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Triple R Agenda : A Manifesto

by Maria Eloisa Angelie Gripon Arellano

Independent Candidate for Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson


- change the outlook of many people towards Sangguniang Kabataan through the exhibit of competent
leadership and committed service


- interlink broken ties and make the youth involved by giving them a voice


-actively cooperate with the Sangguniang Barangay in the conduct of activities and implementation of
projects, thus, implying the SK advocacy

1. Equitable Access to Quality Education

 Putting up Barangay Mini-Library

 Assistance to Barangay Day Care Center

2. Environmental Protection and Climate Change Adaptation

 Maintenance of MRF

 Putting up Barangay Nursery

 Clean-up drives

 Waste Management

 Conduct of Seminars on Climate Change and Waste Management

3. Youth Employment and Livelihood

For Out-of-School Youth

 Waste Management : Recycling for a Penny

 Selling out Fruits and Vegetables from Brgy. Nursery

4. Sports Development and Anti-Drug Abuse

 Conduct of Invitational Chess Tournament

 Assistance to Team Bulala during Municipal Sportsfest

 Conduct Symposium on Drug Abuse

5. Capability Building and Youth Gathering

 SK Night / Youth Gatherings

 Seminars and Workshops

- Gender Sensitivity

-Mental Health

-Open Forum

6. Linggo ng Kabataan Celebration

For Children Aged 5-13

 Laro ng Lahing Pilipin

 Inter-Zone Patalasan Lahi

7. Infrastructure Project

 Provide assistance to Sangguniang Barangay in the building of Barangay Multi-Purpose Gym

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