Current Events

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The most crucial stage of growing up is adolescence. This is the stage in which a person prepares himself
for the cruel world of reality out there. This is when you need to develop survival instincts, in which you
should learn how to deal with the ups and downs of life to and face it with boldness and strength. Your
adolescence today can define a big part of you tomorrow.


Health should be the top priority of everyone. Smoking may satisfy you for a minute, but it will make you
suffer for years. It’s not only your health which is at risk but also the health of the people around you.
Second-hand smoke is way deadlier. If you can’t quit smoking for yourself, at least do it for your loved


Philippines is one of the countries with the highest increase of STD victims around the world with an
increase of 400% for the past five years. This data is very alarming. Now is not the time for conservative
Filipinos anymore. I firmly agree with the full implementation of Sex Education in the country. We cannot
stop people from having sex, but we can prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS if we’re knowledgeable
enough about it. Abstain, if not, educate.

#Illegal Drugs #DrugAddiction

The issue about illegal drugs on the country has made Philippines one of the most talk-about countries
today because of the war on drugs of President Duterte. No matter how hard we try, we can not unsee
the fact that illegal drugs (Drug Addiction) bring nothing but harm to our lives, our dreams and our
country. Temptations are everywhere and we need to teach ourselves to say no. Say No to Illegal drugs
and Yes to a bright future ahead of you. We can be a drug-free community if only we make ourselves


Brought to us by our colonizers thousands of years ago, gambling is one of the habits that we cannot
erase in our system as Filipinos and has ruined many lives and relationships. People find gambling
addicting maybe because most of us rely on luck and finds the pleasure of winning easy-money. Before
we think of gambling again, we must remind ourselves about the bad effects it may cause us and put to
mind that earning money from hard work is more fulfilling and satisfying than winning it from luck.

As cliché as it may sound, but still, Health is the greatest wealth. We can make ourselves busy and work
all day and night for the sake of our dreams, we can earn a lot of money and obtain a fortune, we can
attain fame and authority through perseverance and hard work but not without having a good health.
We must make health our top priority always. Sickness and illnesses are always the biggest hindrances of
everything we do. Take care of yourself, or else, the doctors will. And, Take a rest, or rest in peace.


Every one of us experience a flash of anxiety in our lives but some people have it worse than most of us
do. Some people are fragile enough to have breakdowns that turn into a psychiatric disorder that affects
their daily lives seriously. If ever we know somebody experiencing it right now, talk to him and say that
it’s okay not to be okay. People cry and we all have our weaknesses. Ask for help and have courage to
help yourself. Don’t let anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses stop you from becoming a person
you are dreaming to be.


Depression is an illness, a serious one. Most people take it very lightly and often make fun of it without
knowing that real depressed people could be everywhere. People think that depression is all about
sadness, crying and posting negative things in the internet but people are wrong.

Depression is the constant feeling of being numb and pointless, struggling and wishing life to end. If we
know someone who wakes up and gives a call in the middle of the night to cry, someone who has a scar
on her wrist, someone who behaves differently, reach out to them and talk. Tell them that it’s okay not
to be okay. People cry sometimes. Don’t let anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses stop you from
becoming a person you are dreaming to be.

People with depression and other mental health issues are often too afraid. Here in the Philippines, it is
taboo to be checked by a psychiatrist. Filipinos are not open-minded enough to tackle these issues even
for today. Most mental health patients tend to hide their illnesses because of the fear of being judged,
talked about or worse, laughed at. We must be sensitive enough with our words and actions. Mental
illness is not a joke. We don’t say we’re not okay just to post shit on the internet. We say it because we
feel it.


Whenever we talk about teenage pregnancy, it has always been the prevention and the disadvantages it
may bring. More often, people will look down at teenage mothers and judge them quickly. Those
teenage mothers may have made a mistake of doing things at the wrong time, let us give them a chance
to fix their lives and help them raise their child well. Not because you failed once, does not mean you
cannot try to win again. As part of this society, it is our responsibility to give respect and understanding
to every person we encounter.
Our generation today is taking love, virginity and sex as shallow matters. Younger people mistake
affection as true love, often gets obsessed with it, and do things they shouldn’t be doing at this young
age. Virginity is a gift only to be given through the locks of marriage. Love is true when it teaches you to
do things right and makes you a better person with dreams and sorted out priorities. Preventing teenage
pregnancy is a teamwork done fuelled by you, your family and your goals and dreams. We are the hope
of the future. We’re supposed to change the world, not change diapers.



Some religions oppose same sex marriage and we should respect that. But as a citizen and as a person in
love, I have the right to love and be loved and I deserve respect for that (just like anybody else, including
our LGBTQ friends). If we truly love our brothers and sisters, let them express their love to the world
because love knows no boundaries. Marriage is a celebration of love. As long as that love won’t hurt
another person, it must be celebrated. No matter what, I believe in love and it will always win.

#Pre-Marital Sex

Not because your lover said “I love you” does not mean he already has access to your body. Our
generation today is taking love, virginity and sex as shallow matters. Younger people mistake affection as
true love, often gets obsessed with it, and do things they shouldn’t be doing at this young age. Virginity
is a gift only to be given through the locks of marriage. Love is true when it teaches you to do things right
and makes you a better person with dreams and sorted out priorities. (Traje de boda muna bago bukaka.
Pero, toga muna bago traje de boda. )


As the world of technology expands and reaches a wider array of interest nowadays, we must be careful
of the things we do online. Your social media accounts are not your diaries and also not a battleground
for personal issues and problems. Remember the word filter. Filters work well on pictures but they work
better when applied to absorbing and releasing information. Not everything we see on the internet are
facts. Social media is a very effective platform to let voices be heard. Let us use it for the betterment of
oneself and the people we care for. Be a responsible social media user.


We experience sitting in the shade today and breathe fresh air because someone has planted a tree a
long time ago. If we use trees respectfully and economically, we have the greatest resources of the earth.
Don’t wait for the time that we have to buy oxygen. The next generation deserves more than just
pictures of nature. The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.

We can consider President Rodrigo Roa Duterte as one of the most controversial presidents of this
country. But for me, despite all allegations thrown to him right now, all I can see is a father. A father
wanting to build and raise a family through all the means and ways he can. He will set rules and teach
principles even without the approval of other people because he is a father and he will do what he
thinks is right for his children. Just like my own father, I know that everything he does is for my sake and
for my future.


A beauty queen wears a crown and a sash, not as accessories, but as a reminder of what a true Beauty
Queen really means. As she receives the crown, she will bow down to her people. The crown is placed on
the top of the head to let its weight remind you of humility and keeping your feet on the ground. The
sash is a symbol of your social responsibility. To be Miss Camalaniugan is to become a role model to your
fellow youth not just for a year, but for the rest of your life. Proving that you’re worthy to be called a
beauty queen does not end on this stage. It is a lifetime responsibility of showing grace, wit and beauty.

#Environmental Problems

The most significant change I have seen for the past 10 years is climate change, the biggest
environmental problem we have now. The little things we do can have a big impact to this solution. Just
imagine when a single piece of plastic is reused by one billion people. I always believed that every
problem has a solution and the primary solution of these problems is us. When we dedicate ourselves in
being THE solution, slowly but surely, these problems will be solved.

#Seal of Good Local governance





When we talk about peer pressure, it should not always be about the negative things. Sometimes, we
can not decide for ourselves and we need other people to do it for us. Positive vibes from positive
people bring positive changes to us. We cannot call a group of person’s peers if they are not our friends.
Peer pressure from our true friends can make us a better person. Friendship is always a positive thing.









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