 Anchored on establishing the sense of
The Workshop was organized on August ownership by the Project beneficiaries,
4-5, 2015 to continue finalizing the DRR the Core Team together with SEEDS
Education Matrices from Kindergarten Asia conducted a 2-day workshop on
to Grade 10 which will be utilized in the September 2-3, 2015 to draft the
integration of DRR into the Basic “Teachers’ Training Program Design and
Education subjects. This DRRE Matrix is Development” for DRRE capacity
for the reference guide of the Teachers building of the Model Schools. The
in preparing their iPlans (Instructional scheme is patterned after the Program
Plans) or lesson plans based on the Designing and Resource Development
2nd Steering Committee Meeting with RD Juliet A.
Learning Competencies of the K-12 Jeruta delivering the opening remarks Operations Manual System of DepEd
Curriculum using the 21 DRRE activities. that sets the standards, processes and
2nd Technical Visit of Hyogo BoE tools for implementing training and
In order to continue the transfer of
information from Japan, sound practices
Being part of the resource speakers for
in promoting DRR Education in schools
the 5-day Capacity Building Training,
and in partnership with the community
each member of the Core Team and
were shared by Mr. Naohide Fujimoto,
SEEDS Asia Cebu Project Team were
Education Supervisor of Hyogo BoE and
assigned various topics to present. In
Mr. Koji Kanda, one of the leading
line with this, a series of follow-up
EARTH (Emergency And Rescue Team
meetings was conducted in order to
by school staff in Hyogo) Teachers on
discuss the details of the 5-day training
DRR Education Core Team during break-out session DRRE in Hyogo, to the Core Team,
including the preparation of the Session
of the DRRE Integration Workshop Model Schools and SEEDS Asia’s local
Guides by each of the resource speakers.
Project partners which was held on
The Session Guides contains information
2nd Steering Committee Meeting August 25-26, 2015. Core Team
on the key understandings to be
Conducted on August 24, 2015, the DRR members also presented their Post-
developed, learning objectives,
Education Steering Committee had its Study Visit Reflection Workshop Action
resources needed, introductory activity,
2nd meeting to report on the Plan Outputs. Thereafter, whole day
the main topic session activity, analysis
implementation status, the upcoming visit to each of the six (6) Model Schools
activity, abstraction/generalization
Project activities and presentation of with Hyogo BoE with the support of the
(lecturette), and application activity
DRRE initiatives of Hyogo Prefectural Core Team members was conducted on
which can be in the form of an
Board of Education (Hyogo BoE). August 27, 2016 to observe the local
assignment/homework and the
Valuable inputs were likewise shared by school scenario.
concluding activity.
the participants to enhance its
implementation. The meeting was
attended by its members such as the
DepEd National, DepEd RO7, and Cebu
Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Office (CPDRRMO), Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Philippines and Hyogo Prefectural Board
of Education (Hyogo BoE) as well as the
DRR Education Core Team members. Dr. Emiliano Elnar, Jr., Core Team member and Chief
Other members includes the Office of Demonstration of DRRE to Core Team members and of Curriculum and Learning Management Division
Civil Defense-Region VII (OCD-7) and the partners by Mr. Kanda, EARTH Teacher (upper left). (CLMD) of DepEd RO7, explaining the standards and
Japanese experts visit to Model Schools (upper right processes of training design
Department of Social Welfare and
and below)

Pre-Training Orientation and KIDA (Knowledge, Interest, Desire

Knowledge Test of Teachers and Action) Model Introduction
Prior to the 5-day training, a Pre- Education for Sustainable
Training Orientation was conducted on Development (ESD)
September 24-25, 2015 in order to Introduction of the 21 DRRE
provide Project briefing and to level-off Activities
expectations of all the identified DRR Lecture and Experiential Learning
Education Model School Teachers from Sessions of the 21 DRRE Activities
the Divisions of Danao, Bogo and Cebu iPlan Preparation and DRRE
Province-Daanbantayan District. The Integration Experiential-learning of the 21 DRRE Activities:
Demo Teaching and Critiquing of Firefighting through the use of fire extinguisher, DRR
teachers also took pre-training Puppet Making and DRR Board Games (DRR-
Knowledge Test to know the current selected iPlans with DRRE
themed Snakes and Ladders)
level of DRR knowledge they have. The Integration
local DRRM Officer were also invited to
share the DRR Plans and Programs of On day 1, prior to the start of the formal
the respective cities/municipality to training session, all the participants were
increase the awareness of the training asked to answer Pre-Training Rapid
participants. Competency Assessment Test to know
their current level of knowledge of the
topics that will be taken up as well as
Pre-Training Teacher’s Willingness
Questionnaire to know the teachers
attitude for DRRE. Towards the end of Experiential-learning: Basic First Aid and Life
the training, the participants were Support, Hazard Mapping and DRR Role Playing
likewise requested to answer the Post-
Training Knowledge Test, Post-Training
Rapid Competency Assessment Test and
Post Willingness Questionnaire as well
Model School Teachers from Guinsay Elementary as the End of Program Assessment to
School and Beatriz D. Durano Memorial National
High School from DepEd Danao City Division taking
know the feedback of the participants
Pre-Training Knowledge Test regarding the 5-days training that they
5-Day Training-Workshop on DRR
Education for Model Schools The Core Team and SEEDS Asia
A total of 72 participants from six (6) together with the invited technical Experiential-learning: DRR Drawing, Emergency
DRR Education Model Schools were resource speakers from PAGASA, Cooking, DRR Jingle and DRR Sports Festival
PHIVOLCS, DSWD-FO7, Bureau of Fire (Obstacle Course)
trained which are composed of
Teachers, School DRRM Focal Persons Protection and Danao City DRRMO
and School Heads. DRRE Capacity served as trainers during the said
building training contents were: capacity building training which was
Basic DRR Terms held on October 26-30, 2015 at DepEd
Global and National Policies for Ecotech. JICA Philippines also witnessed
DRR the training on its first day with Mr.
DepEd DRRM Framework and Hayato Nakamura, the Project
DepEd Thrusts for DRRE Formulation Advisor for Disaster
DepEd Orders related to DRR Management.
Camp Coordination and Camp
Management School and Town Watching with Hazard Mapping
School Safety Concept and
Inclusive DRR
Mechanisms, Early Warning
Systems and Preparedness
Measures for Geologic Hazards,
Weather-related Disturbances and
Fire Hazard including Extinguishing
Fires Ms. Maurita Ponce, DRRE Core Team member,
Model School Teachers participants and DRRE
Basic First Aid discussing the School Safety Concept for the DRRE
trainers group photo on the last day of the Training
of Model Schools

3rd Technical Visit of Japanese to the sound practices of the DRR

Experts to Cebu Education Project in Cebu Province and
For Project area familiarization purposes other existing DRR Education programs
and to further enrich the technical and initiatives that involve several
exchanges, Japanese experts visited communities through a themed-panel
Cebu together with JICA Kansai on discussion. Two (2) experts from Japan,
November 4-6, 2015. Six (6) Model Dr. Yukihiko Oikawa, of SEEDS Asia and
Schools and selected Typhoon Yolanda Mr. Naohide Fujimoto of Hyogo BoE Participants of the National DRRRE Forum at
Bulwagan ng Karunungan at DepEd Central in Pasig
Relocation Sites in Bogo City and likewise imparted the DRR Education
Daanbantayan Municipality were visited experiences of Japan to enrich the Follow-up Meeting with Model
by Dr. Yukihiko Oikawa, Board Member appreciation on the initiatives Schools for DRRE Integration
of SEEDS Asia and Mr. Nobuhiro Okubo, showcased. With the aim of continuing the learning
representative of JICA Kansai on the first process of Model School Teachers,
two (2) days of their technical visit. Looking at the future of DRRE in the
country, the ‘Way Forward’ message SEEDS Asia organized series of follow-
On the third day, Dr. Oikawa and Mr. up meetings for DRRE Integration on
Naohide Fujimoto, Education Supervisor was delivered by Dr. Aiko Sakurai,
SEEDS Asia’s Board Member and December 8- 17, 2015. Each Model
of Hyogo BoE, provided pertinent Schools were given technical assistance
information on the DRRE experiences of Professor of Tohoku University.
The aim of the National Forum is to in preparing iPlans and the helpful tools
Japan to the seven (7) target DepEd in integrating DRR into their classes and
Divisions for the roll-out towards the share and deepen the realization, at the
national level, of the importance of lesson plans together with their
Project’s 2nd phase which will be called respective Curriculum Implementation
the DRR Education Promotion Schools. DRRE and the need to incorporate DRR
into the Basic Education Curriculum in Division (CID) Chiefs. Use of Curriculum
order to foster the culture of safety. Guides and presentation of the DRRE
Integration Matrix as well as a sample
iPlan with DRRE integration was
presented to the Teachers. The DRR
miniature models to illustrate the
mechanisms of natural hazards were
also demonstrated by SEEDS Asia.
Aside from the iPlan writing technical
assistance, SEEDS Asia additionally
Field Visit of Japanese Experts at DRRE Model Former DepEd National Secretary, Br. Armin A. presented the summary results of the
Schools and Typhoon Yolanda Relocation Sites Luistro delivering message on the importance of Pre and Post-Training Knowledge Tests,
DRRE in the Philippines Teachers’ Willingness Questionnaire,
Rapid Competency Assessment and the
End of Program Assessment for the
information of the Teachers.

Meeting with the DRRE Promotion Divisions for the

2nd Phase of the Project for the Roll-out together Key leaders of DRRE: (L-R) Mr. Naohide Fujimoto
with Japanese Experts and Mr. Yasutaka Ueda, (Hyogo BoE), Dr. Yukihiko Oikawa (SEEDS Asia),
Deputy Executive Director of SEEDS Asia Dir. Ronilda Co (DepEd National DRRMS), then Dr. Felipa Mantos, DepEd Bogo City Division
Secretary Br. Armin Luistro (DepEd National), Mr. Education Supervisor explaining pointers on DRRE
National Disaster Risk Reduction Takahiro Morita (Senior Representative, JICA
Phils.), then Undersecretary Mr. Reynaldo Laguda,
and Resiliency in Education Jr. (DepEd National) and Mr. Yasutaka Ueda
(DRRRE) Forum (SEEDS Asia)
Conducted on November 10, 2015, a
total of one hundred thirty (130)
participants attended the National
DRRRE Forum that includes Project
partners and representatives from
DepEd Central, 18 DepEd Regional
Offices, selected DepEd Divisions, DRR- Panelists: Mr. Hayato Nakamura (JICA Phils.) Dr. Flood DRR mini model demo together for the
Emiliano Elnar, Jr. (DepEd RO7), Atty. Violeta Seva teachers with DRRE Core Team, Mr. Gerardo Mantos
related National Government Agencies (Makati City) and representatives of D.Q. Liwag and Mr. Tony Aplacador at Daanbantayan Central
and NGOs wherein they were introduced National High School Elementary School

January – August 2016 implementing DRR initiatives. During FAST FACTS: DRRE SCHOOLS & DIVISIONS
the meetings conducted on February
Project Status Update Meeting with 22-24 and 29, 2016 with the key
the DRR Education Core Team stakeholders and the trained Teachers,
Half-way through the DRRE Project SEEDS Asia and the DRRE Project was
implementation, SEEDS Asia presented presented for familiarization purposes as
to the Core Team members the well as the role and cooperation needed
accomplishments as well as the from School PTA, Barangay Officials and
proposed DRR Education Day/Week the LGU. The LGU DRRM Officer was
Celebration of DRR Education Schools requested to present its DRRM plans and
for their approval. Likewise, the programs for the information of the
upcoming Project activities was also group including the support that they
discussed including the meeting with the can provide for the DRRE of schools.
School PTAs, Barangays, Local DRRMOs Each of the attending community
in order to connect the school stakeholders delivered their
beneficiaries with the community. commitment of support to the school’s
Sustainability and monitoring measures DRR initiatives. This meeting with the
were also tackled in the meeting that community helped bridge the gap
was conducted on January 20, 2016. between the schools, barangays and the
Harvest of Excellence Awarding of Core Team Work Planning for DRRE
DepEd RO7 to Partners Sustainability and Promotion
DepEd RO7 conducted on February 1, School Teachers Training Planning
2016 a thanksgiving program for its
In order to ensure that DRRE shall be
partners called the “Harvest of Excellence sustained in the long run beyond SEEDS
Awarding Ceremony”. It aimed to
Asia’s Project engagement, a 2-day
recognize the valuable contribution of
Work Planning was held on April 14-15,
DepEd supporters to the cause of 2016 with the Core Team. The group
promoting quality Basic Education crafted the DRRE Vision of DepEd RO7
through the provision of much needed Teachers, School Heads, Barangay Captains, and
as well as the action plans for the
learning support for the improvement School PTA Presidents of Model Schools for
Community Linkage Meeting attainment of the desired outcomes.
and development of schools in Region Likewise the upcoming training of the
VII. SEEDS Asia was one of the awardees
Rolling-out of DRR Education: Promotion School teachers was also
for its significant contribution for
Meeting with the Promotion School planned out. The Vision crafted was,
capacitating teachers on DRRE for the
DepEd Divisions and LDRRMOs
benefit of the learners and the
Moving into the 2nd phase of the DRRE
community being prepared for disasters.
Project, a 2nd meeting with the seven (7) “A premier DepEd Region in
DepEd Divisions was conducted on the Philippines that
March 2, 2016 to discuss the details of implements practical and
the Project, accomplishments, sustainable DRR Education
nominations of schools and teachers with teachers that are
including the criteria as well as the empowered to serve and
activities that will be conducted for the learners which are disaster-
capacity building training of the finalized prepared towards safe and
list of schools and participants. resilient schools and
SEEDS Asia Harvest of Excellence Award communities through
excellent leadership.”
Community Linkage: Meeting with
the School PTA, Barangay and LGU
DRRM at the DRRE Model Schools
After building the capacity of Teachers,
the next step would be to enjoin the
participation of the School PTAs and
concerned barangays together with the
support of the local government unit’s RD Jeruta giving inspirational message and Dr. Elnar
(LGU) DRRM Office in order to be presenting DRRE Project accomplishments of Model
comprehensive and sustainable in Schools Core Team Visioning and Work Planning for DRRE

Confirmation of Nominated DRRE 5-Day Training-Workshop on DRR

Promotion Schools Education for Promotion Schools
Schools and its teachers were There were seven (7) Schools with
nominated by the concerned Divisions, eighty-four (84) participants composed
others in consultation with the LGUs, to of School Heads and Teachers together
be the DRRE Promotion School. To with the CID Chiefs and DRRM Focal
finalize their participation, several Persons of the ten (10) DepEd Divisions
meetings with each nominated school with the special participation of two (2)
was conducted on April 20, 25-28, 2016 representatives from DepEd National –
wherein the Project details were Disaster Risk Reduction and
Firefighting using fire extinguishers with lecture from
presented including the expected roles Management Service (DRRMS) the Bureau of Fire Protection Officers of San Remigio
and responsibilities of the participants. summing up to one hundred two (102) (upper); DRR Role Playing and DRR Storytelling by
The schools were given option to decide individuals that attended the DRRE the Promotion School Teachers
their willingness to be part of the capacity building training held on May
Project. During the meeting, the 16-20, 2016.
LDRRM Officer of the LGU was also
invited to present its DRRM Programs Aside from the Core Team and SEEDS
and its commitment of support for the Asia, added to the pool of trainers are six
DRRE initiative. (6) Model School Teachers namely Ms.
Geramie Masong (Guinsay Elementary
School, Danao City Division), Ms. Jelyn
Capuyan (Beatriz D. Durano Memorial
National High School, Danao City
Division), Ms. Rechelle Estiola (Bogo DRR Drawing and Coloring as well as DRR Slogan-
Central I School, Bogo City Division), Mr.
Rogeno Valenzuela (City of Bogo
Science and Arts Academy, Bogo City
Division), Ms. Ana Orbeta (Tapilon
National High School, Cebu Province
Division) and Mr. John Louie Arcipe
Talavera Elementary School nominated by Toledo (Daanbantayan Central Elementary
City Division with the LDRRM Officer (upper left) School, Cebu Province Division).
presenting DRRM Program of the City, Ms. Kathleen
Almonte of SEEDS Asia (upper right) explaining Likewise invited are technical resource
DRRE Project and Dr. Gemma Gay Alvez, CID Chief
confirming the schools participation (lower left) and speakers from PHIVOLCS, PAGASA, and DRR Board Game: Millionaire’s Game, Hazard
the teachers’ group photo (lower right) Bureau of Fire Protection and Danao mapping Activity (upper); Basic First Aid
City DRRMO. Some improvements were demonstration and Emergency Bag contents
Pre-Training Orientation of DRRE introduced based on the End of Program presentation (lower)
Promotion Schools Assessment Results of the previous
After the confirmation of the nominated training of Model School Teachers and
DRRE Promotion Schools, a pre-training also the lecture presentation were
orientation was provided in various updated but still covers the same topics.
dates of April in order to level-off the Experiential-learning was still proven to
expectations of the training participants, be an effective method in training the
their expected outputs and also to Teachers because their appreciation and
administer the pre-Training Knowledge understanding of the DRR concepts
Tests. were deepened.
Town and School Hazard Map Reporting (upper);
Emergency cooking and DRR Sports Festival:
Obstacle Course (lower)

Total of 102 participants attended the DRRE

Administration of Knowledge Test to DRRE
Capacity Building Training held in Hagnaya Beach
Promotion School Teachers
Resort and Restaurant in San Remigio, Cebu Group photo of DRRE Promotion School Teachers

Special Meeting with the 10 DepEd contains the actions and target timelines consulted with these two (2) groups. In
Division and 13 School Project in iPlan with DRRE integration attendance to the meeting were the
Beneficiaries submission, review and pilot testing of DRRE Steering Committee members
As with any project implementation, the Divisions and quality assurance of such as the Core Team, DepEd RO7 key
there are challenges that need to be DepEd RO7-Curriculum and Learning officials, DepEd Central-DRRMS, DRRM-
addressed and actions to be taken in Management Division (CLMD) as well as related government agencies such as
order to resolve them right away. In this other initiatives for the sustainability of the Cebu Provincial DRRMO, OCD-7,
regard, SEEDS Asia organized the first DRRE. DSWD-FO7 and Education Cluster
ever gathering of all its Project members such as World Vision, Swiss
beneficiaries in a single meeting on July Caritas, Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc.
28, 2016 to discuss the challenges they (RAFI), and A2D. They were very positive
were encountering in implementing in its merging to form the “Education
DRRE, monitoring report submission Resilience Working Group” (ERWG) as the
compliance and how to address them. attendees saw the need for the
Education Sector to have a focal group
Based on the submitted reports to that shall address DRR concerns. ERWG,
SEEDS Asia, the DRRE Project status as which was actually patterned after
well as the summary of compliance was DepEd Central’s initiative, shall be the
presented to RD Dr. Juliet Jeruta, the Job-Embedded Learning (JEL) Contract signing of single body in DepEd RO7 that shall
Schools Division Superintendent (SDS), the Divisions with RD Juliet Jeruta to ensure
commitment and sustainability of DRRE
discuss and coordinate DRR initiatives
CIDS and DRRM Coordinators of the ten within DepEd and its partners at the
(10) Divisions as well as the School Regional level.
Heads and trained Teachers of the 13
Schools for information update and for Likewise, ERWG will also help facilitate
them to have the bird’s eye view on how
their respective Divisions are faring. Cultivating the the non-duplication of efforts and
having a comprehensive approach in

Thereafter, the group was briefed on Sense of addressing DRR concerns of the
Education Sector. With the approval of
how to accomplish the DRRE Monitoring
Ownership: DRRE
establishing the ERWG, DepEd RO7 shall
Forms and the protocols and frequency already assumed the call of the
in submitting the reports as well as
Taking a Life of
succeeding meetings, presiding over
highlighting the important information them and setting its direction. In fact,
that needs to be entered into the forms. the 1st ERWG meeting of DepEd RO7
SEEDS Asia also underscored the
significance of regularly submitting
its Own was already conducted on August 16,
2016 wherein the partner organizations
complete and updated reports by the Constant engagement and sharing, were requested to report on the
Divisions and Schools since there is a applying the participatory process, initiatives with the presence of all the
need to account them and inform JICA promoting accountability and valuing thirteen (13) Divisions under DepEd RO7.
Kansai, the funding partner, regularly. efforts are the key components of For the next meeting targeted to be held
The publication of the DRRE Handbook, cultivating the sense of ownership with in September, the group shall discuss
as one of the major outputs of the the Project beneficiaries. Exercising ERWG’s Terms of Reference (TOR) in
Project, was also explained which would these key elements throughout SEEDS order to have a well-defined function.
contain the sound DRRE initiatives of Asia’s implementation of DRRE Project,
the Divisions and Schools based on their positively, DepEd RO7 with its ten (10)
submitted reports. Divisions and Schools is gradually taking
charge by proactively taking the lead
Considering the remaining months of role for DRRE’s sustainability.
SEEDS Asia’s Project engagement, the
planned activities were also presented Education Resilience Working
for them to be informed of the next Group: DRRE Steering Committee
steps and what are expected from them and Region Education Cluster
in the succeeding months. Merging
This can be evidenced recently during
In order to ensure the commitment of all the 3rd DRRE Steering Committee
the Project beneficiaries, the Job- Meeting held on August 3, 2016 at
Embedded Learning (JEL) Contract was (Upper) 3rd DRRE Steering Committee Meeting;
DepEd RO7 wherein the proposed (Lower) 1st Education Resilience Working Group
signed by each of the Divisions together merging of the said Committee with the (ERWG) Meeting
with RD Jeruta. The JEL Contract Regional Education Cluster was

Reporting of the 10 Divisions on One example was organizing a 3-day DRRE Sustainability: Cascading to
DRRE Accomplishments Regional Conference-Workshop which other Schools
Aiming for the promotion of was conducted on August 7-9, 2016. The Aside from DepEd RO7, the ten (10)
accountability, each of the DepEd entire 3-day Program was facilitated by DepEd Divisions are also doing their
Divisions were requested to report their RD Jeruta herself including the share in sustaining DRRE by planning
individual accomplishments and plans workshop and the methodology. The out on how to cascade it not just in the
for DRRE sustainability during the objectives of the Conference-Workshop pilot schools but also to the rest of the
meeting held on August 5, 2016. After were: (a) to discuss the updates on DRR public and private schools under their
seeing the status of DRRE implementation of the Region; (b) plan respective jurisdictions. All of the
implementation of their respective for the expansion of the consolidated Divisions already prepared schedules for
Division based on the report presented DRR initiatives (education integration, the capacity building training and
by SEEDS Asia during the July 28, 2016 psychosocial, management, response, strategies in order to efficiently cascade
meeting, all the ten (10) Divisions etc.); (c) integrate DRR efforts for the DRRE. Majority of the Project
worked double-time to comply with the resiliency of Schools/ Divisions/ Region; beneficiary Divisions are going to
DRRE implementation requirements and and; (d) practice teamwork in promoting conduct the roll-out training this
keep-up with the rest of Divisions. DRR for sustainable development. October. Each Division now call the
Attendees were the DepEd Central- trained teachers by SEEDS Asia as the
This Division Reporting Meeting helped DRRMS, Regional Office Division Chiefs, Division DRRE Core Team in charge of
in building their motivation to account thirteen (13) Schools Divisions with their capacitating the schools. Thereafter
for their activities and disclose their Schools Division Superintendents (SDS), their training sessions, the teachers shall
accomplishments in a transparent Assistant SDS, and DRRM Focal Persons. prepare iPlans with DRR Education
manner as well as take proactive Likewise the Regional DRRE Core Team, integration for checking and review of
responsibility in sustaining DRRE. School Heads and a teacher of DRRE the CIDs of each DepEd Division and also
Representatives from DepEd Central- Model and Promotion Schools and apply to their respective classes.
DRRMS also attended this reporting SEEDS Asia Cebu Project Team were
session with two (2) representatives also invited together with the former On the other hand, other Divisions are
namely Ms. Joan Grace Llamado and Mr. Undersecretary of DepEd Central Mr. focusing on review and pilot testing of
Anthony Verzosa to be updated of the Reynaldo Laguda, Jr. iPlans with integrated DRR in order to
Project’s progress. ensure that the drafted lessons plans are
Highlights of the 3-day include the quality assured. Pilot tests are planned
reporting of the Divisions of their DRR to be held by each Division starting this
initiatives as well as workshop for DRRE. September and shall continue
The workshop methodology used was indefinitely as long as there are iPlans
“Appreciative Inquiry” wherein each of submitted for screening.
the thirteen (13) DepEd Divisions
planned and drafted their respective The first one to hold its roll-out of the
Division-level plans for DRRM and capacity building training for DRRE is
DRRE. In order to consolidate the plans, DepEd Danao City Division which was
Reporting of 10 DepEd Divisions with either their three (3) working groups were created as
SDS or CID Chiefs and a message from the Deputy
held on Aug 24-26, 2016.
follows and they shall conduct meetings
Executive Director of SEEDS Asia
separately to plan out their assignments:
Group 2: Capacity
Regional Conference-Workshop on Group 1:
Building for Group 3:
Consolidation of Disaster Risk Curriculum & Monitoring,
Promotion &
Reduction Initiatives Mobilization
Teacher’s Tracking &
Competency Evaluation
With DepEd RO7 now realizing the Plan for DRRE
importance of DRR Education, actions Lead: Education Lead: Curriculum Lead: Field
are already being undertaken at their Support and Learning Technical
Services Management Assistance
own initiative through the leadership of Division (ESSD) Division (CLMD) Division (FTAD)
Regional Director Juliet Jeruta. + Human + Administrative
Resources & Finance
Development Divisions +
Division (HRDD) Policy, Planning
& Research
Division (PPRD)
Members: Members: Members:
Talisay City Cebu Province Siquijor Province
Tagbilaran City Bogo City Bohol Province
Cebu City Danao City Naga City DepEd Danao City Division roll-out training for DRRE
RD Jeruta facilitating the workshop for DRRM and Toledo City Mandaue City Carcar City by Cluster of Schools
DRRE plans of the 13 DepEd Divisions Lapu-lapu City

able to learn from it and not repeat the

2nd Japan Study Visit for DRRE same mistake by reducing risks and
preparing for it. Furthermore,
Furthering the transfer of knowledge on the DRRE of the Ministry of Education, community cooperation and how each
DRRE to Philippines’ Education sector Culture, Sports, Science and Technology stakeholder have their respective roles
and enriching the appreciation on the (MEXT) of Japan. School visits and and responsibilities in the society that is
importance of DRRE, key officials were observation of DRRE classes were also collaborated for a concerted effort of
invited by SEEDS Asia to participate in witnessed by the participants including a adapting to disasters was also remarked.
the Study Visit to Japan with brief Town Watching activity in Shin-
representatives from DepEd Central and Nagata, one of the areas in Kobe City
DepEd RO7 with its concerned DepEd heavily affected by the earthquake in
Divisions, one (1) LGU DRRM Officer and 1995 and observation of Hyogo BoE’s
JICA Philippines. Additionally, through training of its teachers for DRR. Key
this Study Visit, it is hoped that DepEd officials were also met by the DepEd With Tamba City Mayor and Tamba BoE
will be able to foster the sustainability of Delegations such as Mr. Masahiro Tawa, Superintendent
DRRE beyond SEEDS Asia’s Deputy Director of JICA Kansai, Mr.
engagement period (beyond March Naohide Fujimoto and Mr. Ikuta
2017), share the knowledge gained and Atsuhito of Hyogo BoE, Mr. Jugoro Tsuji,
apply lessons learned towards Mayor of Tamba City, and Mr. Shigeo
establishing a culture of safety in schools Oda, Superintendent of Tamba City
and the community. BoE, Dr. Aiko Sakurai, Dr. Takashi Oda
and Dr. Takeshi Sato, members of Meeting at Tohoku University
Areas visited include Kobe City to learn International Research Institute of
about the DRR initiatives implemented Disaster Science (IRIDeS) of Tohoku
during the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji University as well as Dr. Rajib Shaw, the
Earthquake (Kobe Earthquake), Tamba Chairman of the Board of SEEDS Asia.
City having experience sediment
flooding in August 2014, Sendai for Among the notable learnings of the
experiencing the devastating Great East participants from the study visit is the Processing of learning on the last day of Study Visit
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (GEJET) importance of commemorating past with Dr. Rajib Shaw, Chairman of SEEDS Asia
in 2011 and Tokyo to know more about disasters so that new generation may be

try to adopt some of the DRR Education

DRRE Integrated activities that he observed when he
returns to Japan.
Class Observation A day prior to the class observations, a
meeting with all the Project
Technical experts from Japan on DRRE,
beneficiaries was conducted on Aug. 22,
Mr. Naohide Fujimoto of Hyogo BoE and
2016. Mr. Fujimoto presented on the
Mr. Masaki Tabuchi, an EARTH Teacher,
importance in conducting DRRE, school- Group photo with the students of Buaya Elementary
visited six (6) schools and observed
community linkage and overcoming School
seven (7) classes on August 23-26, 2016.
challenges in implementing DRRE. TEACHER, GRADE
Thereafter the class observations, SCHOOL
Whereas Mr. Tabuchi presented sample LEVEL & CLASS
technical exchanges on how to further
cases in applying DRRE according to his 1. CARCAR CENTRAL Ms. Juvalyn B. Bacus,
improve the classes were discussed. In ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade 2 - English
experience and key strategies to teach
this visit, not only did the Model and Ms. Marites S. Oyao,
DRR. 2. TALAVERA Grade 6 - English
Promotion School teachers learned, but
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Ms. Janette M. Gonzales
also the Japanese experts. In fact they Grade 6 - Science
were very impressed with the way the 3. BOGO CENTRAL Ms. Rachelle C. Catadman
SCHOOL I Grade 4 - Math
classes were conducted because the
4. CITY OF BOGO SCIENCE Ms. Miraflor L. Jumao-as
format is learner-focused with the & ARTS ACADEMY Grade 8 - Values Education
students performing many of the class 5. MANDAUE CITY
COMPREHENSIVE Mr. Joemarie C. Apor -
activities. Remarkable also is the NATIONAL HIGH Grade 10 - Music
liveliness of classes and students which SCHOOL
6. BUAYA ELEMENTARY Ms. Lavella S. Sitoy -
helps in increasing their motivation to SCHOOL Grade 5 - English
learn. Mr. Tabuchi said the he will also DRRE class observations with Hyogo BoE Observed classes list

Key Actors of DRRE in DepEd: An Introduction

Ms. Ronilda R. Co Dr. Juliet A. Jeruta, CESO IV
Director IV, Disaster Risk Reduction and OIC-Regional Director
Management Services (DRRMS) DepEd Region VII
DepEd Central
“DRR education will enable learners, their families
“DRR Education is the foundation of awareness, and the whole community to be fully prepared on
knowledge and action. It empowers one to reduce what to do when disaster comes, prevent
risks posed by hazards.” occurrence of disaster by doing environment friendly plan with courses
of action related to reuse, reduce and recycle of materials and wastes,
putting up of erosion control mechanism at sloping areas, flood control
Dr. Emiliano D. Elnar, Jr. at lowlands and river banks, tree planting in denuded areas, disaster
Chief, Curriculum Learning and Management resilient infrastructure in construction and passage of disaster
Division preparedness relevant ordinances/ local policies in the municipal/ city/
DepEd Region VII provincial levels of governance.
“DRR Education is very important because it prepares
everyone in any eventuality that may happen Dr. Fay C. Luarez
specifically when there are disasters.” Chief, Education Program Supervisor of
Curriculum Implementation Division
Ms. Jocelyn M. Conta DepEd Mandaue City Division
Chief, Education Program Supervisor of Curriculum “Disaster Risk Reduction Education is important to
Implementation Division reduce fear and anxiety in times of hazards and disasters; helps
DepEd Bogo City Division everyone understand what to do should a disaster strike as well as saves
lives. It helps us prepare, mitigate and help us alleviate some of the
“Wherever we are, risks always abound. Thus, we
devastation by reducing the impact of disasters.”
need to be aware about these risks and whatever
disasters these may bring. With proper education, not just mere
information, we can live in a safer and better world." Dr. Mary Jane J. Powao
Chief, Education Program Supervisor of
Curriculum Implementation Division
Ms. Lilia R. Ybañez
DepEd Carcar City Division
Chief, Education Program Supervisor of
Curriculum Implementation Division “Promoting the integration of disaster risk
DepEd Danao City Division reduction into school education is very important
to raise awareness and provide a better understanding of disaster
“DRR Education raises consciousness and broaden
preparedness and management for children, teachers and communities
stakeholders understanding in managing and
as well as minimize risks before, during and after disasters. DRR
achieving greater resilience to any forms of disasters.”
preparedness also ensures the stakeholders’ alertness at all times for
any disaster that they will encounter so they will be calm and be able to
Dr. Mary Ann P. Flores apply all the precautionary measures in any calamities.”
Chief, Education Program Supervisor of
Curriculum Implementation Division Dr. Genda P. De Gracia
DepEd Cebu Province Division Chief, Education Program Supervisor of
“DRR Education is an opportunity for the students Curriculum Implementation Division
to reduce their vulnerability from disasters through active involvement DepEd Naga City Division
in interesting DRR-related classroom activities while enhancing their DRR Education plays a very important aspect in
learning competencies in the different subject areas. Constituting the our daily life because it is from educating and
largest percentage of the population, students are capable of cascading informing all people in the school and community that we would be able
the knowledge, skills and attitudes they acquire from school to the to save one’s life from disasters.”
people around them, thereby creating a culture of safety and resilience
in their respective homes and communities.”
Dr. Grecia F. Bataluna
Chief, Education Program Supervisor of
Ms. Maria Lourdes L. Ipong Curriculum Implementation Division
Chief, Education Program Supervisor of Curriculum DepEd Cebu City Division
Implementation Division
DepEd Talisay City Division “DRR Education brings awareness of people in all
walks of life about disaster prevention and
“DRR Education helps to strengthen our awareness mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. It is a way towards
and readiness in times of disasters.” saving lives in case of natural calamities.”

Dr. Oliver M. Tuburan Dr. Gemma Gay T. Alvez

Chief, Education Program Supervisor of Chief, Education Program Supervisor of
Curriculum Implementation Division Curriculum Implementation Division
DepEd Lapu-lapu City Division DepEd Toledo City Division
“DRR Education will help save lives and “The importance of DRR Education is that masses
properties. It gives information to our school are given the chance to be informed of the
children on what to do when disaster comes and dangers of disasters as well as to be educated on
how to lessen the effect of disaster by looking into aspects that would how to prepare and mitigate before and recover after the disasters.”
mitigate its impact.

Other On-going Project of SEEDS Asia

UNDP, Myanmar Red Cross and City for members of Cebu-Philippines
India American Red Cross, ACTED and Project in July 2015. This joint Project
The initiative of SEEDS Asia in India is SEEDS Asia have cooperated to form aims to promote sustainable DRR
called the “Project for Participatory this Consortium. SEEDS Asia is education through school-community
Community-Based Disaster Risk involved in the capacity building of linkage in Tamba City through building
Reduction Approaches in Varanasi” government officials and scholars from a promotion system and a pioneer
which is being funded by the Ministry universities in Myanmar through model in the affected area and
of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA). collaborative research and partnership developing educational materials and
This project was proposed after the with Kyoto University and Asian system that help to expand the
‘Kyoto-Varanasi Partnership Affiliation University Network on Environment experience throughout the city which
Agreement’ that promotes different and Disaster Management (AUEDM). is same concept as Cebu Project.
levels of cooperation between the two
(2) cities. Varanasi is one of the most
vulnerable city from disasters. This
project aims to enhance Varanasi
City’s disaster resilience involving
schools and communities in
cooperation with Banaras Hindu
University. Learning materials on DRR Town watching with the students
Bangladesh Kumamoto, Japan
The “Project on Capacity Building for After the big earthquake with a seismic
Community-Based DRR in Urban Areas intensity of VII occurred in Kumamoto
in Bangladesh” by SEEDS Asia is being Prefecture on April 14 and 16, 2016,
funded by JICA in partnership with SEEDS Asia conducted damage needs
Demonstration on improvised stretcher Dhaka North City Corporation. With assessment on May 16-21, 2016.
the risks of urban disasters such as Subsequently, an agreement with the
Myanmar earthquake and downpour increasing
After the completion of previous Department of Disaster Risk
in Dhaka, this current Project aims to Management in Uki City and Social
initiative of SEEDS Asia in Myanmar increase the capacity of local Welfare Council to have support
called the “Project on Capacity communities to cope with natural
Building for Disaster Risk Reduction activities in the City was granted that
disasters. is funded by Japan Platform. Aid for
(DRR) in Disaster Risk Areas” which
was funded by JICA, a new the management of the recovery
undertaking followed immediately. support center by SEEDS Asia with
With the help of a grant from USAID, know-how of community recovery and
the Myanmar Consortium for Capacity resources in Kesennuma is being
Development on Disaster conducted.
Management (MCCDM) was Kick-off Workshop for the Project in Bangladesh
established in order to support the Tamba City, Japan
initiative of the national government “Joint Project with Tamba City for
on National Disaster Management Community Development” funded by
Training Centre (DMTC) which is under Tamba City Government was a take-
construction process. UN-Habitat, off from the study visit made in the Community recovery activities for Kumamoto



(Top) DRRE Model School Teachers and (bottom) DRRE Promotion School Teachers group photo during the Capacity Building Training.


Ms. Kathleen B. Almonte Ms. Kathleen B. Almonte, Local Project Manager

Local Project Manager
“Being able to make a difference through DRR
Education is the essence on why this Project was Ms. Akiko Kida
conceived. Knowledge combined with action is the
true realization of this Project’s success in the long run. The strong
support and cooperation of our key partners in DepEd inspires us even Ms. Jacqueline B. Pono
more to work harder to realize our goal of reducing disaster risks and
impacts through the teachers and students together with the

Ms. Akiko Kida

Project Officer
“I have seen many achievements and positive
outcomes of the DRRE Project since I worked with
SEEDS Asia and I am proud to be part of it. “The seeds
of DRR Education” got sown steadily from teachers to students and also
from children to the community. Certainly, these seeds will grow up well
and put firm roots in the schools as well as the communities through the
teachers and children.”

Ms. Jacqueline B. Pono

Assistant Coordinator
“This project paved the way for the strong Cebu Project
partnership of school and local community in
sustaining DRR Education and disaster resiliency in
the communities of Cebu Province. With much hope, I envision this
initiative to be cascaded to other locations and regions which will in
time, permanently establish a culture of safety in the Philippines.”

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