The Deputy Gen. Manager Electricity Board, Kokrajhar (BTAD) (Assam)

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The Deputy Gen. Manager Electricity Board, Kokrajhar (BTAD) (Assam)

Date : ......../02/ 2017

Sub:- Intimation in respect that your authority is arranging to activating /

settlement 11000 voltage electrics current's wires under the land near
of our houses , village - Sagalchara part 3 , toward Vodafone BTS (Tower)
though there are another free area to activate the 11000 voltage current's
and as a we are facing hardship/danger in our life .

- prayer for closure settlement 11000 voltage electric current near our houses vill
& P.O. - Sagachara part 3 , Dist.& P.S. Dhubri (Assam).

Sir ,
Most respectfully and humble submission we beg to draw your kind
attention towards this case and favorable order

That Sir , We are the undersigned inhabitance of Sagalchara part 3 P.O.-

Sagalchara ,Dist.&P.S. DShubri (Assam) hereby expressing the few lines before
your honour of kind consideration and necessary action .

That Sir , It seems that your authority is digging earth near our house by
some unsocial person for sattelment 11000 thousand voltage electric current
towards Vodafone BTS though there are exists another free area the activate the
said connection under soil but the authority is arranging to settle 11000 voltage
electric current's wire under the land of near our houses vill & P.O.- Sagalchara
part 3 and as a result we shall face untold danger hardship all times and there
may occur accident at any time.

Moreover Sir , The contractor / Vodafone BTS (Tower) always try to manage
the authority for the said work which will make danger in our locality .

It is requested please and kindly investigate into the matter and kindly
closure settlement 11000 voltage electric current under the land near our houses
vill- Sagalchara part 3 and for which act of your kindness we shall be remained
ever greatful to you .

Yours Faithfully,

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