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Intrduction of spinal cord

The major column of nerve tissue that is connected to the brain and lies within
the vertebral canal
Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves originate in the spinal cord:
8 cervical,
12 thoracic
, 5 lumbar,
5 sacral, and
1 coccygeal.
The spinal cord and the brain constitute the central nervous system. The spinal
cord consists of nerve fibers that transmit impulses to and from the brain. Like
the brain, the spinal cord is covered by three connective-tissue envelopes called
the meninges. The space between the outer and middle envelopes is filled with
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
The spinal cord is the main pathway for information connecting the brain and peripheral nervous
system. Much shorter than its protecting spinal column, the human spinal cord originates in the

The spinal cord, about 45 cm in length,

The spinal cord is located in the vertebral foramen and is made up of 31 segments: 8 cervical,
12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal. A pair of spinal nerves leaves each segment of
thespinal cord

spinal cord is long, oval shaped hollow fragile tube like structure that begins at
the end of the brain and continues down almost to the bottom of the spine.
Composition of spinal cord
 White matter
 Gray matter
 Cerebrospinal fluid

White matter in the spinal cord is sometimes called superficial tissue because it is located in
the outer regions of the brain and spinal cord. ... Myelin, a sort of protective coating for neural
axons, is made of lipid tissue that appears white on a freshly dissected brain
.White matter also contains lots of glial cells.

Grey matter
is a major component of the central nervous system, consisting of neuronal cell
bodies, (dendrites and myelinated as well as unmyelinated axons), glial cells

Grey matter refers to unmyelinated neurons and other cells of the central nervous system. It is
present in the brain, brainstem and cerebellum, and present throughout the spinal cord. ...
In living tissue, grey matter actually has a very light grey colour with yellowish or pinkish hues, which
come from capillary blood vessels

Cerebro spinal fluid:

Cerebro spinal fluid is a clear liquid produced within spaces in the brain called
ventricles. Like saliva it is filtrate of blood
It is also found inside the subarachnoid space of the meninges which surrounds
both the brain and spinal cord
A space inside the spinal cord called the central canal also contains cerebrospinal
It brings nutrients to the brain and spinal cord and removing wastes from the
Hira ashraf
Regions of Spinal Cord
Regions of spinal
There are 5 regions of spinal cord
Cervical region
Thoracic region
Lumber region
Sacral region
Caudal region/coccyx
Segments of different regions:
Cervical Region neck region [8 segments]
Thoracic region thoracic cavity[12 segments]
Lumber region abdominal cavity[5 segments]
Sacral region pelvic region[5 segments]
Caudal region last region[1 segment]
Conus medullaris and Cauda
equina:The spinal cord and the vertebral column doesnt
grow equally. The vertebral column grows longer
than the spinal cord. The most distal bulbous part
of the spinal cord is called conus medullaris.
The nerves of the lower spinal cord exits the
vertebral column much lower than their roots. This
creates a bundle of nerves called cauda equina.
The nerves originating from spinal cord are
called spinal nerves.
There are 8 pair of cervical nerves, 12pair of
thoracic nerves,5 pair of lumber nerves,5 pair
of sacral nerves and 1 pair of coccygeal
Nerves of the spinal cord are mixed nerves.
Blood flow to Spinal Cord:
The spinal cord is supplied with blood by following arteries.
Vertebral artery
one anterior spinal artery
two posterior spinal arteries
anterior and posterior radicular artries
Kiran khaan
Protection for spinal cord is offered in 3 different ways
 Bony protection: spinal cord is protected by vertebrae of vertebral column
 Meninges: it has 3 membranes or otherwise called meninges
OUTER: dura matter
MIDDLE: Arachanoid membrane
INNER: pia mater
 CSF: A fluid called cerebro spinal fluid flows from brain to spinal cord and
back to brain

The vertebral column is a series of approximately 33 bones called vertebrae,
which are separated by inter vertebral discs
Has four main functions
 Protection: Encloses and protects the spinal cord within the spinal canal.
 Support: Carries the weight of the body above the pelvis
 Axis: Forms the central axis of the body
 Movement: has role in both posture
The meninges refer to the membranous coverings of the brain and spinal
There are 3 layers of meninges, known as
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater
And piamater


These coverings have 2 main functions:

 Provide a supportive frame work for the cerebral vasculature.

 Acting with cerebrospinal fluid to protect the CNS from the mechanical
 The meninges are often involved cerebral pathology as a common site of
infection(meningitis), and intracranial bleeds.
 Dura mater
The dura mater is the outer most layer of the meninges,
lying directly underneath the bones of the skull and the vertebral column,
thick membrane made up of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds
the brain and spinal cord
 Arachnoid mater:
Is one of the 3 meninges, the protective membrane, that cover the brain and
spinal cord.
The arachnoid matters a derivative of the neural crest mesectoderm in the
The middle layer of the meninges connects the dura matter and pia mater
The arachnoid membrane loosely covers the brain and spinal cording gets its
name from its web like appearance.
 Pia mater:
The pia mater is the innermost layer of the meninges, unlike the other
layers this tissue adheres closely to the brain running down to the sulci and
fissures of the cortex
The pia mater is a thin fibrous tissues that is permeable t water and small
The pia mater allows blood vessels to pass through and nourish the brain

3. Cerebro spinal fluid:

Cerebro spinal fluid is a clear liquid produced within spaces in the brain
called ventricles. Like saliva it is filtrate of blood
It is also found inside the subarachnoid space of the meninges which
surrounds both the brain and spinal cord
A space inside the spinal cord called the central canal also contains
cerebrospinal fluid.
It brings nutrients to the brain and spinal cord and removing wastes
from the system.

Laraib Afzal
function, significance and injury of Spinal cord

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Function of the Spinal cord

1. Conduction
Bundles of fibers passing information up and down spinal cord

2. Locomotion
Repetitive, coordinated actions of several muscle groups
Central pattern generators are pools of neurons providing control of flexors and
extensors ( walking )

3. Reflexes
Involuntary, stereotyped responses r stimuli (remove hand from hot stove)
Involves brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.

A reflex is made up of 5 components:
1. Receptor
2. Afferent pathway
3. Integrating centre
4. Efferent pathway
5. Effector organ


Significance of Spinal cord
Why is the spinal cord important?
The spinal cord controls various parts of the body and
plays an important role when it comes to bladder control.
The spinal cord forms a vital link between the brain and
the rest of the body and is part of the central nervous
system. Together with the brain it controls bodily
functions, including movement and behavior.
If the Spinal cord is damaged, this messaging system will not work, resulting in
bladder problems.
Spinal cord injury
A spinal cord injury — damage to any part of the spinal cord or nerves at the end of
the spinal canal (cauda equina) — often causes permanent changes in strength,
sensation and other body functions below the site of the injury.
Your ability to control your limbs after a spinal cord injury depends on two factors:
the place of the injury along your spinal cord and the severity of injury to the spinal
The lowest normal part of your spinal cord is referred to as the neurological level of
your injury.

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The severity of the injury is often called "the completeness" and is classified as either
of the following:

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Spinal cord injuries of any kind may result in one or more of the following signs
and symptoms:
Loss of movement
Loss or altered sensation, including the ability to feel heat, cold and touch
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Exaggerated reflex activities or spasms
Changes in sexual function, sexual sensitivity and fertility
Pain or an intense stinging sensation caused by damage to the nerve fibers in your
spinal cord
Difficulty breathing, coughing or clearing secretions from your lungs

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Many scientists are optimistic that advances in research will Someday make the
repair of Spinal cord injuries possible. Research studies are ongoing around the
world. In the meantime, treatments and rehabilitation allow many people with spinal
cord injuries to lead productive, independent lives.

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