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0 Introduction

The development of technology is fast, people now a day rely on technology

because it makes our work become easy. Technology provides the benefit to improve

our work from good to best. One of common technology we use is the computer were

we can use it in our study. We can also use computer in enrolling. This computerized

enrollment system will help not just only the user but the student as well to save time

when it comes to enrolling process. It will also help to save energy and is reliable.

1.1 Background of the Study

The Little Angels Learning Schools starts on 2004 with Pre-school to Grade 1. In

2005 the school recognized by Department of Education with Pre-school. After 3 years

the school grows and have their nursery to grade 3 because some of the students who is

studied there before, requested to have a higher level of grade school. After 3 years they

finally have their Pre-School to Elementary. The planned to have a high school but some

of their alumni wants to study in a big school. Year 2018 they have their grade 7 but now,

year 2019 they only have Pre-School to Elementary since the number of students who

enrolled in high school is little. Since then they only use traditional manual enrollment


1.2 Overview of the Current State of the Technology

The Little Angels Learning Schools is using a manual enrollment system. First,

the school admin will give an entrance exam for the enrollees. Once they passed the

entrance exam, the enrollees will give Baptismal, Birth certificate and 2x2 pictures for

Pre-school and for Kinder to Grade school the requirements are Baptismal, Birth

Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angels Learning School 1-1

Certificate, Good Moral, Card and 2x2 Picture. After that, the School admin will give a

registration form to fill up by the enrollee. After the registration form filled up, the school

admin will discuss about the payments of the tuition fees. There are two copies for

payments, the student’s copy and the administration copy. The registration form filled up

by the students, the school admin will put it into 201 file. The owner of the school is the

one who manages the enrollment process together with her assistant.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

1.3.1 General Problem

The manual enrollment processing is not efficient and not reliable.

1.3.2 Specific Problem

Time consuming

Typing data of the students in Microsoft for enrolling student and typing it

again in payments, scheduling, student list and class list consumes a lot of time.

The manual searching of data of the student record in paper also consumes a lot of time.


Typing the information of the student in registration and typing it again in

payments, scheduling, student list and class list is a tedious task. Manual searching of the

student records and back it again from a file is exhausting.

Difficulty of monitoring student

Monitoring of student with installment payment in paper is not easy.

Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angels Learning School 1-2

Loss of records

Storing data filled up by the enrollee in paper is not safe. The paper can be

burn, torn, can be wet with water, and can be stolen or misplaced.

Is there any significant difference between using computerized

enrollment system and manual enrollment in terms of consuming time?

Using of manual enrollment it consumes a lot of time typing of

student records. It also consumes time of monitoring student with installment based.

Is there any significant difference between using computerized

enrollment system and manual enrollment in terms of exerting efforts?

Using of manual enrollment it consumes a lot of energy typing of

student record. It also consumes time of manual searching of student record with

installment based.

Is there any significant difference between using computerized

enrollment system and manual enrollment in terms of losing of records?

Using of paper in storing data of student is not safe.

Is there any significant relationship time efficiency and reliability?

Using manual enrollment the more you hurry of typing the

information of the student, the higher the chance you missed some information.

1.4 Objective of the Study

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1.4.1 General Objective

To develop a computerized enrollment system that is efficient and reliable

1.4.2 Specific Objective

To develop a computerized enrollment system that is time efficient

To have a computerized enrollment system that will automatically

move from registration form to the other parts of enrollment process.

To develop a computerized enrollment system that is energy efficient

To have a computerized enrollment system that will automatically

move from registration form to the other parts of enrollment process.

To develop a module that will help them to monitor the students with

installment payments.

To have a module payment that will check and update the students

with installment payment.

To develop a module that will prevent or minimize the loss of records.

To have a module with database that will store and retrieve the

data inputted.

To have a computerized enrollment system that will have a difference

between using manual enrollment process in time efficiency.

To have a computerized enrollment system that is time efficient.

Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angels Learning School 1-4

To have a computerized enrollment system that will have a difference

between using manual enrollment process in energy efficiency.

To have a computerized enrollment system that is energy efficient.

To have a computerized enrollment system that will have a difference

between using manual enrollment process in preventing of losing records

To have a computerized enrollment system that has a module for

storing data.

To have a computerized enrollment system that has a relationship in

reliability and efficiency

To have a computerized enrollment system that is work efficiency

and time efficiency at the same time reliable without missing information.

1.5.1 Scope

 Home Module

Contain the vision and mission of the school and information about

the school.

 Registration Module

Contain the process of registration of students or transferee in the


 Enrollment Module

Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angels Learning School 1-5

Contain the process were in the student enrolling with schedule.

 Payment Module

Contain the process of paying bills and checking the requirements

that the students need to pass to be able to continue their studies in the


 Class List Module

Contain a list of students that officially enrolled in the school.

1.5.2 Limitation

 Student has no access to the system, only the staff of the school.

 There is no online access.

 It can only record cash payments and cannot pay through credit cards.

1.6 Methodology of the Study

In this study, the software development life cycle will be the formal

method to be used. The following contains the specific approaches that may be employed

by the proponents in arriving at the realization of a solution to the problem.

Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angels Learning School 1-6

Figure 1


According to Fig. 1, the system development life cycle figure provides a

Sequence of activities for system designers and developers to follow.

1.6.1 Feasibility Analysis

Includes analysis of project requirement in terms of input data and desired output,

Processing required to transform input into output, cost-benefit analysis, and schedule of

the project. The feasibility analysis also includes the technical feasibility of a project in

terms of available software tools, hardware and skilled software professionals. At the end

of this phase, a feasibility report for the entire project is created.


1.6.2 Requirements analysis and Specification

Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angels Learning School 1-7

It includes gathering, analyzing, validating and specifying requirements. At the

end of this phase, the software requirement specification (SRS) document is prepared.

SRS is a formal document that acts as a written agreement between the developments


and the customer. SRS acts as input to the desing phase and includes functional,

performance, software,hardware, and network requirements of the project.


dSpecification,2010 )


Includes translation of the requirement specified in the SRS into a logical

Structure that can be implemented in a programming language. The output of the design

phase is a design document that acts as input for all subsequent SDLC phases.



Includes implementation of the design specified in the design document into

executable programming language code. The output of the coding phase is the source

code for the software that acts as input to the testing and maintenance phase.



Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angels Learning School 1-8

Includes detection of errors in the software. The testing process starts with a test

plan that recognize test-related activities, such as test case generation, testing criteria,

and resource allocation for the testing. The code is tested and mapped against the design

document created in the design phase. The output of the testing phase is a test report

containing errors that occurred while testing the application.



Includes implementation of changes that software might undergo over a period of

Time, or implementation of new requirements after the software is deployed at the

Customer location. The maintenance phase also includes handling the residual errors that

may exist in the software even after the testing phase.


1.7 Significance of the study

 Enrollment System

The enrollment system will help benefit to company, making the

enrollment process faster, efficient and reduce paper works.

Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angels Learning School 1-9

 Cashier

The cashier will benefit to the system making the searching of payment

record faster and to records all the payments transaction.

 Registrar/School Administrator

Registration will benefit to the system making a faster register for enrollee

it will lessen the effort exerting in redundancy of student.

 Proponent

This study will benefit to us for learning more about the situation of the

company, we have been encourage to study more about programing and sharping

our intelligence using a good grammar through English

 Future researcher

The future researchers may use this as reference.

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