Question Bank For St2 Section - A (MCQS)

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1. Output of an OR gate with three inputs A, B and C is

low (0)when ……………….
Hint: A=0,B=0,C=0
When 3 inputs are low then output will be low

A. A=0,B=0,C=0 C. A=0,B=0,C=1
B. A=0,B=1,C=1 D. All of above
2 CPU utilization(Proper use of
. CPU) is increased in
………….Operating system

A M C Uni
. ul . Programming(SIngle)
B D D Batch Operating
. OS . System

3. ​Output of an AND gate with three inputs A, B and C

is low (0)when ……………….
Hint: A=0,B=0,C=1
When any of the input among 3 inputs is
0(low))then output will be low

A. A=0,B=0,C=0 C. A=0,B=0,C=1
B. A=0,B=1,C=1 D. All of above
4 ​Instruction in Machine Language consists of

A. OpCode and Operand C. Only Opcode

OpCode means
operation (ADD,SuB)
Operand means
B. Only Operand D. None of above

5 Symbols used in assembly language are called

A. Mnemonics C. Code
B. Assembler D. All of above

6 Translator convert machine language into assembly

language is ….

A. Assembler C. Complier
B. Interpretter D. All of above

7. n octal is ………in decimal.

A. 5349 C. 5348
B. 5347 D. 9345
8. n decimal is ………in hexadecimal.

A. 181CD C. 182CD
B. 183CD D. 180CD
9 s operating system?

A. collection of programs C. system service provider to

that manages hardware the application programs
B. link to interface the D. All of above
hardware and
application programs

10. Base 16 refers to

A. Hexadecimal C. Binary
B. Octal D. None of above

11 Which of the following is an application software?

a) Windows NT b) Windows XP

c) LibreOffice d) All of above

12Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?

e) Assembly f) Machine

g) High level language h) All of above

13High level languages are like

i) Translating j) Both (i) and (ii)

k) English statements l) None of above

14Which of the following is a low level language?

m) Assembly Language n) Machine Language

o) Both of above p) None of above

15Which of the following is a low level language?

q) Assembly Language r) Machine Language
s) Both of above t) None of above

16Examples of System Software includes………………….

u) An Operating v) Trace Programs

w) Compliers x) All of above

17Programs used to control system performance is known as…….

y) Experimental z) System Programs

aa) Specialized bb) Organized Programs


18Boolean function may be transformed into ……………

cc) Logic Circuit or dd) Logic Graph

ee) Map ff) Matrix

19Most preceeded operator is….

gg) And hh) Or

ii) Parenthesis jj) Not

20Write the name of a language consisting of 0’s and 1’s

kk) Machine ll) Object oriented

mm) Assembly nn) Highlevel

21Principle of duality states

nging of ‘+’ with ‘.’ or nging of ‘0’ with ‘1’ or
vice-versa vice-versa

oo) Both (i) and (ii) pp) Only (i)

22Jobs like disk formatting,back-up,sorting,disk partition is performed by …………………. Programs.

qq) Application rr) Business

ss) Utility tt) Small

Section -B (2 marks)
Q1. What is 1’s Complement and 2‘s complement? Find 1s complement and 2‘s complement of
Ans is One’s compliment is 000111
And 2’s compliment will be achived by add 1 in 000111
Q2: Advantages of High level languages?
Q3 Define Boolean function.
Q4Define Boolean algebra.
Q5Name two standard forms to solve Boolean expression.
Q6.Define Assembly language? Advantages of assembly language over machine language
Q7 Find the complement of 95​10.,
Q8Why is assembly language one to one?
Q9What is open source software.Give examples.
Q 10Write various open source licensing options.
Q11 What is the primary advantage of performing subtraction by complementary method in digital
Q 12Write the names of open source methodologies.
Q13Write the dual of following Boolean expressions:
a) A’ + B’ b)(A + B)’ Q4
QConstruct logic circuit diagram for following Boolean expressions by using AND,OR and NOT gates:
a) A.B +(A’.B’).(B.C+B’.C’) b)(A+B).(A.B)’

Q14 Hardware and software of a computer system are like two sides of a coin.Justify.
Q15 Normally,hardware is a onetime expense,whereas software is a continuing expense.Explain.
Q16 How many types of software are there?Write examples.
Q17 Why is high level language many-to-one?
Q18.Name three categories of computer languages.
Q19. When do we call a computer language machine dependent? What is the main disadvantage of
such a language?
Q 20Compare positional with non-positional number system.
Q21What type of errors in a program a compiler can detect?
Section -C
Q1 Types of Languages(Machine,Binary,High level)
Evaluate Boolean function F=A’.B.C + A’.B’.C in sum of product (SOP) form.
Q2 Write a short note on success of Open source software.
Q3 Difference between POS and SOP
Q 4Write the principles of open source software.
Q5What is Binary substraction with example
Q6: What is Binary Mutiplication with example
Q7: What is Binary Addition with example
Q8. Describe 4GL in brief.
Q9. Describe 3GL in brief.
Q10 In a time sharing system,explain how each user gets an impression that he/she
is the sole user of the system.

Q11Express following Boolean expression in their product-of-sums form.

a) x.y+x’.y+x.y’
Q12 Express following Boolean expression in their sum-of-product form:
a) x.y+x’.y+x.y’
Q13 Multiply binary numbers 101111 and 111.
Q14Define minterm and maxterm.Give examples.
Q15 Differentiate between application software and system software.
Q16Find the complement of following numbers:
a)495​10 b)32​
​ 4​ c)C​16
Q17.Subtract 01010​2 from
​ 10000​2
Q18. Subtract 110111​2​ from 101110​2 using
​ complementary method.
Q19.Define Principle of Duality in Boolean algebra.
Q20 What is utility program? Write tasks commonly performed by utility programs.
Q21 How does a computer language differ from a natural language?
. Write the advantages and limitations of machine language.
Q22. A machine language instruction has two-part format. Identify these parts and discuss the function
of each.
Q23 Differentiate between multitasking and multiprogramming.
Q24 ​Show the relationship among hardware, system software, application software and users of a
computer with the help of logical architecture.
Q25 Differentiate between multiprogramming and time sharing system
Q26 What is a mnemonic? How it is helpful in case of computer languages.
Q27Differentiate between compiler and interpreter.
Q28 Write a short note on object oriented languages.
QMUltiprogramming vs Multiprocessing
QWhat is an assembly language? What are its advantages over machine language?
QWhat is a machine language? What are its advantages over assembly language?
QWrite advantages and limitations of high level languages.
Q Explain various licensing options of open source software in detail.
Q Define operating system. Explain various functions of operating system in detail.
Q Discuss various logic gates in detail.
Q Illustrate outline view of translators.
Q Define computer languages. Differentiate between procedural/3GL and non-procedural/4GL
Q Differentiate between open source and proprietary software.

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