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Republic of the Philippines


2ND Judicial Region
BRANCH _____
Tuguegarao City





PETITIONER BARBARA SIBAL, through the undersigned counsel, unto the

Honorable Court, most respectfully states that:

1. Petitioner is of legal age, married and a resident of Poblacion 2, Piat, Cagayan;

2. Petitioner is the heir of Vicente Galindon and representative of her co-heirs Romeo
Galindon, Carol Dolores, Visitacion Lavarias, Charly Galindon and Manuel Galindon;

3. Petitioner is a co-owner of the subject lot by virtue of succession. The subject lot is
more particularly described as follows:

Lot 7156 of the Cadastral Survey of Tuguegarao

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 7156 of the Cadastral Survey of Tuguegarao), situated
in the Municipality of Tuguegaro. Bounded on the NE. by the Provincial Road; on the
SE. by Lot Nos. T155 and T157; on the SW. by Lot No. 7266; and on the NE. by Lot
No. 7368. Beginning at a point marked “1” on plan being S. 47 deg 389 .92 m. from
B.B.N. No. 12, thence . . . .

s. 57 deg. 53’ W., 52.33 m. to point “2”; thence

w. 14 deg. 56’ W., 103.56 m. to point “3”; thence
e. 74 deg. 22’ E., 39.92 m. to point “4”; thence
s. 48 deg. 27’ E., 68.80 m. to point “5”; thence
s. 46 deg. 35’ E., 21.49 m. to point “6”; thence
s. 57 deg. 33’ E., 41.75 m. to the point of beginning, and
Containing an area of six thousand one hundred and seventy seven square meters
(5177), more or less.

A copy of which is attached is attached as Annex “A” to form part hereof.

4. The above described parcel of lot has been the subject of a compromise agreement
dated 1 February 2018 signed by the Heirs of Mariano and Balbara Galindon; (A copy
of the Compromise Agreement is attached as Annex B.)

5. That on 28 February 2019 a judgement based on the Compromise Agreement was

rendered in RTC Branch 1 adjudicating one thousand nine hundred seventy seven
(1,977) square meters to the heirs of Jose Galindon. Anent this, the share of the Heirs
of Jose Galindon has no adverse claim or encumbrance; (A copy of the Judgement is
made integral part of this document as Annex “C”.)

6. That on July 30, 2019 petitioner with the consent of all her co-heirs sold their share to
Marzania. During the time of sale there was no annotation or encumbrance on the
said lot;

7. Petitioners had found out of these adverse claim by respondent only when she went
to the Register of Deeds to accomplish some requirements with regards to the sale
sometime on the first week of August, 2019;

8. The annotations of adverse claim on the title is an unnecessary encumbrance which

is derogatory to the title and ownership of the petitioner; as such it is imperative that
the adverse claim be cancelled.


WHEREFORE, pursuant to law, it is respectfully prayed that after due proceedings,

an order be entered directing the Register of Deeds of Tuguegarao City cancel the Entry
No. _______________ as annotated on Transfer Certificate of Title No. ____________ .

Such other reliefs which may be just and equitable under the premises are likewise
prayed for.

Tuguegarao City, Philippines, ______ day of July 2019.

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