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Ww atte, [IP To Answer Sheet No._ Sig. of Candidate, Sig. of Invigilator. CHEMISTRY SSC-I SECTION ~ A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes NOTE: ‘Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be compl fed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Circle the correct option i.e, A/B/C D. Each part carrles one mark. (o w ci) wy) w wi) wi What is the mass of FOUR moles of Hydrogen (HH) gas? A 1g 10g ©. 806g Dd. 2016g AM shell of an atom has the following sub-shells, A 2p BIs,22p ©. Spd DAs, 238 Which one of the following elements belongs to Group Il A of the periodic table? A Mg ok Al DSi Which of the following molecules has triple covalent bond between its atoms? AH; Bh 6 0, D Bromine has meiting point of -7°C° ané boiling point of 39°C”. What is the physical state of Bromine at 100°C? A Gas B Liquid © Sold D. Cannot be predicted Asstudent mixed a solute in a solvent and made a mixture. After 15 minutes, he/she observed that solute has settied down. He/she will call this mixture as: A True solution B. Colloidal solution ©. Homogeneous mixture D. Suspension Which element is reduced in the given redox reaction? ZnO+ Hy ~> Zins 11,0 Ah Biz cm ot vi) The oxidation numbers of Cr in C50, and C0, are A sdande? Bande? end. Ba HS 1b) Which of he ftowing ovices i uzed in boating equipment provide oxygen to patents? A. Potassium peroxide £0, 8 Potassium oxide KO © Sodium perorde Nu.O, >. —_Potasium superoxide A. (2) Wien of the fotowngs she Emp formula of Benzene? A Ch, 8 cH a a eC) cc) The Bend formed between atoms duet tans of elections rom one ator oases ale A. onic bond 8. Covent bond ©. Coordinate covaent bond D. Hydrogen tone (i) Tae escape of molecules ofa gas trough a smal hole one ate the ether scale A Dison 8 Evaporation C 2. Boling For Examiner's use only Tota Mat: 2 | beat oee (aa 184 1708) — Roll No. T ‘Answer Sheet No Sig of Candidate: Sig, of Invigilator. X Ico nal nal gaa 2,48) Jie 20 Sh Ewer cep vl tpl earns Ledvenvig owls suie et Me PLM PO iy LN LI Glog IIE SBE» te vedOhyl Hn) rote t 10 we et nl p64 (Sub-shell) Becbione-ut (shell Le M LP 45,2538 35,3p,.8d 828.2 2,29 Seen! MALS, Ai fe ttizue (Site nee wey Mg tetolispesty’ (Triple) Lorre ction Roos 0. Wk 100°C 59°C sui “Be (Bromine) of A Coe wl FTE erig thee Vt (Solvent) MY (Solute) PLL AYU (Colloidal solution #Hf ane (True Solution) JH? (Suspension) = (Homogeneous Mixture) = ZO H, > 204110 se SS Clement) Aa weiter Oo an ZnO Hy wi Ut (Oxidation Numbers); AbAL Cr UE KsCO, 9) COs a rt—OOSC—C™COCtC#N St (00) i (Breathing Equipments) suiiuutdoe do Se breve Oxide) H1- KOp Stiegl ‘i Na,O.Siifie % Se Uy (Empirical Ech Letina’ Benzene % CH OL CH, ah 2,0, we tide en velar dies Sylonie) te? e Beta -y Pele (Evaporation)o (Boling)! 188 17080) — ale @ iy i) mo “ wir wid wi tox) @ i) xi) IN, CHEMISTRY SSC-1I Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 53 NOTE: ‘Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘B' and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers. neatly and legibly. 2 Note: a3 SECTION ~ B (Marks 33 Answer any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed 3 to 4 lines. (113 () Define Molecular mass. Find the molecular mass of (,J/,.and C,H,OH if atomic mass of C=12H =land O=16 (i) Write any two differences between fons and Free radicals. Also write an example of each (ii) Write three conclusions drawn by Rutherford {ror his metal foil experiment (iv) Write the electronic configuration of the following elements by distibuting electrons in their sub-shells (spd, a ! b “ct c #Ne (v) Define Atomic size. Write the reason of increasing atomic size down the group and decreasing ‘atomic size from left to right in the period of periodic table (vi) What is covalent bond? Show the formation of covalent bond between atoms in the following compounds with the help of cross and dot models. a co, ® HEN (AL Nok 36.N = 70-81 =1) (wil) Define Charles's Law. Derive relationship !~ constant, Also show this relationship with the help of a graph (vil) Write any two differences between Crystalline solids and Amorphous solids. Also give one exampie of each (x) Find the molarity of 100(1em" solution if t contains 52 grams of CuI). (Atomic mass: Cu= 40. O=16. = 1) (| _Define Oxidation Number. Find the oxidation number of Boron in 17,80, with the help of oxidation number rules (xi) Write a note on Zinc plating by giving chemical equations, (xi) a What are Noble Metals? Write any two examples b. Write the composition of Aqua Regia (xii) Choose and re-write two of the following reactions that are possible a Fy = 2KBr-> 2KF «Br, be 2KCY 92RD Ch, CAKE KCL dB, #2KUT => 2KBr eC), (iv) Define Unsaturated, Saturated and Supersaturated solutions, (xv) White short note on the following methods of prevention of corrosion a Coating with paint b Alloying SECTION — C (Marks 20) Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x 10 = 20) Write the postutates of Bohr's Atomic Model. (Diagram is not necessary) (05) Define lonization energy. With the help of a suitable and clear reason, explain the trend of {onization energy along the groups and periods (14) a. Define Hydrogen bonding. Draw Hydrogen bonding in water, (Ht) b. — Agas was kept in 20(}cm' container under 2 atm pressure, When it was shifted to 10cm container its pressure reduced to 0.4 atm, Prove Boyle's law with the help of this data (03) c. What is botling point? Explain the effect of external pressure on the boiling point of water (+4) Explain with suitable reason that why methanol is soluble but Gasolene is insoluble in water. (03) b. With the help of neat and clean diagram explain the manufacture of sodium metal from fused sodium chloride by Down's cell (07) Veg Gash Und g has” 83 crap AP 2 £2400 Lie (ay eh cuter cous zh (11) XL pn aus ¢ QeRIS re rshoynLewr E pr ol py eo iL nbivnitonyn £ eleeSieg Kbisheet-Bez yet 3A) (pao terns buryie £LI2 (inide bie febsow Ady LOW i CoH thas (14x3=33) ww ‘iy ww We “ fe ras J% (Dove 'is' (cross) UH (vi) (ALNoC 2 6.N =7,0-8H 21) HON _ CO, at ou ad iy wil (viii) (wo 0) (xi) iy ot Efnk £26 Chemical Reactions oi tet (ip 42K) 9261+, we Ky + 2KBr 9 2KF +B Br +2KCT92KBr+ Ch Ch e2KP92KCI+ he LoL Ae (Solutions) = (Super Saturated) agg) (Saturated) 4g" + (Unsaturated) xiv) , (xv) Ee (Alloying) z odd) ram (2x10=20) CuraeALumpt Edu » dl) (05) odie (ast 4) dlr aati 6 ev 200m ane (03) Fo Se aS datas (aet & (03) iktdycasolene £. Sh abe (07) “ADown's Cell < (NeC) 6 1SA, 1708 (Ly — a Roll No. | Answer Sheet No.__ : Sig, of Candidate. Sig. of Invigilator.. CHEMISTRY SSC-I SECTION ~ A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes NOTE: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent, Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Circle the correct option ie. A/ B/C /D. Each part carries one mark. (i) The electronic configuration of an element is Is" . 25° An atom of this element will form an ion that will have charge: A 4 B. 2 +3 D. (i) The number of Neutrons in an atom 2A is: A 10 Boo 42 oe (ii) The atomic radius of an atom __as one moves from top to bottom in a group of periodic table. A Decreases B Increases C. First decreases then increases D. Remains same (iv) Which of the following atoms obeys duplet rule? A ° 8 F c. N D. 4 (v)_ Iftemperature of 30dm* gas is increased from 273K to 546K the volume of it will become: A 90cm B Salm ©. 60cm D 273m (vi) In which of the following processes the speed of the particles decreases? A Condensation 8. Melting Sublimation. Evaporation (vil) Alloys are an example of: A Gas ~ Liquid solution B Gas ~ Solid solution c. Liquid ~ Solid solution D Solid - Solid solution (vill) Which of the following quantities is same for one mole of Hydrogen gas and one mole of water? A Mass: B Number of atoms: Number of molecules D Number of gram atomic mass (The oxidation number of Boron (B) in H,BO, is A 3 8 3 D. +6 (x) Which of the following cells is used in manufacturing of sodium metal? A Nelson’scell 6. Down's cell —C. Fuel cell D Daniel's cetl (xi) Which of the following metals is the least reactive metal? A Gold B Sodium © Potassium —D. Calcium (xii) Which of the following solids is amorphous? A Table salt 8. Glass c. Glucose D. lee For Examiner's use onl Total Marks: Marks Obtained: 188 1708 (on) ‘Answer Sheet No. Rell No. CI Sig. of Candidate’ Sig. of lnvigitator: Tecgas oostl onal Ug asna 412,48) Sate 20s Leb KP ee Re SE Anan tgp VL Soil A tar ILL bee he C4 Le ALE vs PLN ne EIN Bae MHF BILE IM Psi oe ee 10 (atomic Radius) (Quplet Rule) Js 4 N Fo fous £546 K Sone 273K boKE Wun fi 273dm" ” 60dm" Usd’ _ 0dm’ a) = (Mass) 7 WIA APE Boron (Bt HBO, 6 wow Bowe Down's cell =~ Danetscell = ~ (Gold) tr = Se (amorphous) Halve Lu ee —=188 1708 (ON) — lego iil w ai) (w) ” wi wy 0 oi) (xi) CHEMISTRY SSC-I Total Marks Sections B and C: 53 NOTE: Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘B’ and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. ‘SECTION ~ B (Marks 33) Q.2 Answer any ELEVEN parts, The answer to each part should not exceed 3 to 4 lines. (113=33) (Define Inorganic chemistry, Biochemistry and Nuclear chemistry (i) What's the contribution of Mendeleev in classification of elements? (ii) Identify the group and period of the following elements on the basis of their electronic configuration a B bP (iv) Define covaient bond, Draw the electron cross and dot structure of a CH, b CO, ()—@ Water boils at 120°C’ in a pressure cooker. Explain with reason b. Why temperature of a liquid decreases during evaporation process? (vi) Write any three differences between Crystalline and Amorphous substances. (wi) Define the following terms a Solution b. Solvent 4 Solute (vill) A 600em" solution contains 0.05 moles of KiMn0,. Find its molarity () a. Differentiate oxidizing and reducing agents > dentify oxidizing and reducing agents in the following reactions. 2Na+Cl, + NaC? Fe,0, + 3CO > 2Fe + 3CO, (%) a —_Define Hydrogen Bonding b. How do moiten ionic compounds and their aqueous solutions conduct electricity? (xi) Write a note on Tin plating supporting it with chemicai equations (xi) a Arrange the faliowing in the Order of increasing acidic strengty HE HI. HBr. HOT b. What is agua regia? Write Its use in Chemistry? (xii) a. Why Alkali metals are kept under kerosene oil? b Complete and balance the following two reactions Mg, + Oxjg3——> Ca, + H.0, > (xiv) Write three conclusions drawn by Rutherford from his thin metal foil experiment. (xv) Which element in each of the following pairs has lower ionization energy? Explain your choice a -BorN b LiorNa SECTION ~ C (Marks 20 Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x 10= 20) 3a Howmany moles of each of the following substances are present in A balloon filed with 8g H, gas. (25) (li) A block of ice that weighs 50g (25) b. Define Isotopes. Write the physical properties of different forms of carbon. Also draw the structure of isotopes of carbon (1#2.541.5) Q.4 a Define shielding effect. Write its trend in periodic table with suitable reason. (12) Choose the elements in the following pairs whose atoms have greater shielding effect (02) Be or Mg (i) Corsi c. Define Boyle's Law. Ethene gas's keptin 2.Scn’ container under 1.05 atm pressure. When it is shifted to another container of 1.25din” its pressure increased upto 2.| Qarm If temperature remains constant show that this change is according to Boyle's low (14) @.5 a. Explain with reason that Methanol readily dissolves in water while Gasolene does not. (1.54.8) Hows sodium hydroxide manufactured from Brine by Nelson coll? Draw labelled diagram and write chemical equations. (3+242) — 188 17080 — get otsl onal gta” ee £240 LALO Oy OF eaters iat (MN) AL pr cons 4 GOR re matotnLety Ep oh wip xbivola L gtferSiece Amsheet Beets 334P) pre (11x3=33) terns fuyroge PLIZ (Mv Se tbiow thule Caisthe brian GARI 0) 2 MP 3B (Elements) “ete (ip Bh of ethan PEI Signe w CO, ww wi Eajler me wi) wp ert0. ose utc 600em' £ KMnO, (vill) £ Reducing agents» Oxidizing agents ix) Bite 2Na+ Cl, > Natl ASE x) te UEC AE (Aqueous Solutions) IML glia heTe nde. wurde Tin Plating aSeni-di 00) HP, HL. HBr , HCI eSyhitentinn 3 — Oni) re (Sel Aqua Regia isd & Kerosene oil £ Alkali Metals (ti CFO Mba + Og? ah aplonrathereuintion ae wthodtoie ef Thin Metal fol Sik (xiv) wfarting Choice sale ABs Ze tustn oe Natu BUN od 20) pre (2x10=20) CurdepL usin EIU » SY sLunW¥E tore Siodiitioe sl intl (2.5425) w (1.542.541) ee (2+4) gASetiiye wort (02) ee ¢ Le fest Pe zpnaton eh Lon 210 atmipsyi PP aL 2 y.25dm* (ae) ae Livhng (1.5+1.5) cr Gasoleneyt Lie tn te beth JeriMethanol) i /Eio/ oth ae Pi Wet (NaOH) tii sasf Nelson cell <- Brine (24248) Jere unforced 184 1708 (ON) —

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