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English 12: World Literature

The Odyssey
Odysseus shot the arrow to Antinoos first.
Book Twenty-one: The Test of the Bow
Eurymakhos tried to encourage everyone to
Lakedaimon- where Athena got her bow, fight Odysseus. But he died as well—
bow from Iphitos son of Eurytos. They met second.
in Messania. (Now Odysseus’ Hunting bow)
Amphinomos- killed by Telemakhos.
Herakles killed Iphitos in Tiryns.
Telemakhos headed to get gears for his
Using Odysseus’ Hunting bow, the one who father and their loyal servants.
sends the arrow in the axe-helve sockets, 12
in line, shall wed Penelope. Agelaos- tried to ask if there is someone
that can escape from the window.
Eumaios- the one Penelope tasked to hand
out his masters’ bow to Penelope’s suitors. Melanthios- got gears from the storage
rooms as well—12 shields, spears, and
Telemakhos- son of Penelope and helms. Was hoisted up to the roof beams as
Odysseus, tried to shoot the bow to claim ordered by Odysseus.
his own mother, but failed.
Agelaos tried to sway Athena to turn his
Antinoos- ordered each suitor to shoot the back on Odysseus.
bow one at a time, one of the suitors. Tried
to postpone the competition because of the Remained from 12 suitors that tried to Kill
feast for Apollo. Odysseus:
Leodes son of Oinops- failed, pursue other Eurynomos
women through gifts. Amphimedon
Melanthios- ordered to grease the bow— Peisandros
sheepskin and lard. Polybos
Swineherd (Eumaios) and cowherd Ktesippos
(Philoitios)- Odysseus reveled himself first Leokritos
to them and instructed them to do things Eurydamas
for the great reveal.
Athena intervened and saved Odysseus.
Eurymakhos- failed as well.
Aegis- shield of Zeus, lent by him to Athena.
Odysseus tried, of course, he did.
Terpis- innocent, saved by Telemakhos.
Book Twenty-two: Death in the Great Hall
Medon- saved as well, hid under the table.

1 Albaran, Aira Marie Joy F. | B Public Administration

English 12: World Literature

Trial: Plant the Oar to please Poseidon, with

Eurykleia- nurse, woman head servant. offerings: a ram, a bull and a great buck
Odysseus ordered to kill the 12 women—
harlots, who turned their backs away from Hekatombs for the Gods who own broad
Penelope after cleaning the gruesome heaven, one by one.
battlefield. Death by sword but Telemakhos
hung them for honorable death. Odysseus instructed Penelope to lock
herself and the women in the upper floor of
Melanthios- chopped nose and ears, the house and never go out.
genitals fed to the dogs. Hacked his hands
and feet. Odysseus if off to see his father up country
to the orchards.
Fire and brimstone (sulfur)- to purify the

Book Twenty-three: The Trunk of the Olive


Penelope cannot believe that Odysseus was

alive. She thought the nurse was a lunatic.

Wedding feast to cover the massacre.

Phemios- harper.

Eurynome bathed Odysseus.

Old trunk of olive tree in the bedroom-

secret that only Penelope and Odysseus

Aktoris- slave of Penelope, laid her (?) eyes

on the old trunk of the olive tree, he was
sent by Penelope’s father.

Athena slowed the night. Held the Dawn

under the Ocean of the East. Firebright and
Daybright stayed their harnessing.

2 Albaran, Aira Marie Joy F. | B Public Administration

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