Third Reflection Sustainable Development

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Subject: Trends and Issues in Social Studies
Reflection # 3: Sustainable Development


In every country, people tend and striving for the development of them. How

could I wish that every country/ nation is a Utopia? It will possible to achieve? For me, it

is not but we can achieve a good, a peaceful and have a sustainable development of a

country which over and over generations will benefit.

Sustainable development of every country/nation seems to have a good lifestyle

of every people living will the natural resources is preserving. The economic, social and

environmental has to be equal in applying it. We imagine an economic development,

we have seen no poverty cases, unemployment and underemployment rate will be zero,

country have a high gross domestic and national product rate, and the lifestyle of every

people is good due to less goods prices. How about in social development? We use

high technology in living; people have a high order thinking skills; and every people

have a high education. But the problem is, how about the culture? It can affect the

culture because of the new generational ideas which change from traditional ideas. It

can be a threat especially to the indigenous people practice indigenous way of living.

In the environmental development, we see that we are fighting in the climate

change; a big issue in us, climate change is due to the people’s action. So to sustain

environmental development, we tend to do actions appropriate to our environment: no

to deforestation, we need to plant more trees, save energy, do recycling and many other
actions. But the problem is how can we have to sustain environmental development at

the same time have economic development as we use natural resources? Sometimes

there is having a scarcity of natural resources due to the economic actions. I think the

good answer is there is have an equal and appropriate use of natural resources in order

to achieve economic development. Like for example, in logging industry, we tend to cut

trees for our infrastructure, to make it appropriate, we tend to exchange and to plant

more trees. In simple action we can contribute big how to have a sustainable


I wish that our lawmakers have an idea and knowledge in order to achieve the

sustainable development. A development not only for the present time but sustain to the

next generation. But we cannot achieve all in all without the unity of all people.

As a teacher, we tend to teach our students how to contribute sustainable

development in our community, country and also the world. I teach them to become an

eco-friendly, an economic minded and a good social being. I can practice simple things

in the school like implementing proper garbage disposal, use recycling materials, plant a

tree project, saving electric energy, and other ways. In that way, it is a great

achievement for me as I help them and also the world.

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