Uml Super Market Case Study

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Uml case study

1.1 Aim: -
A Supermarket needs to develop the following software to encourage
the regular customers. For this the customer needs to supply
customers for this the customer needs to supply his/ her residence
address, phone number, and the driving license no. Each customer
who registered for this scheme is assigned by a unique Customer no
(CN) by the computer. A customer can present his CN to the checkout
staff when he makes any purchase in this case the values of his
purchase is credited against his CN. At the end of each year the
supermarkets intend to award a 22-carat gold coin to every customer
whose purchase exceeds 50000. The entries against CN are reset on
every year after the prize winners list is generated.
A supermarket is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food,
beverages and household products, organized into sections and
shelves. It is larger and has a wider selection than earlier grocery
stores, but is smaller and more limited in the range of merchandise
than a hypermarket or big-box market.

The supermarket typically has aisles for meat, fresh produce, dairy,
and baked goods. Shelf space is also reserved for canned and
packaged goods and for various non-food items such as kitchenware,
household cleaners, pharmacy products and pet supplies. Some
supermarkets also sell other household products that are consumed
regularly, such as medicines, and clothes, and some sell a much wider
range of non-food products: DVDs, sporting equipment, board games,
and seasonal items (e.g., Christmas wrapping paper in December).
A larger full-service supermarket combined with a department store is
sometimes known as a hypermarket. Other services may include
those of banks, cafés, childcare centers/creches, insurance (and other
financial services), Mobile Phone services, photo processing, video
rentals, pharmacies or petrol stations. If the eatery in a supermarket
is substantial enough, the facility may be called a "grocerant", a blend
of "grocery" and "restaurant".
The traditional supermarket occupies a large amount of floor space,
usually on a single level. It is usually situated near a residential area in
order to be convenient to consumers. The basic appeal is the
availability of a broad selection of goods under a single roof, at
relatively low prices. Other advantages include ease of parking and
frequently the convenience of shopping hours that extend into the
evening or even 24 hours of the day. Supermarkets usually allocate
large budgets to advertising, typically through newspapers. They also
present elaborate in-shop displays of products.

Supermarkets typically are chain stores, supplied by the distribution

centers of their parent companies thus increasing opportunities for
economies of scale. Supermarkets usually offer products at relatively
low prices by using their buying power to buy goods from
manufacturers at lower prices than smaller stores can. They also
minimize financing costs by paying for goods at least 30 days after
receipt and some extract credit terms of 90 days or more from
vendors. Certain products (typically staple foods such as bread, milk
and sugar) are very occasionally sold as loss leaders so as to attract
shoppers to their store. Supermarkets make up for their low margins
by a high volume of sales, and with of higher-margin items bought by
the attracted shoppers. Self-service with shopping carts (trolleys) or
baskets reduces labor cost, and many supermarket chains are
attempting further reduction by shifting to self-service check-out.
1.3 History: -
In the early days of retailing, products generally were fetched by an
assistant from shelves behind the merchant's counter while
customers waited in front of the counter and indicated the items they
wanted. Most foods and merchandise did not come in individually
wrapped consumer-sized packages, so an assistant had to measure
out and wrap the precise amount desired by the consumer. This
offered opportunities for social interaction: many regarded this style
of shopping as "a social occasion" and would often "pause for
conversations with the staff or other customers." These practices
were by nature slow and labor-intensive and therefore also quite
expensive. The number of customers who could be attended to at
one time was limited by the number of staff employed in the store.
Shopping for groceries also often involved trips to multiple specialty
shops, such as a greengrocer, butcher, bakery, fishmonger and dry
goods store; in addition to a general store. Milk and other items of
short shelf life were delivered by a milkman.

The concept of an inexpensive food market relying on large

economies of scale was developed by Vincent Astor. He founded the
Astor Market in 1915, investing $750,000 ($18 million in 2015
currency) of his fortune into a 165' by 125' corner of 95th and
Broadway, Manhattan, creating, in effect, an open-air mini-mall that
sold meat, fruit, produce and flowers. The expectation was that
customers would come from great distances, but in the end, even
attracting people from ten blocks away was difficult, and the market
folded in 1917.

1.4 Merchandise available in supermarkets: -

 Baby foods and baby-care products such as disposable diapers
 Breads and bakery products (many stores may have a bakery on
site that offers specialty and dessert items)
 Baking needs
 Books, newspapers, and magazines, including supermarket
 Bulk dried foods such as legumes, flour, rice, etc. (typically
available for self-service)
 Canned goods and dried cereals
 CDs, audio cassettes, DVDs, and videos (including video rentals)
 Cigarettes and other tobacco products (as country, state,
provincial or local laws allow)
 Confections and candies
 Cosmetics
 Dairy products and eggs
 Delicatessen foods (ready-to-eat)
 Diet foods
 Dressings and Sauces
 Electrical products such as light bulbs, extension cords, etc.
 Feminine hygiene products
 Flowers
 Frozen foods and crushed ice
 Fresh produce, fruits and vegetables
 Greeting cards
 House-cleaning products
 Housewares, dishware and cooking utensils (typically limited)
 Laundry products such as detergents and fabric softeners
 Lottery tickets (where operational and legal)
 Luggage items (typically limited)
 Meats, fish and seafoods
2. Requirements: -
2.1 Hardware Requirements: -
Whenever you purchase software or hardware for your computer,
you should first make sure your computer supports the system
requirements. These are the necessary specifications your computer
must have in order to use the software or hardware. For example, a
computer game may require your computer to have Windows XP or
later, a 2.0 GHz processor, 512 MB or RAM, a 64 MB graphics card,
and 500 MB or hard drive space. If your computer does not meet all
of these requirements, the game will not run very well or might not
run at all.
The important information to record includes:
 Processor Speed (2.0 GHz or higher)
 Memory, a.k.a. RAM (4 GB or more)
 Graphics Card (1 GB video memory or Higher)
 Hard Disk Space (80 GB available)
 I/O Ports (USB, Firewire, Serial, Parallel, SCSI, VGA, DVI ports)
By recording these specifications from your computer, you will be
able to make sure your computer supports the products you are
2.2 Software Requirements: -
A software requirements specification (SRS) is a description of a
software system to be developed. It is modeled after business
requirements specification, also known as a stakeholder requirements
specification (STRS). The software requirements specification lays out
functional and non-functional requirements, and it may include a set
of use cases that describe user interactions that the software must
provide to the user for perfect interaction.
The requirements for this project are:
 Operating System (Windows 7 or higher, 2 or Mac OS X 10)
 Python (3.0 or higher, with mysql package installed)
 Any python IDE (ex: - Pycharm, Sublime text, VScode)
 Mysql workbench (v8.0 or higher)
A software requirement is of 2 types:
 Functional requirements
 Non-functional requirements
2.3 Functional Requirements: - These are the requirements that
the end user specifically demands as basic facilities that the system
should offer. All these functionalities need to be necessarily
incorporated into the system as a part of the contract. These are
represented or stated in the form of input to be given to the system,
the operation performed and the output expected. They are basically
the requirements stated by the user which one can see directly in the
final product, unlike the non-functional requirements.
2.3.1 Description Registration: -
Add Customers: - The system should allow staff to add new customers
to the system.
Assign CN: - The system should allow staff to give each customer a
unique ID and add it to the customer’s record and store it in the
Add Items List: - The staff should be able to add all the items present
in the store to be saved in the database.
Items Availability: - The system should generate report either the item
wished by the customer is available or not.
Prize List: - The system should generate the winners of prize at the
end of every year.
Reset Prize List: - The system should be able to reset the list of
winners after displaying the result at the end of every year.
2.4 Non-functional requirements: - These are basically the quality
constraints that the system must satisfy according to the project
contract. The priority or extent to which these factors are
implemented varies from one project to other. They are also called
non-behavioral requirements.
They basically deal with issues like:
 Portability – The software should be portable such that it uses very less amount
of ram and storage.
 Security – The system should be very secure such that a user can’t access another
user’s data. And hackers shouldn’t be able to access the database.
 Maintainability – The ability to maintain, modify, update information and fix
problems of the system.
 Scalability – The system should be expandable such that it can store 1000’s of
user’s and products data.
 Performance – The response time and throuput of the system should be fast and
good. Such that so many people can access it at a time without any latency.
 Reusability – The code should be reusable in future if we want to upgrade/
develop a new software.
 Flexibility – The system should be flexible such that it should support all the
platforms, OS, and architectures.
UML Diagrams: -
1. Class Diagram: -
Class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language is a type of static
structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing
the system's classes, the following diagram is about online food
ordering system.
2. Usecase Diagram: -
A use case diagram is a dynamic or behavior diagram in UML. Use
case diagrams model the functionality of a system using actors and
use cases. Use cases are a set of actions, services, and functions that
the system needs to perform. In this context, a "system" is something
being developed or operated, such as a web site. The "actors" are
people or entities operating under defined roles within the system.
3. Sequence Diagram: -
UML Sequence Diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how
operations are carried out. They capture the interaction between
objects in the context of a collaboration. Sequence Diagrams are time
focus and they show the order of the interaction visually by using the
vertical axis of the diagram to represent time what messages are sent
and when.
4. Collaboration Diagram: -
Collaboration diagrams (known as Communication Diagram in UML
2.x) are used to show how objects interact to perform the behavior of
a particular use case, or a part of a use case. Along with sequence
diagrams, collaboration is used by designers to define and clarify the
roles of the objects that perform a particular flow of events of a use
5. Statechart Diagram: -
A state diagram is used to represent the condition of the system or
part of the system at finite instances of time. It’s a behavioral diagram
and it represents the behavior using finite state transitions. State
diagrams are also referred to as State machines and State-chart
6. Activity Diagram: -
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the
dynamic aspects of the system.
Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from
one activity to another activity. The activity can be described as an
operation of the system.
7. Deployment Diagram: -
The term Deployment itself describes the purpose of the diagram.
Deployment diagrams are used for describing the hardware
components, where software components are deployed. Component
diagrams and deployment diagrams are closely related.
Component diagrams are used to describe the components and
deployment diagrams shows how they are deployed in hardware.
8. Level 0 (DFD) diagram: -
A level 0 Data Flow Diagram is also known as context diagram. It’s
designed to be an abstraction view, showing the system as a single
process with its relationship to external entities. It represents the
entire system as single bubble with input and output data indicated
by incoming/outgoing arrows.

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