Current Transcriber Test

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Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at Go Transcript.

Speaker 2: One of the greatest issues that they have with outsourcing is depending
what you're outsourcing. The people who are doing-- The people who are running the
program, the people who are, should we say at the keyboards, whatever happens to be
are removed from the company. So firstly, they generally don't get the culture of your
company. Secondly, to them it's just a job. You know separate jobs you outsource
application development is basically just like tangible or Poland or wherever it
happens to be or service transformation with those countries. What you'll say, 'right
guys, you've know you've got to do ABCD and E," and they will do ABCD and E
they will do it probably cheaper than whoever else has gotten, probably do it cheaper
than the people who were there originally, but they will see it as quite a tactical role.
So, depending on the type of relationship that you want with your supplier. Several
form of organizations going through being a cultural change. If they want tactical
relationships, outsourcing is absolutely fine because you just hire your body to do
something. However, as an organization on the place, a large scale digital
transformation, but some companies, and it's down for the individual company, an
individual customer, some customers might say, "look, what we want you to do is
initially we'd like you to do a tactical job for us. Just do ABCD and E. The best
companies may get the best for last. [Unintelligible 1:55] We want you to do a tactical
job for us, do ABCD and E so that you compute when you do that. But then the best
companies may get the best results and the one who trained, however, if you think
that there is a better way for us to do this, if you have a better-- If you think you have
a better idea, we'd love to hear it. So in that particular case, when you're outsourcing
something, the people who are doing the job typically act tactically. If the customer is
able to put something into the contract with the supplier saying "look, if this is what
we're doing", but this is our vision, here's our document, this is what you are helping
us with, but if you think you have a better way doing it, if you have a better idea or
whatever happens to be, bring those to us and then we won't give you a bonus. You
know, If we like the ideas and we adopt them, we will you give you a bonus. In
addition to that, you know you can also put in there that there are lots of interesting
things in sort bidding contract. If there's a cheaper way for you to do it, if there's more
efficient way for you to do it, if there's a faster way for you to do it, whatever happens
to be, we will give you a bonus. Now you can call those performance bonuses or
whatever happens to be, but this is where ideally the relationships that work best are
the right relationships especially where there is true partnership, where both
companies are actually invested with each other.

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at Go Transcript.

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