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2) 40% of the paper comes from FSC Physics and Mathematics

Three equation of Motions and their related numericals( Just basic concepts)

Projectile, its equations and related problems

Work energy conversion, Impulse etc


Basic concept of percentages






Series related problems etc

3)Analytical Problems

These can be practiced online or through any book. Usually these are time consuming and
recommended to attempt at the end of the paper.

4) English

English portion comprises Punctuation, Comprehension( usually an easy passage), spelling

mistakes, and tenses (Active, passive , Direct Indirect ).

Assistant Director Air Traffic Control Civil Aviation Authority Syllabus

Following is the expected syllabus of AD ATC CAA.

Sections Questions Type MCQs Weight age

Analytical Writing Assessment

1. SBP Writing Skill Questions

2. Reading Comprehension

Critical Reasoning

Sentence Correction

20% + 15%

Integrated Reasoning

Analytical Reasoning 15%



1. Data Sufficiency 20%

2. Problem Solving

3. Calculus

4. Algebra

5. Analytical Geometry

Other Subjects

Geography 5%

Physics (Time, Speed/Velocity, Vectors, Angular Momentum and Atmosphere etc 15%

Principles of Management 5%

General Knowledge including ICAO, CAA, Airlines and IATA 5%


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