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DB2 10.

5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

DB2 license files

There are two types of license files that are associated with DB2® database products: base
license certificate files and full license certificate files. These files are stored in plain text files.

A "base" license certificate file does not confer any usage rights. It is included in the DB2 database
product installation media and is applied automatically during the installation process. For
example, db2ese.lic is a base license certificate file for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition.

For a list of license certificate file names, refer to Table 1. License certificate files that end in _t.lic,
are trial licenses, and usage is limited to 90 days from the date of installation.

License certificate files are required for all DB2 database products (including DB2 Connect™)
and DB2 add-on offerings . The license certificate file is found in the /db2/license directory of the
Activation CD, which is supplied as a part of the product installation media. For example,
db2ese_u.lic is a license certificate file and can be found on the IBM DB2 10.5 Enterprise Server
Edition - Authorized User Single Install Option Activation CD. By default, the base license
certificate files are applied during the DB2 database product installation. To activate your product
functionality, you must manually apply the product license certificate file available in the Activation
CD. However, the DB2 Express-C product does not have an Activation CD. Therefore, the product
license is automatically applied during the installation process..

In general, licenses for DB2 database products can be purchased under per processor (priced by
processor value unit (PVU)), authorized user single install, or terabyte metric.There are also limited
use virtual server and limited use socket charge metrics for DB2 Express® Server Edition and DB2
Workgroup Server Edition, respectively.

If you downloaded a DB2 database product from one of the following web sites and you do not
have an Activation CD, you can obtain license certificate files as follows:
 Passport Advantage®: You can obtain an Activation CD image from the Passport
Advantage website: When using
Passport Advantage, you must download the Activation CD image for each product and
DB2 offerings separately.
 PartnerWorld®: Contact PartnerWorld for the appropriate license certificate file. Refer to the
PartnerWorld website:
 The DB2 support or fix central websites: If you have not purchased a license certificate file,
contact an IBM Sales representative.

After you have obtained the appropriate license certificate files, apply them before you use the
DB2 database product. Applying a license certificate file is also referred to as registering or adding
a license. You can keep track of, and differentiate, the DB2 database products and DB2 offerings
you have installed on your system, it is recommended that you register the license certificate file.
You can find the DB2 database product license terms at:

The management of licenses for DB2 database products and DB2 offerings is done through the
db2licm license management tool command.
Table 1. DB2 license certificate files

License certificate
file name DB2 database product or DB2 offering

db2awse_c.lic DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition (CPU option)

db2awse_u.lic DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition (Authorized User Single

Install option)

db2awse_tb.lic DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition (Terabyte option)

db2awse_t.lic DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition (Trial)

db2aese_c.lic DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition (CPU option)

db2aese_u.lic DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition (Authorized User Single

Install option)

db2aese_tb.lic DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition (Terabyte option)

db2aese_t.lic DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition (Trial)

db2consv_as.lic DB2 Connect Application Server Edition (CPU option)

db2consv_ass.lic DB2 Connect Application Server Advanced Edition (CPU option)

db2consv_azs.lic DB2 Connect Unlimited Advanced Edition for System z® (CPU


db2consv_ee.lic DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition (User option)

db2consv_is.lic DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System i® (Managed Processor)

db2consv_zs.lic DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z

db2connect_o.lic DB2 Restricted Connect Edition (Restricted)

db2consv_t.lic DB2 Connect Server Edition (Trial)

db2de.lic DB2 Developer Edition (Authorized User)

db2ese_c.lic DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (CPU option)

db2ese_u.lic DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (Authorized User Single Install option)

db2ese_tb.lic DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (Terabyte option)

db2ese_t.lic DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (Trial)

Table 1. DB2 license certificate files

License certificate
file name DB2 database product or DB2 offering

db2exp_c.lic DB2 Express Server Edition (CPU option)

db2exp_s.lic DB2 Express Server Edition (Server option)

db2exp_sftl.lic DB2 Express Server Edition (Server option Fixed Term License)

db2exp_u.lic DB2 Express Server Edition (Authorized User Single Install option)

db2exp_o.lic DB2 Restricted Express Edition (Restricted)

db2exp_t.lic DB2 Express Server Edition (Trial)

db2expc_uw.lic DB2 Express-C (Unwarranted)

db2wse_c.lic DB2 Workgroup Server Edition (CPU option)

db2wse_sk.lic DB2 Workgroup Server Edition (Limited Use Socket Option)

db2wse_u.lic DB2 Workgroup Server Edition (Authorized User Single Install


db2wse_o.lic DB2 Restricted Workgroup Edition (Restricted)

db2wse_t.lic DB2 Workgroup Server Edition (Trial)

db2baf.lic IBM DB2 BLU Acceleration In-Memory Offering

db2bcf.lic IBM DB2 Business Application Continuity Offering

db2ef.lic IBM DB2 Encryption Offering

db2pmf.lic IBM DB2 Performance Management Offering

sam32.lic IBM Tivoli® System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP)

isfs.lic InfoSphere® Federation Server

isfs_d.lic InfoSphere Federation Server Developer Edition (Authorized User

Single Install)

isfs_t.lic InfoSphere Federation Server (Trial)

iidr.lic InfoSphere Data Replication

Table 1. DB2 license certificate files

License certificate
file name DB2 database product or DB2 offering

iidr_d.lic InfoSphere Data Replication for Non-Production Environments

iidr_t.lic InfoSphere Data Replication (Trial)

 Applying DB2 licenses

To be in compliance with your current product entitlement, after installation, you must
manually apply the licenses.
 Installation of DB2 license certificates in a DB2 pureScale environment
In a DB2 pureScale® environment, there are some special considerations for installing DB2
license certificates.
 Updating a Trial license
If you downloaded the DB2 trial edition from the DB2 database software download site, and
now want to update to a full license, you must update the product license certificate file.
 Registering a DB2 database product or DB2 offering license certificate using the db2licm
Use the db2licm command to apply the license entitlement certificate (also referred to as
registering a license key).
 Checking DB2 license compliance
Each DB2 database product and offering has a license certificate file associated with it. The
license certificate file should be registered before using the DB2 database product or
offering. To verify license compliance, run the db2licm command and generate a
compliance report.
 db2licm - License management tool command
Related concepts:
DB2 database product editions
DB2 installation methods
Installation of DB2 license certificates in a DB2 pureScale> environment
Related tasks:
Checking DB2 license compliance
Registering a DB2 database product or feature license key using the db2licm command
Updating a Trial license
Related reference:
db2licm - License management tool command

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