Course Syllabus In: The National Teachers College Manila

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The National Teachers College





The Teaching Profession



The National Teachers College believes in democratic education for

individual responsibility and social competence.


The National Teachers College envisions itself as a leading academic

institution for the development of all levels of education anchored on the
ideals of Excellence, Relevance, Access, and Effectiveness geared towards
national productivity and world-class competitiveness.


The avowed mission of THE NATIONAL TEACHERS COLLEGE is to

provide leaders and innovators in the academe and industries who are
equipped, responsible, and competent individuals to contribute to national
and international endeavors.


The Graduate of The National Teachers College will be able to:

1. Become an educated professional who believes in and practice

democracy as a living faith and as a way of life;
2. Become socially efficient and individually responsive to the needs of
the Republic of the Philippines within the framework of international
3. Interpret, transmit, enrich, and value the Filipino cultural heritage;
4. Lead and guide his family and people in the workplace in developing
integrity of character, cultivating intellectual power, maintaining
physical vigor, and nurturing spiritual strength;
5. Use not only hid mind and heart but also his hands in leading others
to participate actively and intelligently in solving everyday problems
and in bringing about desirable socio-economics change.
College of Education


It shall be the unwavering mission of

The NTC Teacher education the Teacher Education Program to offer
Program envisions itself as the quality pre-service teacher education
Standard Bearer of the Institution that will improve the quality of
dedicated to the development of education in general and that of basic
future teachers who manifest high
education in particular in an atmosphere
performance levels in the exercise of
the noblest, the most dignified and the of democracy anchored on the ideals of
best loved-profession-TEACHING. commitment, dedication and service


At the end of the program the student will able to:

1. Serve as positive and powerful role model of the values of the pursuit of
2. Demonstrate the importance of providing for social psychological and
physical environmental within which all students regardless of individual
differences in learning, can engage in the different learning activities and
work towards attaining high standards of learning.
3. Facilitate the learning process in diverse learners by first recognizing and
respecting individual differences, then using knowledge about students’
differences to design diverse sets of learning activities to ensure that all
students can attain desired learning goals.
4. Demonstrate knowledge for subject matter and the learning process,
teaching-learning approaches and activities, instructional materials and
learning resources.
5. Align the assessment and learning activities; specifically:
 use assessment data and revise teaching-learning plan
 integrate assessment procedures – the plan and implementation of
teaching-learning achievements
 report on learners actual achievement and behavior
6. Link the experiences and aspiration of the students in their homes and
communities to help in the attainment of the curricular goals.
7. Show and demonstrate high regard for the teaching profession, concern for
professional development and continuous improvement as teachers.
Course Syllabus in The Teaching Profession

A. Course Code: FCT2

B. Course Title: The Teaching Profession

C. Course Description: This course deals with the teachers as a person and as a
professional within the context of national teacher standards and other global
teachers standards, professional and ethical values, awareness of professional
rights, privileges and responsibilities as well as their roles in the society.

D. Prerequisite: None

E. Credit units: 3 units

F. COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Manifest through speech and actions authoritative knowledge of what a teacher

should know: the philosophical, moral, intellectual, emotional, professional and
physical aspects of being a teacher;
2. Firmly resolve to internalize and appreciate what a teacher should be: in the
practice of the teaching profession as a vocation, as a mission, and as a
3. Empower themselves by practicing what a teacher should do in performing
their roles in the school, in the community, and in the greater society;

PRELIMINARY PERIOD: At the end of this term, the students will be able to manifest authoritative
knowledge of What a Teacher Should Know.

Time Learning Learning Content Strategies Resources Assessment

Allotment Outcome
Week 1 Reflect on the Stages in the Discussion, Audio-visual Paper-pencil
continuum of the teaching career: entry examination,
teaching career to teacher education, Ordering of Textbook
including the pre-service events, Graded recitation
challenges and education, licensing Activity sheet
rewards along the and certification Debating ,

Week 2 Deduce the The Seven Domains Socialized Text Reports

competencies of Teaching recitation, Documented
required of according to the Characterization Resource persons observation reports
teachers PPST Observation &
Week 3 Recognize that Teachers’ Rights, Role Plays Video Student-made video
rights are coupled Natural Rights, Civil PowerPoint presentation
with obligations Rights, Political, materials
necessary to Rights, Constitutional Socialized
control the human Rights, Statutory discussion Text
acts Rights

Week 4 Recall educational Classical/World Individual Internet Pencil-and-paper

philosophies- philosophies of Reporting test
definitions and education;
concepts Previous class Graded reporting
Modern educational discussion A term paper: My
philosophies Personal Teaching

Week 5 Show awareness Employment status Interview among

and understanding (temporary, public and private
of teachers’ contractual and school teachers
policies/standards permanent)
in both public and Journalizing insights
private institutions Personal Action from interview
(recruitment, next-in-
rank, promotion,
reemployment detail,
reassign, demotion,
Debate: Are values
As a Moral Person Values being caught or taught?
(Honesty, Courage,
Fidelity and Chastity,
Self-Discipline, Self-

Values of Giving
(respect) justice,
kindness. Friendship,
love, loyalty)

Week 6: Preliminary Examination

MIDTERM PERIOD: At the end of this term, the students will be able to firmly resolve to internalize,
actualize and appreciate what a teacher should be.
Time Learning Outcome Learning Content Strategies Resources Assessment

Week 1 Pledge to become a The teacher as a moral Discussion Text Morality Creed
teacher of good person Making
moral character comparison Bible
and contrast

Week 2 Demonstrate the The teacher as an expert Focus Group Text Checklist on teaching
characteristics of an Discussions expertise
expert teacher Resource
Individual persons

Week 3 Make intelligent The teacher as a leader Potential Text Journals

choices of Leadership
leadership most Checklist
applicable to

Week 4 Apply leadership The teacher as a Group work Previous Survey using the
principles and classroom manager discussions checklist
concepts in
classroom situations

Week 5 Facilitate actual The teacher as facilitator of Demonstration Previous class Term paper on any of
classroom situations learning on class discussions the topics discussed
facilitation during the term

Week 6: Midterm Examination

FINAL PERIOD: At the end of this term, the students will be able to empower themselves by practicing what a teacher
should do in performing their roles in the school, in the community, and in the greater society;

Time Learning Outcome Learning Content Strategies Resources Assessment

Week 1 Show understanding Principles governing the Discussion Text Graded recitation
of the basic ethics of the education Sample
principles on the profession pledges
ethics of the
education profession

Week 2 Commit themselves The Code of professional Panel The Code of Pledge of
to the ethics of the Ethics in the Teaching Discussion Ethics of the Commitment
teaching profession profession Teaching

Week 3 Trace the Legislations that led to the Socialized Texts of Journal
chronology of professionalization of the discussion PD 1006
legislations leading teaching profession RA 7836
to the RA 9293
of teaching
Week 4 Enumerate for Constitutional provisions Focus group Texts of 1987 Graded recitation
purposes of pertaining to education discussions Constitution;
observance the and other educational laws RA 9155; EO
provisions on Panel 356; PD 6-A;
education in the Presentation Ed. Act of
Constitution and in Discussion 1982; etc.
other educational

Week 5 Shun the Grievance Machinery Individual Texts of court Compilation of legal
commission of Disciplinary Measures reporting reports cases involving
violations of the (grievance, complaints, teachers
Constitution and offenses, due process, DECS Order
other educational exigency of service, for
laws cause) Civil Service

Labor Law
Week 6: Final Examination

G. Course Requirements
1. Action Research/Report
2. Unit Tests
3. Major Examination
4. Journals/Reflections

H. Required Readings:
a. Bilbao, Corpuz, Llagas. The Teaching Profession, 2012
b. Salandanan, Gloria. Teaching and the Teacher, 2012
c. The Modern Teacher
d. DECS Order No. 33 Series 1999
e. Civil Service Law Revised Edition by Solicitor Renan E. Ramos
f. Revised Service Manual Labor Law

I. Suggested Readings
a. Bauzon, Prisciliano. Handbook in Legal Bases of Education, 2012
b. DuPrin, Andrew. Principles of Leadership, 2013
c. Reyes, Flordeliza. Commissioned Research on Teaching Expertise
d. Springer and Persiani. Guide to Classroom Management, 2011
e. The Philippine Constitution

J. Subject Related Fees

Test papers
K. Consultation

L. Grading System

Class Standing
Unit Tests/Research 30%
Report/Recitation/Journal 27%
Attendance 10%

Major Examination 33%


Total 100%

M. Class Policies
1. Students are required to come on time and be ready for the tasks they are to
2. Participation in class discussion/recitation is essential at all times.
3. Projects such as research, portfolio and the like should be submitted one
week before the final examination.

Prepared by:


Dean, College of Education

Noted by:


Chief Librarian


Dean, College of Education

Endorsed by:


Dean, College of Education

Approved by:

Chief Learning Officer

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