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Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or
direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this
Achieving organization’s mission requires generating short and long-term objectives. Strategic
planning is the process of developing organizational objectives, strategies and tactics to achieve
the mission of the organization. Strategic plans often mean a change in organizational structure
or a move toward change. Change can be a difficult process and requires time, therefore, it is
important for leaders to get employees on board with the change and decision making

Hospital leaders are to ensure all planning activities (departmental plans) of the organization are
in line with the strategic plan. Operational plans should reflect hospital performance in
achieving its strategic goals and accomplishing its mission.
LD 15 The hospital leaders work collaboratively to
develop the hospital strategic plan

LD.15.1 Hospital leaders work together to develop a strategic

plan that is guided by the mission, vision,
and values.
LD.15.2 The strategic plan is based on comprehensive
evaluation of the internal and external
environmental factors (e.g., SWOT analysis, PEST analysis).
LD 15 The hospital leaders work collaboratively to
develop the hospital strategic plan

LD.15.3 The strategic plan addresses all clinical and non-

clinical services and programs.

LD.15.4 The strategic plan spans over a period of 3 - 5 years

and is reviewed on a regular basis.

LD.15.5 The strategic plan includes the broad goals and

objectives required to fulfill the hospital’s mission.
LD.15.6 Goals and objectives are translated into operational
plans with defined projects, clearly
delineated responsibilities, and time frames.
LD.15.7 Resources required for executing the operational plans
are properly allocated.
LD.15.8 Operational plans are implemented and closely
monitored for progress toward achieving the
goals and objectives.
LD.15.8.1 Key performance indicators are developed for each
operational plan.
LD.15.8.2 Key performance indicators are reviewed regularly and
corrective actions are taken
when required.
LD.15.9 Heads of departments develop annual departmental
plans in line with the hospital’s strategic plan.
LD.15.10 The strategic plan is communicated to relevant staff.
LD.15.11 The strategic plan is approved by the governing body.
Planning includes the ability to:
• identify opportunities,
• analyze problems,
• establish priorities and needs,
• allocate available resources.

Designing Services & Structures:

• policies and procedures,
• objectives and standards of performance,
• forecasts and budgets,
• programs and schedules.
There are several issues hospitals need to consider when designing there services. Ethical
behaviors are legal; therefore, hospitals should be in compliance with all relevant laws and
regulations. Hospital operations and staff practices should be regulated and organized by sets of
policies and procedures and work protocols within the boundaries of laws and professional
regulations to maintain and sustain systematic acceptable practices.

Achieving high levels of performance usually are not easily attainable without leadership
support to ensure staff engagement and to provide the context for change and improvement.
Therefore, leaders are required to actively engage in different activities of planning and
performance improvement, including training and support and participation in improvement
teams. The leaders’ role in promoting and improving services includes creating and sustaining
personal and organizational focus on the needs of internal and external customers, and of
different community groups.
Hospital services should ensure patient safety and proper utilization of the available resources
by imposing safe management of medical supplies and devices. The safe management of
supplies and devices begins with the proper selection of qualified suppliers and protection of
supplies from damage and theft and deterioration. It also includes responding and reporting of
adverse effect resulting from use of devices, as well as protecting staff and patient when those
devices are damaged or contaminated. Proper utilization of resources also includes optimizing
the flow of patients in different hospital department such as operation rooms and clinics. This
includes minimizing patient and staff waiting time and cancelling of scheduled services.
LD.11 Hospital leaders consider the
community input during planning for health
care needs of the population.

LD.11.1 Hospital leaders identify the relevant community leaders

(e.g., members of the regional council,
members of municipalities, patient’s rights advocates, civil
defense, health related commissions
and councils, other society organizations and representatives).
LD.11.2 Local community leaders participate in planning for the
current and future health care needs
of the population (e.g., planning for health-relevant demographic
changes, public health issues,
groups with special needs).
LD.11.3 Hospital leaders plan with the community leaders to provide
services related to health education
and health promotion for patients and the wider community.
LD.12 Hospital leaders work collaboratively to
develop an effective planning process.
LD.12.1 The planning process includes soliciting inputs from patients
and staff (e.g. feedback from patient
satisfaction surveys and patients/staff complaints).
LD.12.2 The planning process is consistent with the hospital’s mission
and strategic directions.
LD.12.3 The planning process considers cultural and religious needs of
the local community.
LD.12.4 The planning considers environmental and financial factors
and is consistent with the hospital’s
mission and strategic direction.
LD.12.5 The planning process ensures coordination and integration of
services throughout the hospital.
LD.12.6 The planning process ensures efficient use of different
resources through regular evaluation by
hospital leaders against plans and budgets.
LD.12.7 The planning process considers the upgrade or replacement of
buildings, equipment, and other
LD.13 Hospital leaders work collaboratively to
develop an effective budgeting

LD.13.1 The hospital has a finance director who is qualified by

education and experience.
LD.13.2 Hospital leaders work together to address both the capital
and the operating budgets.
LD.13.3 The budgeting process addresses the manpower in
addition to other financial assets.
LD.13.4 The budgeting process allocates resources to all patient
care units based on the scope and
complexity of care, aiming to ensure a safe, efficient process.
LD.13.5 The hospital’s budget is approved by the governing body.
LD.13 Hospital leaders work collaboratively to
develop an effective budgeting

LD.13.1 The hospital has a finance director who is qualified by

education and experience.
LD.13.2 Hospital leaders work together to address both the capital
and the operating budgets.
LD.13.3 The budgeting process addresses the manpower in
addition to other financial assets.
LD.13.4 The budgeting process allocates resources to all patient
care units based on the scope and
complexity of care, aiming to ensure a safe, efficient process.
LD.13.5 The hospital’s budget is approved by the governing body.
LD.14 Hospital leaders work collaboratively to
ensure the provision of a safe and
quality care.

LD.14.1 Hospital leaders encourage the use of research, evidence,

and best practice information to
develop and improve patient care services.
LD.14.2 Hospital leaders work collaboratively to develop and
execute plans, policies, and procedures
related to the patient care.
LD.14.3 Hospital leaders work collaboratively to solve challenges,
conflicts, and problems affecting the
patient care.

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