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1. I have just learnt to

a. Write and translate dialogue
b. Write group buddy date
c. Write about “according to”

A. Write and translate have examples like

a : Siti, can you return the book library to me please
b : Certainly I can and I will

a : Siti, bisakah kamu mengembalikan buku perpustakaan untuk saya, ku

b : Pasti saya bisa dan akan mau

B. Writing group buddy date had example like

WAHYU Can read story Can sing english Can basket ball Can playing

C. Writing about “according to” has an example like

= according to Adnan
- His will go to his school to collect my report
= according to Lathan
a. Lusi will not do the cleaning
b. She will not even clean heve room

2. The activities I like most were

= the material that I like is writing and translating I like the material because it
teaches us to be smart in translating

3. The activities I found most difficult were

= the material that I find difficult is to write group data. I find this material difficult
because we have to ask one by what they like and don’t like, so this takes a long

4. What I meed to be better is/are

= follow the essons taught by the teacher or teacher who is teaching and haver
argus with the teacher because teacher is a substitude for parents at school

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