Social Studies

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Research Projects:

-using online resources

to develop a deeper
understanding of
residential schools in
Canadian History
-using resources such as
Coggle to create a
mindmap of prior
Storytelling: knowledge of students.
-Create an online -Including Canadian
storybook involving films.
Indigenous culture that
students have learned.
Looking at different
cultures around the
Indigenous oral
storytelling by creating
-learning about
an online video.
traditions, beliefs and
-Google presentation
values amongst several
with classmates, google
Global Cultures cultures.
slides or create an
-Including first peoples
online video for class to Social Studies
of different countries
within classroom
resources ex. books,
Create a Blog: films, quizlet to help
-Have students create a study
blog about FMNI
content, what they
have learned and their
-Integrate an online poll
perspective on
to teach about
Indigenous culture.
ELA governments (How are
Including videos,
certain minorities
artifacts, pictures etc.
represented within our
-Create a video blog
about knowledge or
research on Canadian
Using Technology treaties.
Indigenous Language:
Along Side FMNI -Use skype to call an
-Use interactive
elder that can help
resources that teach Content
deepen the students
students how to
understanding of
pronounce Indigenous
government influence
and impact on
Indigenous peoples.
Use interactive stories
online to work through
Math Local Plants and
math problems, a great
-Have students create
an online presentation
of knowledge.
-Use Kahoot to include
an interactive game for
students to play either
before learning about
plants and animals or
-Use coggle to get
students to express
their thoughts on local
hunting or eating

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