Quiz Let

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1. A 14-year-old boy with sickle cell disease received a 1.

The uptake of a novel drug by hepatocytes occurs down

blood an electrochemical gradient. Uptake is independent of
transfusion that caused his blood volume to increase other solutes, and the rate of uptake is saturated at high
extracellular drug concentrations. Which membrane
signifi cantly above normal. What changes in cardiac transport process is most likely to account for all these
contractility and total peripheral resistance (TPR) would characteristics of drug uptake?
occur within a few minutes of receiving this transfusion? A. Antiport with Cl−
B. Cotransport with Na
A. Increased contractility and increased TPR
C. Facilitated diffusion
B. Increased contractility and decreased TPR D. Primary active transport
C. Decreased contractility and increased TPR E. Simple diffusion through ion channels
D. Decreased contractility and decreased TPR F. Simple diffusion through plasma membrane

1. A 50-year-old man with a persistent cough and diffi 2. A 9-year-old boy awoke in the night complaining of
culty breathing is referred by his family physician for abdominal pain that was dull and poorly localized.
pulmonary function tests. The test results show that the Which
forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expired volume in 1
s (FEV1), and functional residual capacity (FRC) are all of the following pathways conveys these sensations of
signifi cantly below normal. Which of the following diagnosis pain to consciousness?
is consistent with these pulmonary function test A. Myenteric plexus
B. Sacral parasympathetic nerves
A. Asthma
B. Chronic bronchitis C. Splanchnic sympathetic nerves
C. Emphysema D. Submucosal plexus
D. Pulmonary fi brosis E. Vagus nerve

1. A 61-year-old woman visits her family doctor complaining 2. A 19-year-old man is taken to the emergency department
of severe fatigue, which has become progressively worse after being stabbed in the right side of the chest. The entry
over the past 6 months. She is referred to a hematologist
following the results of a complete blood cell count, of air through the wound resulted in a pneumo thorax on
which shows decreased hematocrit (24%), decreased the right side of his chest. What difference between the
hemoglobin concentration (8 g/dL), and decreased red right and left sides of the chest would be apparent on a
blood cell count 2.6 x 1012/L. The mean cell volume and
reticulocyte counts are normal. Which type of anemia plain chest x-ray?
does the patient have? A. The lung volume on the right would be larger
A. Macrocytic anemia (large red cells) B. The position of the diaphragm on the right would be
B. Microcytic anemia (small red cells)
C. Normocytic, hypoproliferative anemia
D. Normocytic, hyperproliferative anemia C. The thoracic volume on the right would be larger
E. No anemia is present D. There would be no differences in thoracic geometry

1. A 67-year-old woman involved in a motor vehicle accident 2. A 21-year-old woman returns to the United States from a
student exchange visit to Australia. The morning after her
lost 1 L of blood because of an open fracture of fl ight, she is awakened because she is experiencing a pain
her left femur. Paramedics were able to prevent further throughout her right leg, which is of pale blue color. She
bleeding. What changes to her intracellular fl uid (ICF) is taken to the emergency department, where a clinical
diagnosis determines that she has deep vein thrombosis.
and extracellular fl uid (ECF) volumes would be observed Which of the following laboratory fi ndings would be
15 minutes after this blood loss? consistent with this history?
A. ECF volume smaller; ICF volume unchanged A. Antithrombin III defect
B. Decreased hematocrit
B. ECF volume smaller; ICF volume smaller
C. Decreased fi brinogen
C. ECF volume unchanged; ICF volume unchanged D. Decreased platelet count
D. ECF volume unchanged; ICF volume smaller E. Factor VIII defect

1. A novel drug produced by screening snake venoms was 2. A 28-year-old woman suffered severe trauma to the head
found to kill glial cell tumors in culture. However, initial in a horseback riding accident that resulted in the complete
in vivo studies showed that the drug did not enter the transection of the pituitary stalk. The plasma levels
brain of experimental animals and therefore could not of which hormone would be expected to increase as a
access glial cells in the intact brain. Which structure is result of this accident?
A. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
most responsible for preventing the entry of this drug
B. Follicle-stimulating hormone
into the brain? C. Growth hormone
A. Arachnoid mater D. Luteinizing hormone
B. Brain capillary endothelium E. Oxytocin
C. Choroid plexus epithelium F. Prolactin
D. Dura mater G. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
H. Vasopressin
E. Pia mater

D. Decreased contractility and
C. Facilitated diffusion
decreased TPR

C. Splanchnic sympathetic nerves D. Pulmonary fi brosis

C. The thoracic volume on the right C. Normocytic, hypoproliferative

would be larger anemia

A. ECF volume smaller; ICF volume

A. Antithrombin III defect

F. Prolactin B. Brain capillary endothelium

3. Paramedics were called to attend to a 74-year-old man
2. A 28-year-old woman was prevented from traveling by
who fainted while watching a baseball game. When they
air to a family wedding due to an acute episode of vertigo.
arrived, the man was conscious but confused. He was
Over the next few months, she experienced several noticeably short of breath, had profound bradycardia
transient, neurologic problems, including blurred vision, (HR 25 beats/min) and appeared to be complaining of
sudden muscle weakness in her legs, loss of perineal sensations, chest pain. An ECG showed normal P waves that were
and urinary incontinence. What cellular defect is regularly spaced. QRS complexes were wide and regularly
most likely to account for these clinical fi ndings? spaced but were dissociated from P waves. What is
A. Atrophy of skeletal muscles the most likely origin for electrical stimulation of this
B. Demyelination of central nervous system (CNS) patient's ventricles?
neurons A. (SA) node
C. Destruction of preganglionic sympathetic neurons B. Atrial internodal conduction pathways
D. Loss of CNS dopaminergic neurons C. AV node
D. Bundle of His
E. Proliferation of Schwann cells
E. Purkinje fi bers

4. A 16-year-old girl is found unconscious in the street. She

3. A 4-year-old boy was diagnosed with visual disturbances has no visible injuries but is cold and is taking shallow
due to a pituitary tumor secreting excess growth hormone. breaths at a rate of 6-8 per minute. An arterial blood gas
analysis recorded in the emergency department shows that
Which of the following conditions would this boy her PO2 is 55 mm Hg and her PCO2 is 75 mm Hg. What is
the most likely cause of hypoxemia in this patient?
most likely develop without treatment? A. Alveolar hypoventilation
A. Acromegaly due directly to excess growth hormone B. High ventilation/perfusion (V

B. Acromegaly due to excess insulin-like growth factor /Q

(IGF)-1 production ) ratio
C. Increased dead space ventilation
C. Dwarfi sm due directly to excess growth hormone D. Intrapulmonary shunt
D. Dwarfi sm due to excess IGF-1 production E. Low V

E. Gigantism due directly to excess growth hormone /Q

F. Gigantism due to excess IGF-1 production ratio

3. A 28-year-old man is involved in a high speed motor

vehicle accident in which he suffers multiple rib fractures.
On arrival at the emergency department, he is
4. A 40-year-old woman from a remote rural area is transferred
conscious but in severe pain. His respiratory rate is 34 to a city hospital for treatment of a longstanding
breaths/min, and his breathing is labored. His blood
pressure is 110/95 mm Hg, and his pulse is 140 beats/ heart valve abnormality. Her chief current complaint
min. His arterial PO2 is 50 mm Hg, and he is unresponsive is the inability to perform any physical work, although
to supplemental O2. His arterial PCO2 is 28
mm Hg. What is the most likely cause of this patient's she also reports waking several times each night with
A. Alveolar hypoventilation
severe shortness of breath. Auscultation reveals a long
B. High ventilation/perfusion (V rumbling diastolic murmur and an opening snap.
/Q Which valve abnormality does this patient most likely
) ratio
C. Increased dead space ventilation A. Aortic stenosis
D. Intrapulmonary shunt
E. Low V B. Aortic insuffi ciency
C. Mitral stenosis
Σ D. Mitral insuffi ciency

3. A novel drug aimed at treating heart failure was tested 4. A 42-year-old man with a family history of stroke and
in experimental animals. The drug was rejected for heart attack decides to take a daily aspirin tablet, having
testing in humans because it caused an unacceptable seen a television commercial. What is the main mechanism
decrease in the glomerular fi ltration rate (GFR). Further
analysis showed that the drug caused no change in
by which aspirin reduces the likelihood of intravascular
mean arterial blood pressure but renal blood fl ow (RBF) blood clot formation?
was increased. The fi ltration fraction was decreased. A. Inhibition of the extrinsic clotting pathway
What mechanism is most likely to explain the observed
B. Inhibition of the intrinsic clotting pathway
decrease in GFR?
A. Afferent arteriole constriction C. Inhibition of platelet function
B. Afferent arteriole dilation D. Stimulation of anticoagulant synthesis
C. Efferent arteriole constriction E. Stimulation of fi brinolysis
D. Efferent arteriole dilation
F. Vasodilation

3. In a laboratory experiment, a cortical neuron was electrically 4. A 58-year-old woman complained of lethargy and weight
stimulated to produce action potentials. The stimulated gain over the past year. Further investigation revealed a
neuron made synaptic contact with another neuron painless goiter, thick coarse skin, peripheral edema, and
in which a recording electrode was located. The recording low iodine levels. Which of the following most likely
electrode detected a small depolarization following the describes this patient's diagnosis and plasma thyroidstimulating
electrical stimulation of the fi rst neuron. Which neurotransmitter
hormone (TSH) level?
was most likely to be released at the synapse
between these neurons? A. Primary hyperthyroidism, high TSH
A. GABA B. Primary hyperthyroidism, normal TSH
B. Glutamate C. Primary hyperthyroidism, low TSH
C. Glycine D. Primary hypothyroidism, high TSH
D. Met-enkephalin E. Primary hypothyroidism, normal TSH
E. Somatostatin
F. Primary hypothyroidism, low TSH

B. Demyelination of central nervous
E. Purkinje fi bers system (CNS)

F. Gigantism due to excess IGF-1

A. Alveolar hypoventilation

C. Mitral stenosis D. Intrapulmonary shunt

C. Inhibition of platelet function D. Efferent arteriole dilation

D. Primary hypothyroidism, high TSH B. Glutamate

4. A 61-year-old man saw his physician with a complaint of 5. Experiments were conducted using an in vitro stomach
preparation to determine individual dose-response
progressive diffi culty swallowing solid food. He reported
relationships for the stimulation of gastric acid production
a weight loss of about 18 kg (40 lb) despite trying to eat. by histamine, gastrin, and acetylcholine. The
He was frequently aspirating his food. The results of a dose corresponding to 50% stimulation was selected
for each agonist. Which combination of agonists at this
radiology series and esophageal manometry suggested dose would produce the greatest stimulation of acid
a diagnosis of achalasia. Which element of esophageal production?
A. Histamine alone
function would be LEAST affected in this patient? B. Gastrin alone
A. Relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter C. Acetylcholine alone
B. Peristalsis in the upper esophageal body D. Gastrin + acetylcholine
E. Histamine + gastrin
C. Peristalsis in the lower esophageal body F. Histamine + acetylcholine
D. Relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter G. Histamine + gastrin + acetylcholine

4. During the repolarizing phase of the nerve action 5. If a second depolarizing stimulus of normal strength
applied at the arrow marked A on the fi gure, a second
shown, which ionic currents are fl owing when the
action potential
membrane potential is 0 mV?
A. has a lower peak voltage than normal
A. Net current is zero at 0 mV B. has slower depolarization
B. Net inward Kcurrent C. is additive with the fi rst action potential
C. Net inward Nacurrent D. is normal size but initiation is delayed
D. Net inward Cl−current E. would not be triggered

6. A 40-year-old woman presented with dyspnea, hematuria,

5. A 13-year-old boy was referred to a pediatrician due to and right fl ank pain. CT scans revealed a renal tumor,
his unusual height of 196 cm (6 ft 5 in). The boy recently with an extensive venous thrombus that had invaded
reported visual disturbances. A pituitary tumor was discovered the inferior vena cava. Fragments of the thrombus
had entered the lungs and were blocking several major
using MRI scans, and was found to be pressing branches of the pulmonary arteries. Assuming that there
on the center of the optic chiasm from below. What visual was no change in VT or respiratory rate, what effect
fi eld defects are expected in this patient? would these pulmonary emboli have on arterial blood
gases within the fi rst few minutes of their occurrence?
A. Binasal hemianopia A. Decreased PCO2 and decreased PO2
B. Bitemporal hemianopia B. Decreased PCO2 and increased PO2
C. Left homonymous hemianopia C. Increased PCO2 and decreased PO2
D. Increased PCO2 and increased PO2
D. Right homonymous hemianopia E. No change in PCO2 or PO2

5. A 42-year-old man visited his physician with a complaint

6. A 64-year-old woman with hypertension (blood pressure
that he was always tired. He described craving salty foods
of 160/110 mm Hg) and coronary artery disease
and feeling lightheaded after missing lunch. Physical
was treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
examination shows a blood pressure of 100/70 mm
inhibitors. After a period when the treatment was no
Hg. Laboratory studies show a decreased plasma [Na+],
longer effective, the dose of ACE inhibitors was abruptly
increased plasma [K+], and decreased fasting plasma
increased. Although this successfully reduced her blood
[glucose]. Over the past several months, he said that his
pressure to 130/80 mm Hg, she complained that the
skin had become tanned despite avoiding sun exposure.
medications now made her very dizzy. Reduced cerebral
The physician suspected that the patient's adrenal gland
perfusion, resulting in dizziness, is most likely to be
was not functioning properly. Which profi le of cortisol
explained in this case by
and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels are
A. decreased brain angiotensin II levels
consistent with the symptoms described?
B. decreased sympathetic tone
A. High cortisol, high ACTH
C. inadequate blood fl ow autoregulation
B. High cortisol, low ACTH
D. increased intracranial pressure
C. Low cortisol, high ACTH
E. increased parasympathetic tone
D. Low cortisol, low ACTH

5. A 54-year-old woman received a life-saving kidney transplant

6. A resident in internal medicine was called to the hospital
6 months ago and had been well until the past few
days. She now reports severe fatigue and dizziness upon room of an 85-year-old patient in the middle of night.
standing. Urinalysis is positive for glucose, and there is The man was sitting up in bed coughing, and was severely
excessive excretion of HCO3 short of breath. Crackles heard in both lungs suggested
−and phosphate. In which pulmonary edema. Which diuretic is most appropriate
segment of the nephron is function most likely to be for this patient?
abnormal? A. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
A. Proximal tubule B. Loop diuretic
B. Loop of Henle
C. Thiazide diuretic
C. Distal tubule
D. Collecting duct D. Potassium-sparing diuretic

G. Histamine + gastrin + A. Relaxation of the upper
acetylcholine esophageal sphincter

E. would not be triggered C. Net inward Nacurrent

C. Increased PCO2 and decreased

B. Bitemporal hemianopia

C. inadequate blood fl ow
C. Low cortisol, high ACTH

B. Loop diuretic A. Proximal tubule

7. A 9-year-old boy decided to fi nd out for how long he 8. A 61-year-old woman with moderate renal insuffi ciency
could continue to breathe into and out of a paper bag. ate a large amount of prunes in an effort to treat
After approximately 2 minutes, his friends noticed that chronic constipation. She was unaware that prunes
he was breathing very rapidly so they forced him to have high potassium content and the meal caused her
stop the experiment. What change in arterial blood gas serum potassium concentration to double. Which of
composition was the most potent stimulus for this boy's the following short-term intravenous infusions would
hyperventilation? be most effective at reducing her serum potassium
A. Decreased PCO2 concentration?
B. Decreased PO2 A. -Adrenoceptor agonist
C. Decreased pH B. Aldosterone antagonist
D. Increased PCO2 C. Dilute hydrochloric acid
E. Increased PO2 D. Insulin/glucose
F. Increased pH E. Parathyroid hormone

7. A 25-year-old man suffered muscle paralysis due to poisoning

8. A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study
with -conotoxin. This molluscan peptide toxin
is known to interfere with voltage-sensitive Ca2channels of the thalamus showed changes in neuronal activity
at the neuromuscular junction. Which of the following in the thalamus in response to various sensory stimuli.
is the most likely explanation for muscle paralysis in this
patient? Which of the following sensory modalities would be
A. Failure of action potential conduction in the motor associated with the lowest level of thalamic neuronal
nerve terminal
B. Failure of acetylcholine synthesis in the motor nerve
terminal A. Audition
C. Failure of acetylcholine release from the motor nerve B. Conscious proprioception
D. Accelerated breakdown of acetylcholine in the synaptic C. Gustation
cleft D. Olfaction
E. Inhibition of postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine
E. Vision

7. A 46-year-old woman visited her family physician because 9. A 3-month-old infant presented with persistent vomiting
she was urinating many times a day and was constantly and was lethargic. Arterial blood gas analysis showed the
thirsty. She was evaluated in the hospital to fi nd out the following results:
cause of her severe polydipsia and polyuria. She was not PaO2 88 mm Hg
given any fl uids for 6 hours before testing, and no change PaCO2 44 mm Hg
in urine osmolarity was measured during this period. A pH 7.60
nonpressor ADH agonist was then given, which produced [HCO3
a rapid increase in urine osmolarity. Which diagnosis is −] 36 mEq/L
most likely to account for this patient's polydipsia and Base excess 12 mEq/L
polyuria? Which of the following primary acid-base disturbances
A. Central diabetes insipidus is present?
B. Compulsive overconsumption of water A. Respiratory alkalosis
C. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus B. Respiratory acidosis
D. Type 1 diabetes mellitus C. Metabolic alkalosis
E. Type 2 diabetes mellitus D. Metabolic acidosis

9. A 52-year-old man with a history of alcoholism has

8. A 22-year-old woman who has Crohn's disease underwent recently developed generalized edema. Abnormal liver
function tests include increased serum levels of transaminase
surgical removal of the distal ileum. Without supportive enzymes. His blood clotting time is increased, and
therapy, this patient is most likely to develop which of the he is unresponsive to vitamin K treatment. What is the
following conditions within 1 year? most likely cause of edema in this patient?
A. Decreased capillary hydrostatic pressure
A. Anemia B. Decreased capillary oncotic pressure
B. Calcium defi ciency C. Decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressure
C. Caloric malnutrition D. Decreased interstitial oncotic pressure
E. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
D. Iron defi ciency F. Increased capillary oncotic pressure
E. Lactase defi ciency G. Increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure
H. Increased interstitial oncotic pressure

8. A 37-year-old woman with worsening muscle weakness

was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. She was treated
9. A 58-year-old man presented to his physician feeling
with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor neostigmine, generally unwell and complaining of excessive urination
and reported improved muscle strength within 1 day and thirst. He was morbidly obese. The urinalysis showed
of starting treatment. Which of the following is the glycosuria and proteinuria but no ketonuria. Which of
most likely reason for improved muscle performance in
response to neostigmine treatment?
the following conditions is most consistent with these
A. Increased action potential frequency in the motor fi ndings?
nerves A. Acromegaly
B. Increased acetylcholine synthesis in the motor nerve B. Central diabetes insipidus
C. Decreased acetylcholine breakdown at the neuromuscular
C. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
junctions D. Primary hypothyroidism
D. Decreased reuptake of choline by the presynaptic E. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
motor nerves F. Type 2 diabetes mellitus
E. Direct agonism at the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
D. Insulin/glucose D. Increased PCO2

C. Failure of acetylcholine release

D. Olfaction from the motor nerve

C. Metabolic alkalosis A. Central diabetes insipidus

B. Decreased capillary oncotic

A. Anemia

C. Decreased acetylcholine
F. Type 2 diabetes mellitus breakdown at the neuromuscular

9. A 68-year-old man visits his doctor complaining about 24. A 50-year-old man with a chronic heart valve
a tremor in his hands, which is particularly bad when he
tries to perform a task. He demonstrates past-pointing
when asked to perform a fi nger to nose test, and has diffi is evaluated for valve replacement surgery. Cardiac
culty producing rapidly alternating supination and pronation
movements of the hands. The doctor also notes
catheterization produced the results shown in the fi gure
a wide, awkward gait. Based on these clinical fi ndings above. Which of the following heart valve abnormalities
alone, in which part of the motor system is a dysfunction does the patient have? (figure on page 391)
A. Basal ganglia A. Aortic stenosis
B. Cerebellum B. Aortic insuffi ciency
C. Lateral spinal pathways
D. Primary motor cortex C. Mitral stenosis
E. Ventromedial spinal pathways D. Mitral insuffi ciency

9. A group of medical students is experimenting with a peak 38. A 24-year-old man entered a 5-mile road race on a hot
fl ow meter in the respiratory physiology laboratory. Two day. Although in good health, he had not trained in preparation
students decide to compete to see which of them can for the race, and he did not drink any replacement
blow the hardest into the device. Which of the following fl uids during the race. What changes to his intracellular
fl uid (ICF) and extracellular fl uid (ECF) volumes would
muscles is most effective at producing a maximal expiratory
be observed at the end of the race compared to just before
effort such as this?
the race?
A. Diaphragm A. ECF volume unchanged; ICF volume unchanged
B. External intercostal muscles B. ECF volume smaller; ICF volume smaller
C. Internal intercostal muscles C. ECF volume larger; ICF volume larger
D. Rectus abdominus D. ECF volume smaller; ICF volume larger
E. Sternocleidomastoid E. ECF volume larger; ICF volume smaller

41. A 56-year-old man visited his family physician for a

9. A skeletal muscle was stimulated to produce an isotonic
contraction. Signifi cant muscle shortening was observed. routine health checkup. A urine test revealed signifi cant
Which part of the sarcomere would retain a constant excretion of albumin. Which cell type is most likely to be
length during this type of muscle contraction? damaged or malfunctioning in this patient?
A. A band A. Glomerular endothelial cell
B. Distance between adjacent Z disks B. Juxtaglomerular cell
C. Distance from Z disk to M line C. Mesangial cell
D. Distance between adjacent M lines D. Podocyte
E. I band
E. Vascular smooth muscle in afferent arteriole

10. A 14-year-old girl from the southern Caribbean was

rescued after a major hurricane. She was initially treated 50. A 64-year-old woman with glaucoma is given the carbonic
for minor injuries and dehydration but was referred for
further investigations due to a persistently low blood anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide. Which ion
pressure (95/40 mm Hg). A continuous machinery-like would have the largest increase in its fractional excretion
murmur was heard upon auscultation of her chest. An as a side effect of this drug?
ECG and an echocardiogram revealed left ventricular
hypertrophy. Which of the following cardiac abnormalities A. Ca2
is most likely to be present? B. Cl−
A. Aortic valve insuffi ciency C. HCO3
B. Aortic valve stenosis
C. Mitral valve prolapse
D. K
D. Mitral valve stenosis E. Na
E. Patent ductus arteriosus

20. A 59-year-old man is detained by police on suspicion 52. A 15-year-old boy was busy with school activities and
of driving under the infl uence of alcohol after a minor did not drink any liquids from 8 am to 5 pm. When he
automobile accident. The police offi cer assumed the
man was severely impaired due to his very wide gait and urinated late in the day, he noticed that his urine was dark
inability to walk heel to toe in a straight line. However, a yellow. All of the following events were occurring in his
breath test revealed an alcohol level just below the legal
limit. The man admitted being a heavy drinker for many kidney during the day EXCEPT
years but insisted that he had not consumed any alcohol A. reduced fractional Naexcretion
since the previous day. Neurologic examinations showed
no sensory, cognitive, or memory defi cits. Which of the B. reduced fractional urea excretion
following structures is most likely to be dysfunctional in
this patient?
C. increased plasma antidiuretic hormone (ADH) concentration
A. Amygdala D. increased Nareabsorption in the thin descending
B. Basal ganglia
C. Cerebellum
D. Motor cortex E. increased aquaporin 2 expression in the collecting
E. Vestibular labyrinth

A. Aortic stenosis B. Cerebellum

B. ECF volume smaller; ICF volume

D. Rectus abdominus

D. Podocyte A. A band

C. HCO3 E. Patent ductus arteriosus

D. increased Nareabsorption in the

thin descending C. Cerebellum

64. A novel antibiotic drug was tested in animals. Side-effects 79. A 19-year-old patient produced a copious amount of
of the drug included increased intestinal motility, which dilute urine following a head injury sustained in a motor
was characterized by waves of peristaltic contractions vehicle accident. Damage to which of the following sites
approximately every 90 minutes. Which hormone is the could account for these symptoms in this patient?
antibiotic most likely to mimic?
A. Anterior pituitary
A. Cholecystokinin
B. Gastrin
B. Mamillary body
C. Glucagon-like peptide-1 C. Median eminence
D. Motilin D. Superior hypophyseal artery
E. Secretin E. Supraoptic nucleus

65. A 62-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with low

blood pressure and evidence of active bleeding from the 81. A 28-year-old woman visited her physician because of
anxiety. She was perspiring heavily and complained
upper gastrointestinal tract. He was administered fl uid about the high temperature of the waiting room. Physical
intravenously and a drug that vasoconstricts splanchnic examination showed a thin patient with notable tremor,
blood vessels. The drug also reduces gastric acid production muscle weakness, tachycardia. and an ophthalmopathy
and pancreatic secretion. Which hormone does the with a staring gaze. What is the most likely profi le of
drug mimic? serum thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone
A. Acetylcholine (TSH) concentrations in this patient?
A. Low T4, high TSH
B. Cholecystokinin
B. Low T4, low TSH
C. Gastrin C. High T4, low TSH
D. Secretin D. High T4, high TSH
E. Somatostatin

69. A 39-year-old woman is treated for pancreatic cancer

82. A fi ne needle adrenal biopsy was performed in a 71-yearold
by complete surgical removal of the pancreas and duodenum.
man who had an unidentifi ed adrenal mass. Tests
Without supplemental treatment, which of the
performed on the sample included the expression of the
following mineral defi ciencies would most likely develop
enzyme aldosterone synthase. Which area of the adrenal
in this patient in the following weeks and months?
gland would show positive staining for this enzyme?
A. Iron and Ca2
A. Zona glomerulosa
B. Kand Ca2
B. Zona fasciculata
C. Kand iron
C. Zona reticularis
D. Naand K
D. Medullary chromaffi n cells
E. Naand Ca2

87. A 28-year-old medical resident who was accustomed

73. A patient with chronic steatorrhea is most likely to to eating regular meals was forced to skip breakfast
and lunch one day because of a heavy work schedule.
develop defi ciency of which of the following vitamins?
By midafternoon, he was feeling lightheaded and very
A. Vitamins A and B1 hungry. Compared to his typical day, the plasma concentration
B. Vitamins A and C of which of the following hormones would be
C. Vitamins A and D decreased at this time?
A. Cortisol
D. Vitamins B1 and C
B. Epinephrine
E. Vitamins B1 and D C. Glucagon
F. Vitamins C and D D. Growth hormone
E. Insulin

78. A 54-year-old woman visited her physician because of 90. A 19-year-old woman visited her physician complaining
persistent headaches and blurred vision. The physician of frequent urination and of being thirsty all the time.
noted that the woman has very large hands and feet, On physical examination, the woman appeared extremely
a wide jaw, a large tongue, and a prominent forehead. malnourished. Plasma analysis showed high concentrations
of both glucose and ketones. Which hormone is
Which of the following metabolic abnormalities would
most responsible for the presence of high ketone concentrations
most likely be present in this patient?
in this patient?
A. Decreased blood fatty acid concentration A. Cortisol
B. Decreased hepatic gluconeogenesis B. Epinephrine
C. Decreased protein synthesis C. Glucagon
D. Increased blood glucose concentration D. Growth hormone
E. Increased uptake of glucose in skeletal muscle E. Insulin

E. Supraoptic nucleus D. Motilin

C. High T4, low TSH E. Somatostatin

A. Zona glomerulosa A. Iron and Ca2

E. Insulin C. Vitamins A and D

D. Increased blood glucose

C. Glucagon

91. A healthy 34-year-old woman runs 5 miles at a fast pace, 101. Fetal acquisition of glucose occurs by placental
resulting in a large increase in the rate of glucose oxidation glucose
in her muscles. Which pair of hormones is most transport. What is the fi rst cell layer within the placenta
important to minimize the decrease in plasma glucose that glucose must cross during transport from maternal
concentration during her run?
to fetal blood?
A. Cortisol and growth hormone
B. Cortisol and insulin
A. Cytotrophoblast
C. Epinephrine and insulin B. Decidua
D. Glucagon and epinephrine C. Inner cell mass
E. Glucagon and thyroxine D. Mesenchyme
F. Growth hormone and thyroxine E. Syncytiotrophoblast

92. A 23-year-old medical student ingests several liters of 102. The luteinizing hormone surge measured during the
cola in an effort to stay awake over a 24-hour period of ovulatory
studying. This ingestion of cola represents a large intake phase of the menstrual cycle results from positive
of phosphate ions, which results in increased urinary feedback exerted by which of the following hormones?
phosphate excretion. Which hormone is most responsible
A. Estrogen
for stimulating phosphate excretion in this case?
A. Calcitonin
B. Follicle-stimulating hormone
B. Ergocalciferol C. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
C. Parathyroid hormone D. Inhibin
D. 1,25-(OH)2Vitamin D3 E. Progesterone

95. A blood sample is taken from a 27-year-old woman for

hormone analysis. The sample contains low levels of 104. A 37-year-old man with four children elected to
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone have a
(LH) and high levels of estrogen, progesterone, and
inhibin. Assuming a normal 28-day menstrual cycle, on
vasectomy. This procedure prevents conception
which day of this woman's menstrual cycle was the blood because
sample taken? A. no sperm are ejaculated
A. Day 1
B. Day 7 B. secretion from seminal vesicles is not ejaculated
C. Day 14 C. secretion from the prostate gland is not ejaculated
D. Day 21 D. no semen is ejaculated
E. Day 28

98. A 37-year old-woman who is breast-feeding her 4-monthold

107. When the gas composition of umbilical arterial
son is taking the train to see her mother who lives
several hours away. When the woman hears the cry of blood is
another infant, she notices that milk has been expressed compared to umbilical venous blood, the arterial blood
from both her breasts. The release of which hormone can has
account for this response? A. lower PO2 and higher PCO2
A. Estrogen B. lower PO2 and lower PCO2
B. Inhibin C. higher PO2 and lower PCO2
C. Oxytocin D. higher PO2 and higher PCO2
D. Progesterone
E. the same PO2 and PCO2
E. Prolactin

100. A 32-year-old woman and her partner were trying to conceive 108. An 18-year-old man visited his physician because he was
concerned about his height. He is 152 cm tall (5 ft). He
a child. The woman had regular menstrual cycles of
described himself when he was in elementary school as
about 30 days in length. Four days after missing her menstrual
being self-conscious because he was taller than his peers.
period, she bought a commercial pregnancy testing He also recalled developing pubic and axillary hair at
kit. The couple was excited to discover that her urine about age 7 or 8. Physical examination showed a healthy
sample indicated a positive result for pregnancy. Which male of short stature with normal genitalia and male
of the following hormones was detected in her urine? secondary sexual development. Which endocrine abnormality
A. Human chorionic gonadotropin best explains the fi ndings in this patient?
B. Estrogen A. Early maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal
C. Follicle-stimulating hormone axis
D. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone B. Failure of pulsatile gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
E. Inhibin secretion at puberty
F. Luteinizing hormone C. Growth hormone excess in early childhood
D. Insulin-like growth factor-1 defi ciency
G. Progesterone
E. Panhypopituitarism
E. Syncytiotrophoblast D. Glucagon and epinephrine

A. Estrogen C. Parathyroid hormone

A. no sperm are ejaculated D. Day 21

A. lower PO2 and higher PCO2 C. Oxytocin

A. Early maturation of the

hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal A. Human chorionic gonadotropin

. A healthy 28-year-old woman participated in a study of
gastrointestinal function. She ingested a single nutritionally
balanced meal containing small inert plastic beads,
which could be visualized using medical imaging techniques.
What is the most likely location of the beads 8
hours after ingestion of the meal?
A. Arrested at lower esophageal sphincter
B. Arrested at the pyloric sphincter
C. Duodenum
D. Ileum
E. Sigmoid colon
F. Excreted in feces

D. Ileum


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