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BCG - Bacille Calmette Guerin

2. BeMONC - Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
3. BHS - Barangay Health Stations/ Body Heat Storage
4. BHW - Barangay Health Workers
5. BnB - Bed and Breakfast
6. BNS - Barangay Nutrition Scholar
7. CDC -Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
8. CPAB - Child Protected at Birth
9. DMFT - Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth
10. DMPA -depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
11. DOH - Department of Health
12. DPT - diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus
13. EINC - Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care
14. FIC - Feline Idiopathic Cystitis/Family of International Classifications
15. FIM - Functional Independence Measure
16. FP - Family Planning
17. FHSIS - Field Health Services Information System
18. GIDA - Government Intervention in Deprived Areas
19. IEC - Information, Education and Communication
20. ILHZ - Inter-Local Health Zone
21. IMCI - Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
22. IPV - Inactivated polio vaccine
23. ITR - Income Tax Return
24. IYCF - Infant and Young Child Feeding
25. LGU - Local Government Unit
26. MBFHI - Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
27. MDA - Mass Drug Administration
28. MDGs - Millennium Development Goals
29. MHO - Medical Health Officer
30. MMR - measles, mumps, and rubella
31. NCDs - noncommunicable diseases
32. NDP - Nurse Deployment Program
33. NHTS - National Household Targeting System
34. NTP - National Toxicology Program
35. OPV - Oral polio vaccine
36. PHC - Primary Health Care
37. PHO - public health observatory
38. PCV - packed-cell volume
39. PHN - public health nurses
40. RHM - Routine Health Maintenance
41. RHU - Rural Health Unit
42. RSI - Rapid sequence intubation
43. RUTF - Ready to Use Therapeutic Food
44. SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
45. TBA - traditional birth attendant
46. TCL - T-cell Lymphoma
47. TT - Tetanus Toxoid
48. ZOD - Zone of Discharge
49. WHO - World Health Organization
50. 4Ps - Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

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