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Mamayog, Rania P.
Micay, Althea

San Beda University

Mendiola, Manila

“Manifestation of Burn Out Among 3rd and 4th Year Students of the College of Arts and Sciences,
A.Y. 2019-2020”

Dear respondent,
We, the students from the College of Arts and Sciences of San Beda University, are
conducting a study entitled, “Manifestation of Burn Out Among 3rd and 4th Year Students of
the College of Arts and Sciences of San Beda University, A. Y. 2019-2020” in partial
fulfillment of our ENG04 subject under Dr. Nerissa M. Revilla.
In line with this, your utmost honest response shall help us complete our study. Upon
accomplishing the questionnaire, personal information shall be kept private and confidential.
Thank you!

Rania Mamayog Althea Micay

Name (Optional): _____________________________________ Year & Section: _________
Sex: ______ Age: ______


Directions: Check the box provided before each choice if it is applicable to you. Please answer
What is burn out as perceived by the respondents?

A state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion

Cynicism & Detachment

Feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of


Directions: Check the box provided before each choice if it is applicable to you. Please answer

To what extent does burn out affect 5 4 3 2 1

the students in terms of: Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never
A. Academics
1. You struggle with your
academic load
2. You lack motivation to go to
3. You lack the motivation to
B. Family
1. You think of yourself as a
burden to your family
2. You have difficulty opening up
to your family thinking that
they might not understand you
3. You consider family related
problems as a factor to your
burn out
C. Social
1. You tend to isolate yourself
from others thinking that they
might not understand you
2. You tend to isolate yourself
from others thinking that you
might be a burden to them

Directions: Check the box provided before each choice that corresponds to your answer. The
gathered results will be handled with confidentiality. Please answer honestly.

How does burn out manifest on 5 4 3 2 1

respondents on a daily basis? Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never
D. Signs of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion
4. Fatigue
5. Short attention span/impaired
6. Loss of appetite

7. Anxiety

8. Depression

9. Interpersonal tension &

E. Signs of cynicism and detachment
4. Loss of enjoyment; not wanting
to go to class or not being eager
to leave

5. Pessimism

6. Isolation; mild resistance to

socializing or avoidance of
7. Detachment; feeling
disconnected from others or
from your environment
F. Signs of Ineffectiveness and Lack of Accomplishment
3. Feelings of apathy and
4. Increased irritability; irritability
often stems from feeling
ineffective, unimportant,
useless, and an increasing sense
that you are not able to do
things as effectively or
5. Lack of productivity & Poor
performance in your work

Directions: Check the box provided before each choice if it is applicable to you. Please answer
What common problems cause burn out in the

Lack of adequate social support

Taking on work than one can handle at

school/Overtaxing course load

Family troubles

Financial Issues

Poor Time Management

Poor Self-Care
Directions: Check the box provided before each choice if it is applicable to you. Please answer
How do you prevent or recover from a burn out?

A. Prevention

A state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion

Cynicism & Detachment

Feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishments

Practicing good time management

Knowing or accepting one’s limitations

B. Treatment

Taking breaks without guilt

Starting off slow but steady (from burnout)

Seeking professional help

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