AM5 4.TH SwineWWT 160126

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Chao Nokyoo
Director of Inland Water Division
Water Quality Management Bureau
Pollution Control Department
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
The 11th Annual Meeting of Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA), Workshop and field Visit in Vientiane,
Lao P.D.R. (25-27 January 2016) at Vasana riverside Hotel, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.
1. Swine Breeds in Thailand
2. Classification of Swine Farm
3. Pollution from Swine Farm
4. Wastewater from Swine Farm
5. Swine Waste Management in Thailand
5.1 Effluent Standard for Pig Farm
5.2 Good Agricultural Practices for Pig Farm
5.3 Institutional Mechanisms to Mitigate Pollution Problems
5.4 Swine Waste Treatment
5.4.1 Open ponds / lagoons
5.4.2 Manure to the crop farm or fishing feed
5.4.3 Biogas systems
1. Swine Breeds in Thailand
• Although modern swine breeds was first introduced in the
1960s, and programs were put in place in the mid-1970s to
train farmers in modern production and farm management,
major changes in the Thai swine industry only began to
take place in the mid-1980s.
• The introduction of exotic pig breeds and evaporation shed
cooling has begun to move Thailand into industrial swine
• The production of swine increased from just less than 11
million pigs in 1983 to over 16 million in 2001.
• The pace of expansion has been slowed by disease
problems that limit exports to high-value markets, and also
by the regulation of slaughterhouses in a way that
constrains growth in the sector. Burgeoning environmental3
concerns have also been a factor.
• The three largest pig-producing provinces, Nakorn
Pathom in the West, and Chachoengsao and
Cholburi in the East, cannot accommodate new
large-scale farms because of land constraints and
the high risk of spreading disease in already high
animal density areas.
• Therefore, new pig farms have expanded into
Ratchaburi (in the West), and Saraburi and
Lopburi (in the East).
• These provinces, particularly the latter two, have
abundant water resources.
• Another constraint is the increasing level of water
pollution caused by the farms situated near the
extensive river system in Nakorn Pathom and 4
• Before 1970, more than 70% of total pig
population was kept in backyard farm. Locally
contact farming. The biggest farm confined < 400
sows. No recording system was applied. Solid
floor with individual pen found incommon.
• From 1970 – 1990, the system developed to
modern farming, confinement and intensive. A
gestation crate, Taiwan design, was first used.
Breeding companies and other related business
expanded very fast. Herd book and white broad
were available, but no farm data analysis. Small
farm possessed 60% of total pig population. Big
farm populated up to 5,000 sows in a single site.
• From 2000 – present, housing is equipped with evaporative
cooling system. Standard farming is controlled and certified
by the Department of Livestock Development.
• Big enterprises have expanded their business through
contact farming. Swine practitioner and farm consultants are
more popular.
• Environmental awareness becomes a hot issue.
• Farm biosecurity are more concerned. Farm owners are
better educated and some of them are replaced by new
• Pig Board has been established. Misused and off-label using
chemical, vaccines and drugs in pig farms are more often
seen. Minimal disease farms and Specific Pathogen Free
herds are available.
• Small and middle-size farms are less than 40% of total pig
populations. 6
• Pig Populations
• In 2013, the standing populations of all-age pig were 9.51
million head. The annual production was 16.2 million
heads (Table 2). Farming system based on sheltered
accommodation with little outdoors pig keeping.
• The number of small and medium-size farms dramatically
decreased, but pig populations increased due to up-scale.
There were 210,978 households. The majority of these
household (94.15%) raised <50 pigs, while 0.11% were
big farm with >5,000 pigs.
• The number of breeder pigs was approximately 1.01
million heads, 46% of which owned by the two big
companies. Only 6.1% of standing populations are
indigenous breed.

Form the study of the Department of Livestock
Development and the Pollution control
Department, total amount of pigs in Thailand is
10 million, which distribute over the parts of
• Central region has the highest pig farming,
approximately 42%. In this region, most of pig
farm is located in Ratchaburi and Nakorn
Phatom Provinces.
• 19% of pig farming are located in northeastern
region, mostly in Nakorn Rajasima and
Ubonrajatani Provinces.
• Eastern region has 15% of pig farming, mostly
located in Cholburi and Chachoeng sao
• Northern region has 14% farming, mostly
located in Chiang Mai and Lumphun Provinces.
• Southern region distributes 10% in Chumporn
and Nakorn Sri thumaraya Provinces.

Source: FAO, LEAD Project and OAE
32 %

2. Classification of Swine Farm

Livestock Unit Swine Number Swine Farm Size

> 6 to 60 > 50 to 500 Small Scale

> 60 to 600 > 500 to 5,000 Medium Scale

> 600 > 5,000 Large Scale

Note: 1 livestock unit = 500 kg. live weight

Source: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)

Type of Swine Farm

• Type 1 Backyard farms - very small

• Type 2 Open housing farms - small /
• Type 3 Close housing farms (with
evaporative cooling) – large

Type 1 Backyard farm - very small

Type 2 Open housing farm - small / medium

Type 3 Close housing farms - Large / very large
(with evaporative cooling)

3. Pollution from Swine Farm

• Solid waste

– Bad Smell
– Insect
• Wastewater

– Bad Smell
– Insect

Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 18
4. Wastewater from Swine Farm
Swine water uses wastewater BOD COD SS TKN
Type rate rate (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l)
(l/Head/day) (l/Head/day)

Breeder 92 64 800 1,700 900 350

Fattener 48 24 3,500 7,400 4,700 700

Nursery 32 20 2,500 5,400 3,000 350

- Wastewater Discharge 40%

- Wastewater Treatment 70% (Efficiency 80%)

Source: Pollution Control Department, Thailand 19

Number of Pig Generatio
BOD Rate of
Number n Rate of
Yea Farm Loading Wastewat
of Wastewat (
r scale Kg.BOD/d er
Breeder Nursery Fattener Total Farmer er
(CM/day) ay) (Kg.BOD/d

Large 407,782 1,051,721 2,432,155 3,891,658 249 105,504.19 277,765.51 48,886.73

m 222,164 583,597 2,205,788 3,011,549 2,633 78,829.35 225,840.84 39,747.99
4 Small 124,916 274,198 591,224 990,338 8,083 27,667.96 69,768.42 12,279.24

small 168,934 406,096 1,036,346 1,611,376 180,551 43,806.00 116,007.28 20,417.28

Total 923,796 2,315,612 6,265,513 9,504,921 191,516 255,807.50 689,382.05 121,331.24

Source of Wastewater Percentage Discharge of wastewater
wastewater (%)
(CM/day) (Kg.BOD/day)

Community 6,601,602 4.1 517,990 45

Industry 13,793,272 8.6 413,797 36
Swine Farm 124,284 0.1 140,802 12
Aqua culture 949,148 0.6 13,218 1
Paddy Farm 138,092,136 86.5 34,955 3
Fish stew - - 33,585 3
Total 159,560,443 100 1,154,346 100
Wastewater Discharge
of Thailand
Aqua culture Fish stew
1% 3%
Swine Farm


ชุมชน อุตสาหกรรม ฟาร์มสุ กร เพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ า นาข้าว ปลากระชัง

• As a consequence of deterioration of water quality in cannel and
river in Thailand form point sources including municipalities and
industries, related organization have conducted management of
pollution released from these sources.
• However, agricultural activities cause high volume of
wastewater, which affect water quality, especially pig farms.
• Form the study of the Department of Livestock Development
and the Pollution control Department, total amount of pigs in
Thailand is 10 million, which distribute over the parts of country.
• It is estimated that wastewater form pig farm releases over
121,331 kg.BOD/day, generated from large, medium and small
pig farm, approximately 45%, 37% and 18%, medium and small
pig farm, respectively.
• Since most pig farms are located along with water resources,
wastewater discharge from pig farm is taken into account as a
major cause of water pollution.
• Usually, wastewater form pig farm is varied on
characteristic of farming style. Characteristic of the
wastewater is widely depended on farm operation.
– Baud Concentration of wastewater is morally up
to 10,000 mg/l
– Separation of pig manure can reduce half of
wastewater concentration to approximately
1,500–3,000 mg/l with this high concentration,
the wastewater would definitely caress water
• Whenever it is discharged into environment, either
low carrying capacity water resources on large
water bodies such as the Tha Chin or the
Bangpakong River. 25
5. Swine Waste Management
in Thailand
1.Effluent Standard
2.Good Agricultural Practices for Pig Farm
3.Institutional Mechanisms to Mitigate
Environmental Pollution Problems
4.Swine Waste Treatment

5.1 Effluent Standard
• Livestock farming could cause environmental pollution through
wasted water, odor and flies. Among the major livestock farming
in Thailand, swine farming has been the one that cause serious
environment problems. At times, the problem is heightened by
the expansion of community towards farm areas and by farm
concentration and expansion of farms near the rivers.
• According to a figure from the Pollution Control Department
(PCD) in 1999, 23 percent of Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD) loading in Tha Chin River was caused by swine farming
due to the high concentration of swine farms in the central region
along the Tha Chin River and lack of proper waste treatment. In
2000, water quality at Tha Chin River became critical as the level
of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) has dropped to near zero for most
parts of the river. There was the complaint that swine production
is a cause of water pollution in Bangpakong River in the Eastern
Region. Consequently, in 2001, PCD has added the swine farms 27
in the regulated list.
Table 1 : Effluent Standard for Pig Farm
Maximum Permitted Values
Small /
Parameters Units
Large Farm Medium Method for Examination
1. pH - 5.5-9 5.5-9 pH meter
2. Biochemical mg/l 60 100 Azide Modification, or Membrane
Oxygen Demand Electrode
3. Chemical Oxygen mg/l 300 400 Potassium Dichromate Digestion ;
Demand (COD) Open Reflux or Closed Reflux

4. Suspended solids mg/l 150 200 Glass Fiber Filter Disc, Dry
(SS) Evaporation
103-105 °C

5. Total Kjedahl mg/l 120 200 Kjeldahl; Colorimetric or Ammonia

Nitrogen (TKN) Selective Electrode

Remarks : For large and medium farm will be effective on February 24, 2002.

Large farm is more than 600 Livestock Unit (LU.)

Medium farm is 60-600 LU.

Small farm is 6 - < 60 LU.

1 LU. = 500 kg.

Weight of breeding pig = 170 kg./head

Weight of fattened pig = 60 kg./head

Weight of nursling pig = 12 kg./head

Notification of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment issued under the Enhancement and
Conservation of the National Enviromental Quality Act, B.E.2535, published in the Royal Government Gazette, Vol.
118, Special Part 8, page 11-18, dated February 23, B.E.2544 (2001) effective since February 24, B.E. 2545 (2002)
and Notification of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment issued under the Enhancement and
Conservation of the National Enviromental Quality Act, B.E.2535, published in the Royal Government Gazette, Vol.
118, Special Part 8, page 11-17 dated February 23, B.E.2544 (2001) effective since February 24, 2545 B.E.(2002)
was revoked by a) and b)

Source : a) Notification of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment ,Effluent Standard for Pig Farm dated
November 7, B.E. 2548 (2005) published in the Royal Government Gazette, Vol. 122 Part 125 D, dated December
29, B.E. 2548 (2005)
b) Notification of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued under the Enhancement and
Conservation of the National Enviromental Quality Act. dated November 7, B.E. 2548 (2005) published in the Royal
Government Gazette, Vol. 122 Part 125 D, dated December 29, B.E. 2548 (2005)

• As for the odor problem, large swine farms often locate
over massive land spaces away from community. This
can reduce the conflicts on acerbic odors. For the smaller
scaled farms that have been operating for a long period
of time in swine communities, expanding civilization could
quickly catch up with their current locations, and cause
conflict between the farms and the community. In the
municipal district of Nakhon Ratchasima province in the
Northeastern region, complaints have frequently been
filed regarding the pollution from farms, restrained by
their limited lands, which have no pond of any kinds to
ameliorate toxic wastewater. The farms simply discharge
wastewater directly into public waterways, leading to
endless friction between farm owners and protests from
the community.
5.2 Good Agricultural Practices for Pig Farm



Recommendations for good agricultural practices for pig farm are aimed to
provide pig farmers to use as guidance on pig farming practices. The details of
such recommendations are explained in Appendix A.
5.3 Institutional Mechanisms to Mitigate Pollution

• The major government offices that are

responsible for establishing the rules and
regulation for environmental pollution results
from livestock production are
– Pollution Control Department (PCD), Ministry of
national resources and environment;
– Department of Livestock Development (DLD), Ministry
of Agriculture and Cooperatives; and Ministry of Public

• The Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental
Quality Act B.E. 2535
• Under the responsibility of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,
the National Environment Quality Act was first enacted in 1969 as a
comprehensive package for institutionalization of environmental policy and
planning. The act was amended in 1992 as the Enhancement and
Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act B.E. 2535 (NEQA), which
is dubbed the environmental constitution of Thailand.
• The new act put more emphasis on the conservation of natural resources and
environmental quality. The key provisions include the establishment of the
National Environmental Board (NEB), the measurement for environmental
protection which also includes Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the
measurement of pollution control, the environmental protection and the
statement on civil liability.
• NEB is a high-powered policy-making committee chaired by the Prime
Minister. NEB aims to coordinate the environmental protection efforts of
governmental agencies at the central level and with those of local
governments at the provincial level. The main powers of the NEB include the
submission of policies and plans to the Cabinet for approval, the prescription
of environmental standards, the approval of Environmental Quality
Management Plans and provincial action plans, the amendment,
improvement and enforcement of laws, and the monitoring of environmental39
compliance by government agencies and state enterprises.
• PCD has set the regulation for chanelization in respect of waste
dumping into water courses. This regulation is implemented to prevent
sedimentation which a navigational obstruction and to prevent
pollution effects on living resources. Regarding the livestock activities,
the effluent standard for pig farm is presented in Table 1

• The Energy Conservation and Promotion Act B.E 2535

• Another Act is the Energy Conservation and Promotion Act B.E 2535
(ECPA). Swine production is linked through the energy sector via
recovering and renewing use of methane to produce electricity. This
production could replace the conventional demand, thus reducing
potential required supply. ECPA has had appreciable impacts for
Thailand and provided quite a comprehensive window for supporting
projects in the energy sector that will yield other additional local and
global benefit.

• The Public Health Act B.E 2535
• The Ministry of Public Health plays a significant role on environmental
protection. The Public Health Act B.E 2535 has authorized Tambon
(sub-district) Administrative Office (TAO) to be an inspection office on
the environmental control in the sub-district level. Accordingly, TAO has
an authority to close the farm that violates the environmental
regulations, which lead to public health hazards.

• Public subsidy to mitigate environmental problems.

• To induce more farms to treat their waste properly, some government
agencies such as Department of Livestock Development (DLD),
National Energy Policy Office (NEPO) and Department of Agricultural
Extension (DAE) have provided partial funding for construction the
waste treatment system such as biogas digester and multi-level pond.
The amount provided by the governmental funds for installing of waste
water treatment system ranged from 20,000 to more than 150,000 baht
per farm, approximately 40-60 percent of the total installation cost. By
1999, NEPO has subsidized 10 swine farms build power generation to
turn swine waste into bio-gas and electricity (NaRanong, 1999). 41
• The Biogas Dissemination Program in Livestock
Farms: Medium and Large Size Farms.
• The NEPO has also cooperated with the Biogas Advisory Unit (BAU),
Chiang Mai University (CMU) on subsidizing the farm to inspect the
bio-gas system. The program was called "The Biogas Dissemination
Program in Livestock Farms: Medium and Large Size Farms." In this
program, NEPO will subsidize up to 38 percent of the construction
cost and low cost loan as well as loan facilitation will be sought to
assist the farm owners. The subsidy was tied to the condition of
complete construction of BAU design and specification. (Intarangsi
and Kiatapakdee, 2001)

• The loan from commercial banks

• As the governmental sources are limited and insufficient to support
all the farmers who need to construct the water treatment system,
some farmers use their own funds or the loan from commercial
banks or Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC)
to build these facilities.
• Scaling-Up and Environmental Control
• As the livestock sector has been more industrialized, livestock farms
tend to be larger in size. Since most of the large farm belongs to big
businesses, they tend to be under more closely scrutiny by the
community and the local authority. Also, they tend to face a more
stringent standard than medium and small farms. Moreover, the
authority tend to have the enforcement policy that is bias against the
large farms.

• Swine production is probably the least environmental friendly

livestock production. As a result, the PCD has set the regulation to
control its sewage. As stated earlier, most attention has been paid to
large farms, both in regulation and enforcement. According to data
from PCD, all pig farms of sizes greater than 500 have invested in
certain type of water treatment, while some small-scale farms (12.7
percent) have no sewage treatment system at all.

• In terms of treatment techniques (Table 2) employed by farm of different
size, all of the large scale farms (with 5,000 pigs or more) use pond
system or solid-liquid system to treat their sewage. Medium-scale and
small-scale farms tend to equip the reception pond (which consist of only
one pond and therefore not very effective in treating the sewage, as the
water that is spilled-over to the drainage would still be very polluting.
Interestingly, according to the PCD data, only small and medium farms
use biogas digesters. It is possible that large farms do not find this
technique cost-effective. As most of the large farms are new farms settled
in land-ample areas, they have enough land to build a pond system
• It is not clear whether pollution from swine increases or decreases with
farm size. While it is most likely that pollutant per animal is lower for large
farms-as all of them have system of treatment ponds compare with the
less efficient reception pond, in some cases, the higher volumes of
sewage created by large farms could provide more pollutant per area than
a smaller farm. Therefore absorptive capacity is also an important issue.
• In this respect, however, there have been more evidences of serious
pollution created by concentrated smaller farms in certain rivers than a
sole problem in certain area created by a large farm 44
Table 2 : Treatment Techniques Employed in Swine Farm
Farm Size
Treatment Techniques
Average 1-500 501-5,000 5,000 up

Pond system (2-10 ponds) 42.0% 36.6% 38.2% 100%

Solid-liquid system + holding pond 7.0% 3.6% 8.8%

Biogas digester 6.0% 9.1% 2.9% 0.0%

Reception pond (1 pond only) 37.0% 34.5% 44.0% 0.0%

No treatment at all 7.0% 12.7% 0.0% 0.0%

TOTAL 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

• Enforcement Problems
• Although number of rules and regulations on wastewater
management are announced and some incentives are offered to the
livestock farms in investing in waste treatment technology, there has
been a lack of enforcement.
• DLD is one of the inspection offices and is expected to be a key
institution to enforce the environmental protection law. Ironically,
DLD's main job is on the extension program and serves as support
unit for livestock farmers. To act as an inspection office might cause
some conflicts between the department and the farmers which will
lead to the difficulty while working with the farm owners.
Consequently, DLD may not be able to act efficiently as an inspection
agency. Thus, the more effective enforcement and implementation of
existing laws are needed to achieve responsible environmental

5.4 Swine Waste Treatment
5.4.1 Open Ponds / Lagoons
5.4.2 Manure to the crop farm or fishing feed
5.4.3 Biogas System
1) Fixed Dome System 3) Covered Lagoon System
2) Plastic Bag System 4) Channel Digester System

5.4.1 Open Ponds / Lagoons

5.4.2 Manure to the crop farm or
fishing feed

5.4.3 Biogas System

Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 50
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 51
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 55
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 56
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 57
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 58
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 59
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 60
Source: Poon Thiengburanathum, Ph.D. (Biogas Technology Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand 61
5.4.3 Biogas System
1) Fixed Dome System
• It is a small biogas system for livestock
wastewater treatment
• Promoted by Department of Agricultural
Extension (DOAE) and Energy Policy and
Planning Office (EPPO), Ministry of Energy

• System is composed
of wastewater filling
chamber, digester
unit, effluent tank and
sludge drying beds

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 63

Fixed Dome System Construction Record
Item Phase, No. of Digester CH4 CH4 Treatmen
Year Farms Volume, Produced, Produced, t for
m3 m3/year tCO2e/year Swine,

1 1, Year 263 6,056 637,350 8,967 27,965

2 2, Year 887 45,464 4,773,720 67,166 220,405

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 64

Case Study for Fixed Dome System
Donkeaw Farm is a small pig
farm with 250 sows and 500
piglets. Discharged
wastewater 20 m3/day with
BOD 10,000 to the open
Problem :
• The unpleasant smell and
nuisance flies
• Complaint from neighbors to
the local government
Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 65
Results :
1) Health – No bad smell and flies
2) Economic - Produced biogas was piped to all
neighbor houses for cooking gas. Each family
can save for 70 USD per year
3) Social issue - Good relationship between farm
and neighbors

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 66

2) Plastic Bag System
 System had been developed by DEDE for small
livestock farms
 Concept
1) ease for construction, installation and operation
2) good performance and promptness for
3) acceptable price for farmers
 Selected system was Bag Digester, made from
PVC sheet with prefabricated at the workshop
 Two model; DEDE1 treating capacity of 10 m3
wastewater/day DEDE2 treating capacity of 2 m3

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 67

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 68
Case Study for Plastic Bag System
• DEDE had promoted the DEDE1 and DEDE 2
systems to nationwide for small livestock farms
• Project extended to swine, dairy cow, beef cow,
horse, and layer chicken farms
• Typically, system was composed of wastewater
collecting tank, bar screen, bag digester, post
treatment ponds and sludge drying beds

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 69

Construction site survey

Photo courtesy from Thai Environment and Energy Development Co., Ltd.

Layout and Earth Work Preparation

Photo courtesy from Thai Environment and Energy Development Co., Ltd.

Bag Filter Installation

Photo courtesy from Thai Environment and Energy Development Co.,Ltd.

Finishing Bag Filter Installation

Photo courtesy from Thai Environment and Energy Development Co.,Ltd.

Wastewater Collecting Tank

Photo courtesy from Thai Environment and Energy Development Co.,Ltd.

Sludge Management Unit

Sludge Removal Pit Sludge Drying Beds

Photo courtesy from Thai Environment and Energy Development Co., Ltd.

Post Treatment Ponds

Photo courtesy from Thai Environment and Energy Development Co., Ltd.

Wastewater Characteristics for Plastic Bag System
Source : DEDE Prototype monitoring data
Effluent after Effluent after
DEDE2, mg/l Post Treatment Total Treatment
Parameter Influent, mg/l (Treatment Ponds, mg/l Efficiency, %
Efficiency, %) (Treatment
Efficiency, %)
pH (no unit) 7.0 7.2 7.9 -

BOD5 767 127 (83.4) 66 (48.0) 91.4

TCOD 4,258 1,445 (66.1) 298 (79.4) 93.0

TKN 288 439 (-) 173 (60.6) 39.9

TSS 1,599 537 (66.4) 115 (78.6) 92.8

Treatment Efficiency after Treatment Efficiency after

Parameter DEDE1, % DEDE2, %

TCOD 72-88 78-82

BOD5 76-92 83-91 77

Benefit to farm :
1) Produced biogas for DEDE 2 and DEDE1 range from 16-
22 m3/day and 1.1-3.2 m3/day, respectively. Average
methane content is 60%
2) Dry sludge (2.7% N, 3.2% P, 0.25% K) used as organic

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 78

3) Covered Lagoon System (CL)
 First Covered Lagoon came to Thailand in year 1996 by
large scale agro-industry firm for the swine farm
wastewater treatment
 System is an earth pond covered with HDPE or PVC
plastic sheet
 Required most construction area because the design
long retention time
 Low construction cost, quick startup and less concrete

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand
• There are many plants constructed in Thailand but no an
official record about the number of constructions
• Estimation that there are 150 to 200 medium- to large-
scale swine farms nationwide with CL
• From site surveys - overall system efficiency is 60 - 70 %
• Design hydraulic retention time (HRT) is between 40-60

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 80

Gas Collector Pipe HDPE HDPE thick 1.0 mm

Free Board 1 m
Depth 4 - 6 meter
HDPE thick 0.3 mm

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 81

No Gas Gas start to producing

Gas Pipe Generator

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 82

4) Channel Digester System (CD)
• Channel digester is a biogas system that collects produced biogas
in PVC plastic dome
• System had been developed since 1995 by Energy Research and
Development Institute (ERDI) under the Project “Biogas System
Promotion in Medium and Large Scale Livestock Farms”
• Project had been supported by Energy Policy and Planning Office
(EPPO), Ministry of Energy
• Aim of the Project is to promote the biogas system in medium and
large scale livestock farms (mainly in pig farms), to produce and use
the biogas as the renewable energy

Photo Source : Energy Research and Development Institute
Channel Digester Flow Diagram
Effluent Sludge Removal Pit


Sand Trap

Sludge Drying Beds

Wastewater Collecting Tank

Influent from Farms

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 84

Channel Digester Structure

RC Structure
PVC or

Bottom with
Concrete Lining

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand
Channel Digester System Aerial View

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 86

Channel Digester System Construction Record
Item Phase, Year No. of Digester CH4 CH4 Treatment
Farms Volume, Produced, Produced, for Swine,
m3 m3/year tCO2e/year heads

1 1, year 1995- 6 10,000 1,600,000 22,512 60,000


2 2, year 1997- 14 46,000 10,000,000 140,700 276,000


3 3, year 2002- 249 280,000 50,566,000 711,463 1,864,000



Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 87

Case Study for Channel Digester System
 Pisit Farm is a medium pig farm with 3,000
fattening pigs
 Daily discharged wastewater is about 72
m3/day with BOD 4,500 mg/l
 Wastewater system was comprised of collecting
tank, sand trap, channel digester (HRT = 8 days)
and two series of earth pond for post treatment
(Total HRT = 60 days)

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand
Wastewater Characteristics for Channel Digester System

Influent, Effluent after Effluent after Discharged

Parameter (mg/l) Channel Post Treatment Standard,
Digester, Pond, (mg/l)
(mg/l) (mg/l)
pH (no unit) 7.0 7.2 7.1 5.5-9.0

BOD5 4,544 530 13 100

TCOD 17,046 3,359 50 400

TKN 1,196 1,021 23.3 200

TSS 8,110 2,610 22 200

Source: Nipatphan Kulpredarat, DVM, Ph.D.(Department of Livestock Development, Thailand 89

Channel Digester System Efficiency at Case Study Farm

Channel Post Overall

Parameter Digester, Treatment Efficiency,
% Pond, % %
BOD5 88.3 97.5 99.7

TCOD 80.3 98.5 99.7

TKN 14.6 97.7 98.1

TSS 67.8 99.2 99.7

Benefit to farm :
1) Electricity produced from biogas generator 285 kWh/day from 238 m3 biogas
2) Dry sludge for organic fertilizer ingredient 150 kg per day 90

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