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FPT Corporate English Listening Homework 8/10/2019

Scene 1 Vocabulary Scene 2 Vocabulary Scene 3 Vocabulary

- Career (n.) - Protect (v.) - Galaxy (n.)
- Particular (adj.) - Appoint (v.) - Realize (v.)
- Pursue (v.) - Democracy (n.) - Conflict (n.)
- Ransom (n.) - Considered (past p.) - Combined (past p.)
- Nightmare (n.) - Suspend (v.) - Training (n.)
- Acquired (past. p.) - Enemies (plr. n.) - Order (n.)
- Villain (n.) - Importance (n.)

Scene 1 from Taken

I don't _________________ you are. I don't know what you _________. If you are looking

for____________, I can tell you I _________________________. But what I do have are a very

_______________set of ___________, ___________ I have _________________over a very

long_____________. ______________ that make me a ________________for people like you.

If you ____________________ go now, that'll be the ____________. I will not ____________

you, I will not _________________you. But if you don't, I will _______________ you, I will

_________ you, and ________________ you.

FPT Corporate English Listening Homework 8/10/2019

Scene 2 from The Dark Knight (listen from 1:15-1:34)

Harvey Dent: When their _________were at the _____, the Romans would __________________

and __________ one man to _________________. It wasn’t ___________________; it was

_________________a public service.

Rachel Dawes: Harvey, the last man who they ________________ the Republic was named

Caesar, and he _____________ his __________.

Harvey: Okay, fine. You _____________ or you _____________ enough to see


Scene 3 from Star Wars Episode IV: The Empire Strikes Back (listen from 1:16-1:58)

Darth Vader: Luke, you do not yet ___________your____________. You have only ________ to

__________ your _________. _________ me and I will __________ your__________. With our

___________strength we can _____ this destructive ___________and ____________ to


Luke: I will ___________ you!

Darth Vader: If you only _______ the ________ of the Dark Side…Obi Wan ___________ you

what ________ to ______________.

Luke: He ______ me __________. He told me ___________!

Darth Vader: No, I _______________.

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