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Tour Creator 

Virtual Tour to Spain and Germany 

2nd Language PROJECT 
Steps  What do I do?  What do I need?  Finished? 

Use Macbook, use Chrome, Go 

to Tour Creator page 
or/​. Login with google account 

Tour title, Cover photo, 

2  Description (max 50), choose 
one category 

Add 1st ​scene​. Use Street View 

3  to search for places. 

4  Set ​starting view 

Title​ the scene, location, add a 

5  Description​ (max 500) 

You can add ​multimedia​: 

6  Ambient Audio, Scene narrator 

7  Add​ Point of Interest 

Title​ the ​Point of Interest​, add a 

8  Description​ (max 300), an image 
overlay, a sight narration 

Add another ​Point of Interest​: 

9  repeat step 7/8 

Add another ​scene​: repeat step 

10  3/9 
11  Publish​ unlisted (important) 

In the “tour option” choose “​View 

12  Published Tou​r” 

Press ​share​ button an then 

13  choose ​Expedition 
Expeditions - Guide mode 
Steps  What do I do?  What do I need?  Finished? 

1  Use iPad, open Expeditions app 

Go to Library and open the 

2  Tour and click “Download to 
view or guide” 

Add 1st ​scene​. Use Street View 

3  to search for places. 

Choose ​guide mode​ and check 

that your explorers join the 
4  guide with the name and 
number displayed 

5  Start the Tour  

Expeditions - Class mode 

Steps  What do I do?  What do I need?  Finished? 

You can use an iPad, a 

Smartphone or, VR Glasses with 
1  a Smartphone with Expeditions 
App installed 

2  Go to Class and join the Tour  

Follow the instructions of your 

3  guide 
My Family 
Create a Video-interview - 2​nd​ lang 

How will be scored on my project? ​(underline the text) 
  1  2  3  4 

I did not plan my  I was able to begin  I finished my work  I completed all the 
project well.  planning what I  on time. I completed  planning pages and 
I did not complete  would include in my  my planning page..  was able to 
my planning page.  project.  I included  complete all the 
My project was  I finished my  descriptions and  parts of my project. 
missing parts.  planning page.  locations.  I included my 
  descriptions and 
original locations. 

I had trouble  I was able to begin  I was able to  I found it very easy 
organizing myself.  organizing myself. I  organize myself and  to stay on task and 
I found it difficult to  used the planning  my work in  to complete my 
put all my work in  tools  order to complete  work. I added more 
order.  to begin helping me.  my interview. than was needed to 
my project.

My project was  My project had  My project had  My project present 

messy, poor ideas  some good ideas  many ideas that  original ideas that 
and was difficult to  and was describing.  supported  help to understand 
understand  My voice is quite  description. My  clearly . My voice is 
descriptions.  expressive and the  voice is expressive  expressive and the 
Presentation  My voice is not  pronunciation is  and the  pronunciation is 
expressive and  satisfactory.  pronunciation is  very good. 
monotonous and  good.
the pronunciation is 
not precise. 

My project was  My project had little  My project had  My project had a lot 
lacking in evidence  to some  complete  of information and 
of the  descriptions that  descriptions that  descriptions that 
descriptions that  related to the Unit.  related  related to the Unit.
related to the Unit.  to the Unit.

I am still very  I have a good  I am very confident  I have used Tour 

confused  understanding of  in  Creator. 
about how to use  Using Tour Creator.  using Tour Creator.  appropriately and 
Tour Creator.  but need more  and know how to  creatively to 
Knowledge of tools    practice in using it. use all the functions  support my project.
  to support my 

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