Office Hazards and Controls

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Refresh on
Office Workplace Hazards and Controls
By Open Spirit

Office Hazards and Controls

➢ Office is not a hazard-free

workplace to work without
proper hazards Identification,
Assessment, Control and
Evaluation & Monitoring

Office Hazards and Controls
➢ Office was once always thought
as a safe place to work.
➢ The true is there are many
hazards if left uncontrolled, it
could cause health and injury
Office Hazards and Controls

➢ In this refreshing exercise,

we will look at a few
examples of such hazards in
a typical office and see its
control even we had put
them in control.
Office Hazards and Controls

General Office Hazards:

1. Poor workstation setup
❑ where electrical wiring and network cables are
running loose. It posts physical injury hazards to
those work in this condition.
▪ One can get trip by a messy wiring, fall down and get
▪ Control: (i) Administrative control such as tidying up the
loose wires, use ducting, etc. or (ii) substitution by using
wireless technology where applicable.

Office Hazards and Controls
2. Repetitive Movement
❑ Where a job requirement exposes the worker
to do repetitive action in an non-
ergonometric manner.
▪ One can suffer computer-related overuse injuries of
the hand or arm.
▪ Control: Administrative controls such as adhering to
ergonometric ways of doing works (i) have more
breaks (ii) position mouse at correct height, (iii) type
gently, (iv) mix task to avoid long repetitive works.

Created by AW for Refreshing 6

Office Hazards and Controls
3. Prolonged Sitting
❑ Where a desk job may have workers sitting in
the same place for a very long period.
▪ One can suffer posture-related injury in the long
▪ Control: Administrative control awareness training
and ensure workers take regular breaks and do
some stretching, or move away from the desk to
relief his/her body from sitting.

Created by AW for Refreshing 7

Office Hazards and Controls

Environmental Hazards:
1. Poor Lighting
❑ Where lighting could be too dimmed or bright.
▪ One can suffer eyesight injury in the long term due to
prolonged strain to eyes.
▪ Control: Engineering control such as redesign lighting
according to best practice such as increase/decrease the
brightness and use warm light.

Office Hazards and Controls
2. Poor Ventilation
❑ Where poor indoor air quality can lead to
employees suffering from various syndromes
such as fatigue, headaches, dizziness, nausea,
▪ These health hazards may also increase the risk of other
accidents indirectly.
▪ Control: (i) Engineering control such as redesign
ventilation to sufficiently meet requirement. And (ii)
Administrative control such as Air-condition and heaters
are routinely services according to schedule.

Office Hazards and Controls
3. Poor Housekeeping
❑ Where things are scattered around in the
office, placed in dangerous manner, etc..
▪ These are physical hazards may trip workers, or it
falls from height and hurt its victims.
▪ Control: Administrative control such as adopt 5S and
keep things in tidy and safe manner

Office Hazards and Controls
4. Other hazard: abusive customer
❑ Aggression from abusive customer could be
painful and stressful experience to
▪ Such aggression will increase risk of psychological
▪ Control: Administrative control such as ensure staffs
received training in handling customer aggression

Office Hazards and Controls
Hierarchy of Control Examples
Elimination Remove hazards at the design stage such as
eliminating installing more power outlets to avoid
trailing cords.
Substitution Change wiring to wireless technology
Engineering Improve lighting
Improve ventilation
Administrative -Implement good housekeeping practices including
keeping access ways such as 5S to clear and
cleaning up obstacles
-Provide training and supervision.
Personal protective equipment Wear slip-resistant footwear for slippery floor if

Office Hazards and Controls

Thank You!


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