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Jakarta, 14th February 2018


Consulate of Embassy of South Korea

In Jakarta

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Through this later, me who undersigned :


Place and date of birth : BOJONEGORO, 27 MARET 1967

Passport Number.: B8676804

Address: Cluster Long Beach S9-26 Pakuwon City, RT 012/ RW

008, Kel. Kalisari, Kec. Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Jawa

Hereby declare for certain that I do not have SPT21 (Annual Tax Certificate) as per your requested.
My visit to your country is only for holiday.

I guarantee that i will back soon as my holiday trip is over. I will return to Indonesia without seeking
for any kind employment and promise to obey every regulation concerning to your country.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Kind Regards,

Eni Dwiwulan

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