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Human Resource Plan

Project Name:

Prepared By: Alex

Last Revised On: <Insert date>

Human Resource Plan Template

Australasia International School - RTO Code: 6251 CRICOS Provider Number: 02747G Page 1 of 9
Human Resource Plan Template
Australasia International School - RTO Code: 6251 CRICOS Provider Number: 02747G Page 2 of 9
Human Resource Plan Template BSBPMG413 Apply project human resources
management approaches

Human Resource Plan

Project summary
<Provide high-level, summary information about the project, the background to the project, and its scope.>
This company needs a project named ‘By Design Online’ which function is to optimize the website of this company and
applying SEO so that the local or international customer can easily search the company’s website and it will lead to the larger
profit. The key task of this project is to complete within 6 months and profitable within the year. In order to do so, there are
some requirements in skills and knowledge of personnel in this project should be capable. Firstly, the SEO Manager should be
able to facilitate, develop, and maintain the HTML, web coding, copywriting skills, website design, and social media
marketing. Secondly, Distribution Coordinator, can manage multiple tasks, high attention, understand operation process,
manage small team, budget, and staff roster, and implementing distribution campaign. Thirdly, Business Development
Manager, has excellent business writing, expert training, communication, organisational, presentation skills, analytical, and
online advertising industry. The last one is Customer Support Team Leader, needs skill in managing small team customer
service, applying customer needs, anticipating customer’s pain points, training standard manner, and executing marketing

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Human Resource Plan Template
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Human resource requirements
<Use the information from the case study and your project team to complete the table below.>
Project role Team member Team members existing Competencies required
allocated competencies
SEO Manager <Include your team Understanding HTML to apply a keyword Understanding HTML to apply a keyword
member’s name that strategy in high priority places and work strategy in high priority places and work
you have allocated to effectively in a site structure or Customer effectively in a site structure or Customer
this role.> Management System. Management System.
Advanced web development skills Advanced web development skills including
including the ability to write code. the ability to write code.
Quality copywriting skills with an SEO Quality copywriting skills with an SEO focus
focus is essential. is essential.
Ability to apply user-friendly design Ability to apply user-friendly design
principles to website design. principles to website design.
Management of web server. Management of web server.
Ability to facilitate and manage online Ability to facilitate and manage online
promotional campaigns. promotional campaigns.
Ability to develop, maintain and evaluate Ability to develop, maintain and evaluate
social media marketing campaigns. social media marketing campaigns.
Perfect communication, managing clear
information, responsive and well-time
Distribution Ability to manage multiple priorities. Ability to manage multiple priorities.
Coordinator High attention to detail. High attention to detail.
Understanding of receipt and distribution Understanding of receipt and distribution of
of stock. stock.
The ability to adhere to distribution The ability to adhere to distribution
strategy. strategy.
Ability to manage a small team. Ability to manage a small team.
Skills to manage a budget and staff roster. Skills to manage a budget and staff roster.
Experience in implementing distribution Experience in implementing distribution
campaigns for small businesses in campaigns for small businesses in
eCommerce. eCommerce.

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Business Excellent business writing, training, Excellent business writing, training,
Development communication, organisational and communication, organisational and
Manager presentation skills. presentation skills.
(eCommerce) Good analytical skills in both Good analytical skills in both understanding
understanding marketing objectives and marketing objectives and analysing
analysing campaign performance campaign performance
Strong understanding of online advertising Strong understanding of online advertising
industry from both direct and industry from both direct and programmatic
programmatic channels. channels.
Intelligent, outgoing individual with strong Intelligent, outgoing individual with strong
interpersonal skills and work ethic interpersonal skills and work ethic including
including a positive, upbeat, can-do a positive, upbeat, can-do attitude
attitude Ability to clearly and quickly communicate
Ability to clearly and quickly communicate status and direction and a strong presence
status and direction and a strong presence in person and over the phone.
in person and over the phone. Ability to successfully work and
communicate effectively with teams to
execute campaigns
Customer Support Ability to manage a small team within a Ability to manage a small team within a
Team Leader customer service driven environment. customer service driven environment.
Ability to apply a range of customer Ability to apply a range of customer service
service approaches to address customer approaches to address customer needs.
needs. Anticipate potential customer pain points
Deliver training related to customer and allocate resources and training ahead
service standards to small groups. of time.
Deliver training related to customer service
standards to small groups.

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Human resource development requirements
<Use the table below to outline the competency gaps that exist between the project requirements and the project team
Project team member Competency gaps Development activities
SEO Manager Miss communication, misleading that Leadership Training
end up problem occurred. Weekly Report
Gate Check
Special Advice
Distribution Coordinator Lacking on leading a small group Leadership Training
because of some private issues. Special Advice

Business Development Manager Hardly managing the team and only do Leadership Training
(eCommerce) the issues or an action by himself Weekly Report
Special Advice
Customer Support Team Leader Cannot learn from the past, it will be Leadership Training
troublesome when he cannot develop Special Advice
his experience

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<Use this table to describe at least three different performance management strategies you will implement to monitor and
influence the performance of project members.>
Performance management Detail Expected result
Weekly Report The weekly report is made based on the recent The result from the weekly report is to
circumstances, it simply is reporting the main giving updates to the superior so that
issues from the subordinate to the superior each the superior can keep monitoring the
week. works. Not only that, but superior can
also give a piece of advice which will
lead to a better choice and will give
some more idea. Besides, it protects
the abandoned issues and will keep it
solved. Plus, the communication skills
will be developed here.
Leadership Training This training will be applied for the leader lacking This strategy is expected to give
in leading a team which is small or larger. On the courage for the leader of a certain
other hands, it will be applied for those who will position, it may give the time for
lead the next projects in terms of coordinator or progress but it will eventually have a
superior. good impact. Besides, it will give the
responsibility to act for those who are a
Special Advice Special advice is made by Human Resources in The expected result of this special
order to keep contact with the related person in advice is to reduce the gap among the
charge. In this case, each Human Resources team superior and the subordinate in case if
should be able to deal with every single need of they got some trouble and cannot be
the person in charge in terms of related work. solved because of the influence of
position. Furthermore, this can be
created to tighten relation in the team.
Gate Check Not similar to the weekly report, this one has more By using this strategy, the project will be at
details on it. Each week the project must have least have the progress and first, second,
progressed and it will be set by the person in charge. third and more goals to be achieved. And it
For an example of this case; when there is a team that will be easier to track based on the gate

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needs to create a shop, they have the goal to create and eventually it will be finished on time.
the door in Gate-1, so by this weekend they must have
done the door, in Gate-2 they will need to finish the
decoration and so on.

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